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In a context of international concern about early adult mental health service provision, this study identifies characteristics and service outcomes of young people with attention‐deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) reaching the child and adolescent mental health service (CAMHS) transition boundary (TB) in Ireland. The iTRACK study invited all 60 CAMHS teams in Ireland to participate; 8 teams retrospectively identified clinical case files for 62 eligible young people reaching the CAMHS TB in all 4 Health Service Executive Regions. A secondary case note analysis identified characteristics, co‐morbidities, referral and service outcomes for iTRACK cases with ADHD (n = 20). Two‐thirds of young people with ADHD were on psychotropic medication and half had mental health co‐morbidities, yet none was directly transferred to public adult mental health services (AMHS) at the TB. Nearly half were retained in CAMHS, for an average of over a year; most either disengaged from services (40%) and/or actively refused transfer to AMHS (35%) at or after the TB. There was a perception by CAMHS clinicians that adult services did not accept ADHD cases or lacked relevant service/expertise. Despite high rates of medication use and co‐morbid mental health difficulties, there appears to be a complete absence of referral to publicly available AMHS for ADHD youth transitioning from CAMHS in Ireland. More understanding of obstacles and optimum service configuration is essential to ensure that care is both available and accessible to young people with ADHD.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the literature on disengagement from mental health services examining how the terms engagement and disengagement are defined, what proportion of patients disengage from services, and what sociodemographic variables predict disengagement. Both engagement and disengagement appear to be poorly conceptualised, with a lack of consensus on accepted and agreed definitions. Rates of disengagement from mental health services vary from 4 to 46%, depending on the study setting, service type and definition of engagement used. Sociodemographic and clinical predictors of disengagement also vary, with only a few consistent findings, suggesting that such associations are complex and multifaceted. Most commonly reported associations of disengagement appear to be with sociodemographic variables including young age, ethnicity and deprivation; clinical variables such as lack of insight, substance misuse and forensic history; and service level variables such as availability of assertive outreach provision. Given the importance of continuity of care in serious mental disorders, there is a need for a consensual, validated and reliable measure of engagement which can be used to explore associations between patient, illness and service related variables and can inform service provision for difficult to reach patients.  相似文献   

《European psychiatry》2014,29(2):83-100
PurposeTo advance mental health care use by developing recommendations to increase trust from the general public and patients, those who have been in contact with services, those who have never been in contact and those who care for their families in the mental health care system.MethodsWe performed a systematic literature search and the retrieved documents were evaluated by two independent reviewers. Evidence tables were generated and recommendations were developed in an expert and stakeholder consensus process.ResultsWe developed five recommendations which may increase trust in mental health care services and advance mental health care service utilization.DiscussionTrust is a mutual, complex, multidimensional and dynamic interrelationship of a multitude of factors. Its components may vary between individuals and over time. They may include, among others, age, place of residence, ethnicity, culture, experiences as a service user, and type of disorder. For mental health care services, issues of knowledge about mental health services, confidentiality, continuity of treatment, dignity, safety and avoidance of stigma and coercion are central elements to increase trust.ConclusionEvidence-based recommendations to increase mutual trust of service users and psychiatrists have been developed and may help to increase mental health care service utilization.  相似文献   

Background In the aftermath of apartheid, South Africa has inherited a fragmented, under-resourced and inequitable public sector mental health service. Attempts are being made to reform mental health services, in keeping with new health policy, which proposes the downscaling of psychiatric institutions and the development of community-based services. This study set out to develop a set of service norms for the care of people with severe psychiatric conditions (SPC) in South Africa, to assist the implementation of the new policy. Methods A national situation analysis of current public sector mental health services was conducted. A model was developed for estimating the mental health service resource needs of people with SPC. Following consultation with provincial stakeholders, a set of service norms were developed taking into account national indicators from the situation analysis (as a baseline level) and proposals of the model (as a target level). Results The study recommends an increase in the number of acute psychiatric beds in general hospitals; development of community-based residential care; redistribution of staff from hospital to community services, particularly in rural areas; and the development of information systems to monitor the transitions to community-based care. Conclusions The norms proposals presented in this study express mental health service needs in terms of quantifiable service resource and utilisation levels. In doing so, the study attempts to make explicit the assumptions and values on which planning is based.  相似文献   

Quinn N, Shulman A, Knifton L, Byrne P. The impact of a national mental health arts and film festival on stigma and recovery. Objective: This study aims to evaluate the impact of a national mental health arts festival for the general public, encompassing a wide variety of art forms and themes. Method: An evaluation was undertaken with 415 attendees from 20 different events, combining qualitative and quantitative approaches. Results: The findings demonstrate positive impact on the relationship between arts and mental health. Events increased positive attitudes, including positive representations of people’s contributions, capabilities and potential to recover. They did not decrease negative attitudes. Intended behaviour change was modest and one film event increased audience perceptions of dangerousness. Conclusion: The paper argues that the arts can change stigma by constructing shared meanings and engaging audiences on an emotional level. Carefully programmed, collaborative, community‐based arts festivals should form an integral part of national programmes to address stigma and to promote mental health and wellbeing, alongside traditional social marketing and public education approaches.  相似文献   

This grass-roots level mental health awareness programme considerably increased use of community-based mental health services in a part of Nigeria where knowledge about treatability of mental illness was limited. The benefits of the programme were sustained for a significant period after the initial awareness programme. In order for attitude changes to be reinforced, similar awareness programmes must be repeated at regular intervals.  相似文献   


Yoga (derived from ‘yuj’ which means to yoke together or unite) has been used for millennia as a tool for self-improvement, with the ultimate goal of uniting the individual consciousness with the universal. The physical elements of yoga, although seen as necessary in the path to achieve the goal, they were not considered as the endpoint for a practitioner. Sage Patanjali, who codified the practices into an eight-limbed model (Ashtanga yoga) in the Patanjali Yoga Sutras, makes it clear that the target of yoga is primarily the mind. However, in the modern world, yoga practices have become immensely popular as aids to improve health. Yoga-based practices are being extensively used as therapeutic ingredients, alone or as adjuncts to other therapies in a variety of disorders, both physical and mental. There is now strong evidence to suggest that yoga-based interventions are beneficial in several lifestyle disorders. Recent research has also shown significant benefits in mental disorders such as depression, anxiety, and psychosis. This paper discusses the place of yoga as one of the therapeutic strategies in the holistic approach to mental disorders, and the challenges inherent to research in this area.  相似文献   

重点中学学生心理健康状况及影响因素分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
目的研究重点中学在校学生心理健康状况及其影响因素。方法对某市4所重点中学的1937名在校初中、高中生,应用中学生心理健康调查表、父母养育方式量表进行调查。结果41.71%的学生存在程度不同的心理健康问题,主要表现为:学习压力、情绪不平衡、适应不良、强迫症状。心理健康问题与母亲拒绝否认、同伴关系、母亲过分干涉、过度保护等诸多因素有关。结论重点中学学生心理健康问题发生率较高,应引起教育界和社会的关注。  相似文献   

农村社区精神卫生服务中初级卫生人员培训的对照研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
农村培训初级医务人员开展精神卫生服务工作,以如何安排为好?我们对此进行了随机整群抽样对照研究。实验组为理论培训并实践中示范辅导,对照组仅为理论培训。评价其理论知识掌握程度,处理病人工作能力及工作质量。一年的随访结果表明:实验组在这三方面都明显好于对照组,表明除多次理论培训外,实践中示范辅导是很重要的培训方法。  相似文献   

Young people attempting to access mental health services in the United Kingdom often find traditional models of care outdated, rigid, inaccessible and unappealing. Policy recommendations, research and service user opinion suggest that reform is needed to reflect the changing needs of young people. There is significant motivation in the United Kingdom to transform mental health services for young people, and this paper aims to describe the rationale, development and implementation of a novel youth mental health service in the United Kingdom, the Norfolk Youth Service. The Norfolk Youth Service model is described as a service model case study. The service rationale, national and local drivers, principles, aims, model, research priorities and future directions are reported. The Norfolk Youth Service is an innovative example of mental health transformation in the United Kingdom, comprising a pragmatic, assertive and “youth‐friendly” service for young people aged 14 to 25 that transcends traditional service boundaries. The service was developed in collaboration with young people and partnership agencies and is based on an engaging and inclusive ethos. The service is a social‐recovery oriented, evidence‐based and aims to satisfy recent policy guidance. The redesign and transformation of youth mental health services in the United Kingdom is long overdue. The Norfolk Youth Service represents an example of reform that aims to meet the developmental and transitional needs of young people at the same time as remaining youth‐oriented.  相似文献   

There are few published studies of cross-system use of multiple systems of mental health care. This study examines use of VA and non-VA services in Philadelphia County. Results indicated that rates of cross-system use overall are fairly low (16 to 17% of patients across all years), are generally declining over time, and account for a small proportion of total all-system costs (4%). Veterans who used more VA inpatient services also used more non-VA services, and veterans who used fewer VA outpatient services used more non-VA services, indicating that cross-system use may be a quality indicator for the accessibility or acceptability of outpatient care.  相似文献   

This study aims to evaluate rendered mental health services for children and adolescents through the investigation of those factors which are related to non-compliance with therapy and which affect treatment outcome. Data were collected from the files of all new cases who applied to a Community Mental Health Centre in Athens during 2000–2002 (N = 363). For each case, the following factors were examined: age, sex, family situation, parents’ educational level, referral source, child’s psychiatric and psychosocial diagnoses, type of proposed therapy, phase at which termination of therapy occurred and outcome. Around 45.7% of the sample did not complete therapy. The probability of treatment compliance increased when the patient was male, with a diagnosis of a specific developmental disorder, treated in a well-structured therapy programme, was from a healthy family environment and his mother was better educated. On the contrary, an adverse family situation (one-parent family, inadequate parental supervision) and the female sex had a negative association with treatment compliance. Most of the cases discontinued their treatment upon completion of the diagnostic procedure. Referral source did not influence treatment compliance. Evaluation of our service has shown that more attention should be paid to less-educated families and those in adverse situations, particularly when the patient is female.  相似文献   

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