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目的 探讨老年垂体腺瘤的临床特点和手术治疗意义.方法 回顾性分析了121例60岁及以上垂体腺瘤的临床资料.结果 手术主要采用经鼻蝶窦入路,肿瘤全切除及次全切除91例,大部切除25例,部分切除5例.住院期间视力好转80例,占88.9%.随访MRI72例,肿瘤无复发或静止状态67例,复发需再次手术5例.术后生活自理率80%.结论 多数老年垂体腺瘤初期的临床表现隐匿,发现时往往肿瘤大、压迫视神经,尽早鞍区MRI检查可明确诊断.手术切除肿瘤对老年垂体瘤有效、安全,尤其是经鼻蝶入路.  相似文献   

垂体腺瘤多发生于青壮年,70岁及以上人群中发病率相对较低[1,2 ].由于绝大多数高龄患者为无功能垂体腺瘤且为大腺瘤及巨大腺瘤,手术是治疗的首选方式.但手术本身存在一定的风险,同时高龄垂体腺瘤患者存在机体功能明显老化,且多数合并一种或几种其他系统疾病问题.如何把握肿瘤治疗及长期生存之间的关系,合理确定治疗方案,对此类病人的长期预后及正规诊治有重要的意义.本研究就高龄垂体腺瘤病人在临床及影像学上的特点,手术治疗风险及手术前后内分泌状况等问题进行回顾,为进一步规范化治疗提供依据.  相似文献   

目的探讨单中心经手术治疗的无功能性垂体腺瘤(NFPAs)的临床特征及依据2017版世界卫生组织病理分类的分型特征。方法回顾性分析2019年4月至2020年1月北京协和医院166例临床诊断NFPAs的临床及病理特征。结果在166例患者中,男女比例相当(1.05∶1),接受手术的平均年龄为(49.9±12.3)岁,显著高于同期的功能性垂体瘤患者。就诊首要原因以头痛、视力下降、视野缺损最为常见。肿瘤最大径均超过10 mm,巨大肿瘤15例(9.0%)。复发病例18例(10.8%)。结合垂体前叶激素及转录因子免疫组化结果进行病理分型,最常见类型为促性腺激素细胞腺瘤(50.6%),其次为ACTH细胞腺瘤(24.7%)、多激素细胞腺瘤(11.4%)、嗜酸细胞系来源肿瘤(6.6%)及零细胞腺瘤(6.6%)。促性腺激素细胞腺瘤中男性更为多见(男∶女=4.1∶1),ACTH细胞腺瘤中则以女性为主(男∶女=1∶12.7)。促性腺激素细胞腺瘤平均年龄最高,而嗜酸细胞系来源腺瘤及不常见免疫组化阳性组合多激素细胞腺瘤平均年龄则显著低于前者。不同病理类型间在肿瘤平均最大径、巨大腺瘤占比及复发病例占比上差异无统计学意...  相似文献   

目的 探讨男性垂体催乳素瘤的临床及MRI特征,提高其正确诊断率.方法 回顾性分析20例经手术病理或内分泌治疗有效证实的男性催乳素腺瘤.结果 在MRI诊断的20例男性催乳素瘤患者中,微腺瘤9例,大腺瘤11例.平扫T1WI呈稍低或等信号,T2WI均为稍高~高信号,常规增强均可见明显强化.侵袭性者均为大腺瘤,多伴有视交叉受侵或蝶窦、海绵窦侵犯,部分伴骨质破坏.结论 男性垂体催乳索瘤的临床与MRI表现均与女性不同,MRI对催乳素瘤诊断有重要价值,但应注意临床与影像两者结合,以达到早期、准确诊断.  相似文献   

李志强  王卫红 《山东医药》2010,50(26):78-79
目的观察经蝶手术治疗大型、巨型垂体腺瘤的临床疗效。方法大型、巨型垂体腺瘤患者140例。采用(左)鼻中隔切口,切开鼻前庭小柱,经鼻中隔—蝶窦中线处凿开鞍底,切除肿瘤。结果 140例肿瘤行包膜内全切除48例,其余行次全切除或大部分切除。术后症状立即改善者122例,并发暂时性尿崩症20例、脑脊液(CSF)鼻漏18例、颅内感染5例、垂体功能低下1例。结论对于大型和巨型垂体腺瘤,经蝶手术治疗可获良好效果。  相似文献   

原发性甲状腺功能减退症(甲减)是比较常见的内分泌疾病,但由于临床表现多样性常易被漏诊和误诊,而且随着影像学检查被普遍应用,因此常被误诊为垂体瘤。现将我院2002年7月-2009年1月原发性甲减误诊为垂体大腺瘤22例患者临床资料分析如下。  相似文献   

低钠血症是内分泌科会诊时最常见的电解质紊乱,北京协和医院常规会诊的内分泌代谢疾病中低钠血症占2.1%,急会诊中低钠血症的比例达23.0%。本文报道了2例以低钠血症为表现的垂体大腺瘤合并垂体危象的内分泌会诊病例,对其临床表现和诊治过程进行回顾,并结合文献进行分析讨论。  相似文献   

我院自 1990年 4月至 2 0 0 1年 12月收治 6 0岁以上老年人垂体腺瘤 19例 ,报道如下。  一、对象与方法   1.一般资料 :19例中 ,男性 13例 ,女性 6例 ,男女之比为 2 2∶1 0 ;年龄 6 0~ 72岁 ,平均 (6 0± 3 4)岁 ,病程 1d(瘤卒中 )至 4年 ,平均 1 3年。   2 .临床表现 :视力障碍为首发症状者 15例 ,2 1只眼视力低于 1 0 ,完全失明 2只眼 ,仅有光感 2只眼 ,近距离可分清手指数 1只眼。视野缺损 13例 ,其中单眼颞侧偏盲 1例 ,双颞侧偏盲 11例 ,单侧管状视野 1例。 1例仅有头晕症状 ,查体中被发现。垂体功能低下 (阴毛脱落、嗜睡、性…  相似文献   

目的 分析不同类型垂体腺瘤的临床、病理、影像学特点,探讨垂体瘤诊断相关问题.方法 回顾性研究746例垂体瘤患者的临床资料,包括临床表现、病理学、影像学特点.结果 不同类型垂体瘤患者有其各自的临床特征,但以不同程度的压迫症状为主,或伴有激素水平异常的症状.催乳素>121.28μg/L时多考虑催乳素腺瘤(灵敏度79.9%,特异度97.2%).不同类型垂体腺瘤的体积有显著性差异(P<0.01),肿瘤侵袭性和肿瘤大小有显著正相关性(P<0.01).结论 不同类型垂体瘤特点各异,需要针对不同类型的垂体瘤患者进行个体化诊断,治疗和预后评估.  相似文献   

Corticotroph pituitary carcinomas are tumors, defined by the presence of distant metastases that determine their poor prognosis. The diagnosis and therapy of malignant corticotroph adenomas remains a clinical challenge. The molecular mechanisms of malignant transformation of pituitary adenomas are unclear, although they are believed to arise in an adenoma-to-carcinoma sequence. We describe two cases of malignant Cushing’s disease with metastases in liver and bone, respectively. The primary pituitary tumors were treated by a combination of radiotherapy and transsphenoidal surgery, but recurred several times in both patients. The time interval between the diagnosis of Cushing’s disease and the discovery of metastases was 32 and 17 years, respectively. In the first case the patient died within 6 months after diagnosis of metastasis, whereas the second patient is alive at a follow-up of 2 years after the discovery of the metastasis. Furthermore, we reviewed all available cases of corticotroph pituitary carcinomas reported in the literature and analyzed their clinical features and therapeutical management. In conclusion, frequent relapses of Cushing’s disease, aggressive growth of macroadenoma, Nelson’s syndrome after adrenalectomy or persistently high ACTH levels should prompt the clinician to consider the possibility of pituitary corticotroph carcinomas. A. A. van der Klaauw and T. Kienitz contributed equally to this study.  相似文献   

Besides well-known effects in GH-secreting adenomas, somatostatin analogs such as octreotide and lanreotide have been used in TSH-secreting adenomas and in the so-called clinically nonfunctioning adenomas. The rationale for their use is based on the evidence that both these tumor types express large amounts of somatostatin receptor subtypes 2 and 5, which are preferentially bound by octreotide and lanreotide. However, whether in TSH-secreting adenomas the results are excellent in the nonfunctioning type, the results are controversial. Some preliminary results showing a very rapid recovery of the visual field have not been confirmed subsequently. No evident effect of tumor shrinkage has been reported. At present, the use of somatostatin analogs in clinically nonfunctioning adenomas is questioned.  相似文献   

Buchfelder M  Kreutzer J 《Pituitary》2008,11(4):375-384
Following a century of evolution and refinements in standard surgical techniques, the vast majority of operations for pituitary adenoma to date are performed utilizing transsphenoidal approaches. From current large series one obtains the impression that certainly less than 10% of these tumors require craniotomies. However, still several tumors, which’s volume is mainly localized outside of the sella require transcranial approaches, of which the pterional and subfrontal routes are the most widely used. The goal of surgical treatment is rapid eradication of the tumor mass, decompression of visual pathways and elimination of hormonal oversecretion whilst preserving the normal gland and avoiding potential surgical complications. Even with microsurgical techniques and standardized approaches, there is still some mortality associated with transcranial approaches and morbidity is undoubtly higher than with transsphenoidal operations. However, a selection bias must be considered, which shifts tumors with a larger size, less favourable prognosis and higher complication rate into the transcranial series. Moreover, with extended transsphenoidal approaches, lesions have become accessible for transsphenoidal surgery, which previously have been considered as contraindications. In this article current indications and limitations for transcranial surgery of pituitary adenomas, the preoperative workup, surgical techniques, results, and complications are briefly reviewed.  相似文献   

垂体腺瘤增殖和凋亡指标与肿瘤侵袭性相关   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的 观察垂体腺瘤的细胞增殖以及凋亡特性.探讨肿瘤侵袭性的相关因素和早期诊断指标.方法对垂体瘤固定标本行Ki-67单克隆抗体染色,应用流式细胞仪对新鲜垂体瘤标本进行DNA倍体和细胞凋亡分析.结果固定标本48例,侵袭性腺瘤28例,Ki-67高表达率为13/28,非侵袭组高表达率为6/20,两者相比统计学差异明显(χ~2=5.486,P=0.019),高表达对侵袭性诊断的灵敏性为46.5%,阳性预测值为68.3%.新鲜垂体瘤标本33例,侵袭性腺瘤15例,非侵袭性18例,非侵袭组S期细胞比例为0.8%~12.2%,平均4.8%,侵袭组为3.9%~24.2%,平均13.0%,两者相比统计学差舁明显(t=3.745,P=0.001),高于13.0%侵袭性诊断的灵敏性为40%,阳性预测值为100%;凋亡细胞比例侵袭组5.1%~27.0%,平均12.5%,非侵袭组3.6%~30.3%,平均16.2%,两组相比无明显差异(t=1.25,P=0.22).S/A(增殖凋亡细胞比值)侵袭组1.411,非侵袭组0.399,两者相比统计学差异明显(t=4.62,P<0.01),S/A高于1.411侵袭性诊断的灵敏性为60%,阳性预测值为100%.结论侵袭性腺瘤和非侵袭性腺瘤有着不同比例的增殖细胞和凋亡细胞,高增殖状态对侵袭性的诊断灵敏性较低,增殖和凋亡细胞比例失衡对侵袭性则具有更高的灵敏性和特异性.  相似文献   

采用免疫组织化学法检测survivin、bcl- 2蛋白在8例正常垂体组织及38例垂体腺瘤组织中的表达。结果提示survivin蛋白的表达阳性率与垂体腺瘤组织中的bcl -2蛋白表达密切相关,survivin蛋白表达异常引起的细胞凋亡抑制在垂体腺瘤的发生中起一定作用。  相似文献   

垂体腺瘤患者的围手术期垂体激素监测及临床意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了对垂体腺瘤患者进行手术前后激素测定、分型、并监测术后垂体功能以及寻求一种判断手术切除程度及术后有无复发的方法,对50例垂体腺瘤手术患者采用放免法测定手术前、后激素水平,对测定值进行回顾性分析,判断检测结果的相互关系并分析其临床意义。结果:泌乳素(PRL)腺瘤及生长激素(GH)腺瘤全切组及末全切组术后激素水平均较术前明显降低(P<0.05),全切组术后激素水平与末全切组比较有明显差异(P<0.05)。认为手术治疗可以明显改善垂体瘤患者术前高激素水平状态,手术治疗有着肯定的治疗价值。其切除程度将决定着术后内分泌的改善水平,应在不损害正常垂体前提下争取全切肿瘤。  相似文献   

目的 探讨老年人垂体腺瘤的临床特点和治疗效果。方法 回顾分析49例手术及病理证实的老年人垂体腺瘤资料。结果 49例患者平均病程4.4年。视力视野障碍46例(93.8%),头痛20例(40.8%),内分泌障碍16例(32.7%)。肿瘤大于3cm25例(51.0%),大部及部分切除11例(22.4%),以经碾人路效果为好。术后常规放疗28例,肿瘤控制率93.0%,其中50%发生垂体功能低下。随访7-127个月(平均50.5个月),视力改善27例(58.7%),生活理43例(87=8%);40例术后3个月-5年复查CT或MRI提示肿瘤消失30例(61.2%),残瘤静止5例(10.2%),复发5例(10.2%)。结论 老年人垂体腺瘤以大腺瘤和无功能腺瘤为多;临床以视力视野改变为主;经碟人路显微手术是首选治疗方法;术后辅以放疗可控制或延缓肿瘤复发,但需注意视力损害及垂体功能低下的严重并发症。  相似文献   

为提高巨大垂体腺瘤显微手术的疗效 ,回顾性分析 5 6例巨大垂体腺瘤患者的临床资料及治疗方法。依据肿瘤的生长方向及部位将 5 6例分为四型 ,据此分别采用经蝶、经额下、额下经蝶、扩大经蝶、扩大额下硬膜外、额下 -翼点等 10种入路进行显微手术。5 6例巨大垂体腺瘤全切 2 9例 ,近全切 2 0例 ,大部切除 7例。无死亡者。提示依据巨大垂体腺瘤的不同位置及生长方向选择适当的手术入路是提高全切率、降低死亡率及复发率的重要手段  相似文献   

Cytokines, particularly those endowed with pro-inflammatory properties, are known to influence the release of anterior pituitary hormones by a direct and indirect action at the level of pituitary gland and hypothalamus. Type I interferons (IFNs) represent a group of cytokines that act through a common receptor composed by two chains (IFNAR-1 and IFNAR-2). Several in vitro and in vivo studies underline the fact that type I IFNs are involved in the regulation of the immune-endocrine circuitry. Treatment with type I IFNs of patients affected by chronic viral hepatitis, multiple sclerosis and tumors influences the secretion of pituitary hormones. This article reviews the current knowledge about the effects of IFN-α and IFN-β on hypothalamic–pituitary function and describes the potential role of type I IFNs in the treatment of pituitary adenomas.  相似文献   

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