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目的探讨肺栓塞的诊治情况,提高对本病的认识。方法回顾1992—2002年收治的39例肺栓塞病人的临床情况,并对死亡相关因素进行分析和探讨。结果本组病例9例好转(23.08%),21例痊愈(53.85%)。治疗总有效率76.92%,在9例死亡病人中:(1)应用华法林/肝素者死亡率为3/22(13.64%),未应用华法林/肝素者(含手术)死亡率为6/17(35.29%);(2)直接由心内科治疗者死亡率为3/16(18.75%),而由外院转入者或由其他科转入者的死亡率为6/23(26.09%)。(3)合并有其他疾病者死亡率为7/25(28%)。结论(1)气促/呼吸困难、胸痛、呼吸心跳增快均为非特异性体征;(2)ECT肺灌注/通气扫描在该疾病的诊断中有重要作用;(3)及早诊断、专科治疗和及时使用华法林/肝素抗凝治疗有重要意义。  相似文献   

急性肺栓塞102例临床分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
目的分析急性肺栓塞患者临床表现及辅助检查结果,提高临床医生对肺栓塞的诊断意识。方法回顾北京协和医院1999年1月至2002年12月间诊断急性肺栓塞并有较完整临床资料的病例共102例,分析这些患者的临床表现及辅助检查结果,包括血气分析、血常规、心肌酶、D-二聚体、胸片、心电图等变化。结果急性肺栓塞最常见的危险因素依次是下肢深静脉血栓形成(30.4%)、手术后卧床(17.7%)、恶性肿瘤(12.8%);最常见的临床表现依次是气短或呼吸困难(97.1%)、胸闷(87.2%)、心悸(80.4%);最多见的心电图表现依次是窦性心动过速(59.0%)、胸前导联T波倒置(42.6%)、SⅠQⅢTⅢ(20.0%);最常见胸片改变是肺部浸润影(36.8%)、右下肺动脉扩张(29.5%)、肺动脉段突出(17.2%);近1/3患者心电图和胸片无明显异常;90.4%急性肺栓塞患者存在不同程度低氧血症,所有患者都出现肺泡-动脉氧分压差增大;90%急性期患者白细胞总数及粒细胞百分比升高,60%患者血浆心肌酶升高,66%患者血浆D-二聚体阳性。结论急性肺栓塞的临床谱非常广,应注意其诊断及鉴别诊断。  相似文献   

脑卒中患者伴发抑郁症112例研究   总被引:46,自引:0,他引:46  
对112例脑卒中患者抑郁症进行研究。其中脑梗塞81例,脑出血31例,均由CT和/或MRI证实。采用老年抑郁量表进行测试,在卒中后至少15天进行。结果发现门诊18例脑卒中患者出现抑郁4例(22.2%),包括重症2例。住院94例中出现抑郁31例(33%),包括重症9例。总抑郁发生率为31.2%,重症抑郁9.8%。脑卒中后出现抑郁与脑卒中后无抑郁出现的患者比较年龄、性别、职业、卒中性质、病变部位和病程无明显差别(P>0.05)。伴有瘫痪患者出现抑郁的发生率比无瘫痪患者明显增高(P<0.05)。23例中风后抑郁使用百忧解治疗,随访18例,1个月时症状完全消失者13例(72.2%),1个月时总有效率为88.9%。1例出现皮疹等过敏反应。  相似文献   

目的了解特发性肺栓塞的临床特点,提高特发性肺栓塞的诊治水平。方法对2010年7月至2012年2月于解放军总医院无获得性血栓形成高危因素的33例特发性肺栓塞住院患者的一般资料、临床表现、辅助检查、误诊情况及治疗进行统计学分析。结果本组特发性肺栓塞病例性别差异无统计学意义,平均年龄(57.6±14.1)岁,平均体质量指数(26.4±3.2)。临床表现以呼吸困难(97.0%)和胸痛(30.3%)为主。实验室检查中,D-二聚体〉0.5mg/L者30例(90.9%),脑利钠肽〉150ng/L者15例(57.7%),Pa02〈75mmI-Ig者15例(51.7%)。心电图主要以V1~V4ST-T改变(60.6%)为主,超声心动图主要表现为肺动脉压力升高,血管螺旋CT及肺动脉造影表现为不同程度的充盈缺损。首诊误诊以急性心肌梗死及肺炎多见,误诊率达69.7%。本组病例均采用抗凝治疗,部分患者行溶栓和(或)介入治疗。结论特发性肺栓塞因缺乏易感因素而易误诊,应综合临床表现、D-二聚体及影像学检查确定疑诊患者,并尽快行肺动脉造影检查确诊。  相似文献   

慢性乙型重型肝炎不同黄疸证的临床特点研究   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
目的:研究慢性乙型重型肝炎患者阳黄、阴黄的分布规律、临床鉴别要点和阴黄证转化规律。方法:采用队列研究方法,分析151例慢性乙型重型肝炎患者阳黄和阴黄证的分布情况、阳黄和阴黄证主要证型、主要鉴别依.据及黄疸持续时间、体质学特点和服用苦寒药等因素对阴黄转化的影响。结果:①阳黄患者占56.9%(86/151),阴黄患者占11.3%(17/151),界于阴黄和阳黄之间者占31.8%(48/151)。②86例阳黄证患者中,21例为湿热内蕴证,湿热+瘀热证60例,湿热+瘀热+阴虚证5例;17例阴黄证患者脾虚兼有湿邪(浊)为主,占94.1%;48例阴阳黄患者均有脾虚表现,兼瘀热者29例,兼湿热者19例。③17例阴黄和48例阴阳黄患者均表现出不同程度的黄疸颜色晦暗,而86例阳黄患者均表现为黄色鲜明;45.4%(39/86)的阳黄患者、43.8%(21/48)的阴阳黄患者和6%(1/17)的阴黄患者出现不同程度的口干;41.8%的(36/86)阳黄患者、39.6%(19/48)的阴阳黄患者和6%(1/17)的阴黄证患者出现不同程度的口苦;其他如痞满食少等表现见于不同黄疸证的患者。④所有阴黄患者(17/17)和89.6%(43/48)的阴阳黄患者表现出舌质淡和/或胖、有齿痕;所有阳黄患者(86/86)和10.4%的阴阳黄患者表现为不同程度的舌质红;88.4%(76/86)的阳黄患者见黄腻苔(薄黄腻苔一厚黄腻苔),11.4%(10/86)的阳黄患者白苔或白腻苔(但均伴舌质红);阴黄患者的88.2%(15/17)见白苔,11.6%(2/17)见淡黄腻苔(但均伴舌质淡);阴阳黄患者的54.2%(26/48)见白苔或白腻苔,45.8%(22/48)见淡黄腻苔。所有黄疸患者均见不同程度的舌下脉络迂曲、紫暗。⑤103例阴黄和阳黄的黄疸病例,黄疸持续两个月以上不退的26例患者,阴黄的发生率为61.5%,而黄疸病程在两个月以内的77例患者中,阴黄的发生率为0.1%,两者差异有显著性意义(P〈0.01);31例具有阳虚倾向的患者中,阴黄发生率为34.5%(10/29);非阳虚体质的74人中,阴黄发生率为9.5%(7/74),差异有显著性意义(P〈0.05)。结论:慢性重型肝炎阳黄证以湿热和瘀热为主,阴黄证以脾虚为主;临床辨证以黄色鲜明或晦暗、舌质红或舌质淡为鉴别要点;约1/3的患者临床兼见阳黄和阴黄表现(阴阳黄),病情处于阳黄向阴黄的转化过程中。黄疸持续不退、患者体质具有阳虚倾向是导致黄疸阴黄转化的重要因素。  相似文献   

Liu J  Lu DP  Zhang Y 《中华内科杂志》2006,45(9):738-740
目的探讨急性红白血病(M6)染色体特征和预后因素。方法回顾性分析55例患者染色体核型特征,采用病例对照方法,分为原发组和骨髓增生异常综合征(MDS)转化组;染色体核型异常组和正常组,并分析各组异基因造血干细胞移植(all-HSCT)治疗和(或)化疗疗效及生存预后因素。结果45例经染色体检查,18例正常,染色体异常检出率为60.0%(27/45),其中复杂异常17例,简单异常10例,10例可见亚二倍体或超二倍体明显增多,18.5%(5/27)5号染色体受累,25.9%(7/27)7号或8号染色体受累。55例患者完全缓解(CR)率63.6%;MDS转化组CR率(42.8%)显著低于原发组(85.2%),P〈0.05;染色体核型异常组CR率(37.0%)显著低于正常组(83.3%),P〈0.01。生存预后因素:随访中位时间30(3—79)个月,染色体核型异常组和MDS转化M6患者生存期(OS)和无病生存期(DFS),移植治疗者较化疗者显著延长(P〈0.01)。16例患者行all-HSCT治疗,其中9例为染色体核型异常MDS转化M6患者,4例为未缓解患者;移植后11例DFS 28个月,2年生存率68.7%(11/16)。结论染色体核型异常和(或)MDS转化M6患者常规化疗疗效差、生存期短,预后差,all-HSCT治疗显著延长生存期,改善预后,染色体核型异常和(或)MDS转化M6患者,宜早期all-HSCT治疗。  相似文献   

目的:探讨老年人肺栓塞的临床特点及诊断。方法:对56例老年人肺栓塞的临床特点、心电图及诊断进行总结分析。结果:老年肺栓塞患者最常见症状为劳力性呼吸困难,有39例(69.6%),心电图有特征性变化12例(21.4%),56例患者行多层螺旋CT肺动脉造影,均发现肺动脉内血栓(100%);核素肺通气灌注扫描38例,提示有肺灌注与通气显像不匹配32例(84.2%);下肢深静脉超声发现静脉血栓26例(46.4%)。误诊情况:误诊26例(46.4%),误诊:呼吸系统疾病14例(53.8%),其中感染性休克8例,肺部感染6例;误诊为循环系统疾病12例(46.2%),其中急性冠状动脉综合征5例,心力衰竭4例,心源性休克3例。结论:老年人肺栓塞最常见症状为劳力性呼吸困难,少数患者心电图有特征性变化,肺动脉造影为主要确诊手段。  相似文献   

徐志  黄忠毅 《国际呼吸杂志》2014,(15):1163-1166
目的提高对肺栓塞的诊断率,降低误诊率。方法对70例肺栓塞患者的临床特点、理化检查、治疗手段及危险因素进行回顾性分析。结果70例患者中,最常见的症状为呼吸困难者占92.9%,D-二聚体〉500μg/L者占92.9%,动脉血氧分压〈80mmHg者占95.7%,行CT肺动脉造影检查提示肺动脉段以上充盈缺损或肺栓塞者占92.1%,为主要诊断方法;27例患者接受溶栓治疗,40例选择单纯抗凝治疗,3例因出血未行抗凝治疗,共24例行下腔静脉滤器植入术以预防再次肺栓塞的发生;治愈7例占10%(均为溶栓治疗),好转60例占85.7%;死亡3例占4.3%(均未行溶栓治疗)。结论肺栓塞临床表现复杂,理化检查多不具特异性,CT肺动脉造影为首选诊断方法,必要时行肺动脉造影检查,溶栓风险高,但治愈率高。  相似文献   

益气活血法治疗肺间质纤维化临床研究(附18例报告)   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
单纯采用益气活血中药治疗18例肺间质纤维化患者并随访观察其疗效。经1-11个月治疗后,18例患者的呼吸困难症状均明显改善,肺部体征Velcro杂音消失者4例(22%),减少或变为局限者14例(78%),肺部薄层CT(HRCT)磨玻璃样改变明显吸收者7例(38%),临床治愈1例(6%),病理证实为普通型间质性肺炎(UIP)型,好转13例(72%),未继续恶化者4例(22%),服药期间均未出现任何副作用。  相似文献   

原发性肺癌的肾上腺转移   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的研究原发性肺癌肾上腺转移的发生率、与病理类型的关系、临床症状、治疗效果及中位生存期。方法回顾性总结了1984年1月~1997年1月经我院诊治的6976例肺癌的临床资料。结果6976例肺癌中有96例(1.38%)出现肾上腺转移,其中小细胞肺癌肾上腺转移的发生率为2.25%(37/1643),非小细胞肺癌为1.11%(59/53333);出现腹痛、腰痛排除其他原因(如腰椎或其他腹部器官转移)而考虑肾上腺转移所致者占39%(37/96);能够评价疗效的54例中,总有效率(CR+PR)为43%(23/54);96例肾上腺转移患者生存1~20个月,中位生存期为7.17个月。结论肺癌容易出现肾上腺转移,发生率的高低与其病理类型有关,临床症状有腹痛及腰痛,仅有肾上腺转移者可手术切除,合并其他部位转移者化疗是有效的治疗方法,局部放疗止痛效果明显。  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo investigate the clinical features, management, and prognosis of pulmonary cryptococcosis in non-acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) patients.Method24 cases of pulmonary cryptococcosis with accurate pathological diagnosis were retrospectively studied.Results15 male patients and nine female patients were diagnosed at the first affiliated hospital of Sun Yat-sen University from November 1999 to November 2011. The mean age at the time of diagnosis was 44.2 ± 11.3 years (range: 24 to 65 years). Among these patients, 13 had other comorbidities. 15 were symptomatic and the other nine were asymptomatic. The most common presenting symptoms were cough, chest tightness, expectoration, and fever. None had concurrent cryptococcal meningitis. The most frequent radiologic abnormalities on chest computed tomography (CT) scans were solitary or multiple pulmonary nodules, and masses or consolidations, and most lesions were located in the lower lobes. All patients had biopsies for the accurate diagnosis. Among the 24 patients, nine patients underwent surgical resections (eight had pneumonectomy via thoracotomy and one had a pneumonectomy via thoracoscopy). Five of the patients who underwent surgery also received antifungal drug therapy (fluconazole) for one to three months after the surgery. The other 15 only received antifungal drug therapy (fluconazole or voriconazole) for three to six months (five patients are still on therapy). The follow-up observation of 19 patients who had already finished their treatments lasted from two to 11 years, and there was no relapse, dissemination, or death in any of these patients.ConclusionNon-AIDS patients with pulmonary cryptococcosis have a good prognosis with appropriate management.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To characterize chest radiographic interpretations in a large population of patients who have received a diagnosis of acute pulmonary embolism and to estimate the sensitivity and specificity of chest radiographic abnormalities for right ventricular hypokinesis that has been diagnosed by echocardiography. DESIGN: A prospective observational study at 52 hospitals in seven countries. PATIENTS: A total of 2,454 consecutive patients who had received a diagnosis of acute pulmonary embolism between January 1995 and November 1996. RESULTS: Chest radiographs were available for 2,322 patients (95%). The most common chest radiographic interpretations were cardiac enlargement (27%), normal (24%), pleural effusion (23%), elevated hemidiaphragm (20%), pulmonary artery enlargement (19%), atelectasis (18%), and parenchymal pulmonary infiltrates (17%). The results of chest radiographs were abnormal for 509 of 655 patients (78%) who had undergone a major surgical procedure within 2 months of the diagnosis of pulmonary embolism: normal results for chest radiograph often accompanied pulmonary embolism after genitourinary procedures (37%), orthopedic surgery (29%), or gynecologic surgery (28%), whereas they rarely accompanied pulmonary emboli associated with thoracic procedures (4%). Chest radiographs were interpreted to show cardiac enlargement for 149 of 309 patients with right ventricular hypokinesis that was detected by echocardiography (sensitivity, 0.48) and for 178 of 485 patients without right ventricular hypokinesis (specificity, 0.63). Chest radiographs were interpreted to show pulmonary artery enlargement for 118 of 309 patients with right ventricular hypokinesis (sensitivity, 0.38) and for 117 of 483 patients without right ventricular hypokinesis (specificity, 0.76). CONCLUSIONS: Cardiomegaly is the most common chest radiographic abnormality associated with acute pulmonary embolism. Neither pulmonary artery enlargement nor cardiomegaly appears sensitive or specific for the echocardiographic finding of right ventricular hypokinesis, an important predictor of mortality associated with acute pulmonary embolism.  相似文献   

Waldenstrom macroglobulinemia (WMG), a proliferation of malignant monoclonal IgM secreting plasmacytoid lymphocytes in lymph nodes, spleen, and marrow, usually pursues a chronic clinical course. A patient with WMG for five years who developed pulmonary tumors consisting of plasmacytoid lymphocytes prompted a review of the literature for pulmonary manifestations of WMG. Twenty-six males and 18 females, ranging in age from 33 to 84 years, have been reported with histologically proven pulmonary involvement by WMG. The x-ray findings, evident in most patients when first seen, consisted of masses (22 patients), infiltrates (31 patients), and pleural effusions (19 patients). Most patients (24) had two or more of these manifestations but only five, in addition to our patient, had isolated pulmonary nodules. Isolated pulmonary infiltrates were found in ten patients and isolated pleural effusions in only four. Symptoms at the onset of pulmonary involvement included dyspnea (54%), nonproductive cough (33%), and chest pain (7%); 15% were asymptomatic. Pulmonary manifestations, like other features of WMG, respond to alkylating agents or irradiation and do not appear to affect prognosis adversely. Pulmonary involvement should be suspected in any patient with WMG who develops an abnormal chest x-ray.  相似文献   

The authors assess clinical and radiographic findings of pulmonary nodules and masses after lung and heart-lung transplantation. One hundred and fifty nine patients who survived at least 3 months after lung and heart-lung transplantation were followed by serial chest radiographs for a median of 27 months. Single or multiple lung nodules or masses were noted at chest radiography in 15 (9.4%) of 159 patients. Imaging findings and causes of these nodules and masses were reviewed retrospectively. Infection was found in 10 (6%) of 159 patients. Specific pathogens (11 pathogens in 10 patients) were Aspergillus (n = 4), Mycobacteria (n = 4), and other bacteria (n = 3). Noninfectious causes were found in 5 (3%) of patients and included B-cell lymphoma (n = 2), bronchogenic carcinoma (n = 2), and pulmonary infarcts (n = 1). Nodules and masses appeared a median of 11 months after transplantation (range: 0.2 to 36 months). Five patients (33%) had single lesions; the other 10 (67%) patients had multiple lesions (range 2 to 50). Aspergillus lesions were most commonly located in the upper lobes, were cavitary in three of four patients, and all were fatal. Nodules and masses arose in the transplanted lung in 12 (80%) of the patients, and in the native lung in 3 (20%) of the patients (2 bronchogenic carcinoma, 1 M. tuberculosis simulating bronchogenic carcinoma). Nodules and masses detected by chest radiography are not uncommon (9.4%) after lung and heart-lung transplantation. Infections are more common than noninfectious causes of posttransplant nodules and masses. Specific clinical and imaging characteristics may provide clues to etiology.  相似文献   

We retrospectively reviewed the medical records and chest radiographs of 118 patients who presented during January 1998 to October 2002 at Songklanagarin Hospital in Hat Yai, Songkhla Province, Thailand who had a high serum immunofluorescent assay titer for leptospirosis. Twenty-nine of 118 (24%) patients had abnormal chest films. Nearly all of these patients had respiratory symptoms and needed oxygen therapy (93% and 90%, respectively). Forty-eight of the 118 (40%) had respiratory symptoms, but only 27/48 (56%) had abnormal radiographs. Twenty-one of the 28 (75%) and 18/27 (67%) who had abnormal chest radiographs had coexisting impaired renal function or jaundice, respectively, whereas 21/69 (30%) of the patients who had impaired renal function and 18/55 (33%) of the patients with jaundice had abnormal radiographs. There were 6/27 (22%) patients who had abnormal chest radiographs without renal or liver impairment. The most common finding on the abnormal chest radiograph was bilateral diffuse air space disease, which resolved within 7 days. No permanent lung damage was seen. The patients who had an abnormal chest radiograph needed longer hospitalization, than those without an abnormal chest radiograph (average 12 days and 5 days, respectively).  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to evaluate the clinical profile and prognosis of patients with an angiographically proven thromboembolism. METHODS: Data from 22 consecutive patients (13 males, 9 females; mean age 57.3 +/- 16.8 years) with pulmonary embolism confirmed by pulmonary angiography were reviewed. All our patients were previously submitted to non-invasive diagnostic procedures (blood examinations, EKG, chest x-ray, echocardiography). A V/Q scan was also performed in 5 patients. Fourteen patients were traditionally treated with heparin alone and the rest received thrombolytic therapy and heparin. Two patients had a thromboembolectomy. At discharge, all our patients were submitted to an oral anticoagulant therapy. The mean duration of the follow-up period was 26 +/- 12 months. RESULTS: The majority of the patients were in the 6th decade of life and it was possible to identify a hypercoagulable state in 82%. The most common symptom at the time of presentation was sudden chest pain (64%). The most specific sign in non-invasive procedures were right side cardiac dilatation seen echocardiographically (73%) and the mismatch in the V/Q scan (80%). The most common haemodynamic parameter (91%) observed in the right heart catheterization of these patients was the finding of a gradient between diastolic pulmonary artery and pulmonary capillary wedge pressures. Uneventful angiography was performed in all patients who showed massive pulmonary embolism (86%). Three patients (13.6%) died during the acute phase. At the end of the follow-up period, 10 patients were asymptomatic and 5 had heart failure. Four died, which corresponds to an overall mortality of 31.8% in 2.2 years of follow-up. None of the clinical or haemodynamic parameters analyzed (age, gender, arterial blood gases at presentation, hypercoagulable states, thrombolysis, pulmonary hypertension and extension of the embolism) were related to mortality. CONCLUSION: Angiographically confirmed pulmonary thromboembolism is still a poor outcome situation, even when a lot of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures are available.  相似文献   



Systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) is characterized by fevers, rash, and arthritis, for which interleukin‐1 (IL‐1) and IL‐6 inhibitors appear to be effective treatments. Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH), interstitial lung disease (ILD), and alveolar proteinosis (AP) have recently been reported with increased frequency in systemic JIA patients. Our aim was to characterize and compare systemic JIA patients with these complications to a larger cohort of systemic JIA patients.


Systemic JIA patients who developed PAH, ILD, and/or AP were identified through an electronic Listserv and their demographic, systemic JIA, and pulmonary disease characteristics as well as their medication exposure information were collected. Patients with these features were compared to a cohort of systemic JIA patients enrolled in the Childhood Arthritis and Rheumatology Research Alliance (CARRA) registry.


The patients (n = 25) were significantly (P < 0.05) more likely than the CARRA registry cohort (n = 389) to be female; have more systemic features; and have been exposed to an IL‐1 inhibitor, tocilizumab, corticosteroids, intravenous immunoglobulin, cyclosporine, and cyclophosphamide. Twenty patients (80%) were diagnosed with pulmonary disease after 2004. Twenty patients (80%) had macrophage activation syndrome (MAS) during their disease course and 15 patients (60%) had MAS at pulmonary diagnosis. Sixteen patients had PAH, 5 had AP, and 7 had ILD. Seventeen patients (68%) were taking or recently discontinued (<1 month) a biologic agent at pulmonary symptom onset; 12 patients (48%) were taking anti–IL‐1 therapy (primarily anakinra). Seventeen patients (68%) died at a mean of 10.2 months from the diagnosis of pulmonary complications.


PAH, AP, and ILD are underrecognized complications of systemic JIA that are frequently fatal. These complications may be the result of severe uncontrolled systemic disease activity and may be influenced by medication exposure.  相似文献   

经静脉应用毒品致右心感染性心内膜炎肺损害   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
目的:提高对右心感染性心内膜炎肺损害的认识。方法:通过;胸片,胸部B超,血气分析,痰培养等检查手段对1994-2000年住院的28例静脉应用毒品致右心感染性心内膜炎肺损害的病例进行回顾性分析。结果;肺损害占100%(28/28),咳嗽占100%(28/28),咳痰占71%(20/28),气促占64%(18/28),胸痛占57%(16/28),咯血占36%(10/28),肺部罗音占71%(20/28),胸片;浸润性改变占82%(23/28),多发性囊状影占21%(6/28),肺栓塞占21%(6/28),胸腔积液占21%(6/28),B超胸腔积液占21%(6/28),Ⅰ型呼吸衰竭占14%(4/28),痰培养阳性率54%(15/28),选用2-3种抗生素治疗4-6周,有效占82%(23/28),无效而手术占18%(5/28),其中手术的2例死亡,病死率7%(2/28),结论:右心感染性心内膜炎肺损害在应用毒品者十分常见,应引起重视,以免误诊。  相似文献   

Chang WC  Tzao C  Hsu HH  Lee SC  Huang KL  Tung HJ  Chen CY 《Chest》2006,129(2):333-340
STUDY OBJECTIVES: We compared the clinical characteristics and imaging findings between immunocompetent and immunocompromised patients in whom pulmonary cryptococcosis had been diagnosed to define the role of serum cryptococcal antigen (sCRAG) and radiographs during a follow-up period of up to 1 year. DESIGN: Retrospective cohort study. SETTING: University hospital. PATIENTS: The clinical records, chest radiographs, and CT scan findings of 13 immunocompetent and 16 immunocompromised patients with a diagnosis based on cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) culture, sCRAG titers, and cytologic or histologic confirmation of the presence of pulmonary cryptococcosis were reviewed during the course of the study. Two thoracic radiologists reviewed chest radiographs and CT scans for morphologic characteristics and the distribution of parenchymal abnormalities, and a final reading was reached by consensus. The correlation between serial radiographs and sCRAG titers was examined in 9 immunocompetent and 10 immunocompromised patients. MEASUREMENTS: Serum or CSF cryptococcal antigen. RESULTS: The most common clinical symptom was cough, which was present in 24 patients (82.8%). Pulmonary nodules were the most frequent radiologic abnormality. Cavitation within nodules and parenchymal consolidation were significantly less common in immunocompetent patients compared to immunocompromised patients (p = 0.02 and p = 0.05, respectively). Immunocompromised patients tended to have a larger extent of pulmonary involvement than immunocompetent patients, the changes seen on their serial radiographs were more variable, and their corresponding sCRAG titers were higher (> 1:256). In the immunocompetent patients, the radiographic characteristics of lesions usually improved with a corresponding decrease in sCRAG titers over time. CONCLUSIONS: Our study suggests that pulmonary cryptococcosis usually follows a benign clinical course in immunocompetent patients. Immunocompromised patients often undergo an evolution to cavitary lesions that represent a more aggressive disease nature. Serial radiographic changes and changes in sCRAG titers reliably reflect disease progression and the response to therapy.  相似文献   

Nocardiosis is an opportunistic infection that most commonly involves the lung; however, only a few case reports of autoimmune disease complicated by pulmonary nocardiosis exist in the literature.We conducted a retrospective analysis of 24 cases of both autoimmune disease and pulmonary nocardiosis at the Peking Union Medical College Hospital between 1990 and 2012.Fifty-two cases were hospitalized with nocardiosis, 24 of whom had at least 1 autoimmune disease before the diagnosis of pulmonary nocardiosis. The cohort patients consisted of 5 men and 19 women, with a mean age of 44.2 years. All were negative for human immunodeficiency virus. All but 1 patient had received immunosuppressants, including corticosteroids, cyclophosphamide, azathioprine, methotrexate, or hydroxychloroquine. Fever (87.5%), cough (83.3%), and sputum (79.2%) were the most common clinical manifestations. Ten cases were accompanied by subcutaneous nodules and/or cutaneous abscesses, and 4 had brain abscess. Half of them were lymphocytopenic. Thirteen of the 16 cases who underwent lymphocyte subtype analysis had decreased CD4+ T-cell counts. Nineteen cases had decreased serum albumin levels. Nocardia was isolated from sputum (13/24), bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (4/6), lung tissue (5/6), pleural effusions (3/5), skin or cutaneous pus (7/10), and brain tissue (1/1). The most common imaging findings were air-space opacities (83.3%), followed by nodules (62.5%), cavitations (45.8%), and masses (37.5%). Five were administered co-trimoxazole only, and the others were treated with 2 or more antibiotics. All 5 cases with skin abscesses and 2 of the 4 cases with brain abscesses were treated by surgical incision and drainage. None underwent thoracic surgery. Corticosteroid dosages were decreased in all cases, and cytotoxic agents were discontinued in some cases. Twenty-two cases recovered, and 2 died.Pulmonary nocardiosis associated with an underlying autoimmune disease showed a female predominance and presentation at younger age. Immunosuppressant therapy, lymphocytopenia, particularly low CD4+ T-lymphocyte counts, and low serum albumin levels may be disease susceptibility factors. Air-space opacities and nodules were the most common chest imaging features, and disseminated nocardiosis with lung and skin involvement was more common among them. Early diagnosis and anti-nocardial antibiotics with modulation of the basic immunosuppressive therapy were important for them.  相似文献   

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