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目的探讨单臂外固定架在严重多发创伤患者骨折早期固定中的安全性和有效性。方法2005年1月~2007年1月,按伤害控制骨科学(DCO)原则治疗伴有主要骨折的多发创伤患者34例,ISS评分平均29.4分,GCS评分平均12.5分;单发骨折24例,多发骨折10例,其中股骨骨折17处,胫腓骨14处,肱骨7处,前臂6处,复杂骨盆骨折3处。人院后均予以快速复苏,按照伤害控制性手术方案实施单臂外固定架临时固定骨折,完成复苏后行确定性的骨折内固定。结果开放性骨折平均每处骨折清创、外固定手术时间65min(30~140min),出血量185mL(70~250mL);闭合性骨折平均每处手术时间45.8min(31~65min),出血量30mL(10~50mL)。平均间隔14.2d(5~45d)更换内固定,确定性骨折固定每处平均手术时间142min(60。171min),出血量420mL(200~490mL)。2例复苏期间死亡,1例针道感染,1例深部感染。余32例出院后均得到随访,平均随访18个月(8~32个月),骨折均获得愈合。未出现急性呼吸功能障碍、脂肪栓塞、多器官功能衰竭等严重并发症。结论单臂外固定架是一种安全、简便、有效的早期骨折固定的方法,正确运用可以控制手术规模和减少手术时间,为确定性手术创造了必备的条件。  相似文献   

史源欣 《实用骨科杂志》2008,14(11):659-660
目的总结严重多发伤合并多发性骨折病人的救治和应用伤害控制策略的治疗效果。方法回顾性分析2003年1月至2007年1月创伤严重度评分(injury severity score,ISS)大于25分的23例严重多发伤合并多发性骨折的病人应用伤害控制策略进行救治,并观察围手术期并发症、死亡率及骨折愈合情况,尤其是肢体和关节功能恢复情况。结果除1例右下肢严重毁损伤急诊清创骨牵引保肢术后3个月因骨缺损感染骨髓炎而作大腿截肢外,全部病例骨折愈合,未出现严重并发症,无围手术期死亡病例,肢体功能恢复满意。结论对严重多发伤合并多发性骨折的病人应用伤害控制策略治疗,效果满意。  相似文献   

[目的]探讨骨科损伤控制(damage control orthopedics,DCO)技术在严重多发伤合并股骨骨折治疗中的可行性及疗效。[方法]回顾性分析2012年1月~2015年6月诊治的多发伤合并股骨骨折患者,选取损伤严重度评分(injury severity score,ISS)≥16,存活期>24 h的47例患者为研究对象。根据不同时期手术方式不同分为两组,27例应用DCO技术进行治疗作为DCO组,20例应用早期全面处理(early total care,ETC)技术进行治疗作为ETC组。其中,DCO组中7例股骨骨折以外支架作为终极手术治疗,20例一期行外支架治疗,待患者一般情况稳定后二期采用闭合或有限切开复位方法治疗;ETC组中所有病例均采用一期闭合或有限切开复位内固定方法进行治疗。统计所有患者的ISS评分、术中失血量、手术时间、机械通气时间和并发症等指标。[结果]与ETC组相比较,DCO组患者的术中失血量、手术时间、机械通气时间和并发症等指标均明显改善。[结论]将DCO技术应用于严重多发伤合并股骨骨折的治疗,能降低创伤后的二次打击,减少并发症的发生。  相似文献   

创伤控制骨科理论在严重多发伤中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
严重多发伤患者的死亡率高,早期死因主要是难以控制的出血,晚期则是感染引发的多器官功能障碍综合征。近年来,创伤控制骨科理念的形成,试图使伤者受到"第一次打击"后的"持续打击"最小化,控制炎症级联反应,从而提高严重多发伤的生存率。创伤控制骨科理念主要包括3个阶段:首先准确合理地选择适应证,采用快速有效的措施控制出血、污染并进行临时固定;其次在重症监护室进一步纠正死亡三联征;最后进行有计划的二次确定性手术。目前的难点在于适应证的选择和早期处理(特别是对伴发骨盆骨折者),二次手术的时机和方式也存在一定的争议。减少伤者"二次打击"的各种微创手术日益受到重视。  相似文献   

损伤控制骨科技术在严重多发伤中的应用   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
李永刚  唐海 《实用骨科杂志》2010,16(11):801-804
目的探讨损伤控制骨科(damage control orthopaedics,DCO)技术在严重多发伤中的应用。方法对2007年9月至2008年9月收治的24例严重多发伤患者应用DCO治疗并进行回顾性分析。结果脊柱骨折伴脊髓压迫4例,早期行简单的椎板切除减压术。骨盆骨折6例,早期骨盆外固定架固定,1例合并大出血行双侧髂内动脉结扎。四肢骨折22例,早期给予简单外固定,7例开放损伤行清创缝合术。术后均在ICU中复苏治疗,待生命体征平稳后再给予确定性手术。复苏期严重多发伤组患者体温、pH、凝血机能与一般多发伤组患者相比无明显差异。本组死亡3例,死亡率12.5%,死亡组创伤严重度评分4350分;1例胸部损伤死于严重创伤后多器官功能障碍综合征,2例重度颅脑损伤死于脑疝,并发症共8例,经过治疗均痊愈。结论对于严重多发伤患者合理应用DCO是安全有效的,可以提高严重多发伤患者生存率。  相似文献   

目的探讨损伤控制骨科理论(DCO)在严重多发伤中的救治效果。方法回顾性分析本院收治的19例严重多发伤患者,总结其DCO方法及临床效果。结果 19例中存活17例(89.5%),死亡2例(10.5%);死亡原因:2例均于术中或术后24 h内死于失血性休克,其中1例合并急性呼吸窘迫综合征(ARDS),1例术后并发多器官不全综合征(H-MODS);随访8~34个月,存活患者均恢复良好。结论 DOC在救治严重多发伤患者时具有重要作用,能够迅速准确地评估并采取一体化治疗,可以提高患者抢救成功率、术后康复率,具有临床价值。  相似文献   

颈脊髓损伤为主严重多发伤的伤害控制(附32例报告)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]探讨伤害控制原则在颈脊髓损伤为主严重多发伤救治中的临床应用。[方法]回顾性分析32例颈脊髓损伤为主严重多发伤患者临床治疗资料,颈椎骨折并截瘫18例,外伤性颈椎间盘突出并高位截瘫2例,颈椎骨折脱位并截瘫12例。神经功能评定按ASIA分级。[结果]31例获得平均14个月随访。29例颈椎骨折愈合,神经症状10例完全恢复,13例有Ⅰ级以上恢复,8例无变化。死亡1例。[结论]颈脊髓损伤为主严重多发伤急诊遵循伤害控制原则,待病情稳定后7—10d内安全地进行最终手术,可提高救治成功率。  相似文献   

目的探讨严重骨折伴多发伤的防治对策以及损伤控制骨科(DCO)理论在救治严重多发伤中的应用价值、可行性和疗效。方法对2002年1月~2011年10月应用DCO理论指导救治的87例严重骨折伴多发伤患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析。结果创伤早期骨折行简单清创外固定,待ICU复苏治疗后,再择期行确定性骨科内固定手术。本组死亡率6.9%(6/87),死亡病例损伤严重度评分(ISS)平均值41分,主要死于休克和合并伤。52例获随访6~20个月,骨折均顺利愈合,肢体功能恢复理想。结论完善救治体系,合理采用DCO模式治疗严重骨折伴多发伤,能降低死亡率,减少并发症,提高救治成功率。  相似文献   

损伤控制骨科在合并骨折的多发伤中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
金浩 《实用骨科杂志》2008,14(6):334-336
目的探讨应用损伤控制骨科治疗合并骨折的多发伤时的疗效。方法对我院2003年1月至2007年8月收治的ll例合并骨折的多发伤患者,应用损伤控制原则分三阶段治疗,早期骨折给予临时固定、清创、止血治疗,术后进入ICU监护治疗,病情平稳后行确定性手术,并进行回顾性分析。结果死亡2例,死亡率18.2%。随访3~18个月,并发症包括伤口感染1例,经引流、换药后好转。黏连性肠梗阻3例,不需外科治疗。骨折顺利愈合,邻近关节功能恢复佳。结论损伤控制原则更符合外伤后病人的病理生理特点,在严重创伤伤员的急救医疗中具有强大的生命力。  相似文献   

肢体多发伤急诊显微外科手术32例   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
我科自1997年以来,开展了部分多发伤患者的急诊显微外科手术修复32例,由于重视了对手术适应证的选择,使手术取得较好效果,现报道如下。  相似文献   

Damage control orthopaedics(DCO) originally consisted of the provisional immobilisation of long bone-mainly femur-fractures in order to achieve the advantages of early treatment and to minimise the risk of complications, such as major pain, fat embolism, clotting, pathological inflammatory response, severe haemorrhage triggering the lethal triad, and the traumatic effects of major surgery on a patient who is already traumatised(the "second hit" effect). In recent years, new locations have been added to the DCO concept, such as injuries to the pelvis, spine and upper limbs. Nonetheless, this concept has not yet been validated in well-designed prospective studies, and much controversy remains.Indeed, some researchers believe the indiscriminate application of DCO might be harmful and produce substantial and unnecessary expense. In this respect, too,normalised parameters associated with the acid-base system have been proposed,under a concept termed early appropriate care, in the view that this would enable patients to receive major surgical procedures in an approach offering the advantages of early total care together with the apparent safety of DCO. This paper discusses the diagnosis and treatment of severely traumatised patients managed in accordance with DCO and highlights the possible drawbacks of this treatment principle.  相似文献   

Objective: To discuss damage control orthopaedics in 53 cases of severe polytrauma who have mainly sustained orthopaedic trauma. Methods: The data of 53 cases of severe polytrauma who had mainly sustained orthopaedic trauma were retrospectively analyzed. And the methods and timing of damage control orthopaedics were discussed in this study.
Results: We succeeded in rescuing the lives of all the 53 patients, and 38 patients returned to their former work. Conclusions: Injury Severity Score (ISS90) should be 17 in severe polytrauma patients, but in severe polytrauma patients who have mainly sustained orthopaedic trauma, the ISS90 of bone and joint injuries should be 16. We recommend that primary minimallyinvasive external fracture stabilization should be made for extremities and pelvis in these patients to avoid additional surgical trauma and that definitive secondary fracture care should be performed after medical stabilization for these patients in intensive care unit (ICU).  相似文献   

Evolving trends in the care of polytrauma patients   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Bose D  Tejwani NC 《Injury》2006,37(1):20-28
Management of polytrauma patients has changed considerably in recent years. This is in keeping with the developments that have occurred in the fields of fracture fixation techniques and intensive care. Prior to the 1970s, patients with multiple injuries were treated non-operatively, as it was believed that they were too ill to withstand surgery. Around this time, literature appeared to suggest that these patients had high rates of complications as a result of prolonged recumbency. Fracture fixation techniques were also developing rapidly, and these events led to the advent of early fracture stabilisation of multiply injured patients, known as early total care. In the following decade, the surgical world came to recognise that early stabilisation of skeletal injuries produced poor results in certain patients. The concept of 'damage control' surgery was introduced for multiply injured patients. The current era may give way to new methods as our understanding of the pathophysiology of polytrauma improves.  相似文献   

目的 探讨损害控制技术在芦山地震严重多发伤伤员院内救治中的应用. 方法 对2013年4月20日至5月2日应用损害控制技术救治的22例骨关节型地震严重多发伤伤员的临床资料进行回顾性分析,男13例,女9例;年龄20~60岁,平均43.1岁;创伤严重度评分为17 ~41分,平均25.8分;四肢开放性骨折11例,闭合性骨折10例. 结果 共完成骨折手术38台,其中确定性手术24台,临时性手术13台,截肢术l台.9例伤员已完成全部确定性手术并在顺利康复之中,13例尚需进一步手术治疗.除l例患者外所有开放性伤口均已闭合.术后1例患者出现切口深部感染,予清创、负压封闭引流技术控制感染,13例行外固定治疗患者无一例发生外固定支架钉道松动、感染,复查术后X线片示骨折无成角畸形. 结论 损害控制技术有利于提高地震所致严重多发伤伤员的救治成功率和减少死亡率,并为后期确定性治疗提供有利条件.  相似文献   

Injury-related morbidity and mortality have been one of the most common causes of loss in productivity across all geographic distributions. It remains to be a global concern despite a continual improvement in regional and national safety policies. The establishment of trauma care systems and advancements in diagnostics and management have improved the overall survival of severely injured. A better understanding of the physiopathological and immunological responses to injury led to a significant shift in trauma care from “Early Total Care” to “Damage Control Orthopedics.” While most of these algorithms were tailored to the philosophy of “life before limb,” the impact of improper fracture management on disability and societal loss is increasingly being recognized. Recently, “Early Appropriate Care” of extremities has gained importance; however, its implementation is influenced by regional health care policies, available resources, and expertise and varies between low and high-income countries. A review of the literature was performed using PubMed, Embase, Web of Science, and Scopus databases on articles published from 1990 to 2020 using the Mesh terms “Polytrauma,” “Multiple Trauma,” and “Fractures.” This review aims to consolidate on guidelines and available evidence in the management of extremity injuries in a polytraumatized patient to achieve better clinical outcomes of these severely injured.  相似文献   

目的:探讨损伤控制骨科(damage control orthopaedics,DCO)技术救治胸腰椎爆裂骨折合并严重多发伤的临床疗效。方法:胸腰椎爆裂骨折合并严重多发伤患者21例,男15例,女6例;年龄20~60岁,平均40岁。脊髓神经功能按Frankel分级:A级3例,B级3例,C级9例,D级6例。立即进行液体复苏、急诊简易手术控制出血和污染。其中剖腹探查10例,胸腔闭式引流6例,肺破裂修补2例,术中同时行四肢骨折外固定架固定9例,骨牵引或石膏托外固定5例。急诊术后均进入SICU进一步纠正低体温、酸中毒及凝血功能紊乱。病情稳定后5~7d行胸腰椎骨折手术。结果:21例中18例休克迅速纠正,4~26h死亡3例,存活率约85.7%(18/21)。18例均获随访,时间6~14个月,脊髓损伤按Frankel分级:A级3例,B级2例,C级3例,D级3例,E级7例,优良率(D级,E级)55.6%(10/18)。结论:及时应用DCO技术,尽早解除脊髓压迫重建脊柱稳定性,可以显著提高脊柱脊髓型严重多发伤的救治成功率,降低伤残率。  相似文献   

The principles of fracture management in patients with multiple injuries continue to be of crucial importance. Early treatment of unstable polytraumatized patients with head, chest, abdomen or pelvic injuries, with blood loss followed by immediate fracture fixation (Early Total Care -ETC) may be associated with secondary life threatening posttraumatic systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS). Development of SIRS is typically a function of the type and severity of the initial injury (the “first hit”). Immediate Fracture fixation, using reamed nails or plates, in such unstable patients with multiple injuries is subsequently defined as the “second hit” and may be associated with development of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and multiple organ failure (MOF), with relatively high morbidity and mortality.The other alternative for long bone fracture fixation in unstable polytraumatized patients is based on immediate treatment of life threatening conditions related to the injuries, followed by the initial use of minimally invasive modular external frames for long bone fractures and is called Damage Control Orthopedics (DCO) and is widely accepted. In order to refine the DCO concept and to avoid an overuse of external fixation, the “Safe Definitive Surgery” (SDS) concept has been introduced, which is a dynamic synthesis of both strategies (ETC and DCO). The SDS strategy employs clinical parameters and includes repeated assessment of patients. The following paper is going to summarize historical backgrounds and recent concepts in treatment of polytraumatized patients.  相似文献   

Hand and wrist lesions are relatively common in polytraumatised patients. These subjects sustain a wide range of potential life-threatening conditions and hand and wrist injuries incurred are often not diagnosed or are insufficiently treated. Closed lesions are the most frequently missed diagnosis, but even severe open lesions may be incorrectly treated. Most of these hand and wrist injuries can have a strong negative impact on long-term quality of life, particularly when treatment of these injuries is poor or delayed. Orthopaedic and hand surgeons should be vigilant in their assessment and treatment of patients with multiple injuries and a global approach, based on the advanced trauma life support (ATLS)-protocol, must be applied. The very common association of head, chest, abdomen, bone and soft-tissue lesions in the polytraumatised patient requires a multidisciplinary team approach from the beginning. The energy of trauma in these patients often causes complex injuries to the wrist and hand; these require correct treatment in terms of both timing and techniques. It is not possible to create a practical, useful guideline with a “one lesion-one solution” approach, because every case is different; therefore, this paper describes a spectrum of indications and techniques that may be useful in managing hand and wrist injuries, particularly in polytraumatised patients.  相似文献   

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