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目的 了解城市居民对电话调查的接受程度 ,以及选取调查对象进行电话膳食调查的有效性和可靠性评价。方法  2 0 0 2年在北京、上海和香港开展了一项电话随机抽样筛查 ,成功邀请到 30 0名 2 0~ 4 9岁的城市妇女参与本研究。结果 筛查中共拨出 2 4 6 2个电话号码 ,其中 95 %的号码在 5次以内完成拨号。“同意”号码平均拨号次数为两次 ,应答率和拒绝逆转率并不因拨号次数增加而同步增长。北京样本库的有效性偏低但应答率较高 ;上海两项指标均令人满意 ;香港样本库的有效性较高但应答率偏底。电话筛查的总体应答率为 4 2 % ,与北京 (4 7% )和上海 (5 0 % )相比 ,香港的应答率 (32 % )最低 (P <0 .0 0 1 )。结论 中国城市居民可以接受电话访问的调查方式 ,抽样应答率令人满意  相似文献   

目的 探讨农村地区居民高血压的膳食影响因素,为高血压的膳食防治提供科学依据。方法 对河南南阳地区辛店乡40岁及以上居民共6151名研究对象进行问卷膳食调查和血压测量,采用SPSS9.0软件分别从食物和营养素水平上进行多因素Logistic回归分析。结果 进入Logistic回归模型的食物因素中腌制蔬菜和油脂类食物是高血压的危险因素(OR值分别为1.30和1.08),新鲜水果和水产品摄入多对高血压患病有保护作用(OR值分别为0.71和0.78);从营养素角度来看,高能量摄入是高血压患病的危险因素(OR值为1.14),抗氧化维生素(视黄醇、维生素E和维生素C)、维生素B1、钙和钾与高血压患病明显负相关(OR值0.61-0.90)。结论 食物和营养素中高血压的保护因素和危险因素并存,合理膳食是防治高血压的重要措施之一。  相似文献   

目的探究2型糖尿病(Type 2 diabetes mellitus,T2DM)轻度认知障碍(Mild cognitive impairment,MCI)患者膳食摄入状况及影响因素。方法选取潍坊市某三甲医院确诊T2DM患者300(18~80岁)例,采用半定量食物频率法调查患者膳食摄入并计算营养素摄入量,蒙特利尔认知评估量表和简易智能精神状态检查量表评估患者认知功能。采用t检验、χ2检验和Logistic回归分析对调查数据进行统计分析。结果在300名T2DM患者中,130(43.3%)人患有MCI,170(56.7%)人认知功能正常。与非MCI组比,MCI组谷薯类、蔬菜、水果、水产品、奶及奶制品摄入量较低(P<0.05),畜禽肉、油脂类摄入量较高(P<0.05)。此外,与非MCI组相比,MCI组脂肪摄入量较高(P<0.05),蛋白质、碳水化合物、膳食纤维、维生素B1、维生素C、维生素E、钾及铁摄入量较低(P<0.05)。T2DM患者脂肪、碳水化合物和蛋白质平均供能比分别为36.5%、47.2%和15.4%,MCI组脂肪供能比较高(P<0.05),碳水化合物供能比较低(P<0.05);植物性食物提供脂肪百分比和动物性食物提供脂肪百分比分别为46.8%和53.2%,MCI组动物性食物提供脂肪较高,植物性食物提供脂肪较低(P<0.05)。高龄、T2DM病程长和高脂肪摄入量是MCI的危险因素,OR值分别为12.711、3.291和5.192,教育程度高、锻炼和适量碳水化合物摄入量是MCI的保护因素,OR值分别为0.222、0.283和0.206。结论T2DM合并MCI患者膳食摄入不合理,而具有脂肪、碳水化合物和蛋白质供能比适宜特征的饮食可能有利于维持T2DM患者认知功能;高龄、教育程度低、T2DM病程长、缺乏锻炼均可加大T2DM患者发生MCI风险,需早发现,并积极防治。  相似文献   

目的 采用中国膳食平衡指数(DBI)评价陕西省汉中地区农村居民膳食质量状况及其影响因素.方法 2010年对汉中地区18 ~ 80岁农村居民膳食采用半定量食物频率问卷进行横断面调查,采用DBI相关指标评价其膳食质量,应用多因素线性回归方法分析影响摄入不足和摄入过量可能的影响因素.结果 调查的2748人中谷薯类、豆类、腌菜、植物油和食盐每标准人日平均摄人量均高于全国农村居民平均水平(P<0.01),其中80%以上村民的谷薯类、食用油和盐摄入量平均水平超过推荐量;动物性食物、蛋奶类和蔬菜水果则低于全国平均水平(P<0.01),存在明显摄入不足.人群平均负端分(DBI LBS)和正端分(DBI HBS)分别为22.8和9.8,中度摄入不足(20<DBI LBS≤40)和摄入过量(10<DBI HBS≤20)的比例分别为62.6%和48.0%.影响摄入不足的主要因素有文化程度、财富指数、高血压史、体育锻炼和看电视时间;影响摄入过量的主要因素有性别、年龄、家庭人口数、劳动强度、睡眠时间、吸烟和饮酒情况.结论 汉中地区农村居民膳食结构不均衡,并以摄入不足为主,同时存在部分食物摄入过量;有必要在不同人群中开展有针对性的干预措施,改善当地居民营养状况.  相似文献   

目的了解某老年病医院医院感染基本情况、抗菌药物使用现状、病原学送检情况,并对医院感染危险因素进行相关性分析,为有效预防和控制医院感染提供依据。方法分别于2014年11月28日、2015年12月14日、2016年12月28日采取横断面调查的方法,回顾性分析某驻军老年病医院1 003例住院患者医院感染现状。结果 2014-2016年医院感染现患率分别为7.53%、3.41%、5.19%,感染例次率分别为9.14%、3.72%、6.49%,差异无统计学意义;医院感染部位依次是下呼吸道、泌尿道和血流感染;连续三年调查当日抗菌药物使用率分别为18.3%、12.1%、26.7%,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);以治疗用药与一联用药为主;检出病原菌以革兰阴性菌为主;手术、血液透析、泌尿道置管、动静脉置管、气管切开、使用呼吸机为医院感染的影响因素,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论医院感染现患率、抗菌药物使用情况均符合国家卫计委相关要求,应开展有针对性的目标性监测降低医院感染相关危险因素。  相似文献   

目的分析广州市番禺区水痘患者居家隔离的电话调查的应答效果,为开展传染病公共卫生防控电话调查提供依据。方法采用电话问卷调查水痘患者居家隔离的相关信息,自制调查表,经预调查后,再进行正式的调查。结果抽取番禺区的东、南、西、北片区的患者个案2 407例,成功电话调查1 100例,有效应答率为45.7%;各片区的应答率为36.46%、55.66%、52.8%和43.02%(P值<0.05)。结论调查前建立细致的调查方案,合理选择调查方式,整合调查形式能有效提高电话调查应答效果。  相似文献   

目的 运用调整的孕期膳食平衡指数评价乌鲁木齐市孕妇的整体膳食质量,并对其影响因素进行分析。方法于乌鲁木齐市妇幼保健院,以437名进行常规产检的孕妇为研究对象,使用膳食频率调查问卷对其进行膳食调查,并收集其社会人口学信息,将孕期膳食平衡指数进行调整后,对乌鲁木齐市孕妇的膳食质量进行评价,并分析膳食质量的影响因素。结果 孕早、中、晚期的总分中位数均为负值;孕早、中期正端分“适宜”比例最高,为53.8%和38.9%,42.9%的孕晚期孕妇膳食过量情况较适宜;孕早、中、晚期负端分和膳食质量距均以“低度”比例最高;高龄孕妇比适龄孕妇正端分得分更高(t=2.18,P<0.05),负端分(t=-2.84,P<0.05)和膳食质量距得分更低(t=-2.43,P<0.05),文化程度越高,负端分(t=-2.40,P<0.05)和膳食质量距得分越低(t=-2.36,P<0.05),有饮酒史孕妇的孕妇负端分(t=2.17,P<0.05)和膳食质量距得分更高(t=2.15,P<0.05)。结论 乌鲁木齐孕妇膳食质量总体水平倾向于摄入不足、低度不均衡,应加强对高龄妊娠、...  相似文献   

目的:了解影响徐州地区中老年人健康体检完成度的因素,为提高健康意识和预防疾病提供依据。方法:采用分层随机抽样的方法,对徐州市中心附近部分社区486名中老年人进行健康体检完成情况进行调查,数据进行单因素x分析和多因素logistic回归分析。结果:486份有效样本中,过去两年之内参加过健康体检占80.03%。年龄、教育程度、经济状况、婚姻状况、户口性质是影响中老年人健康状况的主要因素,OR(95%CI)值分别为-0.647(0.167—1.093)、-1.081(0.083~0.537)、-0.932(0.134~9.493)、1.346(1.835—6.354)、-0.347(0.426—1.435)。结论:中老年体检完成率有待进一步提高,应该树立健康意识,尤其是是低收入,文化程度较低的人群。  相似文献   

为了解合肥市 0~ 2岁儿童乙型肝炎 (乙肝 )病毒表面抗原 (HBsAg)携带情况及影响因素 ,以县 (区 ,下同 )为单位 ,每个县按东、南、西、北、中 5片 ,各随机抽取 1个乡 (街道 ) ,调查 1999年 12月 1日~ 2 0 0 2年 11月 30日出生的儿童 ,采血检测HBsAg ,共调查儿童 6 98名。结果显示 :HBsAg携带率城市为 0 (0 / 383) ,农村为 4 8% (15 / 315 )。城市和农村乙肝疫苗全程接种率分别为 99 7% (382 / 383)和 98 4 % (310 / 315 ) ,差别无显著的统计学意义 ,但首针及时接种率城市 (89 3% )高于农村 (79 0 % ) ,差异有非常显著的统计学意义 (χ2 =15 1,P <0 0 1)。同时还显示 :农村县级及以下医院不开展孕妇乙肝病毒 (HBV)感染指标检测 ,且乙肝疫苗首针及时接种率仅为 30 %。由此可见 ,农村新生儿乙肝疫苗接种质量和首针及时接种率有待提高 ,同时要推广孕妇HBV感染指标筛查 ,以便尽早采取措施加以预防。  相似文献   

[目的 ] 了解集体托幼机构膳食监测开展的效果及存在问题。 [方法 ] 对近 2 0年来用称重和记帐方法获得的上海市区托幼机构儿童膳食营养资料加以分析、比较。 [结果 ] 称重和记帐调查结果高于儿童平日实际的营养素摄入水平 ,其差别大小与调查的方法、持续期限、时间以及被调查儿童的年龄有关。 [结论 ] 膳食调查已起到了良好的监测作用 ,但合理的评估尚需不断改进调查方法和管理水平。  相似文献   

A cross-sectional survey of 2819 adults aged 20 years and above was undertaken in 2002 in Jiangsu Province. Zinc intake was assessed using a consecutive 3-day 24-h dietary recall method. Insufficient and excess intake was determined according to the Chinese Dietary Recommended Intakes. Four distinct dietary patterns were identified namely "traditional", "macho", "sweet tooth", and "healthy". Intake of zinc from biofortified rice was simulated at an intermediate zinc concentration (2.7 mg/100 g) and a high zinc concentration (3.8 mg/100 g) in rice. Average total zinc intake was 12.0 ± 3.7 mg/day, and insufficiency of zinc intake was present in 15.4%. Simulated zinc intake from biofortified rice with intermediate and high zinc concentration decreased the prevalence of low zinc intake to 6.5% and 4.4%, respectively. The effect was most pronounced in the "traditional" pattern, with only 0.7% of insufficiency of zinc intake remaining in the highest quartile of the pattern. Zinc intake was inversely associated with the "sweet tooth" pattern. Zinc biofortifed rice improves dietary zinc intake and lowers risk for insufficient zinc intake, especially for subjects with a more "traditional" food pattern, but less for subjects with a "sweet tooth" food pattern.  相似文献   


Dietary advanced glycation end products (dAGEs) could be involved on diabetes complications, yet their quantification is not standardized. The objective of this study was to design a food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) for dAGEs, and to assess its reliability and validity. For the design, data from 30 subjects was used. The final instrument had 90 food items. To measure reliability and validity, 20 participants with type 2 diabetes filled out twice the FFQ (FFQ-T1, FFQ-T2) and 7-day food records (7-dFR). The Shrout–Fleiss coefficient was 0.98 showing good reliability. For validation, the results for the weighted kappa were 0.55 (moderate agreement) for FFQ-T1 and 0.64 (good agreement) for FFQ-T2, and 75% and 80% of subjects respectively were correctly classified into tertiles; Bland–Altman graphics showed no systematic bias. This FFQ is comparable to 7-dFR for measuring dAGEs. To our knowledge, this is the first questionnaire designed to measure specifically dAGEs.  相似文献   

Beverages are generally not taken into account to determine the intakes of dietary fibre (DF) in diets. Soluble dietary fibre (SDF) content was determined in common alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages – ranging from 0.18 g/l in white wine to 9.01 g/l in instant coffee – and their contribution to the DF intake in the Spanish Mediterranean diet was estimated as 2.13 g/person/day. It is concluded that beverages provide an appreciable amount of SDF in the diet, and the omission of its contribution may lead to underestimate DF intakes.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To develop and validate a food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) for estimating calcium intake in community-dwelling older adults using a food record as the reference method. METHOD: A validation study involving 102 subjects (67 females) aged > or =65 years and residing independently in Adelaide, Australia, between 2002-06 was performed. Estimates of calcium intake over the last year were calculated from two versions (35 and 15 items) of the FFQ and compared with average intake from four days of non-consecutive food records (4DFR). RESULTS: Mean calcium intake from the 4DFR was 987 mg/day (95% CI 922-1051). The 35 and 15-item questionnaires gave mean intakes of 992 mg/day (95% CI 913-1,071) and 1017 mg/day (95% CI 927-1,106) respectively. Mean difference (95% limits of agreement) between the food record and the 35 and 15-item questionnaires was 5 mg (-739-729) and 28 mg (-936-879) respectively. The 15-item questionnaire demonstrated 82% sensitivity for classifying subjects with calcium intake below the estimated average requirement (EAR, 840 mg for males 51-70 years; 1,100 mg for females >51 years and males >70 years of age) and 46% specificity for classifying subjects with intake above the EAR. CONCLUSION: The FFQ evaluated as part of this study is one of very few that has been tested across both genders and in older adults specifically. The 15-item version has demonstrated a level of sensitivity and specificity comparable with other FFQs for evaluating calcium intake. Implications: The 15-item FFQ can be confidently used for measuring group mean calcium intake in older Australians or as a screening tool to allow health professionals to identify those who are most at risk of inadequate dietary calcium intake.  相似文献   

Objective: Determine how very‐remote Indigenous community (RIC) food and beverage (F&B) turnover quantities and associated dietary intake estimates derived from only stores, compare with values derived from all community F&B providers. Methods: F&B turnover quantity and associated dietary intake estimates (energy, micro/macronutrients and major contributing food types) were derived from 12‐months transaction data of all F&B providers in three RICs (NT, Australia). F&B turnover quantities and dietary intake estimates from only stores (plus only the primary store in multiple‐store communities) were expressed as a proportion of complete F&B provider turnover values. Food types and macronutrient distribution (%E) estimates were quantitatively compared. Results: Combined stores F&B turnover accounted for the majority of F&B quantity (98.1%) and absolute dietary intake estimates (energy [97.8%], macronutrients [≥96.7%] and micronutrients [≥83.8%]). Macronutrient distribution estimates from combined stores and only the primary store closely aligned complete provider estimates (≤0.9% absolute). Food types were similar using combined stores, primary store or complete provider turnover. Conclusions and implications: Evaluating combined stores F&B turnover represents an efficient method to estimate total F&B turnover quantity and associated dietary intake in RICs. In multiple‐store communities, evaluating only primary store F&B turnover provides an efficient estimate of macronutrient distribution and major food types.  相似文献   

Dietary habits and food intake of the six basic food groups (milk, meats, cereals, fruits, vegetables and fats) were investigated in a random sample of 206 adolescents (aged 10–15 years) from a region of south-east Spain (Murcia). Adolescents were interviewed on their recall of food intake over the previous 24 h. The results showed a very low consumption of vegetables, some deficiencies in the intake of the milk and fruits, and an excessive intake of fats. Intake of foods belonging to the cereal and meat groups was adequate, agreeing with the recommendations for the adolescent population. Within the meat group, the distribution of foods consumed was not satisfactory; an excessive consumption of meats and sausages was observed, while the intake of fish and pulses was insufficient. In our study, nutritional advice was given to mothers and adolescents. The use of Spanish portions from the six basic food groups proved to be a very helpful method to popularize the principles of balanced diet in our population. Our results seem to indicate some nutritional imbalances in the diets of the adolescents in the study, especially deficits in fibre and calcium and an excess in saturated fats. The study reveals that although Murcia is a typically Mediterranean Region, the characteristics of the diet of Murcian adolescents are quite different in some respects from the typical alimentary habits of the Mediterranean diet.  相似文献   

Ready-to-eat breakfast cereals have been voluntarily fortified with folic acid since 1995, with the purpose of reducing the prevalence of neural tube defects in utero. Using data from the recent Australian Health Survey, this study aimed to estimate folate intake from one serving of breakfast cereals (median amount). Various commercial brands were purchased in 2002 (n?=?19) and in 2014 (n?=?14); folate was determined by microbiological assay and high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC). Total folate (μg/100?g) in 2002 and 2014 selections were 144–633 and 147–564, respectively, and mostly comparable to nutrition labels. Folic acid (2014 selection) using HPLC, ranged from 85 to 411?μg/100?g. Intake of 51?g cereals/serving by individuals ≥2 years could contribute 75–288?μg dietary folate equivalent. It seems that folic acid intake among children (2–3 years) exceeds the recommended dietary intake, when certain brands of breakfast cereals are consumed. Accordingly, the benefits and potential detrimental effects of the voluntary fortification need to be further explored.  相似文献   

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