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在口腔材料学本科教学中,传统的理论考核模式已很难对学生知识点的理解和实际运用情况进行全面准确地评价.过程化考核模式因具有持续、全面、公平、客观等特点有望成为解决上述问题的一种理想方式.本文结合口腔材料学本科教学现状,对过程化考核模式的特点、可行性以及意义分别进行阐述,并对该模式构建的具体方式给出合理建议.旨在为这种考核...  相似文献   

口腔材料学多媒体教学探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
《口腔材料学》是一门研究材料内部结构及材料性能与其结构之间依存关系的基础性学科。其应用涉及口腔临床 (包括口腔修复学、口腔内科学、口腔正畸学、口腔外科学等 )多门学科。内容包括各种口腔材料的组成、性能、应用工艺、临床应用要点及口腔材料的发展史和展望等。授课对象有口腔专业五年制、七年制学生及大专班。由于学生未上过临床 ,因此对口腔材料在临床的应用缺乏感性认识。而我们的课程大都是理论课 ,同学感到枯燥且难以理解。为了改变上述情况 ,提高教学质量 ,我们进行了教学改革 ,首先选择口腔印模材料和模型材料两个章节采用了…  相似文献   

随着信息技术的发展,数字化教学模式开始应用于口腔医学领域。本文着重分析当前口腔材料学教学中存在的问题,探讨应用数字化教学模式的必要性,分析现阶段口腔材料学应用数字化教学模式的优势和局限性,提出应使之与其他教学方法相结合,共同促进口腔材料学教学事业的发展。  相似文献   

为了取得更好的教学效果,根据口腔材料学的课程特点和教学实际,在教学中除了采用传统的理论授课教学模式外,还可以结合PBL教学、课外见习等教学手段。  相似文献   

口腔材料学是口腔医学专业本科教学中的重要基础课程.本文通过对三届大学生(84名)在口腔材料学教学结束后进行的问卷调查,对口腔材料学教学中的一些问题进行探讨.  相似文献   

“政治经济学家说,劳动是一切财富的源泉。其实,劳动和自然界一起才是一切财富的源泉。自然界为劳动提供材料,劳动把材料变为财富”。人类通过劳动完成了从猿到人的过渡。尽管在猿类中.有能用手在树林中筑巢,或用手拿木捧抵御敌人,或者以果实或石块向敌人投掷,  相似文献   

口腔材料学是一门新兴学科。在过去,由于材料发展相对缓慢,口腔医学中应用的材料较少,所以未能独立成为一门学科在口腔医学教育中提出。自从八十年代以来,口腔材料有了极大的发展,渗透入口腔医学的各个分支学科中。新材料的应用产生出新技术,新技术的推广又为新材料的研制提出了要求,从而极大地推动着口腔医学的发展。纵观近二十年来口腔医学的发展,无不体现了材料的发展。每种新材料的性能、应用及选择是当代口腔医师所面临的重要问题,因此,口腔医学的教育必须加强口腔材料学的教学。 近二十多年来,口腔材料的发展愈来愈快。例如,70年代复合树脂主要是粉液剂化学固化型,而现在已发展为高性能光固化型,使用极其方便。可以说现在的复合树脂在性能方面已不可与70年代的同日而语了,已发展到第四代、第五代,而且种类也分得细了。有前牙用的、后牙用的;有做贴面的、做桩  相似文献   

我国独立的口腔材料学学科教育已开展多年了 ,但象其他课程教学一样 ,以课本为中心 ,以教师为中心 ,目前已难以适应以学生为中心的教改趋势。加之材料学的师资队伍较弱 ,缺乏经验 ,教学水平难以提高。下面结合我院的实际 ,谈谈我们工作中的体会。1 材料学教学中的问题1 1 教师素质教师作为教学工作中起主导作用的一方 ,自身素质的高低极为重要。长期以来 ,材料学作为口腔修复课的一个章节 ,老师为修复科临床大夫 ,个别人认为不学材料知识 ,照样完成临床工作。极少数人自己在学生时学的材料知识少 ,陈旧 ;现在又没有及时更新补充 ,这样授课…  相似文献   

目的有关口腔材料学的PBL教学模式目前在国内尚处于探索阶段,本文比较PBL教学和传统教学这两种教学模式在口腔材料学中的教学效果,旨在提高口腔材料学的教学水平。方法选择口腔材料学教材中的"复合树脂"章节为授课内容,一组按PBL教学模式授课,另一组按传统教学模式同班授课,通过口腔材料学考试成绩和调查问卷两项指标对教学效果进行评价,在理论教学中开展两种教学模式的对比分析。结果与传统教学模式相比,接受PBL教学的学生在复合树脂章节的考试成绩明显得到提高(P<0.01)。在意见调查中,80%以上的受试学生认为PBL教学模式在能力培养上优于传统教学模式。结论PBL教学模式在口腔材料学教学中不仅可行,而且可能更有助于学生对口腔材料知识的理解和掌握。  相似文献   

目的 比较口腔材料学的线上、线下以及线上线下混合式教学模式的教学效果,促进网络化教学模式在口腔教学中的应用。方法 随机选取上海交通大学口腔医学院口腔专业学生为研究对象;其中2016级39名学生采用传统线下教学;2017级44名学生采用线上教学模式;2018级49名学生开展线下教学结合线上网课的混合式教学模式。对3个班级学生的考试成绩(平均分、优秀率、良好率、合格率和不及格率)进行比较和统计,分析线上线下混合式教学模式的教学实践及教学效果。结果 传统线下教学学生的成绩为(70.77±15.59)分,优秀率为15%,不及格率为20%;线上教学学生的成绩为(66.25±15.85)分,优秀率为2%,不及格率为30%;混合式教学模式的学生的成绩为(78.98±11.64)分,优秀率为29%,不及格率为0%;3组学生的平均分差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05),与单一线上和线下教学模式相比,线上线下混合式教学模式能明显提高学生考试成绩的优秀率,降低不及格率。结论 单纯线上或线下的教学模式均各有利弊,两者混合式教学模式能更好地提升教学质量和教学效果。  相似文献   

The delivery of effective information flow through self learning, critical thinking and problem solving is one of the objectives of current curriculum development within the Dental Faculty of the University of Hong Kong. These objectives reflect a desire to encourage skills related to 'comprehension learning' and 'meaning orientation' rather than 'rote' learning and 'surface' approaches. This paper explains the way in which role-play and psychodrama are used in an effort to achieve these objectives.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to identify and compare the attitudes of dental students towards dental education in Japan and China. Fifty‐four dental students from the Stomatology School of China Medical University and 51 dental students from the Dental Faculty of Kyushu University, Japan, participated in this study. Information was derived from a self‐answered questionnaire consisting of 11 items. Significant differences in the responses of the participants from the two countries were detected for 10 of the questionnaire items (< 0.05). Nearly three‐quarters of the Japanese students were satisfied with the teaching faculties of their schools, while only a quarter of the Chinese students indicated satisfaction. A total of 69% of Chinese students thought that learning a foreign language wasted too much time compared with none of the Japanese students. A student‐oriented teaching mode was not well accepted by either of the groups, and 62% of Chinese students and 53% of Japanese students wanted to increase the duration of the clinical practice stage of education. The findings from this study enhance our understanding of differences and/or similarities among dental students in the two nations. This information may help to define strategies to improve the quality of dental education, and especially exchange programmes of international students.  相似文献   

In the University of Oulu, the competencies of fourth‐year dental students have traditionally been assessed with a written examination before they go to work for the first time as dentists outside the Institute of Dentistry. In 2009, the objective structural clinical examination (OSCE) modified with multiple‐choice questions was introduced as a tool for assessing clinical competencies. The aim of the study was to evaluate the validity of the modified OSCE (m‐OSCE) by measuring the attitude of examiners (teachers) and dental students towards the m‐OSCE and to evaluate whether the OSCE is preferred to the written examination in the assessment of knowledge and clinical skills. Additionally, the aim was to evaluate the reliability of the multiple‐choice examination. Altogether 30 students (86%) and 11/12 examiners (92%) responded to the questionnaire. Most of the students considered the multiple‐choice questions easy, but complained about the complex formulation of the questions. The test stations were easy for 87% of the students, but the time allocated was too short. Most of the students (73%) and examiners (91%) preferred the m‐OSCE to the written examination. All students and examiners found the immediate assessment of the tasks good. Based on the evaluations of m‐OSCE, it could be concluded that both students and examiners preferred the m‐OSCE to the pure written examination in assessment, which indicate that m‐OSCE had good face validity. Combining multiple methods in assessment of knowledge and clinical skills whilst simultaneously taking into account the feasibility and available resources provides more valid results.  相似文献   

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