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OBJECTIVE: To provide evidence that a P300 component can be elicited by subliminal stimuli in an oddball paradigm. METHODS: The words LEFT and RIGHT were presented in a frequent-rare ratio (80-20%), counterbalanced between subjects. Stimuli were presented at the objective detection threshold (d'=0, via unmasked 1 ms presentations), a stringent measure for detecting any conscious perception. RESULTS: A significantly larger amplitude component was found for rare vs. frequent stimulus presentations across electrodes Fz, Cz, and Pz using both a broad 200-900 ms window (F(1,27)=5.75, P<0.012, eta(2)=0.18; one-tailed), and a more narrow 400-760 ms window defined using principal component analysis (F(1,27)=10.10, P<0.002, eta(2)=0.27; one-tailed). No significant component latency effects were found. An analysis of the conscious perception index (d') and the oddball effect (rare-frequent amplitude difference) revealed a negative relationship, further supporting the contention that conscious perception does not account for the finding, and suggesting that any conscious stimulus detection may inhibit this subliminal effect. CONCLUSIONS: Results provide evidence that an endogenous component can be elicited by undetectable subliminal stimuli in an oddball paradigm. Implications are discussed for comparing conscious and unconscious information processing, unconscious learning, and the measurement of ERPs to subliminal stimuli.  相似文献   

Research indicates that in visual sustained attention paradigms, the amplitude of the P300 component of the event-related potential invoked by target (critical) stimuli shows a decrement in amplitude. This amplitude decrement parallels decrements in vigilance performance that result from the difficult discrimination that is typically required between the infrequent targets and the frequent nontargets (neutral stimuli). In contrast, target stimulus P300 does not appear to show a decrement across large numbers of trials during performance of the "oddball" paradigm, in which targets and nontargets are highly discriminable. The present study measured target and nontarget P300 amplitude during performance of a visual oddball paradigm extended over an interval of some 3 1/2 hours, a period well in excess of the 3/4 hour intervals employed in previous research. The results indicated no decrement in P300 amplitude as a function of time for either targets or nontargets. The only significant relationship between P300 and behavioral data was an inverse correlation across oddball runs between average nontarget P300 amplitude and total number of targets missed.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Clinicians have long recognized that psychopaths show deficits in cognitive function, but there have been few experimental studies exploring these deficits. We present here the first in a series of event-related potential (ERP) experiments designed to elucidate and characterize the neural correlates of cognitive processes of psychopaths. METHODS: We recorded ERPs from a topographic array from 11 psychopathic and 10 nonpsychopathic prison inmates, assessed with the Hare Psychopathy Checklist-Revised, during performance of a visual oddball task. ERPs to target (25% of trials) and nontarget (75% of trials) visual stimuli were analyzed. RESULTS: Consistent with previous research, there were no group differences in the latency or amplitude of the ERPs for the nontarget stimuli. For nonpsychopaths, the P300 amplitude was larger when elicited by the target stimuli than when elicited by the nontarget stimuli. In contrast, psychopaths failed to show reliable P300 amplitude differences between the target and nontarget conditions. Psychopaths had a smaller amplitude P300 to target stimuli than did nonpsychopaths. In addition, the amplitude of the P300 was less lateralized in psychopaths than in nonpsychopaths. Psychopaths also had a larger centrofrontal negative wave (N550) during the target condition than did nonpsychopaths. CONCLUSIONS: The results of this study indicate that there are substantial differences between psychopaths and others in the processing of even simple cognitive tasks and provide support for information processing models of psychopathy.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The P300 event-related brain potential (ERP) was elicited with auditory and visual stimuli in a separate session of a 3 stimulus oddball paradigm, and the scalp topography was assessed with 15 electrode locations. METHODS: Target (0.10), standard (0.80), and infrequent non-target (0.10) stimuli in the auditory task were 2000, 1000 and 500 Hz tone, and in the visual task, 'X', 'O', and 'H', respectively. The stimuli were presented in a random series, once every 2 s, and participants responded only to the target (N = 12). RESULTS: Target stimuli elicited larger P300 components than non-target did in both stimulus modalities. For both target and non-target stimuli, P300 amplitude was larger and latency longer for the visual compared with the auditory stimulus. Analysis of normalized P300 amplitude data indicated that the target and non-target P300s from both modalities had identical topography. CONCLUSION: The findings suggest that both target and non-target stimuli in 3 stimulus oddball paradigm elicited the same type of P300 (P3b) for both stimulus modalities.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Studies exploring chronic alcoholism with event-related potentials (ERPs) have shown delayed latency and reduced amplitude of the P300, a long-lasting positive potential reflecting decisional processing. This P300 deficit in alcoholism is generally interpreted as a disturbance in central nervous system inhibition or in memory/attention. The present study aimed at identifying if this electrophysiological deficit is already present on earlier components, and advances a new hypothesis concerning the interpretation of the P300 alteration. METHODS: Patients suffering from alcoholism and matched healthy controls had to detect, in an oddball paradigm, emotional faces among a succession of neutral faces. Behavioral performance and ERP data (recorded from 32 electrodes) were analyzed. RESULTS: In line with previous studies, data showed that alcoholism led to a P300 deficit. Moreover, we observed for the first time that this deficit begins at earlier visual (P100) and face-processing (N170) stages, and we found high positive correlations between P100, N170 and P300 for amplitude and latency values, suggesting cumulative deficits on the cognitive continuum. CONCLUSIONS: We suggest that the P300 deficit observed in chronic alcoholism could be linked to earlier visuo-spatial deficits rather than being an impairment of the specific processes linked to the P300. SIGNIFICANCE: These results call for reconsidering the interpretation of P300 impairments at a fundamental and clinical level, and shows that earlier ERP components must be taken into account in future studies.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This study investigated the possible linkage of intracerebrally recorded P3-like waveforms to the processes induced by stimulus perception or motor response formation. METHODS: Event-related potentials were recorded from 560 cerebral sites in 17 patients suffering from intractable epilepsy during visual oddball task. Potentials evoked by the target stimuli were sorted according to button-pressing response times, and the P3 waveform was analyzed both in stimulus-locked and response-locked averages, which were separately averaged for fast and slow responses. RESULTS: P3-like waveforms were identified in 180 sites in 17 patients. Three different types of P3-like waveforms, diffusely distributed within the brain, were found: (1) time-locked to the stimulus (30 sites in 11 patients); (2) time-locked to the motor response (52 sites in 13 patients); and (3) with ambiguous time relationship to stimulus and motor response (98 sites in 16 patients). CONCLUSIONS: The intracerebral P3-like waveform could represent different processes involved in performing active oddball tasks. Therefore, our results support the hypothesis that the P3 waveform registered by surface electrodes could be a heterogeneous phenomenon. SIGNIFICANCE: These results provide evidence that the P3 waveform is not only related to stimulus processing, which differs from what has been generally claimed in the literature.  相似文献   

The present study was organized to evaluate the cerebral inhibitory function in children with developmental disorders such as attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (AD/HD) and pervasive developmental disorder (PDD). Target and non-target-P300 event related potential (ERP) in response to stimuli of a visual oddball paradigm was analyzed. Ten children with AD/HD, 10 children with PDD and 10 healthy children were included in the study participants. Target-P300 component was observed in all subjects, which showed predominant amplitudes in Pz electrode. No significant differences were observed in amplitude and latency of target-P300 among three groups. In healthy children, Non-target-P300 component was observed mainly in Cz and Pz electrodes, while children with AD/HD had significantly reduced amplitudes of the component at Cz and children with PDD showed shorter latency at Oz. These results suggest that Non-target-P300 component in visual oddball paradigm possibly reflects the brain function associated with inhibitory processing and there is a relationship between the non-target-P300 potential abnormality and the AD/HD behavior.  相似文献   

The P300,an endogenous subcomponent of the event-related potential,is thought to reflect cognitive processes.The event-related potential evoked by the old-new memory recognition task in the oddball paradigm is suitable for examining the neural processes involved in malingered neurocognitive deficits.Forty-four undergraduates were randomly assigned to a simulated malingering group and a truth-telling group.Another 22 patients with head injuries were enrolled as a control group.All participants completed the old-new memory recognition task in the oddball paradigm.The mean P300 amplitude of the simulated malingering group was significantly reduced compared with the truth-telling group (P<0.01),but was increased compared with the control group (P<0.01).These results revealed that the P300,evoked by the old-new memory recognition task of the oddball paradigm,may be a helpful indicator for determining cognitive malingering.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: P300 amplitude reduction is reliably seen in schizophrenia. Inconsistent reports of isolated frontal and/or parietal deficits in unaffected family members may be clarified using a task that places greater load on frontal function. METHOD: Go and No-Go versions of the auditory oddball task were performed by eighteen schizophrenia patients, age-matched unaffected siblings and healthy controls matched closely to unaffected siblings on age, sex, education, socioeconomic-status, handedness and ethnicity. Groups were compared on P300 and N100 amplitude and latency. Spearman correlations were used to test the relationship between ERP amplitudes and neuropsychological measures of executive function and memory. The relationship between schizotypy--as measured using the structured interview--and ERPs was explored in a combined group of siblings and controls. RESULTS: Independent of task, patients had lower P300 than controls and reduced parietal amplitude compared to siblings. Siblings had enhanced frontocentral N100 compared to controls. No-Go P300 amplitude and N100 latency was associated with executive function measures. There were significant intraclass correlations between patients and siblings for No-Go P300 amplitude, particularly at the central midline electrode. Frontocentral N100 and P300 amplitude were positively correlated with anxiety-related aspects of schizotypy. CONCLUSION: Enhanced N100 is present in unaffected siblings. Parietal P300 is intact in unaffected siblings, but reduced in patients. The No-Go-oddball is more sensitive than the Go-oddball to executive function deficits in patients and as an index of heritability.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Scant and equivocal research exists examining the effects of button-pressing on P300. Button-pressing may decrease P300 latency and amplitude. The melding of motor potentials and P300 may also confound studies of P300 topography, such as studies of temporal scalp-area asymmetries in schizophrenia. METHOD: P300 was measured on button-press and silent-count tasks in control subjects. An estimate of motor activity was constructed from a simple reaction time task, with reaction times matched to the button-press task. The motor estimate was subtracted from the button-press P300 to assess Kok's (1988) additive model. Lastly, lateral P300 from schizophrenia patients was compared with each condition's P300. RESULTS: P300 was smaller and its topography different in the button-pressing task relative to silent-counting. The motor-correction procedure generated a P300 with normal topography. Comparison of the button-press P300 in controls to the silent-count P300 in schizophrenia patients reduced a significant lateral asymmetry to trend level. This asymmetry was significant after the correction procedure. CONCLUSIONS: Button-pressing generates smaller P300 than silent-counting. Also, P300 topography in button-pressing tasks is confounded by motor potentials. The distortion can be corrected with a motor potential estimate. Motor potentials can occlude differences in P300 topography between groups.  相似文献   

P300 amplitude over temporal regions in schizophrenia   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
To examine the left temporal scalp area reductions of P300 amplitude, event-related potentials (ERPs) during a standard oddball task were recorded in 57 schizophrenic patients and 33 normal controls. The P300 amplitude at T3 was not significantly smaller than that at T4 in schizophrenic patients. In the ANOVA analysis of the P300 peak amplitude and PCA factor scores, significant lateral topographical differences in P300 were not present between patients and controls. However, in schizophrenia, patients in the low T3 P300 group were older and consuming higher doses of antipsychotic medicine than those in the high T3 P300 group, and they had relatively low P300 amplitudes and significantly delayed P300 latency, compared with those in the high T3 P300 group. These findings suggested that although the reduction in the left temporal P300 amplitude did not necessarily exist in schizophrenic patients, it may be associated with the severity of the disease process and/or impairment of cognitive function. Received: 6 July 2000 / Accepted: 25 September 2001  相似文献   

The effect of motivational instructions on P300 amplitude.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The aim of this investigation was to determine the effect on P300 amplitude of instructions aimed at increasing the subject's degree of task involvement. To this end, two different studies were carried out. In Study 1, 20 university students were tested with an auditory event-related potential (ERP) oddball paradigm (target: 1,100 Hz; standard: 1,000 Hz) in two consecutive runs, each with a different set of instructions; after the first run, subjects were verbally motivated to increase their level of performance in the second run. In Study 2 (performed 1 year later), ERPs were similarly obtained from the same subjects during two oddball runs, but this time both tests were preceded by neutral instructions. The amplitude and latency of N1 and P2 elicited by non-targets and of N2 and P3 in target waveforms were evaluated. The findings showed that following motivating instructions, P3 amplitude increased while P3 latency showed a non-significant decrease. The amplitude of P2 to non-target stimuli--which could be interpreted as P250--was also affected by the instructions provided. The overall results suggest that the presentation of motivating instructions is followed by a higher amount of attentional resources allocated to all stimuli, and a more efficient evaluation and discrimination of relevant targets. The implication of these findings for the clinical use of P300 has been discussed.  相似文献   

《Clinical neurophysiology》2009,120(2):264-274
ObjectiveTo determine whether automated classifiers can be used for correctly identifying target categorization responses from averaged event-related potentials (ERPs) along with identifying appropriate features and classification models for computer-assisted investigation of attentional processes.MethodsERPs were recorded during a target categorization task. Automated classification of average target ERPs versus average non-target ERPs was performed by extracting different combinations of features from the P300 and N200 components, which were used to train six classifiers: Euclidean classifier (EC), Mahalanobis discriminant (MD), quadratic classifier (QC), Fisher linear discriminant (FLD), multi-layer perceptron neural network (MLP) and support vector machine (SVM).ResultsThe best classification performance (accuracy: 91–92%; sensitivity: 85–86%; specificity: 95–99%) was provided by QC, MLP, SVM on feature vectors extracted from P300 recorded at multiple sites. In general, non-linear and non-parametric classifiers (QC, MLP, SVM) performed better than linear classifiers (EC, MD, FLD). The N200 did not explain variance beyond that of P300 recorded at multiple sites.ConclusionsThe results suggest that automatic characterization and classification of average target and non-target ERPs is feasible. Features of P300 recorded at multiple sites used to train non-linear classifiers are recommended for optimal classification performance.SignificanceAutomatic characterization of target ERPs can provide an objective approach for detecting and diagnosing abnormalities and evaluating interventions for clinical populations, paving the way for future real-time monitoring of attentional processes.  相似文献   

Previous studies report reduced amplitude of the P300 event-related potential in cocaine-dependent individuals. Cocaine dependence is also associated with increased impulsivity, possibly due to deficits in cognitive function that are associated with reduced P300 amplitude. In the current study, the relationship between cocaine dependence, impulsivity, and P300 amplitude were examined. An auditory oddball event-related potential task along with self-report (Barratt Impulsiveness Scale version 11) and behavioral laboratory (Immediate and Delayed Memory Task) measures of impulsivity were assessed in healthy controls (n = 14) and subjects who met DSM-IV criteria for current cocaine dependence (n = 17). P300 amplitude was reduced and self-reported and behavioral laboratory impulsivity scores were elevated among the cocaine-dependent group compared to controls. There was a positive correlation between the questionnaire and behavioral laboratory measures of impulsivity, and a negative correlation between impulsivity measures and P300 amplitude. The correlation between self-reported impulsivity scores and P300 amplitude remained after taking into account the number of childhood conduct disorder symptoms. This study supports the hypothesis that the basic neurophysiology responsible for the P300 amplitude in cocaine-dependent individuals is associated with impulsivity independent of a history of childhood conduct disorder symptoms.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether a relationship existed across trials between evoked gamma and reaction time in a conventional cognitive ERP paradigm. METHODS: Auditory oddball data in 40 normal subjects was examined. A moving Welch window and short time FFT were employed to elucidate the time course of gamma (29 to 45 Hz) activity in each single-trial target ERP. The time point with maximum total gamma amplitude (across all sites) was identified automatically, and the associated amplitude, power and latency of this peak was determined. Spearman's rank correlation was employed to examine the relationship of these measures with reaction time. RESULTS: A highly significant and robust correlation between peak gamma latency and reaction time was found (P = 0.000001). Further frequency analysis revealed that this relationship was primarily confined to the 37 to 41 Hz band. This narrow band finding, coupled with the fact that the finding remained after exclusion of possibly EMG contaminated epochs, indicated that the effect was not due to EMG contamination. No relationship between peak gamma amplitude or power and reaction time was found. CONCLUSIONS: Peak evoked gamma latency was correlated with reaction time and seems likely to have functional significance in relation to stimulus processing.  相似文献   

The existence of neurodegeneration is a debated issue in schizophrenia research. The P300 component of event-related electrical potentials (ERP) has been related to the different degree of damage to gray and white matter. This study explores the possible relationship between P300 amplitude and/or latency and the existence of degenerative processes in schizophrenia, by assessing its correlation with volume of sulcal CSF and duration of illness, as transversal indicators of neurodegeneration. Nineteen patients (14 males, 5 females) and 13 controls (6 males, 7 females) were studied with MRI and electrophysiological records (P300). The possible influence of sex and age at the time of the exploration was statistically controlled in both groups. The results show a significant negative correlation between P300 amplitude and prefrontal CSF volume in the patient group. A lower though still significant correlation was also found between P300 amplitude and duration of illness, whereas no correlation was found in the control group. These results support the hypothesis that P300 amplitude may be interpreted as a marker of neurodegeneration in schizophrenia.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: A general reduction of auditory P300 amplitude is one of the most consistently replicated observations in schizophrenic patients. However, a left hemisphere amplitude reduction is discussed controversely. METHODS: Encouraged by this controversy we analysed P300 data of 53 controls and 60 patients of the schizophrenia spectrum (ICD-10: F20, F23, F25). RESULTS: Our main result was the finding of the correlation between general amplitude and hemispheric asymmetry in the patient group: low general amplitudes were assigned to a left hemispheric amplitude reduction, high amplitudes to a right hemispheric reduction. Based on this result, we grouped all subjects according to their hemispheric asymmetry pattern. The control group and the group of schizoaffective patients (F25) with a left hemispheric amplitude reduction showed the inverse asymmetry pattern of P300 amplitude compared to subjects with a right hemispheric amplitude reduction. In contrast, the schizophrenic patients (F20) showed only a difference in P300 amplitudes measured at electrode sites of the left hemisphere. Additionally, we could show, that the amount of the general amplitude reduction in patients was different between the diagnostic groups. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that a left hemispheric amplitude reduction is not a general feature of schizophrenia but it seems to be pathological when combined with a general amplitude reduction.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The P300 component of the auditory event-related brain potential (ERP) is consistently reduced in schizophrenia. Longitudinal data are examined to determine whether P300 amplitude is a trait marker of schizophrenia or a state marker tracking clinical fluctuations over time. METHODS: Schizophrenic men (DSM-III-R) (n = 36) received ERP and the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS) assessments on multiple occasions, at varying intervals, under varying medication states. Automatically elicited auditory P3a and effortfully elicited auditory and visual P3b amplitudes were assessed. Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale scores were regressed on P300 amplitude within patients using both multiple regression models and nonparametric analyses of individual patient slopes. Event related brain potentials in patients were compared to ERPs from 34 age-matched control men, and stability of P300 over time was estimated with intraclass correlations. RESULTS: P300 amplitude, regardless of elicitation method or sensory modality, tracked BPRS Total and positive symptom scores over time, decreasing with symptom exacerbations and increasing with improvements. In addition, effortful auditory and visual P3b amplitudes tracked negative symptoms, and automatic auditory P3a tracked depression-anxiety symptoms. When analyses were limited to unmedicated occasions, auditory P3a and P3b persisted in tracking BPRS Total scores, with additional tracking of positive symptoms by P3b and mood symptoms by P3a. Mean auditory and visual P3bs, averaged over all measurement occasions for each individual, were inversely related to mean negative symptoms. Auditory P3a and P3b, but not visual P3b, amplitudes were smaller in patients than control subjects, even when patients were least symptomatic. P300 amplitudes showed high test-retest reliability in control subjects and patients and moderate stability over time in patients. CONCLUSIONS: Auditory, and possibly visual, P300 amplitudes track fluctuations in clinical state, but only auditory P300 amplitude is a trait marker of schizophrenia.  相似文献   

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