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Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (AChRs) mediate signaling in the central and peripheral nervous systems. The AChR gating conformational change is powered by a low- to high-affinity change for neurotransmitters at two transmitter binding sites. We estimated (from single-channel currents) the components of energy for gating arising from binding site aromatic residues in the α-subunit. All mutations reduced the energy (TyrC1>TrpB≈TyrC2>TyrA), with TyrC1 providing ~40% of the total. Considered one at a time, the fractional energy contributions from the aromatic rings were TrpB ~35%, TyrC1 ~28%, TyrC2 ~28%, and TyrA ~10%. Together, TrpB, TyrC1, and TyrC2 comprise an "aromatic triad" that provides much of the total energy from the transmitter for gating. Analysis of mutant pairs suggests that the energy contributions from some residues are nearly independent. Mutations of TyrC1 cause particularly large energy reductions because they remove two favorable and approximately equal interactions between the aromatic ring and the quaternary amine of the agonist and between the hydroxyl and αLysβ7.  相似文献   

Acetylcholine receptor channels (AChRs) are proteins that switch between stable "closed" and "open" conformations. In patch clamp recordings, diliganded AChR gating appears to be a simple, two-state reaction. However, mutagenesis studies indicate that during gating dozens of residues across the protein move asynchronously and are organized into rigid body gating domains ("blocks"). Moreover, there is an upper limit to the apparent channel opening rate constant. These observations suggest that the gating reaction has a broad, corrugated transition state region, with the maximum opening rate reflecting, in part, the mean first-passage time across this ensemble. Simulations reveal that a flat, isotropic energy profile for the transition state can account for many of the essential features of AChR gating. With this mechanism, concerted, local structural transitions that occur on the broad transition state ensemble give rise to fractional measures of reaction progress (Phi values) determined by rate-equilibrium free energy relationship analysis. The results suggest that the coarse-grained AChR gating conformational change propagates through the protein with dynamics that are governed by the Brownian motion of individual gating blocks.  相似文献   

Allosteric proteins use energy derived from ligand binding to promote a global change in conformation. The "gating" equilibrium constant of acetylcholine receptor-channels (AChRs) is influenced by ligands, mutations, and membrane voltage. We engineered AChRs to have specific values of this constant by combining these perturbations, and then calculated the corresponding values for a reference condition. AChRs were designed to have specific rate and equilibrium constants simply by adding multiple, energetically independent mutations with known effects on gating. Mutations and depolarization (to remove channel block) changed the diliganded gating equilibrium constant only by changing the unliganded gating equilibrium constant (E(0)) and did not alter the energy from ligand binding. All of the tested perturbations were approximately energetically independent. We conclude that naturally occurring mutations mainly adjust E(0) and cause human disease because they generate AChRs that have physiologically inappropriate values of this constant. The results suggest that the energy associated with a structural change of a side chain in the gating isomerization is dissipated locally and is mainly independent of rigid body or normal mode motions of the protein. Gating rate and equilibrium constants are estimated for seven different AChR agonists using a stepwise engineering approach.  相似文献   

KCNQ1 (Kv7.1) is a unique member of the superfamily of voltage-gated K(+) channels in that it displays a remarkable range of gating behaviors tuned by coassembly with different β subunits of the KCNE family of proteins. To better understand the basis for the biophysical diversity of KCNQ1 channels, we here investigate the basis of KCNQ1 gating in the absence of β subunits using voltage-clamp fluorometry (VCF). In our previous study, we found the kinetics and voltage dependence of voltage-sensor movements are very similar to those of the channel gate, as if multiple voltage-sensor movements are not required to precede gate opening. Here, we have tested two different hypotheses to explain KCNQ1 gating: (i) KCNQ1 voltage sensors undergo a single concerted movement that leads to channel opening, or (ii) individual voltage-sensor movements lead to channel opening before all voltage sensors have moved. Here, we find that KCNQ1 voltage sensors move relatively independently, but that the channel can conduct before all voltage sensors have activated. We explore a KCNQ1 point mutation that causes some channels to transition to the open state even in the absence of voltage-sensor movement. To interpret these results, we adopt an allosteric gating scheme wherein KCNQ1 is able to transition to the open state after zero to four voltage-sensor movements. This model allows for widely varying gating behavior, depending on the relative strength of the opening transition, and suggests how KCNQ1 could be controlled by coassembly with different KCNE family members.  相似文献   

Ca(2+)-activated Cl(-) channels (CaCCs) are exceptionally well adapted to subserve diverse physiological roles, from epithelial fluid transport to sensory transduction, because their gating is cooperatively controlled by the interplay between ionotropic and metabotropic signals. A molecular understanding of the dual regulation of CaCCs by voltage and Ca(2+) has recently become possible with the discovery that Ano1 (TMEM16a) is an essential subunit of CaCCs. Ano1 can be gated by Ca(2+) or by voltage in the absence of Ca(2+), but Ca(2+)- and voltage-dependent gating are very closely coupled. Here we identify a region in the first intracellular loop that is crucial for both Ca(2+) and voltage sensing. Deleting (448)EAVK in the first intracellular loop dramatically decreases apparent Ca(2+) affinity. In contrast, mutating the adjacent amino acids (444)EEEE abolishes intrinsic voltage dependence without altering the apparent Ca(2+)affinity. Voltage-dependent gating of Ano1 measured in the presence of intracellular Ca(2+) was facilitated by anions with high permeability or by an increase in [Cl(-)](e). Our data show that the transition between closed and open states is governed by Ca(2+) in a voltage-dependent manner and suggest that anions allosterically modulate Ca(2+)-binding affinity. This mechanism provides a unified explanation of CaCC channel gating by voltage and ligand that has long been enigmatic.  相似文献   

Glutamate receptors of the AMPA subtype (AMPARs) mediate fast synaptic transmission in the brain. These ionotropic receptors rely on auxiliary subunits known as transmembrane AMPAR regulatory proteins (TARPs) for both trafficking and gating. Recently, a second family of AMPAR binding proteins, referred to as cornichons, were identified and also proposed to function as auxiliary subunits. Cornichons are transmembrane proteins that modulate AMPAR function in expression systems much like TARPs. In the present study we compare the role of cornichons in controlling AMPA receptor function in neurons and HEK cells to that of TARPs. Cornichons mimic some, but not all, of the actions of TARPs in HEK cells; their role in neurons, however, is more limited. Although expressed cornichons can affect the trafficking of AMPARs, they were not detected on the surface of neurons and failed to alter the kinetics of endogenous AMPARs. This neuronal role is more consistent with that of an endoplasmic reticulum (ER) chaperone rather than a bona fide auxiliary subunit.  相似文献   

Voltage gating of hyperpolarization-activated cation (HCN) channels is potentiated by direct binding of cAMP to a cytoplasmic cAMP-sensing domain (CSD). When unliganded, the CSD inhibits hyperpolarization-dependent opening of the HCN channel gate; cAMP binding relieves this autoinhibition so that opening becomes more favorable thermodynamically. This autoinhibition-relief mechanism is conserved with that of several other cyclic nucleotide receptors using the same ligand-binding fold. Besides its thermodynamic effect, cAMP also modulates the depolarization-dependent deactivation rate by kinetically trapping channels in an open state. Here we report studies of strong open-state trapping in an HCN channel showing that the well-established autoinhibition-relief model is insufficient. Whereas deletion of the CSD mimics the thermodynamic open-state stabilization usually associated with cAMP binding, CSD deletion removes rather than mimics the kinetic effect of strong open-state trapping. Substitution of different CSD sequences leads to variation of the degree of open-state trapping in the liganded channel but not in the unliganded channel. CSD-dependent open-state trapping is observed during a voltage-dependent deactivation pathway, specific to the secondary open state that is formed by mode shift after prolonged hyperpolarization activation. This hysteretic activation-deactivation cycle is preserved by CSD substitution, but the change in deactivation kinetics of the liganded channel resulting from CSD substitution is not correlated with the change in autoinhibition properties. Thus the liganded and the unliganded forms of the CSD respectively provide the structural determinants for open-state trapping and autoinhibition, such that two distinct mechanisms for cAMP regulation can operate in one receptor.  相似文献   

Neuromuscular acetylcholine receptors (AChRs) are ion channels that alternatively adopt stable conformations that either allow (open) or prohibit (closed) ionic conduction. We probed the dynamics of pore (M2) residues at the diliganded gating transition state by using single-channel kinetic and rate-equilibrium free energy relationship (phi-value) analyses of mutant AChRs. The mutations were at the equatorial (9') position of the alpha, beta, and epsilon subunits (n = 15) or at sites between the equator and the extracellular domain in the alpha-subunit (n = 8). We also studied AChRs having only one of the two alpha-subunits mutated. The results indicate that the alpha-subunit, like the delta-subunit, has a region of flexure near the middle of M2, that the two alpha-subunits experience distinct energy barriers to gating at the equator (but not elsewhere), and that the collective subunit motions at the equator are asymmetric during the AChR gating isomerization.  相似文献   

Ligand-gated ion channels bind agonists with higher affinity in the open than in the closed state. The kinetic basis of this increased affinity has remained unknown, because even though the rate constants of agonist association to and dissociation from closed receptors can be estimated with reasonable certainty, the kinetics of the binding steps in open receptors have proven to be elusive. To be able to measure the agonist-dissociation rate constant from open muscle nicotinic receptors, we increased the probability of ligand unbinding from the open state by engineering a number of mutations that speed up opening and slow down closing but leave the ligand-binding properties unchanged. Single-channel patch-clamp recordings from the wild-type and mutant constructs were performed at very low concentrations of acetylcholine (ACh). The durations of individual channel activations were analyzed assuming that "bursts" of fully liganded (diliganded) receptor openings can be terminated by ligand dissociation from the closed or open state (followed by fast closure) or by desensitization. This analysis revealed that ACh dissociates from diliganded open receptors at approximately 24 s(-1), that is, approximately 2,500 times more slowly than from diliganded closed receptors. This change alone without a concomitant change in the association rate constant to the open state quantitatively accounts for the increased equilibrium affinity of the open channel for ACh. Also, the results predict that both desensitization and ACh dissociation from the open state frequently terminate bursts of openings in naturally occurring gain-of-function mutants (which cause slow-channel congenital myasthenia) and therefore would contribute significantly to the time course of the endplate current decay in these disease conditions.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: We have previously shown that alcohols exert a dual action on neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (AChRs), with short-chain alcohols potentiating and long-chain alcohols inhibiting acetylcholine (ACh)-induced whole-cell currents. At the single-channel level, ethanol increased the channel open probability and prolonged the channel open time and burst duration. In this study, we examined the detailed mechanism of the inhibitory action of the long-chain alcohol n-octanol on the neuronal nicotinic AChR. METHODS: Single-channel currents induced by application of 30 nm ACh were recorded with the patch-clamp technique from human embryonic kidney cells stably expressing the human alpha4beta2 AChR. RESULTS: Several single-channel parameters were markedly changed by octanol. At least two conductance-state currents were induced by low concentrations of ACh, and octanol increased the proportion of the low-conductance-state current relative to the high-conductance-state current without changing the current amplitude. Major analyses of temporal properties of single-channel currents were performed on the high-conductance-state currents. Octanol decreased the burst duration and duration of openings within burst and prolonged the mean closed time. All of these changes contributed to the decrease in the open probability in a concentration-dependent manner. CONCLUSIONS: Several aspects of octanol action on neuronal AChRs at the single-channel level are compatible with an atypical open channel block model reported with muscle nicotinic AChRs. The potentiating action of short-chain alcohols and the inhibitory action of long-chain alcohols on the neuronal nicotinic AChR are mediated through different mechanisms.  相似文献   

A muscle acetylcholine receptor (AChR) has two neurotransmitter binding sites located in the extracellular domain, at αδ and either αε (adult) or αγ (fetal) subunit interfaces. We used single-channel electrophysiology to measure the effects of mutations of five conserved aromatic residues at each site with regard to their contribution to the difference in free energy of agonist binding to active versus resting receptors (ΔGB1). The two binding sites behave independently in both adult and fetal AChRs. For four different agonists, including ACh and choline, ΔGB1 is ∼−2 kcal/mol more favorable at αγ compared with at αε and αδ. Only three of the aromatics contribute significantly to ΔGB1 at the adult sites (αY190, αY198, and αW149), but all five do so at αγ (as well as αY93 and γW55). γW55 makes a particularly large contribution only at αγ that is coupled energetically to those contributions of some of the α-subunit aromatics. The hydroxyl and benzene groups of loop C residues αY190 and αY198 behave similarly with regard to ΔGB1 at all three kinds of site. ACh binding energies estimated from molecular dynamics simulations are consistent with experimental values from electrophysiology and suggest that the αγ site is more compact, better organized, and less dynamic than αε and αδ. We speculate that the different sensitivities of the fetal αγ site versus the adult αε and αδ sites to choline and ACh are important for the proper maturation and function of the neuromuscular synapse.Receptors at synapses respond to specific chemical signals in the extracellular environment because the active conformation of the protein has a higher affinity for the ligand compared with the resting conformation (1, 2). The active vs. resting difference in binding free energy increases the relative stability of the active state and, hence, the probability of a cellular response. In this report, we describe and distinguish sources of ligand-binding free energy in three kinds of agonist site present in mouse muscle nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (AChRs). Our goal was to use single-channel electrophysiology to assess the relative contribution of significant functional groups to the overall free energy generated by the affinity change at each type of site.At cholinergic synapses, the main chemical signals are ACh released from nerve terminals and choline, which is an ACh precursor, hydrolysis product, and stable component of serum (3). The muscle AChR has central pore surrounded by five subunits of composition α2βδε in adult-type and α2βδγ in fetal-type (Fig. 1A) (4). The fetal, γ, subunit is essential for proper synapse maturation, and the adult, ε, subunit is necessary for proper function of mature synapses (57). Each AChR pentamer has two agonist binding sites in the extracellular domain, at αδ and either αε (adult) or αγ (fetal) subunit interfaces.Open in a separate windowFig. 1.Ligand binding sites. (A) Side view of a muscle AChR [Torpedo marmorata; PDB ID code 2bg9 (34)] showing an agonist site in the extracellular domain (αW149 and loops A, B, and C are marked). (Inset) Each AChR has two sites (filled circles) at αδ and αε (adult) or αγ (fetal) subunit interfaces. (B) High-resolution view of the ligand binding site of an acetylcholine binding protein occupied by carbamylcholine (CCh) [Lymnaea stagnalis; PDB ID code 1uv6 (11)]. Aromatic residues are labeled using mouse AChR numbering.The change in agonist affinity occurs within the global, resting↔active “gating” conformational change. Structural rearrangements at agonist sites that generate the affinity change are akin to movements of S4 in voltage-gated channels that generate gating currents. Given the central role of receptors at synapses, we thought it important to understand in detail the components of the free energy change that undergird the agonist affinity change. In wild-type AChRs, a large, uphill gating energy without agonists ensures the system will rarely activate constitutively, and a large, downhill free energy generated by affinity increases at the two agonist sites ensures that the protein will be active with a high probability after the release of ACh from the motor nerve terminal (8).We have estimated the free energy contributions of eight functional groups of five conserved residues at three different kinds of muscle AChR agonist site (αδ, αε, and αγ). On the α side of each site, there are four aromatics known to influence agonist affinity: αY190 (in loop C), αY198 (loop C), αY93 (loop A), and αW149 (loop B) (Fig. 1) (913). In addition, there is a conserved tryptophan in the nonα subunit, W55 (at position 57 in the δ subunit) (11, 1416). In fetal AChRs, αW149 and αY198 have been shown to stabilize the quaternary ammonium of the agonist by cation-π forces (10, 13, 17).Previously, estimates of the ACh-binding free energy difference in mouse adult-type receptors after mutations indicated that only three of the mentioned aromatics (αY190, αY198, and αW149) are important (18), and other experiments showed that the free energy difference from both agonist sites combined is greater in fetal vs. adult AChRs (19). Here, we extend and refine these estimates. First, we measured the change in the net binding free energy after a mutation of each aromatic side chain in AChRs having just one functional binding site, so that the αδ, αε, and αγ sites could be probed independently, rather than pairwise. Second, we made some of these measurements using three partial agonists in addition to ACh, including the physiological ligand choline. Third, we estimated the degree of free energy coupling between some of the aromatic side chains at the fetal, αγ, site. Fourth, we used molecular dynamics (MD) simulations to estimate ACh binding energies and suggest structural correlates for differences between the three types of agonist site. We hypothesize that a greater sensitivity of fetal vs. adult AChRs to choline is a reason for the γ→ε subunit swap required for proper maturation of the neuromuscular synapse.  相似文献   

Positive allosteric modulators of α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) have attracted considerable interest as potential tools for the treatment of neurological and psychiatric disorders such as Alzheimer's disease and schizophrenia. However, despite the potential therapeutic usefulness of these compounds, little is known about their mechanism of action. Here, we have examined two allosteric potentiators of α7 nAChRs (PNU-120596 and LY-2087101). From studies with a series of subunit chimeras, we have identified the transmembrane regions of α7 as being critical in facilitating potentiation of agonist-evoked responses. Furthermore, we have identified five transmembrane amino acids that, when mutated, significantly reduce potentiation of α7 nAChRs. The amino acids we have identified are located within the α-helical transmembrane domains TM1 (S222 and A225), TM2 (M253), and TM4 (F455 and C459). Mutation of either A225 or M253 individually have particularly profound effects, reducing potentiation of EC20 concentrations of acetylcholine to a tenth of the level seen with wild-type α7. Reference to homology models of the α7 nAChR, based on the 4Å structure of the Torpedo nAChR, indicates that the side chains of all five amino acids point toward an intrasubunit cavity located between the four α-helical transmembrane domains. Computer docking simulations predict that the allosteric compounds such as PNU-120596 and LY-2087101 may bind within this intrasubunit cavity, much as neurosteroids and volatile anesthetics are thought to interact with GABAA and glycine receptors. Our findings suggest that this is a conserved modulatory allosteric site within neurotransmitter-gated ion channels.  相似文献   

Conventional nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) agonists, such as acetylcholine, act at an extracellular "orthosteric" binding site located at the interface between two adjacent subunits. Here, we present evidence of potent activation of α7 nAChRs via an allosteric transmembrane site. Previous studies have identified a series of nAChR-positive allosteric modulators (PAMs) that lack agonist activity but are able to potentiate responses to orthosteric agonists, such as acetylcholine. It has been shown, for example, that TQS acts as a conventional α7 nAChR PAM. In contrast, we have found that a compound with close chemical similarity to TQS (4BP-TQS) is a potent allosteric agonist of α7 nAChRs. Whereas the α7 nAChR antagonist metyllycaconitine acts competitively with conventional nicotinic agonists, metyllycaconitine is a noncompetitive antagonist of 4BP-TQS. Mutation of an amino acid (M253L), located in a transmembrane cavity that has been proposed as being the binding site for PAMs, completely blocks agonist activation by 4BP-TQS. In contrast, this mutation had no significant effect on agonist activation by acetylcholine. Conversely, mutation of an amino acid located within the known orthosteric binding site (W148F) has a profound effect on agonist potency of acetylcholine (resulting in a shift of ~200-fold in the acetylcholine dose-response curve), but had little effect on the agonist dose-response curve for 4BP-TQS. Computer docking studies with an α7 homology model provides evidence that both TQS and 4BP-TQS bind within an intrasubunit transmembrane cavity. Taken together, these findings provide evidence that agonist activation of nAChRs can occur via an allosteric transmembrane site.  相似文献   

Protein phosphorylation is a ubiquitous and one of the most effective means of regulating protein activity. Receptor phosphorylation is a key event in signal transduction. The question, therefore, that arises is whether this modulatory mechanism might produce functional changes in a membrane receptor in the absence of its naturally occurring ligand. To examine this issue, single-channel properties of purified acetylcholine receptors (AChRs) from Torpedo californica reconstituted in lipid bilayers were studied in the absence of ACh in both unphosphorylated preparations and after in vitro phosphorylation by a purified catalytic subunit of cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase (protein kinase A). Notably, the spontaneous open-channel probability of phosphorylated AChRs is significantly higher than that of unphosphorylated AChRs. Channel activation by protein kinase A is correlated with AChR phosphorylation and is abolished by alpha-bungarotoxin. Analysis of probability distributions of the open dwell times indicates that, similar to unphosphorylated AChR has two distinct open states, short- and long-lived. The frequency of occurrence of the long openings over the short and the magnitude of both time constants increase after phosphorylation, as they do with agonist concentration. Thus, phosphorylation of AChR gamma and delta subunits activates AChR channel opening in the absence of ligand binding. This result is compatible with the notion that protein phosphorylation may effectively act as an intracellular ligand with the phosphorylation sites envisioned as cytoplasmic ligand binding sites.  相似文献   

Miraculin (MCL) is a homodimeric protein isolated from the red berries of Richadella dulcifica. MCL, although flat in taste at neutral pH, has taste-modifying activity to convert sour stimuli to sweetness. Once MCL is held on the tongue, strong sweetness is sensed over 1 h each time we taste a sour solution. Nevertheless, no molecular mechanism underlying the taste-modifying activity has been clarified. In this study, we succeeded in quantitatively evaluating the acid-induced sweetness of MCL using a cell-based assay system and found that MCL activated hT1R2-hT1R3 pH-dependently as the pH decreased from 6.5 to 4.8, and that the receptor activation occurred every time an acid solution was applied. Although MCL per se is sensory-inactive at pH 6.7 or higher, it suppressed the response of hT1R2-hT1R3 to other sweeteners at neutral pH and enhanced the response at weakly acidic pH. Using human/mouse chimeric receptors and molecular modeling, we revealed that the amino-terminal domain of hT1R2 is required for the response to MCL. Our data suggest that MCL binds hT1R2-hT1R3 as an antagonist at neutral pH and functionally changes into an agonist at acidic pH, and we conclude this may cause its taste-modifying activity.  相似文献   

Planar lipid bilayers were formed with the mixed chain phospholipid 1-stearoyl-3-myristolglycero-2-phosphocholine. Acetylcholine receptor membrane fragments or the purified receptor protein was incorporated into these bilayers by fusing receptor-containing vesicles with the planar membranes a few degrees below the lipid phase transition temperature. Single-channel currents activated by nicotinic agonists in the reconstituted system resembled those observed in intact rat and frog muscle membrane as measured by the patch clamp technique. The observed channel characteristics did not depend on the degree of receptor purification. Thus, the receptor-enriched fragments and those depleted of nonreceptor peripheral peptides, the purified receptor monomer/dimer mixtures, and the isolated receptor monomer as defined by gel electrophoresis all shared similar electrochemical properties in the synthetic lipid bilayer. The agonist-activated ionic channel seems, therefore, to be contained within the receptor monomer.  相似文献   

Nicotinic AChRs (nAChRs) represent a paradigm for ligand-gated ion channels. Despite intensive studies over many years, our understanding of the mechanisms of activation and inhibition for nAChRs is still incomplete. Here, we present molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of the alpha7 nAChR ligand-binding domain, both in apo form and in alpha-Cobratoxin-bound form, starting from the respective homology models built on crystal structures of the acetylcholine-binding protein. The toxin-bound form was relatively stable, and its structure was validated by calculating mutational effects on the toxin-binding affinity. However, in the apo form, one subunit spontaneously moved away from the conformation of the other four subunits. This motion resembles what has been proposed for leading to channel opening. At the top, the C loop and the adjacent beta7-beta8 loop swing downward and inward, whereas at the bottom, the F loop and the C terminus of beta10 swing in the opposite direction. These swings appear to tilt the whole subunit clockwise. The resulting changes in solvent accessibility show strong correlation with experimental results by the substituted cysteine accessibility method upon addition of acetylcholine. Our MD simulation results suggest a mechanistic model in which the apo form, although predominantly sampling the "closed" state, can make excursions into the "open" state. The open state has high affinity for agonists, leading to channel activation, whereas the closed state upon distortion has high affinity for antagonists, leading to inhibition.  相似文献   

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