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目的探讨CARTO标测特发性右室流出道室速(RVOT-VT)的方法和对射频消融(RFCA)的指导作用;分析RVOT-VT起源点与12导联心电图的关系,探讨12导联心电图对RVOT-VT起源点定位的辅助作用.方法14例特发性RVOT-VT患者,男性6例、女性8例,平均年龄39.0±8.0岁.所有病人均行常规电生理检查,对诱发室性心动过速(VT)或有频发室性早搏(PVCs)的病人,采用CARTO标测VT或PVCs的最早激动点作为RFCA的靶点.如不能诱发VT或无频发PVCs患者,在窦性心律下标测RVOT的解剖结构,然后进行起搏标测,寻找起搏ECG与临床上VT或PVCs的ECG相同或相似的最佳起搏点作为RFCA的靶点.通过成功地RFCA确定每例VT起源点在RVOT的部位,然后分析每例VT起源点对应的12导联心电图特征.结果14例病人中,有8例病人手术时在基础状态下或静滴异丙肾上腺素后有频发的PVCs,通过捕捉和标测PVCs重构RVOT的解剖结构和PVCs的电激动顺序,顺利地标出PVCs的最早激动点作为RFCA的靶点.另6例临床上有持续性VT的病人,有2例术中诱发出持续性VT.在VT状态下用CARTO标测VT的最早激动点作为RFCA的靶点.2例只诱发短阵持续性VT和另2例只有在静滴异丙肾上腺素后诱发出非持续性VT的患者,用起搏标测找出最佳消融,靶点.所有14例RVOT-VT均成功地进行了RFCA,成功率为100%.VT起源于间隔部8例(58%),后壁4例(28%),外侧壁2例(14%).Ⅰ、aVL和aVR导联上的QRS波形态有助于确定VT起源点在间隔部或游离壁;V3导联上的R/S比值有助于确定VT起源点在RVOT的上部或下部.结论CARTO标测通过在VT或PVCs时行激动顺序标测或无VT和PVCs时行起搏标测可以准确地确定VT或PVCs的起源点,并有效地指导RFCA.VT或PVCs的十二导联心电图有助于在术前定位VT或PVCs在RVOT的起源点.  相似文献   

目的评价静脉应用异丙肾上腺素在频发室性早搏(PVC)射频消融疗效判断中的实际应用价值。方法选择2010年7月到2011年3月在本中心接受射频消融的频发性PVC患者为研究对象,采用起搏与激动标测相结合方法确定消融靶点。消融后观察20 min如无早搏出现,即予静脉应用异丙肾上腺素,使心室率升至120次/分,观察至心率恢复到基础状态,记录PVC是否再现及形态等情况,无论早搏有无均不再予消融,术后1~3个月内行动态心电图检查。结果共65例接受手术,术前基础状态下均可见频发PVC,其中59例消融后基础状态下早搏消失,达即刻成功标准。静脉点滴异丙肾上腺素后不能诱发PVC 32例(A组),诱发出同样形态的早搏12例(B组),诱发出不同形态的早搏15例(C组)。术后动态心电图检查发现复发5例,其中A组复发3例,B组1例,C组1例。各组间复发率无显著性差异(P>0.05)。结论静脉应用异丙肾上腺素对于判断频发PVC射频消融疗效无明确作用。  相似文献   

目的报道射频导管消融治疗儿童左室特发性分支性室性心动过速(ILFVT)的有效性及安全性。方法本中心2000年6月至2019年4月射频导管消融治疗30例儿童ILFVT,年龄1~14岁,男性12例,女性18例。常规心内电生理检查明确ILFVT诊断后经X线二维或CARTO三维系统引导标测消融,消融靶点为心动过速时左室间隔部标测最早激动处或窦性心律时左室间隔部最早Purkinje电位或舒张期电位处。结果 29例诊断为左后分支ILFVT,1例诊断为左前分支ILFVT。经X线引导ILFVT标测消融13例,应用CARTO三维系统引导标测消融17例。CARTO三维标测指导下消融的手术时间、X线曝光时间明显短于X线二维指导下消融,分别为[(30±10)min vs (50±20)min,P<0.05;(5±2)min vs (15±5)min,P<0.05]。30例患者ILFVT均消融成功。随访2年,2例应用X线指引消融ILFVT复发,经再次消融成功。无并发症发生。结论射频消融治疗儿童左室特发性室性心动过速安全、有效。  相似文献   

患者男性,55岁,因胸闷、心悸不适10年,加重1周入我院治疗。入院时心电图示窦性心律,可见部分频率为60~75次/分,P波消失,窄的畸形QRS波(88ms),不完全左束支传导阻滞图形,缓慢起始,缓慢终止,与窦性心律交替出现,临床诊断为加速性室性自主心律(AIVR)。动态心电图(Holter)检查显示室性早搏负荷为57%,经心脏超声、心肌酶学、冠状动脉造影、同位素心肌显像等检查排除器质性及继发性因素后决定行电生理检查。EnSite NAVX三维标测系统激动标测和起搏标测均提示AIVR起源于右室后侧壁,于此处标测到理想靶点(单极电图呈QS型且领先体表QRS波42ms),行导管射频消融获得成功。术后患者症状改善,3个月后随访Holter未再出现AIVR。  相似文献   

目的比较希氏束旁道CARTO3及常规X光指导下标测及消融方法。方法纳入12例希氏束旁道并进行射频消融治疗的患者。入选患者均进行了心内电生理检查,9例患者行常规X光透视下标测消融靶点并进行消融,3例患者应用CARTO3三维标测系统指导靶点标测及射频消融。对不同标测方法手术成功率、X线曝光时间及并发症进行比较。结果 9例常规标X光测患者中成功6例(66.7%),2例未成功,1例靶点距离希氏束过近,放弃消融,术中1例患者出现一过性完全性房室传导阻滞,X线曝光时间(36.2±13.4)min;CARTO3指导3例均成功(100.0%),X线曝光时间(14.2±7.8)min。与常规X光测患者比较,CARTO3三维标测系统指导靶点消融成功率更高,X线曝光时间更短,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论与常规X光相比,CARTO3指导希氏束旁旁道消融可更精确指示希氏束及消融导管空间位置,缩短X光曝光时间,提高消融成功率。  相似文献   

患者女性,45岁,因“反复心悸5年,再发6 h”入院,诊断:阵发性室上性心动过速。在CARTO标测系统指导下行射频消融术,心动过速发作时:冠状静脉窦(CS)1-2逆传A波最早,考虑左侧显性旁道,消融后仍有CS1-2逆传A波最早;建立二尖瓣模型,对V波最提前处进行消融,诱发第二种心动过速,建立左房模型,以CS7-8为参考进行激动标测,于靶点提前参考84 ms处消融后预激波消失,靶点位置在Marshall韧带位置处。  相似文献   

目的探讨特发性室性心动过速(IVT)的标测方法.方法对52例行射频消融的IVT患者进行标测.39例源于右心室的IVT采用消融导管右心室起搏标测法,以起搏时与室性心动过速(室速)发作时的12导联心电图QRS波形态与振幅完全相同的起搏部位为消融靶点.12例起源于左心室的IVT以发作时消融电极导管在左心室内标测到较体表心电图QRS波提前≥20 ms的最早高频低振幅电位为消融靶点(激动顺序标测法),1例左心室室速采用起搏标测法.结果左心室IVT消融成功率100%(13/13),右心室IVT消融成功率94.87%(37/39).结论起源于左心室的IVT宜采用激动顺序标测法,起源于右心室的IVT宜采用起搏标测法.  相似文献   

目的探讨CARTO3指导下室性早搏射频消融的方法和成功率。方法 61例室性早搏患者根据体表心电图及动态心电图初步确定起源部位,CARTO3指导下激动标测,最早激动点且局部单极电图呈QS为靶点;温控消融,功率20~50W。结果室性早搏右心室流出道起源33例,消融成功率90.9%,间隔部起源成功率93.1%;起源于房室瓣环7例,消融成功率85.7%;非左室流出道起源消融成功患者V2导联最早心室激动至R波峰间期(Intrinsicoid deflection time,IDT)显著短于消融失败患者(34.2±8.4 ms vs.51.6±17.9 ms,P0.01)。结论 CARTO3指导下射频消融起源于心室流出道、房室瓣环等部位的室性早搏安全有效,以右室流出道间隔部成功率最高,IDT值对于术前估测消融成功率有指导作用。  相似文献   

报道2例窦房折返性心动过速(SNRT)的电生理特点及射频消融结果。男、女各1例,两例患者心动过速发作时体表心电图12导联P波形态与窦性心律时相同,心内电生理检查证实为SNRT。采用激动顺序标测,心动过速发作时于右房高侧壁记录到心房最早激动,且与窦性心律时激动顺序相同,成功消融靶点部位A波分别早于体表心电图P波50和30ms。以15~30W输出功率消融60~120s均成功。随访2~6个月无心动过速发作,窦房结功能正常。比较有效消融和无效消融的靶点特征,提示提前、增宽及碎裂的A波可作为消融靶点。根据笔者初步经验认为射频消融治疗SNRT是安全有效的。  相似文献   

目的探讨Carto标测特发性右心室流出道室性心动过速(RVOT-VT)的方法和对射频导管消融(RFCA)的指导作用;分析RVOT-VT起源点与12导联心电图的关系,探讨12导联心电图对RVOT-VT起源点定位的辅助作用.方法14例特发性RVOT-VT患者,男性6例、女性8例,平均年龄(39.0±8.0)岁.所有病人均行常规电生理检查,对诱发室性心动过速(VT)或有频发室性早搏(PVCs)的病人,采用Carto标测VT或PVCs的最早激动点作为RFCA的靶点.如不能诱发VT或无频发PVCs患者,在窦性心律下标测RVOT的解剖结构,然后进行起搏标测,寻找起搏心电图与临床上VT或PVCs的心电图相同或相似的最佳起搏点作为RFCA的靶点.通过成功的RFCA确定每例VT起源点在RVOT的部位,然后分析每例VT起源点对应的12导联心电图特征.结果14例病人中,有8例病人手术时在基础状态下或静脉滴注异丙肾上腺素后有频发的PVCs,通过捕捉和标测PVCs重构RVOT的解剖结构和PVCs的电激动顺序,顺利地标出PVCs的最早激动点作为RFCA的靶点.另6例临床上有持续性VT的病人,有2例术中诱发出持续性VT.在VT状态下用Carto标测VT的最早激动点作为RFCA的靶点.2例只诱发短阵持续性VT和另2例只有在静脉滴注异丙肾上腺素后诱发出非持续性VT的患者,用起搏标测找出最佳消融靶点.所有14例RVOT-VT均成功地进行了RFCA,成功率为100%.VT起源于间隔部8例(57%),后壁4例(29%),外侧壁2例(14%).I、aVR和aVL导联上的QRS波形态有助于确定VT起源点在间隔部或游离壁;V3导联上的R/S比值有助于确定VT起源点在RVOT的上部或下部.结论Carto标测通过在VT或PVCs时行激动顺序标测或无VT和PVCs时行起搏标测可以准确地确定VT或PVCs的起源点,并有效地指导RFCA.VT或PVCs的12导联心电图有助于在术前定位VT或PVCs在RVOT的起源点.  相似文献   

电解剖标测消融左室特发性室性心动过速   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的报道三维电解剖标测指导下左室特发性室性心动过速(ILVT)的射频消融方法。方法4例经常规电生理标测消融失败的ILVT患者,应用三维电解剖(CARTO)标测指导确定消融部位。结果4例患者室性心动过速时CARTO标测的V波最早激动点在前中间隔,在此部位消融无效。以左后分支电位标测的最早激动点在左后间隔区域,在此部位消融终止所有ILVT,此成功部位距V波最早记录点1.0~2.0cm。随访1~7个月无复发。结论左后分支及其浦氏纤维是构成折返环的关键部位,也是射频消融的关键部位,并与折返的出口有一定距离。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the value of activation mapping for radiofrequency modification of the sinus node and the long-term success rate of the procedure in a series of patients with inappropriate sinus tachycardia. BACKGROUND: The results of radiofrequency ablation of inappropriate sinus tachycardia have been reported in only a small number of patients. METHODS: The subjects of this study were 29 consecutive drug-refractory patients who underwent catheter ablation of inappropriate sinus tachycardia. Target sites were selected by activation mapping during sinus tachycardia. RESULTS: The ablation procedure was successful acutely in reducing the baseline sinus rate to <90/min and the sinus rate during isoproterenol infusion by >20% in 22 of 29 patients (76%). In 13 of 22 patients (59%) with a successful acute outcome, successive applications of radiofrequency energy at the site of earliest endocardial activation resulted in a cranial-caudal migration of earliest endocardial activation from the high lateral right atrium, along with a step-wise reduction in heart rate. In the other nine patients (41%) with a successful acute outcome, the reduction in sinus rate occurred abruptly, unaccompanied by migration of the site of earliest activation. Symptoms due to inappropriate sinus tachycardia recurred at a mean of 4.4+/-; 3 months after the ablation procedure in 6 of 22 patients (27%). After additional procedures in three patients, symptoms of inappropriate sinus tachycardia ultimately were successfully eliminated over the long-term in 19 of 29 patients (66%). CONCLUSIONS: In conclusion, radiofrequency ablation is at best only modestly effective for managing patients with inappropriate sinus tachycardia. The two different responses of heart rate to radiofrequency ablation may reflect differences in the number and/or multicentricity of subsidiary sites of impulse generation within the sinus node and/or atrium in patients with inappropriate sinus tachycardia.  相似文献   

Mapping and Ablation of Atrial Tachycardia in Heart Failure. INTRODUCTION: Dogs with rapid ventricular pacing-induced congestive heart failure (CHF) have inducible atrial tachycardia (AT), with a mechanism consistent with delayed afterdepolarization-mediated triggered activity. We assessed the hypothesis that AT has a focal origin. METHODS AND RESULTS: Twenty-one CHF dogs undergoing 3 to 4 weeks of ventricular pacing at 235 beats/min were studied. Biatrial epicardial mapping of 20 sustained AT episodes (cycle length [CL], 175 +/- 53 msec) in 5 dogs revealed an area of earliest activation in the right atrial (RA) free wall (13 episodes), RA appendage (4 episodes), or between the pulmonary veins (3 episodes). Total epicardial activation time during AT (73 +/- 19 msec) was similar to that during sinus rhythm (72 +/- 13 msec) and on average was <50% of the AT CL. Higher-density mapping of the RA free wall during 30 sustained AT episodes (163 +/- 55 msec) in 9 dogs identified a site of earliest activation along the sulcus terminalis most frequently as a stable, focal activation pattern from a single site. Endocardial mapping of 49 sustained AT episodes (156 +/- 27 msec) in 10 dogs revealed multiple sites of AT origin arising along the crista terminalis and pulmonary veins. Right and left ATs were terminated with discrete radiofrequency ablation, but other ATs remained inducible. A rapid, left AT generating an ECG pattern of atrial fibrillation was ablated inside the pulmonary vein. CONCLUSION: AT induced in this CHF model after 3 to 4 weeks of rapid ventricular pacing has an activation pattern consistent with a focal origin. Sites of earliest activation are distributed predominately along the crista terminalis and within or near the pulmonary veins.  相似文献   

目的 阐明右心房内界嵴心动过速 (CT AT)与房室结折返性心动过速 (AVNRT)并存时心房激动的竞争夺获现象 ,分析其可能的电生理机制及导管消融策略。方法  3例患者中 ,女性 2例 ,男性 1例 ,年龄 4 9~ 5 7岁 ,心动过速病史 10~ 2 0年。 3例患者均无器质性心脏病。经左股静脉置入 9F球囊电极至右心房中部并展开 ,球囊中心位于希氏束水平。构建右心房构型后 ,经高位右心房程序刺激诱发心动过速 ,建立心动过速的心内膜等电势图 ,然后分析心动过速的起源、传导方向 ,由此确定消融的部位和方法。经导航系统引导消融导管至拟订靶点处 ,每点予以 6 0W、6 0s、6 0℃温控消融 ,直至心动过速不能诱发。结果  3例患者均可诱发出CT AT和AVNRT。例 1CT AT和AVNRT同时被诱发 ,两种心动周期比较接近 ,分别为 2 83ms和 2 6 2ms ;心内膜电生理提示心动过速由CT AT逐渐移行成AVNRT。例 2首先诱发出CT AT ,随之又诱发出AVNRT ,且两者并存 ,两种心动周期基本相同 ,分别为 35 0ms和 35 9ms;心内膜电生理示右心房上部随CT激动 ,下部及间隔部随AVNRT激动。例 3AVNRT比CT更易诱发 ,两者不在同一时间段出现 ,前者心动过速周期为 2 73ms ,后者为 36 5ms。3例患者均先行常规方法消融慢径 ,使AVNRT不再诱发。CT AT经非接触球囊导管  相似文献   

Variable success rates in the ablation of atrial tachycardias using conventional electrophysiology have been achieved. There is no precise relation between P wave morphology in surface ECG and atrial electrophysiology, and this fact makes it more difficult to locate ectopic atrial foci. The CARTO system creates atrial activation maps that relate an anatomical location to an electrical potential. The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of CARTO guided radiofrequency (RF) ablation of atrial foci. The population consisted of 10 consecutive patients with atrial tachycardia resistant to more than 2 drugs, 7 female, mean age 45 +/- 12 years. CARTO activation maps were constructed based on atrial tachycardia or premature beats. Radiofrequency energy was applied to the earliest activation zone. Immediate success was defined as suppression of ectopic atrial activity. Ectopic foci were located on the ostium of the coronary sinus (3 patients), crista terminalis (1 patient), right atrial appendage (1 patient), interatrial septum (1 patient) and in the pulmonary veins (4 patients). The activation maps contained 85 +/- 35 points. The number of RF applications ranged from 1 to 11 (mean 4). Immediate and 6 month success rate was 90%. We were not able to treat one patient with a focus in the right atrial appendage. No attempt was made to limit procedure or fluoroscopy time in our study. Nonetheless all procedures lasted less than 150 min, and fluoroscopy times were less than 30 minutes. CONCLUSIONS: The CARTO system precisely located ectopic atrial foci, allowing a high success rate in the ablation of focal atrial tachycardias.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: We conducted this study to assess long-term results of three-dimensional (3-D) mapping-guided radiofrequency ablation (RFA) of inappropriate sinus tachycardia (IST). Change in activation after the administration of esmolol was also assessed and compared to the shift documented with successful sinus node (SN) modification. BACKGROUND: The long-term results after RFA of IST have been reported to vary between 27% and 66%. METHODS: Thirty-nine patients (35 women, mean age 31 +/- 9 years) with debilitating IST were included in the study. The area around the earliest site of activation recorded using the 3-D mapping system was targeted for ablation. The shift in the earliest activation site after administration of esmolol was compared with the shift after RFA. RESULTS: The heart rate at rest and in drug-free state ranged between 95 and 125 beats/min (mean 99 +/- 14 beats/min). Sinus node was successfully modified in all patients. Following ablation, the mean heart rate dropped to 72 +/- 8 beats/min, p < 0.01. The extent of the 3-D shift in caudal activation along the crista terminalis was more pronounced after RFA than during esmolol administration (23 +/- 11 mm vs. 7 +/- 5 mm, respectively, p < 0.05). No patient required pacemaker implantation after a mean follow-up time of 32 +/- 9 months; 21% of patients experienced recurrence of IST and were successfully re-ablated. CONCLUSIONS: Three-dimensional electroanatomical mapping seems to facilitate and improve the ablation results of IST. The difference in caudal shift seen after esmolol administration and following SN modification suggests that adrenergic hypersensitivity is not the only mechanism responsible for the inappropriate behavior of the SN.  相似文献   

Idiopathic ventricular tachycardia (VT) has been considered to be amenable to radiofrequency catheter ablation guided by Purkinje potentials. However, there appear to be various types of reentrant circuits associated with this VT deduced from the results of the successful radiofrequency catheter ablation cases. We describe in this report a patient with idiopathic left ventricular tachycardia which was electrically inducible and verapamil sensitive. Multiple earliest ventricular activation sites during tachycardia were detected with electroanatomical mapping using the CARTO system. Multiple applications at these sites failed to eliminate the VT. The earliest Purkinje potential was recorded at least 1.5[emsp4 ]cm away from the earliest ventricular activation sites, and the radiofrequency current application at this site resulted in the complete abolition of this VT. The reentrant circuit of this tachycardia seemed to have multiple breakthrough sites to the ventricular myocardium, which were distant from the requisite part of the reentrant circuit of this VT involving the Purkinje fiber network conduction system.  相似文献   

Focal atrial tachycardias originate predominantly from the right atrium along the crista terminalis and less commonly from the left atrium. Successful catheter ablation usually can be performed via an endocardial approach. We report the case of a 34-year-old patient in whom a focal atrial tachycardia was successfully ablated 4 cm within the coronary sinus after extensive mapping of the left atrial endocardium and coronary sinus using the three-dimensional CARTO mapping system. Rarely, atrial tachycardia can originate from the coronary sinus musculature and require ablation inside the coronary sinus.  相似文献   

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