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Mosquitoes are major disease vectors because most species must feed on blood from a vertebrate host to produce eggs. Blood feeding by the vector mosquito Aedes aegypti triggers the release of two neurohormones, ovary ecdysteroidogenic hormone (OEH) and insulin-like peptides (ILPs), which activate multiple processes required for egg formation. ILPs function by binding to the insulin receptor, which activates downstream components in the canonical insulin signaling pathway. OEH in contrast belongs to a neuropeptide family called neuroparsins, whose receptor is unknown. Here we demonstrate that a previously orphanized receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) from A. aegypti encoded by the gene AAEL001915 is an OEH receptor. Phylogenetic studies indicated that the protein encoded by this gene, designated AAEL001915, belongs to a clade of RTKs related to the insulin receptor, which are distinguished by an extracellular Venus flytrap module. Knockdown of AAEL001915 by RNAi disabled OEH-mediated egg formation in A. aegypti. AAEL001915 was primarily detected in the mosquito ovary in association with follicular epithelial cells. Both monomeric and dimeric AAEL001915 were detected in mosquito ovaries and transfected Drosophila S2 cells. Functional assays further indicated that OEH bound to dimeric AAEL001915, which resulted in downstream phosphorylation of Ak strain transforming factor (Akt). We hypothesize that orthologs of AAEL001915 in other insects are neuroparsin receptors.Mosquitoes (family Culicidae, order Diptera) are of interest because several species transmit pathogens that cause disease in humans and other vertebrates. This feature of mosquito biology is due to all vector species being anautogenous, which means an adult female must blood feed at least once on a vertebrate host for each clutch of eggs she produces (1, 2). In turn, multiple cycles of blood feeding and egg formation create opportunities for transmission of pathogens between hosts.Regulation of egg formation is best understood in Aedes aegypti, which is the primary vector of the viruses that cause yellow fever, dengue fever, and chikungunya in humans. Females produce no eggs in the absence of blood feeding, whereas blood feeding triggers medial neurosecretory cells in the brain to release ovary ecdysteroidogenic hormone (OEH) and several insulin-like peptide (ILP) family members including ILP3 (35). Both hormones induce the ovaries to produce ecdysteroid hormone (ECD), which stimulates the fat body to produce the yolk protein vitellogenin that is packaged into oocytes (3, 6, 7). OEH more strongly stimulates yolk uptake by oocytes than ILP3, whereas ILP3 but not OEH stimulates digestion of the blood meal, which provides nutrients for yolk biosynthesis (8, 9). Amino acid sensing through the target of rapamycin (TOR) pathway also enhances OEH, ILP, and ECD activity (8, 10, 11). Upon completion of yolk packaging and chorion formation, females fertilize and oviposit a clutch of 120–150 mature eggs ∼3 d postblood meal (pbm).Experimental studies in other species (12) together with identification of OEH and ILP orthologs in all mosquito genomes examined to date support a conserved role for these neurohormones in egg formation (9, 13). Studies in A. aegypti also establish that ILP3 activity depends upon binding to the insulin receptor (IR), a receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK), which triggers phosphorylation of downstream components in the insulin signaling pathway including Akt (4, 9, 14). OEH in contrast belongs to a poorly characterized family of neuropeptides known only from arthropods called neuroparsins (13, 15, 16). Limited sequence similarity with vertebrate insulin growth factor binding proteins initially suggested that neuroparsins function as ILP binding proteins, which could affect ILP binding to the IR and downstream signaling (15, 17). Our own results, however, indicate that OEH does not bind to ILP3 or the IR (9). Disrupting IR function using a pharmacological agonist or RNA interference (RNAi) also strongly disables ILP3 activity but has no effect on OEH (9, 11). However, intriguingly, OEH triggers phosphorylation of downstream components associated with the insulin signaling pathway including Akt (9). Taken together, these findings suggest OEH activates the insulin signaling pathway independently of the IR by binding to another receptor. Here, we show that OEH from A. aegypti is a ligand for an orphan RTK related to the IR.  相似文献   

Ingestion of vertebrate blood is essential for egg maturation and transmission of disease-causing parasites by female mosquitoes. Prior studies with the yellow fever mosquito, Aedes aegypti, indicated blood feeding stimulates egg production by triggering the release of hormones from medial neurosecretory cells in the mosquito brain. The ability of bovine insulin to stimulate a similar response further suggested this trigger is an endogenous insulin-like peptide (ILP). A. aegypti encodes eight predicted ILPs. Here, we report that synthetic ILP3 dose-dependently stimulated yolk uptake by oocytes and ecdysteroid production by the ovaries at lower concentrations than bovine insulin. ILP3 also exhibited metabolic activity by elevating carbohydrate and lipid storage. Binding studies using ovary membranes indicated that ILP3 had an IC(50) value of 5.9 nM that was poorly competed by bovine insulin. Autoradiography and immunoblotting studies suggested that ILP3 binds the mosquito insulin receptor (MIR), whereas loss-of-function experiments showed that ILP3 activity requires MIR expression. Overall, our results identify ILP3 as a critical regulator of egg production by A. aegypti.  相似文献   

The ammonium transporter (AMT)/methylammonium permease (MEP)/Rhesus glycoprotein (Rh) family of ammonia (NH3/NH4+) transporters has been identified in organisms from all domains of life. In animals, fundamental roles for AMT and Rh proteins in the specific transport of ammonia across biological membranes to mitigate ammonia toxicity and aid in osmoregulation, acid–base balance, and excretion have been well documented. Here, we observed enriched Amt (AeAmt1) mRNA levels within reproductive organs of the arboviral vector mosquito, Aedes aegypti, prompting us to explore the role of AMTs in reproduction. We show that AeAmt1 is localized to sperm flagella during all stages of spermiogenesis and spermatogenesis in male testes. AeAmt1 expression in sperm flagella persists in spermatozoa that navigate the female reproductive tract following insemination and are stored within the spermathecae, as well as throughout sperm migration along the spermathecal ducts during ovulation to fertilize the descending egg. We demonstrate that RNA interference (RNAi)-mediated AeAmt1 protein knockdown leads to significant reductions (∼40%) of spermatozoa stored in seminal vesicles of males, resulting in decreased egg viability when these males inseminate nonmated females. We suggest that AeAmt1 function in spermatozoa is to protect against ammonia toxicity based on our observations of high NH4+ levels in the densely packed spermathecae of mated females. The presence of AMT proteins, in addition to Rh proteins, across insect taxa may indicate a conserved function for AMTs in sperm viability and reproduction in general.

Ammonium transporters (AMTs), methylammonium permeases (MEPs), and Rhesus glycoproteins (Rh proteins) comprise a protein family with three clades, and homologs from each have been identified in virtually all domains of life (1). AMT proteins were first identified in plants (2) with the simultaneous discovery of MEP proteins in fungi (3), followed by Rh proteins in humans (4). Ammonia (NH3/NH4+) is vital for growth in plants and microorganisms and is retained in some animals for use as an osmolyte (5, 6), for buoyancy (7, 8), and for those lacking sufficient dietary nitrogen (9). In the majority of animals, however, ammonia is the toxic by-product of amino acid and nucleic acid metabolism and, accordingly, requires efficient mechanisms for its regulation, transport, and excretion (1013). AMT, MEP, and Rh proteins are responsible for the selective movement of ammonia (NH3) or ammonium (NH4+) across biological membranes, a process that all organisms require. Unlike their vertebrate, bacterial, and fungal counterparts which function as putative NH3 gas channels (1418), a myriad of evidence suggests that plant AMT proteins and closely related members in some animals are functionally distinct and facilitate electrogenic ammonium (NH4+) transport (17, 1922). In contrast to vertebrates which only possess Rh proteins (23), many invertebrates are unique in that they express both AMT and Rh proteins, sometimes in the same cell (2428). Among insects, the presence of both AMT and Rh proteins has been described in Drosophila melanogaster (29, 30) and mosquitoes that vector disease-causing pathogens, Anopheles gambiae (22, 31) and Aedes aegypti (32, 33). It is unclear whether, in these instances, AMT and Rh proteins can functionally substitute for one another, but in the anal papillae of A. aegypti larvae, knockdown of either Amt or Rh proteins causes decreases in ammonia transport, suggesting that they do not (3234). To date, studies on ammonia transporter (AMT and Rh) function in insects have focused on ammonia sensing and tasting in sensory structures (22, 30, 31, 35), ammonia detoxification and acid–base balance in muscle, digestive, and excretory organs (15, 36), and ammonia excretion in a variety of organs involved in ion and water homeostasis (9, 24, 3234).A. aegypti is the primary vector for the transmission of the human arboviral diseases Zika, yellow fever, chikungunya, and dengue virus, which are of global health concern due to rapid increases in the geographical distribution of this species, presently at its highest ever (37, 38). In light of the well-documented evolution of insecticide resistance in mosquitoes (3942), more recent methods to control disease transmission such as the sterile insect technique (43), transinfection and sterilization of mosquitoes with the bacterium Wolbachia (44), and targeted genome editing rendering adult males sterile (45) have proven effective. These methods take advantage of various aspects of mosquito reproductive biology; however, an understanding of male reproductive biology and the male contributions to female reproductive processes is still in its infancy (46). Here, we describe the expression of an A. aegypti ammonium transporter (AeAmt1) in the sperm during all stages of spermatogenesis, spermiogenesis, and egg fertilization, which is critical for fertility.  相似文献   

Blood feeding tightly regulates the reproductive cycle in anautogenous mosquitoes. Vitellogenesis (the synthesis of yolk protein precursors) is a key event in the mosquito reproductive cycle and is activated in response to a blood meal. Before blood feeding, Aedes aegypti is in a state of reproductive arrest during which the yolk protein precursor genes (YPPs) are repressed. The regulatory region of the major YPP gene vitellogenin (Vg) has multiple GATA-binding sites required for the high expression level of this gene. However, a GATA factor (AaGATAr) likely acts as a repressor, preventing activation of this gene before a blood meal. Here we report in vivo data confirming the role of AaGATAr as a repressor of the Vg gene at the state of previtellogenic arrest. Using an RNA interference (RNAi)-mediated technique in conjunction with the Sindbis viral expression system, we show that knockdown of the AaGATAr gene results in an increased basal level of expression of the Vg gene and an elevated response to the steroid hormone 20-hydroxyecdysone in mosquitoes in a state of arrest. These experiments have revealed a component in the molecular mechanism by which anautogeny is maintained in A. aegypti.  相似文献   

We previously determined that several diets used to rear Aedes aegypti and other mosquito species support the development of larvae with a gut microbiota but do not support the development of axenic larvae. In contrast, axenic larvae have been shown to develop when fed other diets. To understand the mechanisms underlying this dichotomy, we developed a defined diet that could be manipulated in concert with microbiota composition and environmental conditions. Initial studies showed that axenic larvae could not grow under standard rearing conditions (27 °C, 16-h light: 8-h dark photoperiod) when fed a defined diet but could develop when maintained in darkness. Downstream assays identified riboflavin decay to lumichrome as the key factor that prevented axenic larvae from growing under standard conditions, while gut community members like Escherichia coli rescued development by being able to synthesize riboflavin. Earlier results showed that conventional and gnotobiotic but not axenic larvae exhibit midgut hypoxia under standard rearing conditions, which correlated with activation of several pathways with essential growth functions. In this study, axenic larvae in darkness also exhibited midgut hypoxia and activation of growth signaling but rapidly shifted to midgut normoxia and arrested growth in light, which indicated that gut hypoxia was not due to aerobic respiration by the gut microbiota but did depend on riboflavin that only resident microbes could provide under standard conditions. Overall, our results identify riboflavin provisioning as an essential function for the gut microbiota under most conditions A. aegypti larvae experience in the laboratory and field.

Diet crucially affects the health of all animals (1). Most animals have a gut microbiota that can also affect host health both positively and negatively (26). However, understanding of the mechanisms underlying the effects of the gut microbiota remains a major challenge. This is because animals often consume complex or variable diets, and harbor large, multimember microbial communities that can result in many interactions that hinder identification of the factors responsible for particular host responses (2, 611). Metaanalyses and multiomic approaches can provide inferential insights on how diet–microbe or microbe–microbe interactions affect hosts (1118), but functional support can be difficult to generate if proposed mechanisms cannot be studied experimentally (2, 14). Thus, study systems where hosts can be reared on defined diets with or without a microbiota of known composition can significantly advance mechanistic insights by providing the means to control and manipulate dietary, microbial, and environmental variables that potentially affect a given host response (1921).Mosquitoes are best known as insects that blood feed on humans and other vertebrates. Only adult-stage female mosquitoes blood feed, which is required for egg formation by most species (22). Blood feeding has also led to several mosquitoes evolving into vectors that can transmit disease-causing microbes between hosts (22). In contrast, the juvenile stages of all mosquitoes are aquatic, with most species feeding on detritivorous diets (2224). Larvae hatch from eggs with no gut microbiota but quickly acquire relatively low-diversity communities from the environment by feeding (25). Most gut community members are aerobic or facultatively anaerobic bacteria in four phyla (Actinobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Firmicutes, Proteobacteria), although other microbes, such as fungi and apicomplexans, have also been identified (2539). Gut community composition also commonly varies within and between species as a function of where larvae develop, diet, and other variables (2830, 32, 34, 4042).Aedes aegypti has a worldwide distribution in tropical and subtropical regions, and is the primary vector of the agents that cause yellow fever, dengue fever, and lymphatic filariasis in humans (43). Preferentially living in urban habitats, females lay eggs in water-holding containers with microbial communities, and larvae molt through four instars before pupating and emerging as adults (30, 35, 41, 43). Conventionally reared cultures with a gut microbiota are usually maintained in the laboratory under conditions that mimic natural habitats with rearing temperatures of 25 to 28 °C and a 12- to 16-h light: 8- to 12-h dark photoperiod (4446). Most insects that require microbial partners for survival live on nutrient-poor diets where microbes provision nutrients that cannot be synthesized or produced in sufficient abundance by the host (3). Mosquito larvae can experience resource limitations in the field (2325), but in the laboratory are reared on undefined, nutrient-rich diets, such as rodent chow, fish food flakes, or mixtures of materials like liver powder, fish meal, and yeast extract (4446). Nonetheless, our previous studies indicated that axenic A. aegypti as well as other species consume but fail to grow beyond the first instar when fed several diets that support the development of nonsterile, conventionally reared larvae (30, 4749). Escherichia coli and several other bacteria identified as gut community members could colonize the gut (producing monoxenic, gnotobiotic larvae) and rescue development, but feeding axenic larvae dead bacteria could not (30, 35, 47). The presence of a gut microbiota in conventional and gnotobiotic but not axenic larvae was also associated with midgut hypoxia and activation of several signaling pathways with growth functions (50, 51). Finally, our own previous results using a strain of E. coli susceptible to ampicillin (50), and more recently a method for clearing an auxotrophic strain of E. coli from gnotobiotic larvae (52), both showed that the proportion of individuals that develop into adults correlates with the duration that larvae have living bacteria in their gut.Altogether, the preceding results suggested that A. aegypti and several other mosquitoes require a gut microbiota for development. In contrast, another recent study showed that axenic A. aegypti larvae develop into adults, albeit more slowly than larvae with a gut microbiota, when fed diets comprised of autoclaved bovine liver powder (LP) and brewer’s yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) extract (YE) or autoclaved LP, YE, and E. coli (EC) embedded in agar (53). This latter finding suggests the undefined dietary components used provide factors larvae require for development into adults, whereas a gut microbiota was also required to provide these factors under the conditions in which our own previous studies were conducted. The goal of this study was to identify what these factors are. Toward this end, we first assessed the growth of axenic A. aegypti when fed diets containing autoclaved LP, YE, and EC under different conditions. We then used this information to develop a defined diet that allowed us to systematically manipulate nutrient, microbial, and environmental variables. We report that the instability of riboflavin is a key factor underlying why A. aegypti larvae require a gut microbiota under most conditions experienced in the laboratory and field.  相似文献   

Altering the expression level of proteins that are subunits of complexes has been proposed to be particularly detrimental because the resulting stoichiometric imbalance among components would lead to misassembly of the complex. Here we show that assembly of the phage HK97 connector complex is severely inhibited by the overexpression of one of its component proteins, gp6. However, this effect is a result of the unusual mechanism by which the oligomerization and assembly of gp6 are controlled. Alteration of this mechanism by single amino acid substitutions leads to a reversal of the response to gp6 overexpression. Surprisingly, the binding partner of gp6 within the phage particle is expressed at a 500-fold higher concentration despite their identical stoichiometry within the complex. Our data emphasize that a generalized prediction of the effects of changes in the expression level of protein complex subunits is very difficult because these effects are dependent upon assembly mechanism.  相似文献   

Zhou XM  Bai JW  Cai HR  Wu HY  Chen J 《中华内科杂志》2005,44(11):832-835
目的通过观察成人特发性肺泡蛋白沉积症(PAP)患者肺部粒-巨噬细胞集落刺激因子(GM-CSF)及其受体蛋白以及肺泡表面活性蛋白的表达,探讨PAP的发病机制。方法用SP免疫组化技术检测6例PAP患者(PAP组)及6例对照者(对照组)肺组织肺泡巨噬细胞及Ⅱ型肺泡上皮细胞GM-CSF、GM-CSF/IL-3/IL-5共同β链受体(GM-CSFβcR)、肺表面活性蛋白(SP)-A和SP-D蛋白表达。结果(1)肺泡巨噬细胞2组表达GM-CSF蛋白均较弱,阳性细胞数少,组间比较差异无统计学意义(P=0.818);2组均表达GM-CSFβcR蛋白,对照组显著高于PAP组(P=0.002);2组均表达SP-A蛋白,且PAP组呈阳性反应,但阳性细胞数少,积分指数显著低于对照组(P=0.004);2组表达SP-D蛋白差异无统计学意义(P=0.24)。(2)Ⅱ型肺泡上皮细胞2组均表达SP-A和SP-D蛋白,组间比较差异无统计学意义(P=0.818,P=0.485);对照组少数表达GM-CSFβcR蛋白,PAP组无GM-CSFβcR蛋白表达;2组均无GM-CSF蛋白表达。结论肺泡巨噬细胞表达GM-CSFβcR蛋白减少可能与成人特发性PAP肺泡巨噬细胞功能障碍有关。  相似文献   

One of the predominant cell-cycle programs found in mature tissues is endoreplication, also known as endoreduplication, that leads to cellular polyploidy. A key question for the understanding of endoreplication cycles is how oscillating levels of cyclin-dependent kinase activity are generated that control repeated rounds of DNA replication. The APC/C performs a pivotal function in the mitotic cell cycle by promoting anaphase and paving the road for a new round of DNA replication. However, using marker lines and plants in which APC/C components are knocked down, we show here that outgrowing and endoreplicating Arabidopsis leaf hairs display no or very little APC/C activity. Instead we find that RBX1-containing Cullin-RING E3 ubiquitin-Ligases (CRLs) are of central importance for the progression through endoreplication cycles; in particular, we have identified CULLIN4 as a major regulator of endoreplication in Arabidopsis trichomes. We have incorporated our findings into a bio-mathematical simulation presenting a robust two-step model of endoreplication control with one type of cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor function for entry and a CRL-dependent oscillation of cyclin-dependent kinase activity via degradation of a second type of CDK inhibitor during endoreplication cycles.  相似文献   

AIM: To evaluate the effect of resistance to activated protein C (aPCR), the most common known inherited thrombophilic disorder, on the risk of intestinal operation of fibrostenosis in patients with Crohn's disease (CD).METHODS: In a previous study, we assessed the prevalence of aPCR in CD. In a retrospective casecontrolled study, 8 of these CD patients with aPCR were now compared with 24 CD patients without aPCR,matched by gender, age at diagnosis and duration of disease in a 1:3 fashion. The primary end point was the occurrence of an intestinal CD-related operation with evidence of fibrostenosis in the bowel resection specimen.RESULTS: The Kaplan-Meier analysis revealed that patients with aPCR had a lower probability of remaining free of operation with fibrostenosis than patients without aPCR (P = 0.0372; exact log-rank test) resulting in a significantly shorter median time interval from diagnosis of CD to the first operation with fibrostenosis (32 vs 160mo). At 10 years, the likelihood of remaining free of operation with fibrostenosis was 25% for patients with aPCR and 57.8% for patients without aPCR.CONCLUSION: CD patients with aPCR are at higher risk to undergo intestinal operation of fibrostenosis than those without aPCR. This supports our hypothesis of aPCR being a possible risk factor for fibrostenosis in CD.  相似文献   

Infectious diseases remain a major health problem, and sepsis and other severe infectious diseases are common causes of morbidity and mortality. There is a need for clinical and laboratory tools to identify patients with severe infections early and to distinguish between bacterial and nonbacterial conditions. Heparin‐binding protein (HBP), also known as azurocidin or cationic antimicrobial protein of 37 KDa, is a promising biomarker to distinguish between patients with these conditions. It is biologically plausible that HBP is an early and predictive biomarker because it is prefabricated and rapidly mobilized from migrating neutrophils in response to bacterial infections. HBP induces vascular leakage and oedema formation and has a pro‐inflammatory effect on a variety of white blood cells and epithelial cells. The dysregulation of vascular barrier function and cellular inflammatory responses can then lead to organ dysfunction. Indeed, it has been shown that patients with sepsis express elevated levels of HBP in plasma several hours before they develop hypotension or organ dysfunction. HBP has a major role in the pathophysiology of severe bacterial infections and thus represents a potential diagnostic marker and a target for the treatment of sepsis.  相似文献   

Objectives: Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is considered to be of importance in patients with sepsis. No data are available on VEGF kinetics in haematological patients with neutropenic fever. Methods: Forty‐two haematological patients were included into this prospective study. Median age was 57 yr (range 18–70). Fifteen patients received therapy for acute myeloid leukaemia and 27 patients received autologous stem cell transplantation for haematological malignancy. Laboratory samples for the determination of C‐reactive protein (CRP) and VEGF were collected at the start of fever (d0) and then daily. Results: The median serum VEGF concentrations were low in all study patients. In patients with severe sepsis (n = 5) the median VEGF on d0 was higher than in septic patients without signs of hypoperfusion or hypotension (n = 37) (77 pg/mL vs. 52 pg/mL, P = 0.061). Also on d1 the median VEGF concentration was higher in patients with severe sepsis (82 pg/mL vs. 56 pg/mL, P = 0.048). There were no statistically significant differences in CRP values on any day during the study period between patients with severe sepsis and those without. Time from d0 to the peak VEGF concentration (mean 1.02, SE 0.18 d) was shorter than that to the peak CRP concentration (mean 1.93, SE 0.15 d) (P = 0.002). Conclusion: Compared to CRP, serum VEGF was a more rapid indicator for sepsis in our haematological patients with neutropenic fever. Those with severe sepsis had higher VEGF concentrations than those without on d0 and d1 after the onset of fever. Further studies on VEGF are warranted in haematological patients.  相似文献   

AIMS: Increased levels of inflammatory biomarkers, especially C-reactive protein (CRP), are associated with increased risk for cardiovascular disease (CVD) events, such as myocardial infarction, stroke, peripheral vascular disease, and sudden cardiac death. Medical interventions that increase CRP levels, such as hormone replacement therapy (HRT) in post-menopausal women, are under increasing scrutiny. The effect of HRT on CRP levels in women with Type 2 diabetes (T2DM) is not well documented, and conflicting conclusions have been reported. The aim of this study was to determine the influence of HRT on women with diabetes in a large cross-sectional study. METHODS: Three hundred and twenty-seven post-menopausal women with T2DM from the Diabetes Heart Study participated. Current use of HRT was determined and serum CRP levels were measured using a high-sensitivity ELISA kit. Generalized estimating equation methods were used to assess the relationship of multiple clinical and lifestyle (e.g. smoking) measures on CRP levels including differences between women taking HRT (HRT+) and not taking HRT (HRT-). RESULTS: Overall serum CRP levels were strongly associated with body mass index (P < 0.0001) and age (P < 0.0001). Of the women, 243 were not using HRT and 84 were using HRT. HRT+ and HRT- women did not differ significantly in measures of clinical traits, with the exception of higher mean low-density lipoprotein cholesterol in HRT- women (P = 0.004). In all models tested, HRT+ women had significantly higher circulating CRP levels, with P-values ranging from 0.0045 to 0.010. CONCLUSIONS: In this study of serum CRP concentration as a function of HRT in women with Type 2 diabetes, there was consistent evidence for increased circulating CRP levels in women receiving oestrogen-containing HRT. Whether HRT-induced increases in CRP can account for the adverse cardiovascular effects of HRT remains to be established; however, based on these data, there is little reason to believe that diabetic women would be spared from such an effect.  相似文献   

Resistance to activated protein C (aPC) is most commonly due to the F5 rs6025 (factor V Leiden) polymorphism, which increases the risk of venous thrombosis. In the present population-based study of 313 cases and 353 controls, we investigated whether reduced sensitivity to aPC was associated with a history of pregnancy-related venous thrombosis. Calibrated automated thrombography was used to determine the sensitivity to aPC, and normalized aPC sensitivity ratio (n-aPC-sr) was calculated. Pregnant women and women using oral contraceptives and/or anticoagulants were excluded due to the effect on the n-aPC-sr. In women without the F5 rs6025 polymorphism, free tissue factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI), free protein S and protein C activity were associated with n-aPC-sr. Unadjusted odds ratio for venous thrombosis for women with n-aPC-sr in the 4th quartile as compared with n-aPC-sr below the 4th quartile was 2·4 (95% confidence interval 1·7-3·6). Adjusting for free protein S, free TFPI and age did not influence the odds ratios. Also in carriers of the F5 rs6025 polymorphism the risk for venous thrombosis was increased for women with higher n-aPC-sr. Our findings substantiate the importance of the aPC resistant phenotype as a risk factor for pregnancy-related venous thrombosis.  相似文献   

Inflammatory processes are orchestrated by several soluble molecules, which interact with cell populations involved. Cytokines, chemokines, acute-phase reactants, and hormones are crucial in the evolution of several inflammatory disorders, such as atherosclerosis. Several evidences suggest that C-reactive protein (CRP) started to be considered as a cardiovascular risk factor, since CRP directly induces atheroslerosis development. The recent demonstration of CRP production not only by the liver, but also within atherosclerotic plaques by activated vascular cells, also suggests a possible dual role, as both a systemic and tissue agent. Although more studies are needed, some therapeutic approaches to reduce CRP levels have been performed with encouraging results. However, given the strong limitations represented by its low specificity and still accordingly with the American Heart Association, there is no need for high sensitivity CRP screening of the entire adult population as a public-health measure. The measure of serum CRP might be useful only for patients who are considered at intermediate risk.  相似文献   



The quality and tolerability of antegrade gut lavage bowel preparation are key elements in the success of population-based colorectal cancer screening.


To evaluate cleansing quality and tolerability according to the timing of polyethylene glycol administration in persons undergoing colorectal cancer screening.


Participants in colorectal cancer screening were randomized to two groups: a) control group (colonoscopy scheduled at 9-12 h); preparation with polyethylene glycol on the previous afternoon; b) study group (colonoscopy scheduled at 12-15 h): preparation with polyethylene glycol on the morning of the colonoscopy, with the option of a split dose. The quality of cleansing was evaluated with the Boston scale and tolerability through a questionnaire.


A total of 282 participants were included: preparation was carried out the day before the procedure in 134 and on the same day in 148, of which 26 received a split dose. Cleansing was adequate in 95% (n = 268) of the participants. The quality of cleansing was higher in the study group (P = .045). The interval between the end of administration and the beginning of the procedure was inversely correlated with the Boston scale score (P = .036; r = −0.125). Tolerability was unrelated to the time of administration (P > .2). Acceptance of the timing of administration was lower in the study group than in the control group (26% vs 10%, respectively; P = .001).


Preparation as close as possible to the colonoscopy improves the quality of cleansing with no detrimental effects on tolerability, although this option is less comfortable.  相似文献   

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