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血小板浓缩制品富含多种生长因子,是自身生长因子的主要来源之一,在牙周组织缺损修复的临床治疗和实验研究中被广泛应用,其中富血小板血浆、富血小板纤维蛋白和浓缩生长因子较为常见。文章对自身生长因子在重度牙周炎中的应用做一简要介绍。  相似文献   

随着微创外科技术的发展,减少手术创伤的治疗方法日益受到口腔颌面外科医生的重视。目前,在颧骨骨折的治疗中,微创一方面体现在小切口或经皮径路在颧骨骨折治疗中的应用更为广泛;另外一方面则是体现在以影像辅助、内镜辅助、计算机辅助为代表的新技术应用在颧骨骨折治疗中的兴起,后者使手术创伤进一步减小。本文介绍了小切口或经皮径路微创术以及影像辅助、内镜辅助、计算机辅助的微创技术在颧骨骨折治疗中的应用。  相似文献   

异体脱细胞真皮基质(acellular allogeneic dermal matrix,ADM)来源于正常的异体皮肤组织,经过特殊的理化处理去除真皮中的细胞成分,保留原有的胶原三维结构和完整的基底膜,成为一种多孔的三维膜性支架,其空间网状结构有利于细胞的增殖、毛细血管增生,加速组织的愈合过程,移植后可以迅速被血管化和自体细胞重建。作为一种新兴的皮肤黏膜移植材料,ADM拥有良好的组织相容性和极低的免疫性,现已被应用于牙周领域。  相似文献   

腮腺区手术是口腔颌面外科的经典手术,超声刀在其他临床科室已应用多年,优势明显.本综述从超声刀的工作原理谈起,着重介绍其临床应用特点,特别是在腮腺手术中的应用.  相似文献   

??TMJ total joint prosthesis ??TJP?? is an effective method for the treatment of end-stage osteoarthritis?? ankylosis?? idiopathic condylar resorption?? tumor and failed autogeneous bone graft. There are two types of prosthesis?? standard and individualized ones. TJP has gradually replaced autogeneous bone graft to be widely used in the western countries. This article is to introduce its history?? indications?? surgical methods of Biomet standard TJP?? and its modifications and experience of Shanghai Ninth People′s Hospital by Prof. Yang Chi′s academic group.  相似文献   

??Abstract??Computer-aided surgery??CAS??has been widely used in maxillofacial surgery?? for examples?? in posttraumatic reconstruction?? orthognathic surgery?? resection of head-and-neck tumors and reconstruction. In recent years?? CAS has become more and more popular in the treatment of diseases of temporomandibular joint??like resection of bone fusion in temporomandibular joint ankylosis?? fixation of condyle fractures?? resection of condyle benign or malignant tumors and so on. This article is aimed to present a summary of the applications of the CAS in the treatment of diseases of temporomandibular joint.  相似文献   

��Ӱ�ڿ�ǻ�����ٴ��е�Ӧ��   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对近年来口腔正畸临床工作中摄影器材选择、面像及口内像拍摄要点和要求等技术的进展做一综述,并对正畸临床摄影工作中常出现问题、照片后期处理及数码资料管理等进行讨论。  相似文献   

迄今,种植义齿修复已成为有效治疗牙列缺损、缺失,恢复口腔咀嚼功能的重要方法。同时,三维影像成像技术和快速成型技术的发展极大地推动了数字化种植技术的普及。本文将对数字化种植导板的设计流程、不同类型患者的导板设计要点、数字化导板误差及导板国产化的发展前景等方面,进行详细阐述。  相似文献   

??Application of digital technique in implant treatment is more and more popular recently. Many of treatment philosophy and procedures have gradually been changed by digital method. The objective of this paper is to explain how to combine digital techniques with fundamental theories in individualized implant treatment.   相似文献   

透明质(hyaluronic acid,HA)是一种酸性多糖,广泛分布于人体各部位,具有抗炎、抗感染、抗水肿、促进组织重建和创伤愈合的作用。本文主要对HA的生理功能及其在口腔医学领域中的应用做一综述。  相似文献   

[摘要] 目的 比较片段弓技术和微种植体支抗在拉尖牙向远中的临床应用效果。方法 60例牙列拥挤,双侧对称拔除第一前磨牙且需将尖牙拉向远中的患者,随机分为2组,试验组尖牙远移时应用微种植体作为支抗,对照组则使用片段弓技术远移尖牙,测量尖牙向远中移动的距离以及磨牙近中倾斜的程度。结果 试验组尖牙移动的速率为(1.428±0.072)mm/月,快于对照组(1.137±0.081)mm/月;试验组磨牙近中倾斜程度为(1.27±0.18)°,小于对照组(1.91±0.13)°。经统计学检验差异均有显著性(P<0.05)。结论 使用微种植体支抗拉尖牙向远中在牙齿移动速率以及控制磨牙近中倾斜等方面优于片段弓技术。  相似文献   

��ֲ��֧����ĥ���������ٴ�Ӧ��   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前对磨牙问题的关注和研究使得正畸医生对错机制的认识和矫治设计的理念正在发生某些改变。而针对主要由磨牙问题形成的错畸形进行的磨牙矫治,无论是在设计思想还是矫治手段上,都是一类棘手的难题。近年来,微型种植体支抗技术得到快速发展,有助于在解决这类难题时提供崭新的思路。本文概述种植支抗和磨牙矫治的结合带给正畸设计和治疗理念上的变化。  相似文献   

何冬梅  陆苇 《口腔医学》2012,32(11):666-667
目的评估第二磨牙锁2种矫治方法的优、缺点。方法 38例患者,男22例,女16例随机分成2组,分别使用:一上下牙齿颌间交互牵引,二改良Nance弓,进行矫治。结果经过3~4个月的矫治,上颌第二磨牙正锁解除,上下颌交互牵引所需平均时间为3.75个月,改良Nance弓技术矫正锁平均时间为3.25个月(P<0.05)结论上下颌牙齿交互牵引和改良Nance弓均能解除第二磨牙锁,改良Nance弓技术能更有效快速地解除第二磨牙锁。  相似文献   

Objective:To investigate the most reliable stress or strain parameters in subject-specific finite element (FE) models to predict success or failure of orthodontic mini-implants (OMIs).Materials and Methods:Subject-specific FE analysis was applied to 28 OMIs used for anchorage. Each model was developed using two computed tomography data sets, the first taken before OMI placement and the second taken immediately after placement. Of the 28 OMIs, 6 failed during the first 5 months, and 22 were successful. The bone compartment was divided into four zones in the FE models, and peak stress and strain parameters were calculated for each. Logistic regression of the failure (vs success) of OMIs on the stress and strain parameters in the models was conducted to verify the ability of these parameters to predict OMI failure.Results:Failure was significantly dependent on principal strain parameters rather than stress parameters. Peak maximum principal strain in the bone 0.5 to 1 mm from the OMI surface was the best predictor of failure (R2 = 0.8151).Conclusions:We propose the use of the maximum principal strain as a criterion for predicting OMI failure in FE models.  相似文献   

第二磨牙带环的临床研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 了解第二磨牙进入固定矫治系统中的优缺点及其适应征。方法 通过对临床病例的分阶段研究,了解第二磨牙未进入、有异常情况后进入和有适应征时早进入矫治系统的优缺点。结果 在第二磨牙未进入矫治系统时,有较多并发症,而第二磨牙上带环后基本可防治该类缺点,而早进入则可节约治疗时间。结论 在方丝弓矫治系统中,第二磨牙在较多情况下都应尽早进入矫治系统中。  相似文献   

��ֲ��֧��Э�������ĥ����Զ��   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
推上颌磨牙向远中移动是口腔正畸学临床方面的专项技术,是临床医务人员的热门话题。由于临床副反应明显,常使其疗效不佳。近年来,种植体支抗的出现和临床应用,尤其是协助推磨牙向远中,使副反应显著降低,更好地保证了推上颌磨牙远移的效果。本文讨论了种植体支抗协助推上颌磨牙的背景和思路以及临床应用的适应证和禁忌证,叙述了矫治器的设计与制作,并用典型病例加以说明,最后对种植体支抗协助推磨牙向远中移动的疗效进行临床评价。  相似文献   

This study assessed the adequacy of anchorage strength of infrazygomatic mini-implants in vertical and horizontal directions. Each brand of infrazygomatic mini-implant tested provided acceptable skeletal anchorage.  相似文献   

ObjectivesTo investigate and compare the transfer accuracy of five different surgical guides (SGs) for the insertion of orthodontic mini-implants (OMIs) in the anterior palate.Materials and MethodsStereolithographic files of 10 maxillary patient models and their corresponding lateral cephalograms were virtually matched and used for planning the position of two parallel OMIs in the paramedian region of the anterior palate. For each patient model, three 3-dimensional (3D)–printed and two conventional SGs were manufactured from different materials, and a total of 96 OMIs were transferred to the anterior palates of the respective 50 molded resin models. The planned (T0) and the actual (T1) OMI positions were analyzed and compared after superimposition of the digitized models. The deviations between the OMI positions in T0 and T1 were described as the distance between the head and the tip, respectively, of each OMI in millimeters and the deviating angle between the OMI axes for each patient and SG.ResultsThe conventionally manufactured SGs of Pattern Resin LS (GC Europe N.V., Leuven, Belgium) showed the highest linear and angular transfer accuracy for the insertion of OMIs. The highest deviations were found with the SGs made of IMPRIMO LC Splint (3D-printed; Scheu-Dental, Iserlohn, Germany) and Memosil 2 (conventional SG; Kulzer, Hanau, Germany).ConclusionsThe 3D-printed SGs did not reach the accuracy of the conventional SGs made of Pattern Resin but may provide sufficient accuracy for palatal OMI placement.  相似文献   

目的:探讨微型种植体移动生长发育期幼犬牙齿的特点,为正畸临床上青少年正畸支抗的选择及设计提供参考。方法:植入直径为1.3mm的微型种植体,分别采用200g及300g的力,拉上颌尖牙向远中移动;利用上颌第一磨牙采用300g力移动直径分别为1.3mm和1.6mm的微型种植体。检测3个月后尖牙的远中移动情况,不同加载力,不同直径的微型种植体的稳定情况。结果:直径1.3mm的微型种植体加载200g及300g力3个月后的位移量差别显著(p〈0.01)、上颌尖牙明显位移,位移量差别显著(p〈0.001);加载300g力后,直径1.3mm的微型种植体略有松动,直径1.6mm的微型种植体几乎没有松动,不同直径种植体的相对位移量差异有显著性(0.02%@ 1003-1634  相似文献   

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