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Neuroleptic malignant syndrome (NMS) is arare and potentially fatal idiosyncratic complicationprecipitated by the use of antipsychotic and atypicalantipsychotic medications, most notably haloperidol,and characterized by the development of altered con-scou…  相似文献   

对一例患Holt-Oram综合征患者手术取得成功。对此综合征的分型、鉴别诊断与手术作了讨论。  相似文献   

"Omohyoid muscle syndrome" (hyaline degeneration of omohyoid muscle) is presented in this article. The authors encountered 10 such cases. They were treated by simple severance of the omohyoid muscle with satisfactory results. One of them has been followed up for 4 years and 3 months without recurrence of the cervical mass.  相似文献   

A 6-month-old baby was diagnosed as having Russell-silver syndrome. Dermatoglyphics showed no difference between his parents and normal chlidren, except that both thumbs were arch ridged. Nail fold microcirculatory observations showed a distinct breadth for each finger of the right side of the loops, the character and rate of blood flow being normal. Those of the left revealed vague loops and the charater and rate of blood flow were unclear.  相似文献   

Unroofed coronary sinus syndrome (UCSS) is uncommon. In more than 3170 congenital heart defect patients undergoing open-heart surgery at Xinhua Hospital between 1973 and 1988 there were 6 cases with an incidence rate of approximately 0.18%. Two patients belonged to the complete type while 4 patients to the partial type. The pericardial patch treated by 0.5% glutaraldehyde was sewn into the right atrium so as to receive the left superior vena cava (LSVC) drainage. Neither residural shunt nor obstruction was detected by two-dimensional echocardiography in the follow-up.  相似文献   

手术治疗马凡氏综合征3例,2例行Bental手术,1例行主动脉瓣置换术加人造血管补片修复升主动脉,手术均获成功,随访3~5年,效果良好。就手术方法的选择,冠状动脉移植方法及吻合口出血的预防等问题进行了讨论  相似文献   

冠心病本虚标实证冠状动脉造影结果分析   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
对35例冠心病患者行经皮腔内冠状动脉成形术前进行本虚与标实辨证及冠状动脉造影检查,结果表明,阳虚(包括阴阳两虚)者与气虚(包括气阴虚)者比较,前者平均冠脉狭窄支数增多,3支狭窄的患者阳虚者显著多于气虚者,1~2支狭窄的患者阳虚者显著少于气虚者,提示多支冠脉狭窄与本虚证由气虚向阳虚发展有密切关系;标实证方面,在普遍存在血瘀证的情况下,兼有气滞者冠脉狭窄程度似较轻,兼痰浊或寒凝者则狭窄程度似较重。因而认为冠状动脉粥样硬化性狭窄的冠脉支数和狭窄程度,可能是冠心病本虚与标实证的基本病理基础。  相似文献   

本文报告一例少见的,并经尸体解剖证实为流行性肋腺炎合并格林-巴利综合征的病例。同时对其发生机理作了简要的讨论,病理改变支持本病例之发生为感染后的免疫障碍所致。  相似文献   

1 例巴特(Bartter)氏综合征曾误诊为垂体性尿崩症,经临床检查和治疗观察符合本病确诊,经治疗后痊愈出院。  相似文献   

This paper reports a case of Sjogren's syn- drome with myocarditis successfully treated mainly by traditional Chinese medicine.  相似文献   

目的探讨窦性心率震荡(heart rate turbulence,HRT)在急性冠脉综合征(acute coronary syndrome,ACS)患者诊疗中的临床价值。方法选择2005年1月—2008年2月在我院心内科住院并确诊的ACS患者160例,其中不稳定型心绞痛57例,急性心肌梗死103例,健康对照组57例,所有入选患者均接受动态心电图检查,测量HRT的参数TO、TS、心率变异的参数SDNN及左室射血分数(left ventricular ejection fraction,LVEF)。结果ACS患者HRT较正常健康人群显著减弱,急性心肌梗死患者HRT减弱更加明显,ACS患者HRT减弱程度与LVEF呈显著负相关。结论HRT可作为检测ACS患者压力感受器敏感性减退和自主神经功能受损,尤其是迷走神经反射功能受损以及判断ACS患者心功能状态的有价值参考指标。  相似文献   

冠状动脉瘤猝死一例尸解报告   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
报道一例青年人因患左右冠状动脉瘤合并机化血栓形成所致猝死,并结合文献复习,讨论了冠状动脉瘤的发生原因、病理变化及猝死机理。  相似文献   

目的 :回顾冠状动脉旁路移植术 ( CABG)治疗冠心病的早期效果和经验。方法 :2 5例冠心病病人92 %为多支冠状动脉病变。 1 0例左室射血分数 ( EF)≤ 45 % ,其中 4例 <30 %。所有患者均有心绞痛症状 ,CCS ~ 级。 1 0例在非体外循环、心脏不停跳下手术 ,余为低温体外循环 ( CPB)下手术。 1 4例采用左乳内动脉与左前降支搭桥 ,余均为大隐静脉桥 ,人均搭桥 3.0 8支。同期行激光心肌血管重建术 ( TMLR) 3例。结果 :2 5例 CABG临床效果良好 ,无手术死亡。术后 96%的患者心绞痛症状完全消失。结论 :CABG是一种治疗冠心病安全和有效的方法 ,近期临床效果满意。  相似文献   

Richard Volkman n, in 1809, first referred to a severe contracture of the hand which he ascribed to tigbt bandaging in the treatment of fractures about the elbow; and, in bis classical article (1) in 1881, reaf- firmed his belief in the ischemic nature of the affection which he thought due to deprivation of arterial blood and to venous obstruction. Thomas (2), in 1909, reviewed the literature and found record of 103 cases from the time of Volkmann''s original report to that of Quinby''s report in 1908. To these he added four cases of his own. In 1908, Jones (3) stated he had seen 24 cases. In 1914, Murphy (4) presented six cases, but stated tliat he had seen ''a large number'' of others. From 1910 t0 1930 nurr.erous reports of this condition have entered the literature (5, 6, 8, 9).  相似文献   

An adult cas.e of Cushing's syndrome is re- port.ed. X-ray film shows a tumor mass in the right middle mediastinum. The 24 hour urinary 17-Hydroxycorticosteroid is high and is not suppreLssed by la.rge dos.e dexamethasone: The patient died of infectious shock due to bron- chopneumonia and colitis. Histologically no microadenoma is found in the pituitary. Ba- sophils have Crooke's changes. The fascicular zones of the bilateral cortices appear to have diffuse hyperplasia The thymo,ma is epithelial cell ca.rcinoma. Therefore Cushing's syndrome in this case is due to excessive ectopic ACTH. Fibrin thrombi are also found in the small blood vessels of the kidney, thymus as well as other tissues  相似文献   

目的 观察甲基强的松龙冲击疗法联合弥可保治疗Melkersson-Rosenthal Syndrome(MRS)临床效果。方法 临床诊断为MRS患者4例,甲基强的松龙700~1000mg加入生理盐水250ml中静滴;弥可保500ug,肌肉注射,1/d,10d为1个疗程。结果 例1应用2次冲击疗法,例2、例3、例4应用一次冲击疗法;例1~例4均使用2个疗程弥可保。例1~例3基本康复,例4明显减轻。结果 大剂量甲基强的松龙冲击疗法联合弥可保是目前治疗MRS的有效方法。  相似文献   

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