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槐花又要开了。很喜欢初夏,很喜欢初夏里这种幽幽的香,沁人心脾的,连空气里的暖风也跟着微醺。如雪的白,也有粉的,还有玫瑰红一样的,每一片都贝壳大小,安静地绽放,不张扬地缀在翡翠色的叶子里,煞是好看。如果不介意,跟随顽皮好事者,攀上高高的槐树,卧在枝桠里,折下一串绿色边上的白,或者粉,或者玫瑰红,轻轻地取下一片,慢慢地放在嘴里,咀嚼、唆,甜得让人惊讶。齿颊间,从此多了一种不敢忘记的情愫。色,香,味,俱全。这些幼时的槐花记忆,很远又很近。远去的,云淡风轻,只剩下默  相似文献   

刚结婚的时候,我们相信,日子会越过越好。后来,我们有了孩子。给孩子把屎把尿,我们想,等他们长大一点就好了。孩子长成少年了,调皮捣蛋,惹人生气,我们想,过了这个年龄段,一切就好了。我们不断地这样告诉自己,生活总有一天会是完美的,是孩子上大学的时候,是我们挣了足够多的钱的时候,是我们买了汽车的时候,是我们功成名就的时候,是我们退了休的时候。  相似文献   

新年的阳光,透过冬季梧桐的枝桠,打在身上,格外温暖。似乎就在不经意间,几缕亮晃晃的光线,照进了我们的心底,照在我们新年的心愿和选择上。新年的心愿,新年的选择,就像是一粒粒种  相似文献   

发达国家都有一套专业架构,这是工业文明过程中发展起来的,科网有搞科技政策研究的如曹聪等老师,对科技的专业架构是内行,我是搞医学的,身在其中而感受到与国内的巨大差距,这也可以大致回答稽少臣老师提出的"为什么国内造不出黑鹰水平的直升机",国内没有独立完整的专业架构。国内对海外人才的吸引,多是行政高层的战略决策,而并无相应的架构来吸收,这些人才除了少部分在克隆发达国家的小架构中生存,绝大部分是难以生根的,实际是表面热内部冷,而回去的多数中低端海归在原有的架构中能产生的效用是有限的,这就产生了贾伟老师的归海有潮的现象。而建立新的架构必然影响现在的国内同行,而产生另一种排挤效应,所以国内最好是专业内的反省和改良,自我更新,再从外部吸收养分来自我提高,这一点日本是亚洲国家里做得最好的。国内对所谓人才的鉴别,基本还是靠头衔和职位,施一公院士问题引起的热议就很能说明问题,真正管事的并不懂专业,  相似文献   

陈娥 《现代临床医学》2007,33(Z2):260-262
目前在我国儿童牙病的治疗存在较大的问题,口腔儿童牙病专职医生较少,特别是在基层医院,对儿童牙病的重视程度不够,治疗原则不清,加之儿童本身的合作程度差,医生往往不愿承担风险,使得多数儿童牙病患者没有得到及时的治疗,使得龋病进一步发展,导致牙髓炎、根尖周炎甚至间隙感染的发生,而一旦因牙髓炎或根尖周炎就诊时,一些基层医生往往采取不恰当的治疗措施,导致患牙治疗的失败,影响儿童的健康.  相似文献   

我希望自己最后告别的过程,不要太长,不要花费太多的医疗资源。我希望尽可能呆在自己的家里,或者,如果比较幸运,呆在一个明亮、温馨的临终关怀机构里,而不是呆在陌生的,如同流水线工厂的医院里,在冷漠的机器和机械的程序里,告别这个世界。  相似文献   

編完了黎氏的医案,使我对讀医案的方法,有了新的体会。一个医案,有时看起来很平常,其实理面的治疗过程,是非常复什的。中医学理,有其原有的体系(将来是可以逐步和科学理論結合的),研究医案,要想明了它的处方用葯的依据,必須掌握中医原有学理,才能有所会心。前人的医案,往往記載簡略,从初診到治愈,中間改用某些处方,只是記述一两句話,沒有較詳細的說明,如象本案用附子理中湯,治愈日久的嘔吐,照理,嘔吐既已止住,仍用原来的处方,那就不应再加其他的葯物了。但是本案却在  相似文献   

<正> 在人类悠悠历史长河中,最引人深思、发人深省、璀璨夺目的,莫过于“贬官文化”了。屈原也好,司马迁也好,李白也好,范仲淹也好,苏东坡也好,他们无不是被贬被黜,满腹才华无处发挥,才仗剑行游,饱览祖国的大好河山,触景生情,饮酒赋诗,借古喻今,奋笔疾书。于是,中国的文化史上,就有了他们最辉煌壮丽的诗篇。他们走过的地方,留下的遗迹,也就成为后人游览观瞻的名胜了。  相似文献   

近几年,随着经济的高速发展和社会生活的现代化,化妆品行业获得了空前的发展,新产品也层出不穷.但不容忽视的是,关于化妆品监管的法律体系尚待完善.滞后的法律法规,闭塞的监管信息,使化妆品的监管暴露出很多问题,导致违法违规行为时有发生.为了弥补监管漏洞,探求先进的监管方法,笔者对化妆品监管中存在的问题进行了调查分析,并提出了相应的措施.  相似文献   

吴大真 《健康管理》2012,(6):116-116
西红花是一种极其名贵的中药材,具有强大的生理活性,药性味甘,性平,归心、肝经。主要功效就是活血祛瘀,凉血解毒,解郁安神。可用于胃病、调经、麻疹、发热、黄胆、肝脾肿大等的治疗。有时候我们说是西红花,有时候又是藏红花,其实这俩花就是一种花。之所以有两种叫法,主要还是跟它产地有关系。最初的时候主要是西域种植这种花,到明朝时传到了中国的西藏,因此就有了西红花和藏红花两个名称。遇见许多职场女性,年纪三十上下,神采却不行,一副无精打采的样子。巨大的工作和生活压力,让这些女人更容易出现焦虑、不安、睡眠障碍等问题,它最直接的后果就是导致血液粘稠度增加,我们以为没什么事情发生,其实,在不知不觉中,很多肉眼看不见的毛细血管被堵塞,血流的速度也跟着变慢,造成肌肤缺氧。肌肤缺氧,首先冲在第一位的就是失去光泽,而且  相似文献   

1. The pharmacokinetics of the antimalarial compound artemisinin were compared in the male and female Sprague-Dawley rat after single dose i.v. (20 mg.kg) or i.p. (50 mg.kg) administration of an emulsion formulation. 2. Plasma clearance of artemisinin was 12.0 (95% confidence interval: 10.4, 13.0) l.h. kg in the male rat and 10.6 (95% CI: 7.5, 15.0) l.h. kg in the female rat suggesting high hepatic extraction in combination with erythrocyte uptake or clearance. Artemisinin half-life was 0.5 h after both routes of administration in both sexes. Values for plasma clearance and half-lives did not statistically differ between the sexes. 3. After i.p. administration artemisinin AUCs were 2-fold higher in the female compared with male rat (p 0.001). Artemisinin disappearance was 3.9-fold greater in microsomes from male compared with female livers and it was inhibited in male microsomes by goat or rabbit serum containing antibodies against CYP2C11 and CYP3A2 but not CYP2B1 or CYP2E1. 4. The unbound fraction of artemisinin in plasma was lower (p 0.001) in plasma obtained from the male (8.8 2.0%) compared with the female rat (11.7 2.2%). 5. The possibility of a marked sex difference, dependent on the route of administration, has to be taken into account in the design and interpretation of toxicological studies of artemisinin in this species.  相似文献   

1. The pharmacokinetics of the antimalarial compound artemisinin were compared in the male and female Sprague-Dawley rat after single dose i.v. (20 mg x kg(-1)) or i.p. (50 mg x kg(-1)) administration of an emulsion formulation. 2. Plasma clearance of artemisinin was 12.0 (95% confidence interval: 10.4, 13.0) 1 x h(-1) x kg(-1) in the male rat and 10.6 (95% CI: 7.5, 15.0) 1 x h(-1) x kg(-1) in the female rat suggesting high hepatic extraction in combination with erythrocyte uptake or clearance. Artemisinin half-life was approximately 0.5 h after both routes of administration in both sexes. Values for plasma clearance and half-lives did not statistically differ between the sexes. 3. After i.p. administration artemisinin AUCs were 2-fold higher in the female compared with male rat (p < 0.001). Artemisinin disappearance was 3.9-fold greater in microsomes from male compared with female livers and it was inhibited in male microsomes by goat or rabbit serum containing antibodies against CYP2C11 and CYP3A2 but not CYP2B1 or CYP2E1. 4. The unbound fraction of artemisinin in plasma was lower (p < 0.001) in plasma obtained from the male (8.8 +/- 2.0%) compared with the female rat (11.7 +/- 2.2%). 5. The possibility of a marked sex difference, dependent on the route of administration, has to be taken into account in the design and interpretation of toxicological studies of artemisinin in this species.  相似文献   

In assessing interindividual variability in metabolic activation, the toxic metabolite is often too unstable for conventional analysis. Possible alternatives include a stable product of the reactive metabolite e.g. cysteinyl derivatives of N-acetyl-4-benzoquinoneimine, the toxic metabolite of paracetamol, adducts with DNA or protein, and indirect measurement of the activity of the enzyme(s) producing the active metabolite. An example of the last approach is the use of furafylline, a highly specific inhibitor of human CYP1A2, to determine the extent of the metabolic activation of the cooked food mutagens PhIP and MeIQx. The extent of inhibition, determined from levels of unchanged amine in urine, is an indirect measure of the activity of the activation pathway. Further refinement of this approach, allied to improved measures of the biological process of interest should prove of value in evaluating interindividual variability and its role in the risk assessment process.  相似文献   

Several biochemical and cellular effects have been described for methylxanthines under in vitro conditions. However, it is unknown, whether threshold concentrations required to exert these effects are attained in target tissues in vivo. We therefore employed the microdialysis technique for measuring theophylline concentrations in peripheral tissues under in vivo conditions.Following in vitro and in vivo calibration, microdialysis probes were inserted into the medial vastus muscle and into the periumbilical subcutaneous adipose layer of healthy volunteers. Following single oral dose administration of 300 mg or i.v. infusion of 240 mg theophylline, in vivo time courses of theophylline concentrations were monitored in tissues and plasma. Major pharmacokinetic parameters (cmax, tmax, AUC) were calculated for plasma and tissue time courses. The mean AUCtissue /AUCplasma-ratio was 0.56 (p.o.) and 0.55 (i.v.) for muscle and 0.55 (p.o.) and 0.72 (i.v.) for subcutaneous adipose tissue.We conclude that microdialysis provides important information on the distribution and the tissue pharmacokinetics of theophylline.Abbreviations FPIA Fluorescence polarisation immuno assay - AUC Area under the curve - tmax Time to peak concentration - cmax Peak concentration  相似文献   

本实验测定10名休克患者血浆和红细胞的丙二醛(MDA)、血浆总抗的氧化活性(AOA)的含量。结果表明:休克病人红细胞膜和血浆 MDA 含量(4.298±0.722;5.348±0.834)与对照组(3.235±0.682;4.356±1.081)比较明显增高(P<0.05);血浆 AOA(39.65±7.858)与对照组(48.21±10.81)比较明显降低(P<0.01)。提示:休克时,患者机体内自由基反应增强是引起组织细胞损伤的原因之一。  相似文献   

AIM: To study the potential pathological role of endogenous angiopoietins in daunorubicin-induced progressive glomerulosclerosis in rats. METHODS: Seventy male Wistar rats were allocated randomly into a daunorubicin group (DRB; n=40) or a control group (n=30). The rats in the DRB group were injected with DRB (15 mg/kg), in their tails. Subsequently, at intervals of 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, and 12 weeks, 5 male Wistar rats in each group were chosen randomly for 24 h urinary protein quantitative measurements (24 h UPQM), and determination of plasma tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha), angiopoietin-1 (Ang1), and angiopoietin-2 (Ang2) levels. Kidney sections were examined by electron microscopy, Periodic Acid Schiff (PAS) staining, immunohistochemical staining and in situ hybridization histochemistry. RESULTS: As glomerulosclerosis progressed in the DRB group, expression of Ang1 mRNA and protein in glomeruli decreased and expression of TNF-alpha protein, Ang2 mRNA and protein in glomeruli increased. Expression of Ang1 mRNA and protein in glomeruli were negatively correlated with 24 h UPQM, Fn protein expression, and mean area of extracellular matrix (MAECM). In comparison, expression of Ang2 mRNA and protein in glomeruli were positively correlated with 24 h UPQM, Fn protein expression and MAECM; furthermore, there was a positive correlation between plasma Ang2 and 24 h UPQM. Plasma TNF-alpha and expression of TNF-alpha in glomeruli were positively correlated with expression of Ang2 mRNA and protein in glomeruli. There was a negative correlation between Ang1 protein expression and Ang2 protein expression in glomeruli. CONCLUSION: During DRB-induced glomerulosclerosis, podocyte injury led to a shift in the balance of Ang1 and Ang2 in glomeruli. Increased TNF-alpha in plasma and glomeruli may upregulate Ang2 expression in glomeruli. Elevated Ang2 in both plasma and glomeruli may mediate protein permeability through the glomerular filtration barrier. Moreover, local expression of Ang2 may facilitate the progress of glomerulosclerosis by upregulating a component expression of extracellular matrix.  相似文献   

Trichinellosis in immigrants in Switzerland   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We describe a case of trichinellosis diagnosed at the Division of Infectious Diseases, Hospital of Lugano, in January 2009. This case was associated with a cluster of cases and was traced to the consumption of contaminated meat after a wild boar hunt in Bosnia.  相似文献   

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