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Morphological changes in the mouse sublingual gland parenchyma subjected to parasympathetic nerve block were investigated. Mice were subjected to unilateral resection of the chorda tympani, near its point of joining with the lingual nerve. After 1, 2, 3, 5, 10 or 20 weeks, the mice were killed and their sublingual glands were removed and processed for light and electron microscopy. Two weeks after resection, the space between the adjoining lobules of the glands on the treated side began to be expanded, and by 10 weeks were 10 times the size of the spaces in the glands of the untreated mice. Three weeks after resection, the lobule area decreased to about 72% of the area of glands in the untreated mice and the acinus area to about 52%. However, no significant difference was seen between the numbers of acini in each group. Electron microscopy showed that the glands on the treated side contained fewer secretory granules than the glands in the untreated mice, though there was no difference in size. Neither the lobules of the glands on the treated side nor those of the glands of the untreated mice contained many TUNEL-positive cells. These findings suggest that following parasympathetic nerve resection, mouse sublingual gland acinar cells undergo atrophy with a reduction size rather than cell death.  相似文献   

The response amplitude in the chorda tympani proper nerve of rats to taste stimulation has been studied at different times after interruption of the nerve in the middle ear. The results show that the response in the nerve declined and disappeared completely within 15 h after the nerve was interrupted. As a first sign of deteriorating function a stage of hypersensitivity was observed. Results obtained during applications of local anesthetic or colchicine and section at different distances from the tongue indicate that the decreased response was the result of an interruption of axoplasmic flow from the nerve cell bodies in the geniculate ganglion to the taste buds.  相似文献   

 The developmental expression of salivary glycoconjugates was investigated in the rat submandibular and sublingual glands by conventional and lectin histochemistry. By the time of the first differentiation of secretory structures, in spite of similar morphological features, a different histochemical reactivity was detected, accounting for a relevant content of neutral glycoconjugates in the submandibular gland and the occurrence of both neutral and acidic glycoconjugates in the sublingual one. The use of lectins allowed the main changes of secretory components to be noted around gestational day 18. DBA and WGA lectins seemed to act as pre- and post-natal development markers while Con A lectin was indicative of post-natal differentiation. Taken together, data from lectin histochemistry indicated the transitional occurrence of glycoconjugates, probably involved in temporally restricted functions, as well as the co-existence of different secretory components that might also reflect maturational changes of single products. Accepted: 31 July 1998  相似文献   

The response amplitude in the chorda tympani proper nerve of rats to taste stimulation has been studied at different times after interruption of the nerve in the middle ear. The results show that the reponse in the nerve declined and disappeared completely within 15 h after the nerve was interrupted. As a first sign of deteriorating function a stage of hypersensitivity was observed. Results obtained during applications of local anesthetic or colchicine and section at different distances from the tongue indicate that the decreased response was the result of an interruption of axoplasmic flow from the nerve cell bodies in the geniculate ganglion to the taste buds.  相似文献   

Submandibular and major sublingual salivary glands of the opossum contain histochemically demonstrable neutral mucosubstances, nonsulfated acid mucosubstances and sulfomucins. Sialomucins could not be demonstrated conclusively with the methods used in this study. Special serous cells of the opossum submandibular gland contained low concentrations of acidic mucosubstances but no appreciable concentration of neutral mucosubstances was seen. Sulfomucins were not observed in special serous cells. The mucous tubules of the submandibular gland contained high concentrations of neutral mucosubstances. No appreciable acidic mucosubstance was demonstrated in the submandibular gland mucous tubules. Unlike the mucous tubules of the submandibular gland, the major sublingual gland mucous tubules contained high concentrations of both neutral and acidic mucosubstances. The mucous tubules often contained sulfomucin-positive cells interspersed among cells that contained high concentrations of non-sulfated acidic mucosubstance. Marked staining of sulfated acidic mucosubstance was seen only in the major sublingual gland, in both the mucous tubules and in the seromucous demilunes. The seromucous demilunes contained both sulfated and non-sulfated acidic mucosubstances.  相似文献   

The existence and distribution of vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP), and Met-enkephalin pentapeptide were investigated by means of the peroxidase-antiperoxidase (PAP) technique in rabbit submandibular and sublingual glands. In the submandibular gland, VIP immunostaining was observed in some peripheral acinar cells, while in sublingual one VIP positive fibres surrounded semilunes. Ductal cells of both glands were also reactive. These findings suggested a role of VIP in regulating volume and composition of salivary secretion.  相似文献   

The intraosseous course of the chorda tympani   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Subsequently to a gross anatomy study the present report covers the intraosseous course of the chorda tympani by histological methods. After having passed the middle ear, the nerve enters the petrotympanic fissure (of Glaser), moves medially deep in it, never appearing in the mandibular fossa. It leaves the external surface of the base of the skull medial to the spined sphenoid, through the sphenopetrosal fissure.  相似文献   

Anatomic and behavioral changes have been observed in the taste system after peripheral deafferentation, but their physiological consequences remain unknown. Interestingly, a recent behavioral study suggested that peripheral denervation could induce central plasticity. After neonatal chorda tympani (CT) transection, adult rats demonstrated a marked preference for a normally avoided salt, NH(4)Cl. In the present study, taste responses were recorded from the nucleus of the solitary tract (NST) in similarly CT-denervated rats to investigate a physiological basis for this behavioral phenomenon. We hypothesized that alterations in functional connectivity of remaining afferent nerves might underlie the behavioral change. Specifically, if NST neurons formerly activated by sodium-selective CT fibers were instead driven by more broadly tuned glossopharyngeal (GL) afferents, neural coding of salt responses would be altered. Such a change should be accompanied by a shift in orotopic representation and increased NH(4)Cl responses. This hypothesis was not supported. After CT denervation, orotopy was unaltered, NH(4)Cl responsiveness declined, and no other changes occurred that could simply explain the behavioral effects. Indeed, the most pronounced consequence of CT denervation was a 68% reduction in NaCl responses, supporting previous evidence for a critical role of this nerve in coding sodium salts. In addition, we found "reorganizational" changes similar to, albeit smaller than, those observed in other sensory systems after deafferentation. There was a trend for increased responses elicited by stimulation of receptor subpopulations innervated by the GL and greater superficial petrosal nerves. In addition, the spontaneous rate of nasoincisor duct-responsive cells increased significantly. This effect on spontaneous rate is opposite to that produced by CT anesthesia, suggesting that acute versus chronic denervation may affect central taste neurons differently. In conclusion, the taste system at the medullary level seems more resistant to large-scale plasticity than other sensory systems, but nevertheless reacts to lost afferent input. Because the most robust plastic changes have been documented at cortical levels in other sensory pathways, the substrate for the behavioral effect of neonatal CT transection may be located more centrally in the gustatory system.  相似文献   

The chorda tympani nerve (CT) innervates the fungiform papillae on the tip of the tongue and has been considered an important nerve for the sense of taste. The CT also contains the parasympathetic supply to the submaxillary and sublingual salivary glands. Therefore, changes in taste or feeding behavior following bilateral sections of CT are caused by both degeneration of fungiform papillae and the inevitable partial desalivation of the rat. In the present experiments we compared the effects of bilateral chorda tympani nerve sections with extirpation of submaxillary and sublingual glands on daily home cage eating and drinking patterns in the rat. Before and after surgery we analyzed the daily eating and drinking patterns, including such measures as intake, bout number, bout length, interbout interval and rate of consumption during bouts. The results of desalivation and bilateral CT sections were indistinguishable. The most profound change was that eating bout duration was increased following surgery. Since food intake did not increase, the results indicate a marked loss in eating efficiency over the daily ingestion periods. Although the eating patterns of desalivated and chorda tympani sectioned rats are quite similar, the evidence is not compelling that they have the same physiological basis. A second experiment was designed to test the hypothesis that the atypical eating patterns observed following bilateral sectioning of CT were the direct result of partial desalivation resulting from the denervation of the salivary glands. In this experiment a unilateral section was made of one CT and it was shown that the eating behavior was not affected. Then the contralateral submaxillary and sublingual salivary glands were removed. This resulted in a six-fold increase in feeding bout length. In all cases a unilateral CT section combined with extirpation of the contralateral salivary glands resulted in rats whose eating behavior was indistinguishable from the earlier data following either the bilateral CT sections or bilateral desalivations. The conclusion is drawn that the eating irregularities noted following bilateral CT sections result from this partial desalivation. CT sections were verified by taste bud counts in the fungiform papillae and histological examinations were made of salivary glands in rats receiving CT sections.  相似文献   

Cuff electrodes with headcap connectors were implanted around the rat chorda tympani nerve. Whole nerve recordings under anesthesia were made from these nerves every week to chemical, thermal and tactile stimuli applied to the anterior tongue. The signal/noise ratio of these recordings was similar to acute recordings from the chorda tympani nerve, and the nerves were spontaneously active. Responses to chemical as well as thermal and mechanical stimulation of the tongue were recorded as early as 2 and 3 weeks after implantation and recordings from the same nerve were made for more than 3 months. These results have demonstrated the feasibility of making long-term chronic recordings of chemosensory activity in the chorda tympani nerve. The cuff electrode has great potential to provide correlative information between neurophysiological and behavioral data.  相似文献   

Efferent impulses in the chorda tympani nerve of the rat   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Electrophysiological taste responses were obtained from the chorda tympani nerve of the mouse by using a technique whereby a 50 microns nichrome wire electrode was placed against the nerve where it passes through the middle ear.  相似文献   

Electrophysiological analysis of the chorda tympani nerve response to saturated chloroform solution was performed in the rat, and the results were compared to those of the sucrose response. The chloroform response was characterized by a transient response, and it lacked an off-type response to the water rinse of the tongue. Treatment of the tongue with 0.1 M anionic detergent and 5 × 10?4 M HgCl2 produced the same effects on the chloroform and sucrose responses. However, the effects of some metallic ions on response to chloroform were different from those on the sucrose response. That is, 0.1 M CaCl2 suppressed the chloroform response and the off-type response, but 0.001 M CuCl2 suppressed only the sucrose response. Additive effect of sucrose and chloroform was rather smaller than the summation expected by doubling of the responses of sucrose and chloroform. The fibers which showed the off-type discharges also always responded to chloroform. These results suggest that sucrose and chloroform combine to the different loci within the same taste receptor macromolecule.  相似文献   

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