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PURPOSE: To demonstrate the development of presumed immune-mediated stromal rejection after deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty and its reversal after initiation of intensive topical corticosteroid therapy. METHODS: Observational case report carried out with the approval of the hospital institutional review board. RESULTS: Stromal edema and peripheral vascularization developed 16 months after deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty for keratoconus in a 13-year-old girl. After 2 weeks of intensive topical corticosteroids, complete reversal of stromal edema and regression of peripheral vascularization occurred, with full recovery of visual function. CONCLUSION: The clinical appearance and response to therapy in this case support the diagnosis of immune-mediated stromal rejection. Ophthalmologists should be aware that sight-threatening stromal rejection may occur in lamellar corneal grafts.  相似文献   

A Mooren's ulcer developed in a 6-year-old girl after a penetrating keratoplasty for Peters' anomaly. A destructive, circumferential, and centripetal stromal ulceration recurred despite conjunctival resection, corneal gluing, topical and systemic administration of corticosteroids, and repeat graftings. Results of a systemic and a rheumatologic examination were unremarkable. Histopathologic evaluations of donor grafts consistently disclosed a lymphocytic and a plasma cell infiltrate. Indirect immunofluorescent staining using a normal donor cornea substrate was positive at the level of Bowman's membrane and stroma. The patient's lymphocytes were stimulated by a partially purified bovine corneal antigen and a positive antibody titer was found in the patient's sera to the same corneal antigen. These results suggest humoral and cell-mediated immune mechanisms can be involved in the initiation and perpetuation of a stromal rejection process after penetrating keratoplasty.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To report a patient with Turner's syndrome who developed graft rejection after penetrating keratoplasty (PK) for keratoconus and to review the ophthalmic literature on the association between keratoconus and Turner's syndrome. METHODS: A woman with bilateral keratoconus and Turner's syndrome (45,XO) was referred for progressive visual loss in the right eye. Best-corrected visual acuity was 20/400 in the right eye. Slit-lamp examination revealed corneal thinning with ectatic protrusion of the central cornea and Vogt's striae in the right eye. The patient underwent PK in the right eye in January 2001. She developed graft rejection in April 2003 and visual acuity dropped to hand motion. After treatment with topical and systemic steroids and systemic cyclosporine A, visual acuity recovered to 20/80 in July 2003. RESULTS: The authors know of only three other reported patients (six eyes) with keratoconus in Turner's syndrome. Five eyes underwent PK with good visual rehabilitation, but one developed immunologic graft rejection 7 years after surgery. On the whole, considering the current report and the other cases described in the literature, graft rejection occurred in 2 out of 6 eyes (33.3%). The graft survival rate was 80% after 2 years and 40% after 7 years. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that grafts for keratoconus in patients with Turner's syndrome might have an increased risk of immunologic rejection. Corneal grafts in Turner's syndrome need to be monitored closely. Early detection of graft rejection and aggressive treatment with topical and systemic steroids and systemic cyclosporine A can save the graft and restore useful vision.  相似文献   

目的探讨导致穿透性角膜移植术后排斥反应的危险因素。方法对168眼穿透性角膜移植术后排斥反应发生情况进行回顾性分析,总结免疫排斥反应发生的时间、次数,原因以及预后等。结果168眼中发生免疫排斥反应46眼,总发生率27.38%。各病种排斥反应发生率不同,圆锥角膜3.85%(1/26);角膜内皮营养不良9.09%(1/11);单纯疱疹性角膜炎29.55%(13/44);真菌性角膜炎34.48%(20/58);细菌性角膜炎40%(6/15);角膜内皮细胞功能失代偿40%(2/5);热、化学伤33.33%(3/9)。结论免疫排斥反应的发生是角膜移植手术失败的主要原因,其发生的时间与发生率同角膜疾病的种、角膜植片的位置及大小密切相关。  相似文献   

穿透性角膜移植排斥反应的临床分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的探讨导致穿透性角膜移植术后排斥反应的高危病种及危险因素。方法对86例90眼穿透性角膜移植患者术后排斥反应发生率进行回顾性分析。结果各病种排斥反应发生率不同,角膜溃疡为42.86%(9/21);粘连性角膜白斑为39.13%(9/23);单纯性角膜白斑为28.57%(8/28);角膜变性或营养不良为11.11%(1/9);先天性角膜白斑为100.00%(1/1);圆锥角膜5眼及大泡性角膜病变3眼无排斥反应发生。术前角膜新生血管形成、虹膜前粘连、术前高眼压、术后高眼压、无晶状体状态、术式增多、大植片使排斥反应发生率增高。结论高危病种有角膜溃疡、粘连性角膜白斑、单疱病毒性角膜炎及化学伤导致的单纯性角膜白斑。术前角膜新生血管形成,虹膜前粘连,术前、术后高眼压,无晶状体,多术式联合,大植片是排斥反应发生的危险因素。  相似文献   

International Ophthalmology - To evaluate systemic inflammatory parameters in patients with corneal graft rejection after low-risk penetrating keratoplasty. Patients undergoing penetrating...  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To study the incidence and prognosis of immunologic rejection of the central graft after limbal allograft transplantation (keratolimbal allograft transplantation [KLAT]) combined with penetrating keratoplasty (PKP). METHODS: Endothelial rejection in central penetrating graft after simultaneous KLAT and PKP using the same donor cornea was retrospectively studied. Incidence, reversibility, prognosis, and changes in limbal grafts were examined. RESULTS: Forty-five eyes underwent simultaneous PKP and KLAT. Endothelial rejection of the central graft was found in 16 eyes (35.6%). At last examination, 10 grafts (62.5%) restored clarity after immunosuppressive therapy. During rejection episodes, four eyes showed engorgement of vessels in limbal grafts, which existed before the episodes. Only one eye developed neovascularization with mild edema of the limbal grafts; however, no other limbal grafts showed abnormalities on biomicroscopy. No epithelial changes were noted, and 14 grafts (87.5%) were covered by corneal epithelium after the rejection. CONCLUSION: Approximately one third of eyes had endothelial rejection in the central graft after simultaneous KLAT and PKP. Abnormalities suggestive of rejection in the limbal grafts were seldom observed in these eyes, suggesting that immunologic response was different in central and limbal grafts.  相似文献   

穿透性角膜移植患者植片衰竭和植片排斥的危险因素分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
目的评价穿透性角膜移植(PK)手术眼科患者中,影响角膜植片存活和植片发生免疫排斥反应的临床因素.方法回顾性分析解放军总医院眼科1993/2003年间,212例患者,224眼穿透性角膜移植手术的临床资料,以Kaplan-Meir's方法计算其预期10a植片存活率及10a植片无免疫排斥存活率,对各因素水平间采用log-rank检验比较其差异,计算不同因素的相对危险度(RR),并采用Cox回归模型评价各因素对植片存活率的影响.结果224眼总预期10a存活率和预期10a无免疫排斥存活率分别为81.4%和78.2%.与植片衰竭相关的高危因素包括角膜血管化、再次移植、无晶状体眼、人工晶状体眼、虹膜前粘连、虹膜后粘连、手术时间长(≥90min)和受者年龄大(≥60a)等.与植片发生免疫排斥反应相关的高危因素包括角膜血管化和手术时间长(≥90min).Cox回归模型显示只有角膜血管化(RR=2.46,P=0.04)、再次移植(RR=5.67,P<0.01)、无晶状体眼(RR=3.64,P<0.05)、人工晶状体眼(RR=6.83,P<O.01)和虹膜前(RR=2.76,P=0.05)及虹膜后粘连(RR=3.12,P=0.05)为角膜植片1Oa存活率的独立影响因素.结论与PK手术植片衰竭相关的高危因素包括角膜血管化、再次移植、无晶状体眼、人工晶状体眼、虹膜前或虹膜后粘连;与植片发生免疫排斥反应相关的高危因素包括角膜血管化及手术时间长.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To evaluate risk factors for graft failure and allograft rejection after penetrating keratoplasty (PK). METHODS: We retrospectively studied clinical results of PKs in terms of graft survival and rejection-free graft survival rates. PKs were done on 271 eyes between 1987 and 1997. Clinical results were analyzed by Kaplan-Meier's life table method and the log-rank test. Relative risks and adjusted survival probabilities for each value of the factor were compared with the risk for a specified reference value. RESULTS: The overall rates of graft survival and rejection-free graft survival in 10 years after PK were 79.3% and 77.9%, respectively. Higher relative risk of graft failure was associated with corneal vascularization (relative risk for within one quadrant = 1.67, two quadrants = 2.37, three or more quadrants = 3.39), regraft (relative risk for one failed previously graft = 2.08, two or more failed previously graft = 2.65), aphakia (relative risk = 2.17) or pseudophakia (relative risk = 3.02), presence of anterior synechia (relative risk = 2.91), presence of posterior synechia (relative risk = 2.56), long (more than 85 minutes) operation time (relative risk = 2.20), and older (more than 50 years) recipient age (relative risk = 2.38). Higher relative risk of rejection was associated with corneal vascularization (relative risk for within one quadrant = 2.35, two quadrants = 2.03, three or more quadrants = 2.63), long (more than 85 minutes) operation time (relative risk = 1.47), and younger (less than 60 years) donor age (relative risk = 2.10). There was no association between graft failure or allograft rejection and graft size or suture technique, respectively. CONCLUSION: The risk factors for graft failure after PK were corneal vascularization, regraft, aphakia or pseudophakia, presence of anterior synechia, presence of posterior synechia, long operation time, and older recipient age. The risk factors after PK for allograft rejection were corneal vascularization, long operation time, and younger donor age.  相似文献   

Long-term graft survival after penetrating keratoplasty   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
PURPOSE: To determine long-term graft survival rates and causes of secondary graft failures for a large series of penetrating keratoplasties (PKPs). DESIGN: Retrospective, noncomparative case series. PARTICIPANTS: Longitudinal review of 3992 consecutive eyes that underwent PKP at a large tertiary care referral center from 1982 through 1996. Data were collected retrospectively from August 1982 through December 1988 and prospectively thereafter. INTERVENTION: Three thousand six hundred forty primary grafts and 352 regrafts. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Corneal graft survival and etiology of graft failures. Patients were evaluated preoperatively and at 1, 3, 6, 9, 12, 18, and 24 months after transplant, then at yearly intervals. RESULTS: Mean recipient age was 67 years (range, 1-98 years). The predominant indications for PKP were pseudophakic bullous keratopathy (32%) and Fuchs' dystrophy (23%). Graft failure occurred in 10% (385) of the eyes. The most common causes of secondary graft failure were endothelial failure (29%) or immunologic endothelial rejection (27%). Survival of first time grafts was 90% at 5 years and 82% at 10 years. Initial regrafts had significantly lower 5-year and 10-year survival rates, 53% and 41%, respectively. The highest 5-year and 10-year survival rates were noted in primary grafts for eyes with a preoperative diagnosis of keratoconus (97% and 92%, respectively), or Fuchs' dystrophy (97% and 90%, respectively). Primary grafts for aphakic bullous keratopathy without intraocular lens placement had the lowest 5-year survival rate, 70%. CONCLUSIONS: The 5-year and 10-year survival rates in this series demonstrate that PKP is a safe and effective treatment for the corneal diseases commonly transplanted in the United States. However, endothelial failure and immunologic graft rejection were persistent risks over the long term, supporting the need for continued patient follow-up. Regrafts, aphakic eyes without intraocular lens placement at the time of transplant, and corneas with deep stromal vascularization had reduced graft survival rates. Pseudophakic bullous keratopathy grafts with a retained posterior chamber intraocular lens were at increased risk of endothelial failure compared with primary grafts done for other causes or compared with pseudophakic bullous keratopathy grafts done with intraocular lens exchange.  相似文献   

高鹏  赵靖  谢立信 《眼科新进展》2008,28(3):221-223
目的 探讨穿透性角膜移植术(penetrating keratoplasty,PKP)后因松线而进行植片重缝的时间及不同原发病的差异、手术前后角膜散光的变化.方法 对2004年1月至2006年6月我院PKP术后行植片重缝的41例(41眼)患者进行随访,其中男28例(28眼)、女13例(13眼);统计PKP术后行松线重缝的原发病、时间及散光变化.结果 松线重缝时间发生于术后1~4个月,感染性角膜病组(真菌性角膜炎、单纯疱疹性病毒性角膜炎、细菌性角膜炎)多发生于术后1个月内,平均为术后(24±10)d.非感染性角膜病组(圆锥角膜、粘连性角膜白斑、Fuchs角膜内皮营养不良、碱烧伤)多发生于术后3个月内,平均为术后(68±36)d.重缝后植片回复平整,上皮愈合.角膜散光平均减少3.74 D.结论 PKP术后3个月内植片重缝可以防止植片翘起,显著降低角膜散光.  相似文献   

穿透性角膜移植术后角膜植片哆开调查分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
目的分析穿透性角膜移植术后植片哆开的发生原因、时间、伤情与预后的关系等。方法收集山东省眼科研究所1993年~2004年间所行穿透性角膜移植(penetratingkeratoplasty,PKP)术3150例中发生角膜植片哆开的27例患者。详细记录患者角膜植片哆开的原因、时间、受伤程度、治疗、伤情与预后的关系等情况。结果(1)发生原因:碰伤11例,拳击伤9例,异物击伤5例,手指戳伤2例。(2)发生时间:70.4%的患者发生在术后两年内,其余散在分布,最短时间15天,最长时间12年。(3)受伤程度:角膜裂伤均沿角膜植片植床缝合处断开。5例植片哆开范围在1~3个钟点,16例在4~6个钟点之间,5例在7~9个钟点之间,1例植片完全脱落。植片哆开范围<6个钟点的患者共10例,4例发生了晶状体、虹膜及玻璃体脱出,植片哆开范围≥6个钟点的患者16例,均发生了晶状体、虹膜及玻璃体脱出。(4)治疗:10例单纯行角膜植片重缝术,11例行角膜植片重缝 前玻切术,5例联合视网膜复位术,1例眼内容剜除术。(5)伤情与预后:2例植片哆开范围小且未发生眼内容脱出的患者视力较伤前提高,其余视力均有不同程度下降。随着角膜植片哆开范围的增加,患者视力下降程度加重。结论PKP术后角膜植片哆开主要由外伤造成,术后两年内为高发期,眼部受伤的严重程度与预后密切相关。  相似文献   

D C Musch  R F Meyer 《Ophthalmology》1989,96(8):1139-1143
Using univariate and multivariate survival analyses, the risk of endothelial rejection (ER) was compared between a group of patients undergoing penetrating keratoplasty (PK) in one eye only (unilateral PK) and a concurrent group who underwent PK in both eyes (bilateral PK). There was no significant difference in the time-related risk of ER between the bilateral and unilateral PK groups, after controlling for the increased risk of ER associated with younger age and preoperative stromal vascularity. Further analysis showed no increased ER risk to the first eye after the second eye's PK in the bilateral PK group. The documentation of simultaneous ER episodes in both eyes of two bilateral PK patients, however, may be evidence of an uncommon sharing of histocompatibility antigen(s) in the donor tissue used in these eyes.  相似文献   

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