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人工智能(AI)及机器学习(ML)因其独特的优势逐渐在医学领域得到了较为广泛的应用。在心血管疾病中,该技术在处理电子病历记录中繁杂的数据,预测分析疾病发展及预后,自动分析和识别心血管影像学及心律失常,发现疾病新亚型等方面已经取得了一定进展。AI及ML在心血管疾病研究中潜力巨大,将会为心血管领域带来全新的突破。  相似文献   

人工智能(AI)的快速发展为肿瘤防控带来新的机遇。本综述首先简要概述了AI的起源和基本要素,接着梳理了AI在肿瘤领域的获批产品,并围绕基于图像的肿瘤筛查和诊断,列举了AI在几大肿瘤中的重要研究进展。最后,从数据、算法、应用和伦理角度出发,总结了AI在肿瘤应用中的问题和展望,为未来肿瘤领域的AI研究提供更多思路。  相似文献   

肿瘤是影响人类健康的严重疾病,早期诊断对提高治疗成功率和患者生存率至关重要。肿瘤基因表达数据的研究已经成为揭示肿瘤疾病机制的主要工具,人工智能在肿瘤基因表达数据分析中扮演着重要角色。本文从机器学习方法的角度,探讨监督式学习、无监督式学习和深度学习在肿瘤预测和分类中的潜在优势,特别关注特征选择算法对基因筛选的影响及其在高维度基因表达数据中的重要性。通过全面综述人工智能在肿瘤基因表达数据分析中的应用与发展,旨在为未来的研究方向提供参考,促进进一步发展。  相似文献   

<正>数字病理学(digital pathology, DP)是通过复杂的计算机技术将组织学切片转换为数字图像的过程,以便基于机器学习(machine learning, ML)技术对病理信息进行处理与解释[1]。ML是人工智能(artificial intelligence, AI)的分支,其传统方法包括随机森林、逻辑回归、贝叶斯方法和C5决策树等,而现代深度学习算法包括卷积神经网络(convolutional neural network,CNN)、递归神经网络、  相似文献   

本研究立足于各类人工智能算法的数学原理,阐述了人工智能在中医诊断中的应用现状及问题。其中传统机器学习算法,如支持向量机、贝叶斯算法等因其小样本学习的特性,在闻诊、问诊等场景具备较高的精度与稳健性;而近年来新兴的深度学习算法则可以处理如图像、音频信号、文本等非结构化数据,与望诊、切诊等场景相契合;多模态深度学习则可以充分挖掘望闻问切数据中的信息,并在特征空间中进行隐式的四诊合参。人工智能的引入可以进一步推动中医的客观化、定量化发展,但其数据驱动的特性要求进一步规范现行的中医数据库建立流程。  相似文献   

随着深度学习的出现,图像处理不再局限于人工提取特征,转而对图像进行端到端的预测,实现了人工智能在图像处理领域的又一历史性飞越。作为人工智能医疗领域的热点应用,内镜图像异常检测能够准确快速地筛选整个消化道的异常,为医生提供诊断帮助。该文围绕消化道图像最为常见的息肉、出血、溃疡等异常,对其智能诊断方法展开研究,并探讨机器学习在消化内镜异常检测的应用现状,最后展望了未来消化道内窥镜病灶智能诊断的研究方向。  相似文献   

数据挖掘方法在中医药领域的应用浅析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
吴丽  周良 《医学信息》2009,22(5):576-578
本文概括地介绍了数据挖掘的概念,中医药数据挖掘的特点,以及常见的数据挖掘方法在中医药领域的应用现状。  相似文献   

文章介绍了基于知识的放射治疗技术(KBRT)相关概念和KBRT技术的实现方法,重点介绍了KBRT中的特征检索法以及在机器学习上的应用。随后回顾了当前KBRT在多部位肿瘤放疗中的应用及对于剂量学评价标准的改进、KBRT模型相关参数和离群值的研究以及KBRT与多种放疗技术相结合等研究热点。文章还指出了KBRT技术在现阶段遇到的问题和挑战,从而进一步提出了KBRT在今后研究中的发展方向,并对KBRT在多中心合作、自适应放疗以及在机器学习方法的深入研究等相关话题展开讨论。  相似文献   

基于临床资料、医学影像学、基因组学的计算机诊疗辅助系统在鉴别胰腺囊性疾病、诊断胰腺癌等方面显现出优于传统诊疗方法的潜力。本文综述人工智能在胰腺各类疾病的诊断、预后、预测治疗反应和指导治疗方面的作用,并为胰腺疾病精准医疗、改良目前的临床诊疗模式提供新的思路及方法。  相似文献   

背景:人工智能在医疗领域的发展日益迅速,在骨创伤领域的应用研究不断增多。文章旨在通过文献计量学分析,分析近年来人工智能在骨创伤领域中的研究热点,并预测未来的研究趋势。目的:总结人工智能技术在骨创伤领域的应用发展历程、研究现状、热点和未来发展趋势,以期为今后的研究提供新的见解。方法:选择Web of Science核心集数据库中,时间跨度设为自建库至2023年8月,检索人工智能、机器学习、深度学习应用于骨创伤相关的文献420篇。通过人工筛选,导出与文章相关的文献共202篇,采用Citespace软件进行国家、机构、被引期刊和引文分析等的合作和关键词的共现等可视化分析。结果与结论:(1)分析筛选后纳入的202篇文献,总体发文量呈上升趋势,且在未来研究潜力巨大。研究中心性最高和发文量排名第一的国家均为美国。加州大学(美国)是发文量最多的研究机构。(2)人工智能在骨创伤研究中最常用的前5个关键词是深度学习、人工智能、骨密度、机器学习、诊断,中心性最高的关键词为骨密度,关键词数量最多的为深度学习。(3)共被引频次前10位的参考文献分别从多个方面介绍了人工智能技术应用于骨创伤领域诊断的可行性研究,...  相似文献   

Journal of Artificial Organs - End-stage renal disease (ESRD) is characterized by progressive loss of kidney function, which can result in damage to various tissues and organs. Dialysis therapy and...  相似文献   

Introduction: Biological agents have transformed psoriasis treatment by selectively targeting immune signaling molecules involved in psoriasis pathogenesis. While biologics offer the most effective treatment of moderate to severe psoriasis, they are not without complications. Some patients treated with biologics have poor clinical responses, form anti-drug antibodies, or develop adverse events. Additionally, there is growing need for head-to-head studies comparing biologic treatment regimens, efficacy, and safety.

Areas covered: Here we review the literature surrounding biologics already in clinical use and those undergoing development and clinical trials. We also investigate the development and approval of small molecules inhibitors and biosimilars used to treat psoriasis.

Expert commentary: As the psoriasis treatment armamentarium continues to expand, it is important to follow the safety profile of these drugs both in clinical trials and in post-marketing registries to ensure their long-term safety. Physicians must be aware of the limitations of existing safety data of a drug and the potential risk for rare adverse events when selecting appropriate treatments and monitoring patient outcomes.  相似文献   

近年来随着科学技术的飞速进展,生物医药进入大数据人工智能时代。海量生物医药数据推动了医药信息学、 系统生物学、计算生物学等交叉学科的兴起,为中医药研究带来了前所未有的机遇。中药资源丰富,从中药资源到临床应用等各个方面已经积累了大量数据,信息技术在中药领域的应用不断拓展。本文回顾了常用中药数据库,描述了中药信息学研究进展,最后阐述了中药信息学的机遇与展望。  相似文献   

Current status and future prospects for a vaccine against schistosomiasis   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Schistosomiasis remains an intractable problem in many parts of the world. Whereas the schistosome parasites cause little in the way of disease, their eggs become trapped in tissues of the host and elicit powerful and potentially damaging immune responses that are responsible for the pathology. Despite nearly four decades of effort there is still no effective vaccine against schistosomiasis, although a single vaccine candidate is undergoing clinical trials at present. Animal models have revealed much about disease progression and pathology. However, problems remain in identifying appropriate protective antigens to elicit immune responses that will attack the parasite but will not cross-react with egg antigens and thus increase the chance of developing severe chronic disease in individuals that have already been infected. This review summarizes the life-cycle of the parasite, current knowledge of pathogenesis and acquired immunity based on animal studies and observations in humans and the status of efforts in the vaccine development field.  相似文献   

Antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) is a prothrombotic disease characterized by thrombosis and pregnancy morbidity in the presence of antiphospholipid antibodies (apL). Management of thrombosis is based on long-term oral anticoagulation and patients with arterial events should be treated aggressively. Primary thrombo-prophylaxis is recommended in patients with systemic lupus erythromatosus (SLE) and obstetric APS. Obstetric APS care is based on high-risk management and treatment with aspirin and heparin. Possible future therapies include statins, hydroxychloroquine, rituximab, and new anticoagulant drugs. Current research is focused on targeting components of the complement system, interfering with aPL–mediated cell activation and using tailored peptides to block the pathogenic subpopulation of aPL.  相似文献   

迷走神经电刺激治疗癫痫的现状与展望   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
Electrical vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) has been approved by FDA and is widely used in recent years for the treatment of epilepsy and possibly other medical conditions such as depression. The current success rate of VNS for epilepsy is about 50%, but there are complications, potential risks and cost concerns. One of the major limitations for this new therapy is that its antiseizure mechanisms are by no means clear. In particular, it is not known whether the therapeutic effect is vagal specific, what types of nerve fibers in the vagus nerve are contributing to the therapeutic effects, or what individual patients would benefit from the use of the expensive and invasive VNS implantation. There are controversies regarding how and where the VNS takes effect on epilepsy in the central nervous system. The poor understanding of VNS has inevitably limited the application and success of the therapy. The current review analyses the pros and cons of VNS for epilepsy in vis-à- vis other available therapies including Chinese medical methods, and explores the possible mechanisms in order to stimulate further improvement of this new technology.  相似文献   

The clinically relevant pathognomonic consequences of human infection by Trypanosoma cruzi are dilation and hypertrophy of the left ventricle walls and thinning of the apex. The major complications and debilitating evolutionary outcomes of chronic infection include ventricular fibrillation, thromboembolism and congestive heart failure. American trypanosomiasis (Chagas disease) poses serious public healthcare and budgetary concerns. The currently available drugs, although effective against acute infection, are highly toxic and ineffective in arresting or attenuating clinical disease symptoms in chronic patients. The development of an efficacious prophylactic vaccine faces many challenges, and progress is slow, despite several years of effort. Studies in animal models and human patients have revealed the pathogenic mechanisms during disease progression, pathology of disease and features of protective immunity. Accordingly, several antigens, antigen-delivery vehicles and adjuvants have been tested in animal models, and some efforts have been successful in controlling infection and disease. This review will summarize the accumulated knowledge about the parasite and disease, as well as pathogenesis and protective immunity. The authors will discuss the efforts to date, and the challenges faced in achieving an efficient prophylactic vaccine against human American trypanosomiasis, and present the future perspectives.  相似文献   

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