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脑动静脉畸形的DSA血管构筑学及其栓塞治疗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨脑动静脉畸形(AVM)的血管构筑特征及血管内栓塞治疗的疗效。方法:采用Seldinger技术及微导管技术超选择性脑执AVM供血动脉造影及血管内栓塞。结果:脑AVM血管结构上分为终末型供血方式,穿支型供血方式及混合式。可伴有动脉瘤或静脉结构异常。本组栓塞治疗技术成功率97.5%,AVM完全消失,解剖治愈11例,AVM畸形血管团大部分消失,其减少大于80%4例,减少50%~80例,小于50%9例。随访6个月至5年,效果满意。结论:超选择性造影可正确指导栓塞治疗。血管内栓塞治疗脑AVM是一种安全、可靠、有效方法。  相似文献   

An aneurysm ruptured during superselective catheterization into the posterior cerebral artery for a left temporal arteriovenous malformation. The rupture may have been caused by stretching and displacement of the basilar and posterior cerebral arteries while the microcatheter with guide wire was advanced.  相似文献   

The authors report a rare case of renal arteriovenous malformation (rAVM) which was diagnosed by arteriography years after onset of intermittent haematuria. The rAVM of the cirsoid type was superselectively catheterized and embolized in toto with n-butyl 2-cyanoacrylate. Diagnostic imaging modalities and the technique of embolization are discussed. Received: 16 July 1999; Revised: 17 September 1999; Accepted: 20 September 1999  相似文献   

Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is characterized by sudden onset of respiratory distress, infiltrates on radiographs consistent with pulmonary oedema, hypoxaemia and increased work in breathing. Infiltrates on radiographs are bilateral, but may be patchy or diffuse and fluffy or dense. It is associated with absence of left heart failure and a PaO2/FiO2 ratio of ≤200. Ethylene vinyl alcohol copolymer dissolved in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), which was approved by the US FDA in July 2005, is used as an embolic agent for cerebral arteriovenous malformation (AVM). It is a biocompatible liquid polymer that precipitates and solidifies on contact with blood, thus forming a soft and spongy embolus. We report a case of ARDS following therapeutic embolization with ethylene vinyl alcohol copolymer for cerebral AVM under general anaesthesia. Experienced perioperative physicians adopted standard anaesthetic technique and monitoring for this procedure. Acute respiratory distress and hypoxaemia developed in the patient following extubation of the trachea. Infiltrates seen on postprocedural chest radiographs were consistent with pulmonary oedema. DMSO, the solvent for the ethylene vinyl alcohol copolymer, is excreted via the lungs after administration and we postulate that DMSO was the possible cause of ARDS in this patient. Monitoring of haemodynamic parameters (invasive blood pressure, electrocardiography) and ventilatory parameters (ETCO2, SpO2, airway pressure monitoring) are important in the recognition of this possible event. One should be vigilant and anticipate this complication following therapeutic embolization with ethylene vinyl alcohol polymer for the treatment of cerebral AVM.  相似文献   

We present a case of a young adult in whom acute subdural hemorrhage developed immediately after embolization of a cerebral arteriovenous malformation with glue. Inadvertent venous outlet obstruction with glue was implicated in the production of the hemorrhage. Possible mechanisms of spread of blood to the subdural space are discussed. Awareness of the possibility of iatrogenic subdural hemorrhage is necessary before undertaking embolization procedures.  相似文献   

出血性脑动静脉畸形的影像特点与血管内治疗   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
目的:探讨以出血发病的脑动静脉畸形的影像学特点与血管内治疗的技术操作。方法:经脑CT或MRI确认为脑实质内出血的56例病例,经DSA全脑血管造影证实为脑动静脉畸形(AVM),根据AVM病灶的特点,行经血管内超选择应用α-氰基丙烯酸正丁酯栓塞或结合放射外科治疗。结果:56例在1-3次栓塞后,36例病灶完全消除;1例因AVM中有新生的动脉瘤及1例术后1年发生出血而行第2次栓塞治愈,1例在接受X-刀治疗后3个月再次出血,经手术后痊愈。结论:AVM病灶内或病灶旁存在动脉瘤和动脉囊样扩张、引流静脉细小和脑室内生长的AVM是引起脑出血的主要原因,而在栓塞中优先处理动脉瘤样病变对防止脑出血有重要意义。  相似文献   

先天性肾动静脉畸形的栓塞治疗   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的评价经导管动脉栓塞治疗先天性肾动静脉畸形的价值。方法回顾性分析7例以肉眼血尿为主要症状的先天性肾动静脉畸形,选择性肾动脉造影确诊为肾动静脉畸形后,超选择性病变动脉插管,用明胶海绵、无水乙醇、弹簧钢圈等对病变血管进行栓塞治疗。结果所有7例先天性肾动静脉畸形都成功栓塞,栓塞24h内7例肉眼血尿消失,术后1周内可有栓塞侧腰部酸痛、低热、腹胀、恶心、呕吐等症状,但无严重并发症。随访36~98个月无血尿复发,肾功能正常。结论经导管肾动脉造影能明确诊断,动脉栓塞安全有效,对先天性肾动静脉畸形的治疗有重要意义。  相似文献   

目的 探讨立体定向放射外科治疗脑动静脉畸形的临床效果。方法 对 87例脑动静脉畸形患者采用X刀治疗 ,畸形团大小大小 5~ 4 0mm。单独接受X刀治疗 5 5例 ,联合血管内栓塞治疗32例。治疗周边剂量 17~ 30Gy ,平均 2 2 .6Gy ,等剂量曲线 70 %~ 90 %。随访时间 6~ 96个月 ,平均 5 3.4个月。结果 单独应用X刀治疗的脑动静脉畸形患者 ,完全闭塞 4 1例 ,部分闭塞 9例 ,无变化 5例 ;联合血管内栓塞治疗患者 ,完全闭塞 2 6例 ,部分闭塞 3例 ,无变化 3例。全组完全闭塞 6 7例 (77.0 % )。癫痫完全缓解 7例 (2 6 .2 % ) ,头痛头昏症状缓解 18例 (38.3% )。并发症 :再出血 2例 ,症状性放射性脑水肿 6例 ,经治疗后 ,完全缓解 2例 ,遗留神经功能障碍 4例。结论 立体定向放射外科是脑动静脉畸形的安全而有效的治疗方法之一。  相似文献   

Patients suffering from a cervical spinal cord arteriovenous malformation (SCAVM) run high risk of devastating subarachnoid hemorrhage and hematomyelia. Therefore, cervical SCAVMs represent a compelling indication for surgical or endovascular therapy. The authors report on an acute life-threatening subarachnoid hemorrhage from a cervical SCAVM that ruptured during an embolization procedure. Causality and therapeutic management are discussed. Received: 2 December 1997; Revision received: 6 July 1998; Accepted: 25 July 1998  相似文献   

目的探讨栓塞治疗脑动静脉畸形(AVM)及并发颅内出血的原因和处理方法。方法2006年至2011年收治45例脑AVM患者,其中35例为首发症状,表现为颅内血肿21例,蛛网膜下腔出血14例。6例患者反复出血2~4次不等。畸形血管团直径3~15 cm,平均(6.84±2.52)cm;体积50~200cm~3,平均(133.83±43.32)cm~3。对所有患者均采用Onyx液体栓塞剂进行栓塞治疗,并进行随访,观察有无并发症发生。结果45例中,37例随防时间3个月~3年,平均15个月;优31例(83.7%),良5例(13.5%),差1例(2.7%),无重残及死亡。栓塞术后出现颅内出血7例,均不同程度存在正常灌注压突破,2例行开颅血肿清除,其余均为小型血肿自行吸收。7例出血者中,2例痊愈,4例神经功能障碍,1例偏瘫。结论脑AVM栓塞治疗术并发颅内出血的机制较为复杂,掌握其发生机制可以更好地控制诱发因素,减少并发症的发生。  相似文献   

先天性肾动静脉畸形(renal arteriovenous malformation, RAVM)以突发性、顽固性血尿为主要症状, 超声检查、静脉肾盂造影(IVP)、CT 和MRI往往难以显示病变,而肾动脉DSA检查能明确诊断.超选择性肾动脉栓塞治疗RAVM,因其创伤小、恢复快、效果显著、费用低,已成为治疗先天性RAVM的首选方法[1-2].本院自2007-01-2010-07间利用数字减影血管造影(DSA)成功地诊断RAVM 11例,同时进行了超选择性肾动脉明胶海绵颗粒栓塞治疗,获得满意效果,报告如下.  相似文献   

Arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) are congenital high flow pathologic linkages between arteries and veins of different sizes that may occur in any part of the body. The clinical presentation is largely dependent on the size and location of AVMs and can range from an asymptomatic birthmark to congestive heart failure in extreme cases. In this report, we describe a 20-year-old male who presented with a large AVM of the right shoulder that resulted in significant cosmetic and physical impairment and treated with several sessions of endovascular embolization with good clinical outcomes. This case highlights the complexity of diagnosing and managing these AVMs. Most of these anomalies require a multi-disciplinary approach that integrates both trans-catheter and surgical interventions with trans-arterial lesion embolization being the cornerstone of the treatment.  相似文献   

Arteriovenous malformations of the scrotum are extremely rare. A case of scrotal arteriovenous malformation and its preoperative embolization in a child is presented. Received: 13 January 1998; Revision received: 30 April 1998; Accepted: 27 May 1998  相似文献   

目的 探讨引起脑动静脉畸形出血的各种危险因素.方法 回顺性分析解放军总医院神经外科2007年1月-2009年12月收治的127例脑动静脉畸形患者.其中男69例,女58例,年龄32.6±13.3岁,均经数字减影血管造影(DSA)检查确诊.应用logistic回归分析性别、年龄、畸形血管团直径、深静脉引流、单支静脉引流、伴...  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Endovascular treatment with cyanoacrylate embolization is an option when complete obliteration of the nidus of an intracranial arteriovenous malformation (AVM) is the goal. Our purpose was to evaluate the rates of initial success and permanent cure of such treatment in a Chinese population. METHODS: Twenty-seven consecutive patients with an intracranial AVM underwent endovascular embolization with cyanoacrylate between June 1995 and May 1997. Twenty-six patients had cerebral AVMs and one had a cerebellar AVM. Curative embolization was attempted in 10 patients in whom 1) the nidus was not larger than 3 cm, 2) the number of feeders did not exceed three, and 3) the nidus was accessible with the tip of the catheter. We used a flow-directed microcatheter and a 20-25% mixture of cyanoacrylate in contrast medium. Long-term outcomes were observed angiographically and clinically. RESULTS: Complete embolization was achieved in six patients. No procedure-related complications occurred during attempted curative embolization. Follow-up angiography performed at 17-32 months showed complete obliteration of the AVM nidus in the six patients after initial embolization. These patients remained asymptomatic 5-7 years after treatment. The rate of permanent cure of the initially complete embolization was 100% (six of six). The success rate of endovascular cure for patients treated with curative intent was 60% (six of 10). The overall cure rate was 22% (six of 27). CONCLUSION: The overall initial cure rate of intracranial AVM with cyanoacrylate embolization was 22%. Initial angiographic evidence of complete embolization indicated permanent cure in these patients.  相似文献   

There are several vascular abnormalities that could affect the scrotum. The commonest is a varicocele, and differentiation between this and other lesions is possible using Doppler ultrasound and pelvic angiography. A patient with a scrotal arteriovenous malformation (AVM) is presented in whom transcatheter embolization was possible.  相似文献   

We successfully performed embolization therapy for a pelvic arteriovenous malformation by the retrograde transvenous approach using a liquid embolic material. This malformation was unique in that it had a single draining vein, which allowed this technique employing an occlusion balloon.  相似文献   

Arteriovenous malformation of the gastrointestinal tract is relatively rare in adults. The most accurate diagnosis is by angiography and pre-operative localization has been reported, including by coil embolization, catheter or guidewire replacement, and intraoperative staining techniques. We report the case of a 20-year-old man with acute and massive small intestinal haemorrhage due to jejunal ateriovenous malformation, which was embolized immediately with N-butyl-2-cyanoacrylate. The technique is rapid and safe under fluoroscopy control and the method can help surgeons with mini-laparotomy or laparoscopic surgery because of the clear localization and stable condition of the patient.  相似文献   

目的 合成一种新型温度敏感性液体栓塞材料并探讨其栓塞脑动静脉畸形(AVM)的可行性.方法 应用氮-异丙基丙烯酰胺和氮-正丙基丙烯酰胺合成共聚物,进行物理性质测定和生物学检测并进行体外AVM模型栓塞试验.结果 共聚物具有低临界溶解温度(LCST),具有水溶性和非黏附性特点,生物相容性好,能成功栓塞体外AVM模型.结论 该共聚物为一种脑AVM血管内栓塞治疗的新型液体栓塞材料,可进一步用于临床实验研究.  相似文献   

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