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目的:了解济南市敬老院老年人缺牙状况和口腔保健习惯,为采取针对性措施提高敬老院老年人生活质量提供相关参考。方法:按照"第三次全国口腔健康流行病学调查"的要求,采取多阶段、随机抽样的方法,对济南市敬老院420名老年人进行口腔保健问卷调查和口腔健康状况检查。所得数据采用SPSS18.0软件进行统计分析。结果:在420例受检者中,牙列完整者9例(2.14%),牙列缺损者321例(76.43%),牙列缺失者90例(21.43%);义齿修复率47.45%(195/411)。结论:济南市敬老院老年人口腔健康状况欠佳,缺牙率高而修复率低,缺乏正确的口腔卫生保健习惯。应加强口腔卫生宣教,并采取相应的口腔保健措施改善老年人口腔健康状况。  相似文献   

老年缺牙患者口腔健康与牙缺失情况调查分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
目的:全面了解老年修复患者口腔组织特点,为老年人群的修复工作提供有针对性的基础性资料,进一步指导老年人的修复工作。方法:采用临床检查的方法,内容包括缺失牙情况、余留牙的健康状况、咬合状况等。结果:1.老年患者人均缺牙11.7颗,KennedyⅠ类、Ⅱ类占全部缺失类型的62.7%;2.缺失牙位最多的前三位牙齿分别为上颌第一磨牙、上颌第二磨牙、下颌第一磨牙;3.咬合牙对数平均为4.66对,咬合接触最多的牙位是尖牙,其次是侧切牙和切牙;4.19.7%的老年患者口腔卫生较差,55.6%的患者存在食物嵌塞,46.3%口腔中的牙齿需要进行治疗,指征失牙数平均为1.5颗。结论:1.老年缺牙患者缺牙数量多,咀嚼功能丧失较多;2.口腔卫生普遍不良;3.余留牙的健康状况较差;4.修复条件差,修复前需进行必要的调牙合。  相似文献   

目的:了解山东省胶东地区农村中老年人的缺牙及修复情况,为口腔疾病防的防治提供参考.方法:采用多阶段、分层、随机抽样的方法,调查山东省胶东地区农村45岁以上的中老年人的缺牙及义齿修复情况,并采用SPSS13.0软件对数据进行统计分析.结果:在355例受检者中,牙列完整94例,牙列缺损228例,牙列缺失36例,全口无牙33...  相似文献   

辽宁省中年和老年人缺牙及义齿修复情况调查分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
目的了解辽宁省中年和老年人缺牙及义齿修复情况。方法根据第三次全国口腔健康流行病学调查方法,对辽宁省城市和农村地区35~44岁和65~74岁年龄段的1 584人的缺牙和义齿修复情况进行调查,并采用SPSS11.0软件对数据进行统计分析。结果在1 584个受检者中,牙列缺损887人( 56.00%),牙列缺失104人( 6.57%),牙列完整593人( 37.44%);失牙6 776颗,失牙均数为4.28颗,上下颌缺牙数分别为3 550颗和3 226颗;义齿修复率为52.77%。结论应重视中老年人尤其是农村地区中老年人的口腔健康状况,加大力度作好龋病和牙周病的防治工作,以促进中老年人的口腔健康,提高其生活质量。  相似文献   

门诊986例老年人牙齿缺失及修复情况调查分析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
目的调查老年人牙齿缺失、修复状况、义齿质量和基牙情况。方法由固定的2位医生,统一标准,对门诊986例老年患者进行问卷调查。结果缺牙率为93.5%。女性组缺牙率(95.6%)与男性组(92.0%)有显著性差异(P<0.05)。缺牙修复率为60.3%。修复率与年龄成正相关。覆盖义齿的根面龋、牙龈炎发病率分别为27.3%和38.4%。结论应提高老年人口腔卫生与保健意识,修复设计应符合老年人缺牙特点。  相似文献   

1999年对重庆市南岸区南坪珊瑚社区 1872名老人进行口腔检查 ,现将结果报道如下 :材料和方法1.调查对象 对南坪珊瑚社区 7个居委会居住的 60岁以上老年人进行逐户调查 ,共检查 1872人。2 .调查项目 失牙原因、牙缺失患者职业与失牙及修复关系 ,牙缺失者文化程度与牙缺失及修复关系等。3 .调查方法 实行 1人 1卡。所有参检人员均为我院口腔科临床医生。检查时按照WHO统一标准 ,记录建档 ,调查结束后随机抽取 5 %的受检者进行复查 ,各项复查数据的符合率在90 %以上。结  果本组 1872名受检者中 1663人失牙 ,占 88.8% ;共缺牙1772 3个 …  相似文献   

武汉市785例老年人缺牙及修复情况分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  

目的:以Eichner分类法代表牙缺失状况,研究上海市老年人牙缺失、修复情况及口腔健康相关生命质量的现状,同时探讨生命质量与牙缺失、义齿修复与否的相关性。方法:以65~74岁年龄组为研究对象,采用多阶段分层抽样方法抽取747名受试者纳入研究。使用第四次全国口腔流行病学调查的检查方法及问卷,收集受试者的缺牙状况、生命质量等数据。采用SPSS 19.0软件包进行非参数检验、二元logistic回归分析等。结果:79.1%的受试者存在牙缺失,35%的受试者未曾接受义齿修复。Eichner分组后,仅A1、A2和C3组受试者的老年口腔健康评价指数(general oral health assessment index,GOHAI)得分高于平均分,B组得分最低。GOHAI得分与受试者修复与否,全身健康状况及Eichner分组有显著相关性(P<0.05)。Eichner分组中,除C2组因样本量原因出现偏差外,其余Eichner组中,未修复受试者的GOHAI得分均低于已修复受试者。而在有缺牙未修复的人群中,81.2%的受试者认为自己牙没有问题或牙病不重。结论:上海市65~74岁老年人中牙缺失问题严重,但进行义齿修复的老人少。老年人的口腔健康相关生命质量与牙缺失状况、义齿修复与否及全身健康相关。应加强对缺牙老年人的口腔健康宣教,及时修复缺失牙,提高老年人的生命质量。  相似文献   

乌鲁木齐市40岁以上人失牙与修复情况调查   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
目的 了解乌鲁木齐市 4 0岁以上人失牙与修复情况。方法 采用整群抽样的方法对该市部分企事业单位人员进行了调查。结果 调查人数为 813例 ,失牙者为 6 76例 (失牙率为 83 15 % ) ,修复人数为 344例 (失牙修复率为 5 0 89% ) ,总失牙数为 5 72 0颗 ,人均失牙 7 0 4颗 ,总修复牙数为 35 82颗 ,占失牙总数的 6 2 6 2 %。结论 失牙率高而修复率低 ;牙列缺失修复率高于牙列缺损修复率 ;男性失牙率高于女性 ;不同职业间失牙率差别不大。  相似文献   

目的了解太原市养老机构老年人的口腔保健意识及其健康状况,以针对性地开展口腔疾病的防治,提高养老机构老年人的生活质量。方法随机抽取太原市6个行政区48所养老机构内的359名老人,分别对口腔保健意识、态度及行为设计问卷调查,并进行口腔检查,所得数据通过SPSS 20.0软件进行统计分析。结果太原市养老机构老年人口腔保健意识欠缺,保健行为不规范,口腔健康状况除受刷牙习惯及口腔不良习惯的显著影响,尚与年龄、受教育程度等因素相关,55~64、65~74岁年龄组每日刷牙、曾有过口腔就诊经历的比例均低于第四次全国口腔流行病学调查数据,而无牙颌比率、缺牙未修复比率均高于同年龄组全国平均水平。结论太原市养老机构内老年人自我口腔保健意识及口腔健康状况较差,应有计划、有目的地对其开展口腔卫生宣教,帮助其养成良好的口腔卫生行为习惯,养老机构应定期开展口腔卫生检查诊疗服务,以改善老年人口腔健康状况,提高生活质量。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: We evaluated the effectiveness of professional oral health care (POHC) given by dental hygienists once a week for 24 months to 141 elderly persons needing daily care and living in 2 nursing homes. STUDY DESIGN: Elderly subjects with POHC and without POHC living in 2 nursing homes were examined for 24 months to detect any fevers of 37.8 degrees C or more and the prevalence of fatal aspiration pneumonia. The numbers of Staphylococcus species and Candida albicans in swab samples from oral cavities were compared between the POHC group and the non-POHC group. The amounts of methylmercaptan exhaled in the POHC group were determined and compared with those in the non-POHC group. RESULTS: The prevalence of fevers of 37.8 degrees C or more in the subjects receiving POHC was significantly lower than in the non-POHC group (P < .05). We found that the ratio of fatal aspiration pneumonia in the POHC group during the 24 months was significantly lower than in the non-POHC group (P < .05). Numbers of C albicans species in samples obtained from the oral cavity after 6 months of POHC were significantly lower than those in the non-POHC group (P < .01). POHC resulted in the reduction of the presence of Staphylococcus but not to a statistically significant extent. The amounts of methylmercaptan exhaled by the POHC group were significantly less than those of the non-POHC group (P <.05). CONCLUSION: This study showed that POHC administered by dental hygienists to a group of elderly patients needing daily nursing care was associated with a reduction in prevalence of fever and fatal pneumonia.  相似文献   

目的 对重庆市12~15岁中学生口腔健康知识、态度、行为等情况进行抽样调查并分析,为有针对性地对中学生开展口腔健康指导计划提供依据。方法 采用多阶段分层抽样的方法抽取重庆市4个区县(主城区和郊区各2个)12~15岁4个年龄组中学生,通过问卷方式调查其口腔健康知识、态度及行为等方面的情况。全部数据使用Epidata双录入,使用SPSS 21.0软件进行统计学分析。结果 共计回收有效问卷3 902份,有良好刷牙习惯的比例为39.7%(1 548人),平均口腔健康知识正确率为58.9%,平均口腔健康正性态度为88.6%,有就医经历的中学生为54.5%(2 127人),在学校接受过口腔健康教育的为17.5%(681人)。刷牙习惯存在性别和地区性的差异。结论 重庆市12~15岁中学生口腔健康知识知晓情况和口腔卫生行为有待提高,应加强针对中学生的口腔健康教育和口腔健康行为指导,并加强远郊和农村地区的口腔健康教育工作。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of a staff training programme on mouth care on the oral health of elderly residents of long-term care institutions. METHODS: Seventy-eight residents of five long-stay institutions were enrolled and underwent a baseline oral health assessment. Staff caring for residents in three of the sites received intensive training in mouth care. This comprised lecture and video material complemented by clinical demonstrations. The oral health of residents at all five sites was reassessed at periods of 3 and 9 months. Staff caring for residents in the remaining two institutions were then provided with mouth care training and all patients were reassessed at 18 months. Statistical analyses were undertaken to examine for significant changes in selected oral health parameters after training, within each group. RESULTS: Oral mucosal disease and oral dryness were common at baseline. The staff training was well received. Following staff training, there was a significant reduction in the number of residents left to undertake their own oral care. There were significant improvements in denture hygiene and a reduction in the number of residents wearing dentures overnight. The prevalence of oral mucosal disease dropped, with significant reductions in angular cheilitis and denture stomatitis. CONCLUSION: This education programme was effective in changing oral health care procedures within long-stay institutions for the elderly, with measurable improvements in oral health of the residents.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The objective of the present study is to analyze how two dimensions of social position, education and social class, are associated with oral health among generally healthy, community-dwelling persons over the age of 80 years. METHODS: The present investigation is based on a sample of 157 community-dwelling individuals from The Kungsholmen Elders Oral Health Study (KEOHS) and included data from interviews and oral examinations. Social position was measured by education and social class. Oral health was measured by active coronal caries, active root caries, edentulism and use of dental services. RESULTS: The primary findings of the adjusted multivariate logistic regression analysis were that, compared to persons who had been in higher positions, persons who had been blue-collar/ white-collar workers had significantly greater odds of having coronal caries and high, but nonsignificant odds of being edentulous. Further, persons with elementary/ medium education tended to forego regular dental services more than persons with high education. CONCLUSION: The study identified social inequalities in oral health even in a population of independently living, generally healthy very old Swedes and in a country where the public health policies have tried to minimize these inequalities.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to explore the association between oral health and obesity. The study was conducted in the spring of 2007 as a postal survey of all inhabitants born in 1942 and living in the two Swedish counties of Orebro and Osterg?tland.This questionnaire survey has been conducted everyfiveyears since 1992 but has been updated continually with additional questions and for the sweep used here, height and weight data were collected. A total of 8,313 individuals received the questionnaire and 6,078 of those responded (73.1%). The outcome variable oral health was measured using one global question and four detailed questions representing different aspects of oral health. The independent variable Body Mass Index (BMI) was calculated using self-reported height and weight. A difference in oral health between various BMI groups was found. The difference was both statistically significant and of clinical importance, particularly among the group with severe obesity who reported poorer self-perceived chewing capacity, lower satisfaction with dental appearance, increased mouth dryness and fewer teeth and lower overall satisfaction with oral health. In view of the increased risk of poor oral health demonstrated in this study for those with severe obesity, it may be of value to increase cooperation between dental care and primary health care for these patients.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To analyze whether social relations during a 7-year follow-up influence oral health among generally healthy, community-dwelling persons over the age of 80 years. METHOD: The present investigation is based on a subsample of 129 dentate community-dwelling individuals from The Kungsholmen Elders Oral Health Study (KEOHS), which included data from interviews and oral examinations. Social relations were measured in terms of marital status, living alone, frequency of contacts, number of confidants, and satisfaction with social contacts and with the frequency of contacts. Oral health was measured in terms of coronal caries and root caries. RESULTS: The primary findings of the adjusted multivariate logistic regression analysis were that persons who lived alone or who became alone during the 7 years prior to the dental examination had greater odds of having coronal caries (odds ratio (OR): 2.4, 95% CI: 1.0-5.7) than those who continually lived with others, and that persons who were continuously dissatisfied with the frequency of their social contacts were more likely to have root caries than those who reported a sustained satisfaction with the frequency of their social contacts (OR: 2.9, 95% CI: 1.2-7.2). CONCLUSION: This study suggests that social relations are related to the oral health status of old-old individuals. From a psychosocial perspective, our findings contribute to a deeper understanding of the background of oral health status in older adults.  相似文献   

摘要 目的 调查在校大学生口腔健康知识以及口腔保健行为情况。方法 采用问卷调查的方法,对杭州师范大学非口腔专业474名在校大学生进行现场问卷调查。结果 在接受调查的474名大学生中认为龋齿、牙周病主要原因是牙菌斑仅占18.7%。使用牙线和漱口水的分别占8.4%和15.5%。能定期到诊所清洁牙齿的占仅9.0%。当牙疼时,马上找牙医做治疗的占33.3%。结论 在校大学生的口腔保健知识较差,对于口腔保健以及就医意识不强,在大学校园开展口腔保健健康教育是必要的。  相似文献   

As oral health is especially important for physically, mentally and socially handicapped old people, the aim of this study was to investigate the dental services provided for people living in municipal old people's homes in Finland. The study involved all the 431 municipal old people's homes in Finland in 1989. The directors of the old people's homes were asked to fill in a questionnaire. The response rate was 99.5%. The study showed that the dental services provided for the elderly vary greatly in different old people's homes. As a whole, however, dental care arrangements are inadequate: oral examinations on admission are performed always in 11% and never in 47% of the old people's homes, and oral examinations for residents are carried out annually in 23% and never in 21%. In 56% of the homes the need for treatment comes to light only when the old people themselves complain about a dental problem. Comprehensive dental care is available in 16% of the homes. One notable feature is that, although all the homes are publicly owned, the system of charging for the dental care of the elderly varies considerably between different homes. Comparing the results of this study with those from earlier investigations shows that, although there has been some progress in dental service arrangements in the 1980s, the oral care provided for these old people is still far from satisfactory. It is obvious that the value of oral health as an important component of human well-being is not yet widely recognized. To rectify the situation uniform regulations governing dental services for the elderly in institutions are required for the whole of the country.  相似文献   

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