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CD4+CD8+ murine intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We have studied a population of CD4+ intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes using two-color flow cytometric analyses, and in highly purified fluorescent-activated cell-sorted preparations. Although CD4+ T cells present within the epithelial immune compartment comprised only approximately 10-20% of the total intestinal epithelial lymphoid cells, an unusually high proportion of those CD4+ lymphocytes expressed a CD4+CD8+ phenotype which is rarely encountered in peripheral T cells. By comparison, CD4+ lymphocytes from spleen or lymph nodes existed exclusively as single-positive T cells. Analyses of CD4 and CD8 expression on lymphocytes from Peyer's patches, the lamina propria, and IEL indicated that CD4+CD8+ lymphocytes were unique to the IEL. Using CD4+CD8+ preparations obtained by fluorescent-activated cell sorting, CD4+CD8+ epithelial T cells were found also to express CD3 and Thy-1 surface markers. This heretofore undescribed extrathymic population of double-positive T cells constitutes a unique peripheral T cell subset which may be involved in intestinal T cell maturation and development, or could represent a highly specialized effector population.  相似文献   

Oral infection of C57BL/6 mice with Toxoplasma gondii triggers severe necrosis in the ileum within 7–10 days of infection. Lesion development is mediated by Th-1 cytokines, CD4+ T cells, and subepithelial bacterial translocation. As such, these features share similarity to Crohn's disease. Recently, we uncovered a role for intraepithelial lymphocytes (IELs) in mediating pathology after Toxoplasma infection. We show here that αβ and not γδ T-cell IELs mediate intestinal damage. By adoptive transfer of mucosal T cells into naive Rag1−/− mice, we demonstrate that IELs do not function alone to cause inflammatory lesions, but act with CD4+ T lymphocytes from the lamina propria (LP). Furthermore, recipient mice pretreated with broad-spectrum antibiotics to eliminate intestinal flora resisted intestinal disease after transfer of IELs and LP lymphocytes. Our data provide valuable new insights into the mechanisms of intestinal inflammation, findings that have important implications for understanding human inflammatory bowel disease.  相似文献   

Mesenteric lymphoblasts have a predilection to localize selectively in the murine small intestine within 24 hr after adoptive transfer. In this report, we quantify the localization and intraintestinal distribution of radiolabelled mesenteric lymph node (MLN) T and B blasts in relation to the in situ distribution of intestinal T and B cells which were detected immunohistochemically. Our results show that, within 24 hr after transfer, MLN T blasts localized predominantly in the intestinal epithelium and villus lamina propria, whereas B blasts were found mostly in the basal lamina propria of the gut. In the epithelium and villus lamina propria, 100% and 68%, respectively, of labelled were of thymic origin; this cell type comprised 54% of labelled cells in the basal lamina propria. This pattern of localization was the reverse of the distribution of T lymphocytes and B-cell derived plasmacytes residing in the intestinal wall. These results suggest that MLN T lymphocytes may be a component of common mucosal immunological system and may be integrated with peripheral immunity according to the immunological needs of the host.  相似文献   

Intraepithelial lymphocytes (IEL) play a key role in gut homeostasis and are critical effector cells preventing the inflammatory intestinal lesions induced in mice following oral infection with Toxoplasma gondii. In this intestinal inflammatory model, CD4(+) T lymphocytes from the lamina propria (LP) synergize with the infected enterocytes to secrete pro-inflammatory chemokines and cytokines. In this study, we assessed the mechanisms accounting for the ability of IEL to modulate the inflammatory activity of these cells. Adoptive transfer of IEL purified from wild-type mice, or CD154-,CD95L- or IL-10-deficient mice infected with T. gondii completely impairs the development of the lethal ileitis in recipient mice orally infected with T. gondii.Compared with unprimed IEL isolated from naive mice, the CD8 alpha beta TCR alpha beta subset of primed IEL, isolated from T. gondii-infected mice, secretes increased amount of TGF-beta. IEL interact with the LP CD4(+) T lymphocytes, down-regulate their production of inflammatory cytokines such as IFN-gamma and reduce their proliferative activity. These effects are linked to the secretion of TGF-beta and are correlated with a shift in the balance between Smad7/T-bet down-regulation and Smad2/Smad3 up-regulation in LP CD4(+) T lymphocytes.  相似文献   

Intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes (i-IEL) of aged rats comprise CD4+CD8alphaalpha+ and CD4-CD8alphaalpha+ T cells expressing TCR alphabeta. In the present study, we compared characteristics between CD4+CD8alphaalpha+ and CD4-CD8alphaalpha+ i-IEL, which were purified by a cell sorter from the i-IEL of 6-month-old Lewis rats. Most of the CD4+CD8alphaalpha+ i-IEL were of the CD44(hlgh) phenotype, while CD4-CD8alphabeta+ i-IEL were CD44(low). Vbeta usage in the CD4-CD8alphaalpha+ i-IEL was much diversified, while CD4+CD8alphaalpha+ i-IEL showed a skewed Vbeta repertoire. The CD4+CD8alphaalpha+ i-IEL but not the CD4-CD8alphaalpha+ i-IEL proliferated in response to syngeneic spleen cells, which was partially inhibited by addition of anti-MHC class I mAb. The CD4+CD8alphaalpha+ i-IEL produced IFN-gamma and IL-2 but no IL-4 or transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta in response to syngeneic spleen cells, while CD4-CD8alphaalpha+ i-IEL produced abundant levels of TGF-beta but no IL-2, IFN-gamma or IL-4. CD4+CD8alphaalpha+ i-IEL proliferated in response to exogenous IL-2 but not to IL-15, while CD4-CD8alphaalpha+ i-IEL could respond to IL-15 as well as IL-2. These results suggest that a significant fraction of CD4+CD8alphaalpha+ i-IEL belongs to Th1-type T cells capable of responding to self-MHC class I, while CD4-CD8alphaalpha+ i-IEL are a unique population with a diversified Vbeta repertoire that respond to IL-15 in rats.  相似文献   

While the intestine has abundant intraepithelial lymphocytes (IELs) including extrathymically differentiated T-cell populations and natural killer (NK) cells, the stomach contains only a few IELs. To elucidate whether the gastric epithelium is capable of inducing predominant lymphocyte lodging and subsequent differentiation within, we counted the number of IELs and lamina propria lymphocytes (LPLs) and calculated the percentage of IELs to total lymphocytes for each alpha-beta T cell, gamma-delta T cell, CD4+ cell, CD8+ cell and NK cell in normal and regenerating gastric mucosa as well as the intestinal mucosa of the rat. In the normal rat pylorus, a few alpha-beta T cells but no gamma-delta T cells were found in the epithelium and lamina propria. In regenerating gastric mucosa, all subsets of LPLs increased in number to a degree comparable to those in intestinal mucosa, whereas every IEL subset, though slightly increased, was much smaller in number than in the intestinal mucosa, consequently giving lower percentages of IELs. Electron microscopic observations revealed that all IELs in regenerating gastric mucosa were agranular, while 55% of intestinal IELs were large granular lymphocytes positively stained for an NK-cell, alpha-beta-cell or gamma-delta T-cell marker. The present results indicate that, unlike the intestinal epithelium, the gastric epithelium does not induce the preferential localization of T cells/NK cells and T-cell differentiation into granular lymphocytes in the epithelium even under conditions of prominent LPL infiltration.  相似文献   

To determine which chemokine receptors might be involved in T lymphocyte localization to the intestinal mucosa, we examined receptor expression on human intestinal lamina propria lymphocytes (LPL), intraepithelial lymphocytes (IEL) and CD45RO+beta7hi gut homing peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL). Virtually all LPL and IEL expressed CXCR3 and CCR5, receptors that have been associated with Th1(Tc1)/Th0 lymphocytes, while CCR3 and CCR4, receptors associated with Th2 (Tc2)lymphocytes, CCR7, CXCR1 and CXCR2 were not expressed. CXCR3 and CCR5 receptors were functional, as LPL and IEL migrated to their respective ligands I-TAC and RANTES. In addition, most alphaEbeta7- LPL and IEL expressed high levels of CCR2. While the majority of CD45RO(-)beta7hi PBL also expressed CXCR3 and CCR5, a proportion of these cells were CXCR3- and/or CCR5- and some expressed CCR4 and/or CCR7, indicating that lymphocytes recruited to the intestinal mucosa represent a subset of these cells. In summary, our results show that LPL and IEL within the normal intestine express a specific and similar array of chemokine receptors whose ligands are constitutively expressed in the intestinal mucosa and whose expression is up-regulated during intestinal inflammation. These results support the view that CXCR3, CCR5 and CCR2 may play an important role in lymphocyte localization within the intestinal mucosa.  相似文献   

CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells (Tregs) have been implicated inthe suppression of pathogenic responses to both self- and non-self-antigensin the intestine. However, their precise properties and functionsin the gut, as well as the molecular basis of their recruitmentto the gut, are poorly understood. Here, we found that mostof the CD4+CD25+ T cells in the small intestinal lamina propria(LP) express Foxp3 and exhibit an ‘effector/memory’phenotype, CD44hiCD45RBloCD62L, whereas only a minorityof the Foxp3+CD4+CD25+ T cells in the spleen and mesentericlymph nodes showed this phenotype. The Tregs in the small intestinalLP (LP-Tregs) expressed higher levels of CCR4 and CCR9 and asubstantially lower level of CCR7 than the Tregs in the spleen.In vitro, the LP-Tregs showed chemotaxis to CCL25/thymus-expressedchemokine. In addition, they showed efficient chemotaxis tothe CCR4 ligands, CCL17/thymus and activation-regulated chemokineand CCL22/macrophage-derived chemokine, which are abundantlyexpressed by dendritic cells (DCs) in the small intestinal LP.In vivo, 50% of the LP-Tregs were closely associated or in directcontact with LP-DCs. These findings demonstrate that LP-Tregsare phenotypically and functionally unique and raise the possibilitythat they are retained in the small intestinal LP through theaction of CCL17 and CCL22, which are locally produced by LP-DCs.  相似文献   

Thioredoxin (TRX) is a ubiquitous oxidoreductase with strong co-cytokine, chemoattractant and anti-apoptotic activities. TRX expression was found to be particularly elevated in the intestinal mucosa, where its physiologic function is entirely unknown. Here, we demonstrate a high level of TRX expression in lamina propria T cells (LP-T) as opposed to autologous peripheral blood T lymphocytes (PB-T). Addition of recombinant human TRX (rhTRX) to PB-T enhances TRX gene expression. This autoregulation involves the calcineurin signaling pathway, as rhTRX antagonizes the cyclosporine A (CsA)- and tacrolimus-mediated suppression of TRX gene expression. Similarly, rhTRX reverses the suppression of IL-2 mRNA production by CsA and enhances cytokine production preferentially in prestimulated cells. The differential TRX expression in LP-T versus PB-T may thus contribute to the high-level, CsA-resistant IL-2 production characteristic for CD2-stimulated LP-T. Inversely, inactivation of TRX in LP-T through inhibition of TRX reductase abolishes cytokine gene expression. TRX may play a key role in the specialized intestinal microenvironment in amplifying immediate immune responses of LP-T whenever appropriate costimulation of LP-T is provided.  相似文献   

Recent evidence supports the idea that following a break in tolerance, CD8 cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) may be an important but unrecognized mechanism for limiting expansion of autoreactive B cells. Failure of this mechanism could allow persistence of CD4 T cell driven polyclonal B cell activation resulting in clinical lupus. Although CD8 CTL failure may occur early in disease, work in mice supports the concept that therapeutic CTL enhancement may be both practical and beneficial in lupus. Devising such therapy for humans will first require an understanding of the in vivo mechanisms critical in CTL expansion and down regulation, particularly in the lupus setting which may differ from CTL generation in other clinical settings (e.g. tumors, infections).  相似文献   

A significant number of CD4+CD8+ T cells were detected in intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes (IEL) of various strains of rats including Wistar, WKA, BN, LEW and F344. The site of the CD4+CD8+ population in IEL increased with age in all strains we examined. Most IEL bearing CD8 expressed no CD5 antigen in young rats, while all CD4+CD8+ IEL and some of CD8+ IEL in aged rats were of CD5+CD45RB- phenotype. In germ-free Wistar rats, age-associated increase in the number of CD4+CD8+CD5+ IEL was not evident, indicating that stimulation by the intestinal microflora was important for expansion of the CD4+CD8+CD5+CD45RB- IEL. Aged athymic F344 nude rats contained appreciable numbers of CD4+ IEL and CD8+ IEL but few CD4+CD8+ IEL, suggesting that the CD4+CD8+ IEL may be derived from thymus-dependent populations. Unlike a majority of CD4+CD8+ thymocytes bearing a low intensity of CD3/T cell receptor (TcR) alpha/beta, the CD4+CD8+ T cells in IEL expressed a high intensity of CD3/TcR alpha/beta on their surface. The CD4+CD8+ IEL appear to contribute to the spontaneous proliferation of the IEL in aged rats as assessed by tritiated thymidine incorporation after in vitro culture with medium only. These results suggest that with aging a unique CD4+CD8+ IEL may expand at a local site of the intestine under the influence of intestinal microflora and may contribute to the first line of defense against various pathogens in the epithelium.  相似文献   

Lamina propria T cells have a low expression of the CD45RA antigen and a high expression of the CD45RO antigen. This phenotype is characteristic for memory T cells (table 2). In addition, T cells in the effector compartment of the mucosa bear surface antigens which are very rarely found in other sites of the immune system. Intestinal T cells also express functional IL-2 receptors and IL-2 receptor alpha chain mRNA, and are able to synthesize high amounts of IL-2. However, another marker of memory T cells, CD29, is not expressed in high density in the lamina propria indicating that lamina propria T cells differ from 'classical' memory T cells. This is supported by functional studies in nonhuman primates infected rectally with C. trachomatis which show that lamina propria T cells do not proliferate after stimulation with antigen but rather provide helper function for immunoglobulin synthesis (table 2). The intestinal lamina propria therefore contains highly specialized T cells which have a distinctive phenotype and are activated. Functionally these T cells can be characterized as differentiated effector lymphocytes which respond to triggering the antigen-specific T cell receptor by secreting helper factors for B cells. This concept is supported by recent studies showing that the pattern of lymphokines produced by lamina propria T cells and the responsiveness to certain lymphokines differ from those of other lymphocyte populations [25]. Lamina propria T cells thus represent a subset of memory T cells with a unique maturational state.  相似文献   

This study was done to better define the immunoregulatory mechanisms in the human intestinal lamina propria (LP). Peripheral blood (PB) and LP cells were obtained from patients having intestinal resections. CD4+ and CD8+ cell subsets were isolated using hybridoma antibodies in a panning technique. Graded numbers of LP and PB CD8+ cells were added to cultures of autologous fresh B cells plus CD4+ cells plus pokeweed mitogen. After 10 days incubation in vitro, the supernatants were collected, and IgM and IgA synthesis was measured by isotype-specific sandwich ELISA. Both PB and LP CD8+ cells suppressed IgM and IgA synthesis by indicator cultures consisting of 5 X 10(4) B cells plus 5 X 10(4) CD4+ cells to a comparable extent. However, when these same CD8+ cells were added to indicator cultures of 5 X 10(4) B cells plus 10(5) CD4+ cells, PB CD8+ cells still suppressed, but LP CD8+ cells enhanced IgM and IgA synthesis. LP but not PB CD8+ cells also augmented IgM and IgA synthesis in cultures with suboptimal immunoglobulin synthesis. Despite these results, LP CD8+ cells were not able to provide help for B cell immunoglobulin synthesis when these two cell types were cultured together with pokeweed mitogen. The mechanism of immunoglobulin augmentation by LP CD8+ cells appeared to involve antagonism of a CD4+ rather than CD8+ suppressor cells. We conclude that functional heterogeneity is more evident within the LP CD8+ subset, with both suppressor and contra-suppressor activities demonstrable, with the latter representing a major activity in LP but not in PB CD8+ cells.  相似文献   

Morphological data in humans and rodents and functional data of intraepithelial lymphocytes of mice support the idea that cytotoxic cells are a significant population of the human mucosa. Previously it was shown that human IEL have no spontaneous cell-mediated cytotoxicity and that human LPL cells have anti-CD3-mediated cytotoxicity. We confirm that most individuals have anti-CD3- or PHA-mediated cytotoxicity of LPL. In IEL we do not find cytotoxic function in short-term assays. There is no difference between patients with colon cancer and inflammatory bowel disease.  相似文献   

Human lamina propria T lymphocytes (LPL-T) were shown to have lower proliferative responses to CD3 triggering than autologous peripheral blood T lymphocytes (PBL-T), yet preserved their responsiveness to CD2 stimulation. In order to elucidate the basis of these differences, freshly recovered human LPL-T and autologous PBL-T were stimulated with CD2 monoclonal antibodies anti-T11(2/3) plus sheep red blood cells and phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate (PBu2) plus ionomycin, respectively. LPL-T showed invariably lower responses to PBu2 plus ionomycin than PBL-T. In contrast, LPL-T still preserved proliferation to CD2 activation even when their responses to PBu2 plus ionomycin were decreased almost to background levels. Preincubation of PBL-T with intestinal mucosa supernatant led to a similar reactivity as observed in fresh LPL-T. Moreover, the protein kinase C (PKC) inhibitor sphinganine was able to inhibit DNA synthesis to stimulation with PBu2 plus ionomycin but not to CD2 triggering. This study suggests that CD2-induced proliferation is not dependent on PKC activation and that down-regulation of PKC activation may be one of the mechanisms for inhibition of the CD3-Ti-dependent activation pathway in LPL-T by intestinal mucosa-derived influences in vivo.  相似文献   

The intestinal epithelium is unique in that it harbors auto-reactive T cells largely absent from the peripheral TCR repertoire in normal mice. Intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes (IEL) expressing self-reactive TCR are mostly CD8alphaalpha+ cells in adult H-Y TCR RAG(-/-) male mice homozygous for the restricting MHC I allele, H-2D(b). By contrast, in male mice heterozygous for the restricting and non-restricting MHC I allele, H-2D(d) (MHC F(1), H-2D(b/d)), IEL are composed of CD8alphabeta and CD8alphaalpha+ T cells. Here we demonstrate that IEL in the immediate postnatal period of MHC homozygous male mice were mostly CD8(-) T cells, while IEL in MHC F(1) male mice were CD8(-) and CD8alphabeta+ T cells. Regardless of the MHC I configuration and the ability to support positive selection of CD8alphabeta+ cells in the thymus, the expansion of CD8alphaalpha+ IEL was a late postnatal event that followed a reduction in CD8(-) IEL. Furthermore, although in vivo treatment with the specific peptide antigen resulted in an earlier accumulation of activated IEL, the expansion of CD8alphaalpha+ IEL remained inefficient until late in postnatal life. Finally, as CD8(-) IEL stimulated with TCR agonists in vitro, acquired expression of CD8alphaalpha, we propose that CD8alphaalpha+ IEL derive from CD8(-) IEL intermediates. Whether CD8(-) IEL are CD8alphabeta-lineage cells that escape deletion in the thymus or are T cells targeted to the intestine from the thymus because of the early and high level TCR transgene expression in this model, is not clear. The signals required for the expansion of CD8alphaalpha+ IEL are however, incomplete in the immediate postnatal intestine. Determining the factors required for the expansion or retention of CD8alphaalpha+ IEL bearing high affinity, self-specific TCR will further elucidate the in vivo role of these T cells in intestinal homeostasis and perhaps, autoimmunity.  相似文献   

The distribution and activation of T-lymphocyte subsets in the small intestinal mucosa of coeliac disease and dermatitis herpetiformis subjects on a normal diet has been studied and compared to normal controls. Double-labelling immunofluorescence techniques with monoclonal antibodies were used on cryostat tissue sections. Intestinal epithelial cells demonstrated staining for HLA-DR, the intensity being proportional to the degree of enteropathy. In both patients and controls nearly all (97%) intra-epithelial lymphocytes were of the CD8 subset and not activated as judged by HLA-DR expression. In the lamina propria there was an approximate 50-fold increase in T cells in the patients as compared with the controls. Whilst the ratio of total CD4 to total CD8 cells was unchanged, the CD4 subset was preferentially activated in the patients. Thus in the normal controls the median ratio of activated CD4 cells to activated CD8 cells was 1.67 whilst for dermatitis herpetiformis and coeliac disease it was 3.42 and 6.07 respectively. These findings suggest that the lamina propria is a site of vigorous T-cell activity in gluten-sensitive individuals and is consistent with the view that the enteropathy of dermatitis herpetiformis and coeliac disease is the result of a delayed-type hypersensitivity against gliadin.  相似文献   

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