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Objective:To evaluate whether the efficacy of Getong Tongluo Capsule(葛酮通络胶囊,GTC,consisted of total flavone of Radix Puerariae)on improving patients'quality of life and lowering blood pressure are superior to the extract of Ginkgo biloba(EGB)for patients with convalescent-phase ischemic stroke and primary hypertension.Methods:This randomized,positive-drug-and placebo-controlled,double-blind trial was conducted from September 2015 to October 2017.Totally 477 eligible patients from 18 hospitals in China were randomly assigned in a 2:1:1 ratio to the following interventions,twice a day for 12 weeks:(1)GTC 250 mg plus EGB-matching placebo 40 mg(237 cases,GTC group),(2)EGB 40 mg plus GTC-matching placebo 250 mg(120 cases,EGB group)or(3)GTC-matching placebo 250 mg plus EGB-matching placebo 40 mg(120 cases,placebo group).Moreover,all patients were orally administered aspirin enteric-coated tablets 100 mg,once a day fo r 12 weeks.The primary outcome was the Barthel Index(Bl).The secondary outcomes included the control rate of blood pressure and National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale(NIHSS)scores.The incidence and severity of adverse events(AEs)were calculated and assessed.Results:The Bl relative independence rates,the clinical recovery rates of NIHSS,and the total effective rates of NIHSS in the GTC and EGB groups were significantly higher than the placebo group at 12 weeks after treatment(P<0.05),and no statistical significance was found between the GTC and EGB groups(P>0.05).The control rate of blood pressure in the GTC group was significantly higher than the EGB and placebo groups at 12,18 and 24 weeks after treatment(P<0.01).There were no statistically significant differences in the incidences of AEs,adverse drug reactions,or serious AEs among the 3 groups(P>0.05).Conclusion:GTC exhibited significant efficacy in improving patients'quality of life as well as neurological function and controlling hypertension.  相似文献   

人类的历史教训证明,包括大地震在内的严重自然灾害,对地域生态环境和人类居住条件造成极大的破坏,对灾区人员的健康造成沉重的打击.在这种情况下,发生重大传染病流行的风险将会显著增加.汶川大地震发生后,搜寻生还者,抢救伤病员是抗震救灾第一阶段的重点.  相似文献   

Objective:To illustrate the academic influence of Chinese Journal of Integrated Traditional and Western medicine,and provide suggestions for further development of the Journal.Methods:Taking the China National Knowledge Infrastructure(CNKI)database as main source and the Chinese Science Citation Database(CSCD)as reference,the researchers retrieved the related data of the Journal such as its publication quantity,citations,fund projects,authors,institutions and regions from 1981 to 2018,analyzed these data by means of bibliometrics and information visualization with EXCEL,SPSS,VISIO,MATLAB and other softwares.Results:Through the analysis of the main indicators,the relevant indicators of the Journal’s academic influence revealed the developing trend of the Journal.Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases,endocrine,digestive system,pharmacological research of Chinese medicine and gynecology,as the hot topics in the discipline and academic,were clarified.Conclusions:All indicators show that the Journal is a high-quality journal reflecting the excellent achievements in the field of integrated Chinese and Western medicine in China.Through further analysis of relevant indicators,the authors put forward some specific suggestions on how to run the Journal well.  相似文献   

分析目前考试制度存在的主要问题有命题、复习题、补考制度等方面的弊端,提出考试制度的改革要在加强"三风"建设、做好试题的编审工作、建立完善的考试管理制度、严肃补考纪律等方面下工夫,让严肃的考风带动良好的学风,从而提高教学质量.  相似文献   

2006年4月5日至4月8日第26届国际心肺移植协会(ISHLT)年会在西班牙马德里隆重召开,来自全世界从事心肺移植的专家,包括心外科、胸外科、心内科、呼吸科、麻醉科、ICU、病理科、供体协调等从事基础及临床研究等相关科室的专家共2 000多人参加了此次盛会.  相似文献   

1临床资料 患者,男,29岁.入院前10d双眼视力突然下降,伴轻微头痛,曾就诊于其他医院,经眼科常规检查及眼部B超检查,诊断为原发性视网膜脱离,用药不详,因治疗效果不佳,于2002年10月18日来本院就诊.入院时自诉头痛明显,全身状况不佳,视力:右眼指数/1 m,左眼指数/1 m,双眼轻度睫状充血,角膜后可见细小点状沉着物,房水闪辉阳性,瞳孔呈药物性散大,直径5.5 mm,晶体不混浊,玻璃体可见条状混浊,眼压正常.  相似文献   

游泳是人类生活中最自然的生理活动和本能之一。不仅人类,哺乳动物也常有游泳行为,是生活中自然形成和掌握的一种本能。我们认为人和动物一样,生来就具有适应环境的能力。很多动物,无论大小都有游泳本领,不用谁来教,在水中通过多种姿势和划水方法,他们都会把鼻子露出水面,往岸上游。可是人类这种本能后来泯灭了。我们认为社会就是大海,人生就如在大海中游泳,从小让孩子在水中学会挣扎,锻炼拼搏精神,促进胎儿到婴幼儿神经及各脏器的持续发育,使生长的过程得到进一步、更高质量的发展,这对他们一生的好处都是不可估量的。  相似文献   

1 临床资料 患者,男,66岁.因受凉后出现咳嗽、咯痰2d,其家属给予头孢氨苄胶囊0.5g口服后约10min后患者出现胸闷、心慌、呼吸困难、口唇紫绀,继而出现心悸出汗、全身无力、意识丧失、血压下降(60/30mmHg).医护人员迅速到达现场急救,立即给予吸氧、肌注肾上腺素1mg,静注地塞米松10mg,异丙嗪25mg,用药10min后病情好转,测血压80/60mmHg,1h后恢复正常.  相似文献   

2007年12月31日,中国医药生物技术协会纳米生物技术分会批准成立大会在深圳市召开来自全国纳米生物技术领域的近百所大学、中科院研究所、医院、药厂、公司的院士、教授、主任医师、工程技术人员、企业主管出席了成立大会.会议由中国科学院姚开泰院士、中国工程院何继善院士、上海交通大学彭志海教授主持.复旦大学、北京大学、中南大学、清华大学、上海交通大学、四川大学、中山大学、浙江大学、中科院理化所、解放军总医院、石药集团、纳米生物技术公司等单位作了重要发言.  相似文献   

傈僳族是我国民族大家族中一个人数不多但却古老的成员.主要聚居在云南省怒江傈僳族自治州,在丽江和迪族、大理、保山、德宏、临沧等州县,以及四川省的盐源、盐边等县也有分布.根据2000年第5次全国人口普查统计,傈傈族人口数为634912.  相似文献   

Infective endocarditis in pregnancy is extremely rare in clinical practice. Guidelines addressing prophylaxis and management of infective endocarditis do not extensively deal with concomitant pregnancy, and case reports on infective endocarditis are scarce. Due to increased blood volume and hemodynamic changes in late pregnancy, endocardial neoplasms are easy to fall off and cause systemic or pulmonary embolism, respiratory, cardiac arrest and sudden death may occur in pregnant women, the fetus can suffer from intrauterine distress and stillbirth at any time, leading to adverse outcomes for pregnant women and fetuses. The disease is dangerous and difficult to treat, which seriously threatens the lives of mothers and babies. Early diagnosis and reasonable treatment can effectively improve the prognosis of patients. The most important method for the treatment of infective endocarditis requires early, adequate, long-term and combined antibiotic therapy. Moreover, surgical controversies regarding indication and timing of treatment exist, especially in pregnancy. In terms of the timing of termination of pregnancy, the timing of cardiac surgery, and the method of surgery, individualized programs must be adopted. A pregnant woman with 30+5 weeks of gestation is reported. She was admitted to hospital due to intermittent chest tightness, suffocation and fever, with grade Ⅲ cardiac insufficiency. Imaging revealed large mitral valve vegetation, 22.0 mm×4.1 mm and 22.0 mm×5.1 mm, respectively, and severe valve regurgitation. Mitral valve perforation was more likely, blood culture suggested Staphylococcus epidermidis infection, after antibiotic conservative treatment, the effect was poor. After the joint consultation including cardiology, neonatology, interventional vascular surgery, anesthesiology, and obstetrics, the combined operation of obstetrics and cardiac surgery was performed in time. The heart was blocked for 60 minutes, the bleeding was 1 200 mL, the newborn was mildly asphyxiated after birth, and the birth weight was 1 890 g. Nine days after the operation, the patient was discharged from the hospital, and the newborn was discharged with the weight of 2 020 g. Critical cases like this require a thorough weighing of risks and benefits followed by swift action to protect the mother and her unborn child. An optimal outcome in a challenging case like this greatly depends on effective interdisciplinary communication, informed consent of the patient, and concerted action among the specialists involved.  相似文献   

感染性心内膜炎外科治疗的经验   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
目的总结感染性心内膜炎外科治疗经验.方法回顾分析1995年3月至2004年3月25例感染性心内膜炎患者施行的手术治疗.其中9例急诊手术,16例择期手术.包括二尖瓣置换术3例,主动脉瓣置换术13例,主动脉瓣和二尖瓣联合置换术8例.应用带瓣管道行主动脉根部、主动脉瓣替换和冠状动脉移植术1例.同期处理动脉导管未闭1例,室间隔缺损2例,瓦氏窦瘤破裂合并室间隔缺损1例.结果治愈24例(96%),术后早期死亡1例(4%).结论外科手术是治疗感染性心内膜炎的优选方法,手术的时机以及加强围术期的处理是手术成功的关键.  相似文献   

目的评价外科手术治疗感染性心内膜炎的经验和效果.方法通过回顾性分析17例感染性心内膜炎的外科治疗,其中无原发心脏病2例,先天性心脏病11例,风湿性心脏瓣膜病2例,先天性心脏病修补术后1例,右心室异物1例.术前超声检查赘生物形成14例,血培养阳性4例.全组病例中行心脏缺损矫正修补6例,主动脉瓣置换术5例,二尖瓣置换术2例,瓣膜成形术3例,异物取出1例.结果全组病例均无术中死亡,1例术后因严重低心排综合征早期死亡,16例治愈出院,随访6个月~14年,预后良好,无复发及死亡病例.结论外科手术治疗感染性心内膜炎是一种有效的治疗措施,它降低了感染性心内膜炎的死亡率.正确掌握手术时机,彻底清除感染病灶,恢复瓣膜功能以及围手术期应用有效抗生素是提高感染性心内膜炎治愈率的关键.  相似文献   

We report a case of aortic valve endocarditis caused by Enterococcus faecalis highly resistant to gentamicin, which failed to respond to conventional antibiotic combination therapy. Extensive in vitro testing was required to determine an appropriate antimicrobial regimen. Despite bacteriological resolution and cardiac surgery the patient died from complications of infective endocarditis.  相似文献   

目的 报道感染性心内膜炎的外科治疗经验。方法 分析外科治疗感染性心内膜炎 37例 ,其中主动脉瓣替换 17例 ,双瓣膜替换 10例 ,二尖瓣替换 7例 ,三尖瓣替换 1例 ,肺动脉瓣替换 1例 ,双瓣膜替换同时行三尖瓣和肺动脉瓣修复 1例 ,同期处理动脉导管未闭 5例 ,室间隔缺损 4例 ,瓦氏窦瘤破裂合并室间隔缺损 2例。结果 术后早期死亡 2例 (5 4 % ) ,随访无晚期复发。结论 感染性心内膜炎手术时机的掌握对治疗效果至关重要 ,心脏超声检查在本病诊断上有重要意义  相似文献   

目的:总结静脉注射毒品所致感染性心内膜炎活动期的临床特点及外科治疗经验。方法:回顾性分析我院自2008年7月至2012年2月以来接诊并接受外科治疗的19例静脉吸毒所致三尖瓣活动期感染性心内膜炎患者的临床表现、手术方法及预后,并对其临床特点、手术时机选择、人工瓣膜选择及手术技巧进行讨论。结果:所有患者均选择双叶机械瓣行三尖瓣置换术,所有患者均痊愈出院,无手术并发症发生。结论:及时的外科手术置换瓣膜是治疗静脉注射毒品致活动期感染性心内膜炎的有效手段。  相似文献   

This report describes a pregnant lady in early trimester that was admitted with fever and left loin pain and was initially treated as presumed pyelonephritis. Subsequently she was found to have infective endocarditis with vegetation on the mitral valve. The course of her illness was complicated by acute pulmonary edema and septic embolization to the cerebellum. A decompressive craniectomy and resection of the lateral lobe of cerebellum was performed. Although the presenting features and risk factors are well described, the atypical presentations of infective endocarditis in pregnancy remain a diagnostic challenge for the treating physician. This report highlights the importance of rapid detection of endocarditis in pregnancy and the treatment of systemic complications.  相似文献   

袁烨  沈诚  范士志  陈建明 《西部医学》2014,(3):314-316,319
目的探讨自体瓣膜感染性心内膜炎行瓣膜置换治疗术前抗生素应用的临床疗效。方法回顾性分析2010年3月-2012年9月于我院接受瓣膜置换治疗的46例自体瓣膜感染性心内膜炎患者的临床资料,按术前是否应用足程(4~6周)抗生素将其分为足程抗生素(FRA)组与非足程抗生素(NFRA)组,对其心功能分级、左心室射血分数、术后并发症的发生率和死亡率进行统计学分析。结果①术前两组患者的心功能分级、平均左心室射血分数及瓣膜功能障碍程度进行统计学分析,差异无显著性(P〉0.05)。②术后两组患者的心功能分级及平均左心室射血分数进行统计学分析,差异有显著性(P〈0.05),提示FRA组术后心功能恢复优于NFRA组。③两组患者住院期间无死亡病例,术后随访6个月。FRA组并发症发生率18%,NFRA组并发症发生率29.2%,两组比较,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05),可认为FRA组并发症发生率低于NFRA组。④随访期间FRA组死亡2例(9.1%),NFRA组死亡3例(12.5%),两组比较差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05),提示FRA组死亡率低于NFRA组。结论自体瓣膜感染性心内膜炎的外科治疗中,围手术期联合抗生素治疗是有效的治疗方案,其中术前应用抗生素疗程4~6周能够取得更好的临床疗效。  相似文献   

目的 总结自体瓣感染性心内膜炎 (NVE)外科治疗的时机和手术方法。方法  2 0 0 1年 9月至 2 0 0 4年4月收治NVE患者 2 0例中男 14例 ,女 6例 ,平均 2 9.5岁。发病前无原发性瓣膜病变或心脏其它畸形者 4例 ,具有原发性瓣膜病变或心脏其它畸形者 14例 ,术前心功能Ⅱ级 3例 ,Ⅲ级 13例 ,Ⅳ级 4例。感染性病变侵犯主动脉瓣 13例 ,二尖瓣 8例 (其中主动脉瓣、二尖瓣均受损 5例 ) ,肺动脉瓣 6例 (1例合并二尖瓣受损 ,1例合并主动脉瓣受损 )。施行主动脉瓣和二尖瓣双瓣膜替换 5例 ,主动脉瓣替换 8例 ,二尖瓣替换 3例 ,肺动脉瓣赘生物摘除 1例 ,肺动脉瓣修补成形 5例。结果 本组 2 0例全部生存。 1例主动脉瓣瓣周脓肿合并左室右房瘘病人 ,主动脉瓣替换术后发生Ⅲ度房室传导阻滞。术后随访 1~ 2 4个月 ,心功能全部恢复至Ⅰ级 ,无瓣周漏 ,无再感染。结论 NVE首先应用抗生素抗感染治疗 ,右心瓣膜心内膜炎待感染进入稳定期后采取瓣膜修复术 ;而左心瓣膜心内膜炎 ,应依据患者心功能和赘生物的状态决定手术时机 ,心脏瓣膜替换术仍是左心瓣膜心内膜炎的有效手术方法。  相似文献   

目的:探讨合并脑血管并发症的感染性心内膜炎的诊断标准和手术指征、手术时机的选择,总结临床治疗经验。方法:回顾性分析经外科手术治疗的术前合并脑血管并发症的40例感染性心内膜炎患者资料。入院后根据血培养结果选择敏感抗生素,并行营养神经等对症治疗;选择合适手术时机,术中彻底清除病灶,彻底矫治心脏合并畸形;术后常规给予强心、利尿等对症治疗,并根据血培养结果继续应用敏感抗生素。结果:术后早期病死6例,其中再发脑出血2例,恶性心律失常1例,重度肺部感染1例,低心排综合征1例,肾衰竭继发循环衰竭1例;其余34例均治愈出院。结论:外科治疗合并脑血管并发症的感染性心内膜炎治疗效果总体满意。早期明确诊断、合理掌握手术时机、术中彻底清除病灶、术后规范抗感染及抗凝治疗是关键。  相似文献   

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