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目的监测分析我院压疮现患率和院内压疮发生率的基线资料和变化趋势,促进压疮护理质量改进,降低压疮发生率。方法采用JCI(I-NSC-2)和NDNQI中的压疮事件数据收集工具,每季度对住院患者压疮现患率和院内压疮发生率进行横断面调查。结果我院压疮现患率为1.36%~2.63%,院内压疮发生率0.45%~1.13%;监护室的压疮现患率为10.53%~29.41%,院内压疮发生率为5.00%~15.69%,为我院的压疮高发部门。结论监护室的压疮预防应作为医院护理质量改进的重点项目,要重视监护室的质量监控;定期开展医院压疮现患率和院内压疮发生率的调查,可获得压疮护理质量监控的基线数据和变化趋势,为今后评价和研究压疮护理质量提供依据。  相似文献   

压疮高危因素的量化评价   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:14  
目的 通过量化评价压疮高危因素及护理会诊,降低压疮的院内发生率。方法 制订压疮高危因素量化评价记录表,对332例压疮高危患者的皮肤情况进行监控,并进行前瞻性会诊,给予皮肤护理和制订压疮个体化预防方案,采取有效的护理措施。结果 332例压疮高危患者中,发生压疮7例(2.1%),与2000~2002年(6.1%)比较,下降了4.0%。结论 对压疮高危患者及时评估并填报压疮高危因素量化评价记录表,并采取相应措施,可有效降低压疮发生率,亦使基础护理质量得到持续改进。  相似文献   

压疮的预防与监控是护理质量管理的重点,也是反映整体护理质量的指标之一,一直以来,我院护理部都要求不论是在院内发生、院外带入或具有潜在危险的压疮患者,病区必须24~48 h上报护理部,严格按三级监控体系及流程对压疮患者进行管理.为更好地对全院压疮患者进行有针对性的预防和处理,我院自行设计并改进了皮肤压疮报告观察单,增加了压疮危险因素评分和压疮效果评价,临床应用1年,效果较好,介绍如下.  相似文献   

梁小珍 《护理学杂志》2006,21(10):71-71
压疮临床常见,美国Miehan统计显示,压疮在专科医院中的发生率达23.0%~27.8%,我国压疮在医院的发生率为3%~14%。2002年6月至2005年9月,笔者在常规治疗的基础上,配合外用金因肽和纳米敷贴治疗压疮患者25例,效果满意,现报告如下。  相似文献   

压疮高危因素的量化评价   总被引:13,自引:5,他引:8  
刘海萍  张敏 《护理学杂志》2006,21(17):22-23
目的 通过量化评价压疮高危因素及护理会诊,降低压疮的院内发生率.方法 制订压疮高危因素量化评价记录表,对332例压疮高危患者的皮肤情况进行监控,并进行前瞻性会诊,给予皮肤护理和制订压疮个体化预防方案,采取有效的护理措施.结果 332例压疮高危患者中,发生压疮7例(2.1%),与2000~2002年(6.1%)比较,下降了4.0%.结论 对压疮高危患者及时评估并填报压疮高危因素量化评价记录表,并采取相应措施,可有效降低压疮发生率,亦使基础护理质量得到持续改进.  相似文献   

实施压疮患病率调查持续改进压疮管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的了解住院患者压疮患病率,为压疮管理及监测提供依据。方法采用修正的美国护士协会护理质量指征委员会设计的压疮患病率调查表,组织伤口小组成员、科护士长、护士长和护理研究生组成的30个小组对1所三级甲等医院61个病区的2913例患者进行调查。结果住院患者压疮患病率为1.78%,院内压疮患病率为1.54%,排除Ⅰ期压疮(28例),压疮患病率为0.82%;168例患者有压疮风险评估和复评,其中压疮患病39例,占23.21%;135例有采取减压措施的护理记录,仍发生压疮36倒,占26.67%;197例患者采取了压疮预防措施,其中135例(68.53%)有压疮风险评估。结论住院患者压疮患病率低于国外相关研究,护理人员执行压疮护理记录意识欠缺。护理管理者需转变管理理念,建立非惩罚性压疮管理制度;正确认识压疮患病率,加强过程管理;完善压疮监控制度,提升压疮护理水平。  相似文献   

目的建立并应用压疮监测指标,进一步提升护理质量。方法制定包括过程指标(压疮患者风险评估率、压疮风险评估符合率、压疮高危风险上报率、床头抬高达标率、预防措施落实率)、结果指标(压疮发生率、压疮现患率)共7项监测指标,明确各指标关键内容及测量方法,比较压疮监测指标应用前后过程指标及压疮发生率的变化趋势。结果实施后,压疮患者风险评估率、评估符合率、压疮高危风险上报率、床头抬高达标率、预防措施落实率较实施前显著改善,压疮发生率显著降低(均P0.01)。结论压疮监测指标的建立与应用,有利于改善医院压疮管理质量,进一步提升护理内涵。  相似文献   

目的优化压疮管理流程,做到环节管理及质量持续改进。方法在医院信息系统(HIS)建立压疮管理模块,与6级电子病历有效结合,通过压疮监控模块筛查高危患者并进行预警提示,对不同来源压疮数据信息上报,并记录治疗护理措施、压疮愈合等情况。结果实施压疮闭环管理后,2013~2015年压疮发生率分别为0.06%、0.06%、0.08%,低于国内12所医院的调研结果。结论压疮闭环管理体系的构建能够科学分析压疮发生现状,对治疗护理过程中存在的问题进行整改,进而提高压疮护理和管理质量。  相似文献   

目的探讨授权管理模式在降低医院压疮发生率中的应用效果。方法成立伤口造口专科护理小组,通过授权管理方法,明确被授权人职责,对被授权人进行授权管理培训。建立压疮风险管理小组,制定压疮质量控制及会诊制度,实时监控全院压疮情况并进行质量分析、总结反馈。结果通过实施授权管理,医院压疮发生比例由2015年0.050%下降至2017年0.042%,2015~2017年24 h内压疮及时上报率、复核准确率、压疮防护处置正确率均逐年上升。结论授权管理模式能降低住院患者压疮发生风险,提升压疮护理管理质量。  相似文献   

压疮的预防和护理在护理领域仍是难题,在全球范围来看发病率与15年前相比没有下降趋势,它不仅降低病人的生活质量而且巨大的消耗医药资源,也反映医院医疗护理质量的高低。近年国际国内对压疮概念、病因病理、发生机制、压疮的评估、预防、分期、护理进行了探讨,在我国也有了对压疮科学的系统和严谨的护理体系。虽然压疮的发生率、预防、营养支持仍是我国护理领域有待进一步探讨和研究的重要问题。压疮是临床常见的并发症。加拿大一项研究调查显示,在综合性医院压疮的发生率是15.1%,而中华护理杂志报道,曾对344例护理不良事件的调查中发现,压疮的高发率位居第二。压疮的高发人群是年老体弱、神经系统损伤、脊髓损伤等无自主行为能力或疾病影响不能改变体位的患者。随着病家自我保护意识的增强,压疮的发生将被视为未提供符合标准护理和行为的证据,也就是说可能引发护患纠纷,而预防发生也就成为压疮护理工作的重点。研究在护理领域的应用现状,采取有针对性的护理措施,有效预防压疮的发生,提高压疮的治愈率,以求进一步提高压疮护理技术。  相似文献   

We conducted a quality improvement project in order to evaluate the effect of nurse-to-nurse bedside "rounding" as a strategy to decrease hospital-acquired pressure ulcers (HAPU) in a surgical intensive care unit. We instituted weekly peer-to-peer bedside skin rounds in a 17-bed surgical intensive care unit. Two nurses were identified as skin champions and trained by the hospital's certified WOC nurse to conduct skin rounds. The skin champion nurses conducted weekly peer-to-peer rounds that included discussions about key elements of our patients' skin status including current Braden Scale for Pressure Sore Risk score, and implementation of specific interventions related to subscale risk assessment. If a pressure ulcer was present, the current action plan was reevaluated for effectiveness. Quarterly HAPU prevalence studies were conducted from January 2008 to December 2010. Nineteen patients experienced a HAPU: 17 were located on the coccyx and 2 on the heel. Ten ulcers were classified as stage II, 3 PU were stage IV, 5 were deemed unstageable, and 1 was classified as a deep tissue injury. The frequency of preventive interventions rose during our quality improvement project. Specifically, the use of prevention surfaces increased 92%, repositioning increased 30%, nutrition interventions increased 77%, and moisture management increased 100%. Prior to focused nursing rounds, the highest HAPU prevalence rate was 27%. After implementing focused nursing rounds, HAPU rates trended down and were 0% for 3 consecutive quarters.  相似文献   

The objectives of the study were to examine the prevalence of pressure ulcers and hospital-acquired pressure ulcers (HAPU) and identify modifiable factors in patients who develop HAPU as the basis for subsequent quality assurance studies and improvement in hospital care. The study was conducted in five hospitals in two Swedish County Councils. A 1-day prevalence study (n = 1192) using the standards of the European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel and Collaborative Alliance for Nursing Outcomes was conducted. The prevalence of ulcers was 14·9% and 11·6% were HAPU. Older age, more days of hospitalisation, less activity, problems with shear and friction and reduced sensory perception contributed significantly to HAPU. Pressure ulcer prevention strategies used more often in those with HAPU were risk assessment at admission, provision of a pressure relief mattress, having a turning schedule and using a heel or chair cushion. The prevalence of pressure ulcers continues to be a significant issue in acute care and the prevalence of HAPU is high. There is significant room for quality improvement in pressure ulcer prevention in Swedish hospitals. Future research needs to address both HAPU and community-acquired pressure ulcers and focus on preventive strategies, including when they are initiated and which are effective in mitigating the high HAPU rate.  相似文献   

Hospital‐acquired pressure ulcers (HAPUs) affect patients during hospitalisation, putting patients at risk for further complications. HAPU is one of the hospital quality indicators that require quality initiatives or programmes to minimise its occurrence and consequences. The aim of this study was to assess the effectiveness of a developed quality improvement programme in preventing HAPUs. This is a retrospective comparative study, which tracked the outcomes of pressure ulcer prevention programme (PUPP) for 5 years from 2014 to 2018. Data from 50 441 patients were collected from different units in a tertiary hospital in the eastern region of Saudi Arabia. The programme focused on building a wound care team; providing education to hospital staff, patients, and their families; and continuous data monitoring, in addition to follow‐up visits after discharge. Implementation of the programme was successful showing a statistically significant reduction of HAPUs from 0.20% in 2014 to 0.06% in 2018 (P value <.001). The PUPP was effective in reducing the percentage of pressure ulcer cases. The programme can be extended and implemented in other hospitals.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to identify pressure ulcer (PU) incidence and risk factors that are associated with PU development in patients in two adult intensive care units (ICU) in Saudi Arabia. A prospective cohort study design was used. A total of 84 participants were screened second daily basis until discharge or death, over a consecutive 30‐day period, out of which 33 participants with new PUs were identified giving a cumulative hospital‐acquired PU incidence of 39·3% (33/84 participants). The incidence of medical devices‐related PUs was 8·3% (7/84). Age, length of stay in the ICU, history of cardiovascular disease and kidney disease, infrequent repositioning, time of operation, emergency admission, mechanical ventilation and lower Braden Scale scores independently predicted the development of a PU. According to binary logistic regression analyses, age, longer stay in ICU and infrequent repositioning were significant predictors of all stages of PUs, while the length of stay in the ICU and infrequent repositioning were associated with the development of stages II–IV PUs. In conclusion, PU incidence rate was higher than that reported in other international studies. This indicates that urgent attention is required for PU prevention strategies in this setting.  相似文献   

Surgical patients are prone to developing hospital‐acquired pressure ulcers (HAPU). Therefore, a better prediction tool is needed to predict risk using preoperative data. This study aimed to determine, from previously published HAPU risk factors, which factors are significant among our surgical population and to develop a prediction tool that identifies pressure ulcer risk before the operation. A literature review was first performed to elicit all the published HAPU risk factors before conducting a retrospective case‐control study using medical records. The known HAPU risks were compared between patients with HAPU and without HAPU who underwent operations during the same period (July 2015‐December 2016). A total of 80 HAPU cases and 189 controls were analysed. Multivariate logistic regression analyses identified eight significant risk factors: age ≥ 75 years, female gender, American Society of Anaesthesiologists ≥ 3, body mass index < 23, preoperative Braden score ≤ 14, anaemia, respiratory disease, and hypertension. The model had bootstrap‐corrected c‐statistic 0.78 indicating good discrimination. A cut‐off score of ≥6 is strongly predictive, with a positive predictive value of 73.2% (confidence interval [CI]: 59.7%‐84.2%) and a negative predictive value of 80.7% (CI: 74.3%‐86.1%). SPURS contributes to the preoperative identification of pressure ulcer risk that could help nurses implement preventive measures earlier.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to determine the effects of quality improvement programs for pressure ulcer prevention by conducting a follow-up survey in a hospital in Sweden. DESIGN: A cross-sectional survey design with comparison between data collected in 2002 and 2004. SETTING AND SUBJECTS: All inpatient areas were surveyed in the surgical, medical, and geriatric departments in a university hospital. A total of 369 patients were included. INSTRUMENTS: The European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel data collection form including some additional questions. METHODS: The 1-day survey was conducted on March 23, 2004. Each patient was visited by 2 registered nurses, who inspected the patient's skin for any pressure ulcer classified according to the EPUAP grading system. RESULTS: There were no significant differences in gender, age, or Braden score between the patients in surgical, medical, or geriatric care in 2002 and 2004. The overall prevalence of pressure ulcers was 33.3% (grade 1 excluded: 10.9%) in 2002 and 28.2% (grade 1 excluded: 14.1%) in 2004. In surgical care, the prevalence was reduced from 26.8% to 17.3% (P = .051). In medical care, the prevalence was 23.6% in 2002 and 26.7% in 2004. Corresponding prevalence figures for geriatric care were 59.3% and 50.0%. A quarter of the patients in surgical care, a third in medical care, and more than half in geriatric care had a pressure ulcer upon arrival at the ward. The use of pressure-reducing mattresses had increased significantly from 16.0% to 42.7% in medical care (P = .000). CONCLUSIONS: The EPUAP methodology has facilitated the introduction of pressure ulcer as a quality indicator at hospital level. Pressure ulcer prevalence surveys with a standardized methodology should be repeated on a regular basis in order to stimulate quality improvement.  相似文献   

In 2008, patients in the intensive care unit (ICU) at Danbury Hospital, Danbury, Connecticut, experienced 79 pressure ulcers. As a result, pressure ulcer-prevention interventions were standardized in critical care and medical-surgical units and education was provided to all direct patient care staff about principles of skin care and prevention. Following these efforts, 53 ICU patients developed pressure ulcers in the sacral area in fiscal year 2009, representing a 12.5% incidence for the ICU as compared to a 3.4% overall pressure ulcer incidence for the total hospital. In order to achieve additional reduction in pressure ulcer incidence, we replicated an initiative that called for application of a silicone foam dressing every 3 days to determine its effect on sacral pressure ulcer incidence in the ICU. We found that the use of the dressing further diminished the incidence of sacral pressure ulcers in our patients.  相似文献   

目的 探讨将质量管理工具应用到难免性压疮管理中的效果.方法 采用质量管理工具中的查检表对难免性压疮高危患者上报及发生例数进行统计、绘制特性要因图(鱼骨图)后进行原因分析,确定和解决难免性压疮管理中的问题.结果 质量管理工具应用前后难免性压疮发生率比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论 将质量管理工具应用到难免性压疮管理中可有效减少难免性压疮的发生,达到护理质量与安全的持续改进.  相似文献   

Pressure ulcer prevention needs nurses' awareness of sore classification/onset, its item characteristics, and its prevention. Using Pieper's Pressure Ulcer Knowledge Test, 126 critical care nurses' knowledge about pressure ulcer was examined. The questionnaire was divided into three categories including: (1) sore classification/onset; (2) wound characteristics, and (3) preventive measure. The level of nurse's knowledge was insufficient. The highest rate of correct answers belonged to section 2 - prevention of pressure ulcer. Programs aimed at raising nurses' knowledge accompanied by interventions intended to decrease incidence of pressure ulcer are important parts in educational programs. Continuing education may need to be added to the pressure ulcer care to improve the quality of care at intensive care units.  相似文献   

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