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RF Catheter Ablation of Clockwise Atrial Flutter. introduction: Although the mechanism and radiofrequency catheter ablation of counterclockwise (typical) atrial flutter have been studied extensively, information about the electrocardiographic and electropbysiologic characteristics and effects of radiofrequency ablation in patients with clockwise atrial flutter is limited. Methods and Results: Thirty consecutive patients with clinically documented paroxysmal clockwise atrial flutter were studied. Endocardial recordings and entrainment study using a “halo” catheter with 10 electrode pairs in the right atrium were performed. Radiofrequency energy was applied to the inferior vena cava-tricuspid annulus (IVC-TA) and/or coronary sinus ostium-tricuspid annulus (CSO-TA) isthmus to evaluate the effects of linear catheter ablation. Eighteen patients had both counterclockwise and clockwise atrial flutters, and 12 patients had only clockwise atrial flutter. Both forms of atrial flutter had similar flutter cycle lengths (232 ± 30 vs 226 ± 25 msec, P = 0.526) but reverse activation sequences. Right atrial pacing at a cycle length 20 msec shorter than the flutter cycle length from the CSO-TA isthmus, IVC-TA isthmus, and the area between the two isthmuses revealed concealed entrainment with stimulus-to-P wave intervals of 32 ± 19, 95 ± 14, and 50 ± 17 msec (P = 0.022) in the counterclockwise form, and 110 ± 12, 40 ± 20, and 60 ± 15 msec (P = 0.018) in the clockwise form. In clockwise atrial flutter, 20 patients with biphasic P waves in the inferior leads had the presumed exit site of slow conduction area located at the low posterolateral right atrium; 10 patients with positive P waves in the inferior leads had the presumed exit site located at the mid-high posterolateral right atrium. Among the 18 patients with both forms of atrial flutter, linear ablation lesions directed at the IVC-TA isthmus eliminated both forms of atrial flutter in 14 patients; in the remaining 4 patients. CSO-TA linear lesions eliminated the counterclockwise form and IVC-TA lesions eliminated the clockwise form. Among the 12 patients with the clockwise form only, CSO-TA linear lesions eliminated flutter in 2 and IVC-TA linear lesions eliminated flutter in 10 patients. Successful ablation was confirmed by creation of bidirectional conduction block in the IVC-TA and/or CSO-TA isthmus during pacing from the proximal coronary sinus and right posterolateral atrium sandwiching the linear lesions. During the follow-up period of 17 ± 8 months, 2 patients had recurrence of clockwise atrial flutter, 1 patient had new onset of atypical atrial flutter, and 2 patients had new onset of atrial fibrillation. Conclusions: Counterclockwise and clockwise atrial flutters may have overlapping slow conduction areas with different exit sites. Radiofrequency catheter ablation using the linear method directed at the IVC-TA and CSO-TA isthmuses was feasible and effective in treating both forms of atrial flutter.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Antiarrhythmic drugs have been reported to promote the conversion of atrial fibrillation to atrial flutter in patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. However, information about the electrophysiologic mechanism and response to radiofrequency ablation of these drug-induced atrial flutters is limited. Furthermore, the determinants of the development of persistent atrial flutter in patients treated for atrial fibrillation with antiarrhythmic drugs are still unknown. METHODS AND RESULTS: Among the 136 patients treated for atrial fibrillation with amiodarone (n = 96) or propafenone (n = 40), 15 (11%, mean age 65.5 +/- 12.3 years) were identified to have subsequent development of persistent atrial flutter based on surface ECG characteristics during antiarrhythmic drug treatment. The mean interval between the beginning of drug treatment and the onset of atrial flutter was 5.0 +/- 5.5 months. Intracardiac mapping and entrainment studies revealed that 11 patients had counterclockwise typical atrial flutter, and 4 had clockwise typical atrial flutter. All 15 patients underwent successful ablation with creation of complete bidirectional isthmus conduction block. After a mean follow-up of 12.3 +/- 4.2 months, 14 (93%) of 15 patients who underwent successful ablation and continued taking antiarrhythmic drugs have remained in sinus rhythm. Univariate analysis of clinical variables demonstrated that only atrial enlargement was significantly related to the occurrence of persistent atrial flutter. CONCLUSION: In patients with atrial fibrillation, persistent typical atrial flutter might occur during antiarrhythmic drug treatment, and atrial enlargement was a risk factor for the development of such an arrhythmia. Radiofrequency ablation and continuation of pharmacologic therapy offered a safe and effective means of achieving and maintaining sinus rhythm.  相似文献   

Induction of Atrial Fibrillation and Flutter in Dogs Using Methacholine   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Systemic infusion of methacholine has been used to facilitate induction of atrial fibrillation. However, the dose-response relationship, reproducibility and effect of anesthetic agents on induction are not well understood. The use of methacholine to facilitate electrical induction of sustained (>10 minutes duration) atrial fibrillation or flutter was examined. In 25 dogs induction of atrial arrhythmias was attempted using a series of ten 50 Hz trains of 10 seconds duration delivered via an endocardial catheter in the baseline anaesthetized state and subsequently in the presence of graded doses of intravenous methacholine (maximum 5 µg/kg/min). Studies were repeated in 13 dogs to assess reproducibility. Twelve dogs (48%) had inducible sustained atrial flutter or fibrillation lasting greater than 10 minutes in the baseline state. During infusion of methacholine the remaining 13 (52%) dogs also had inducible sustained atrial flutter or fibrillation (mean infusion rate 1.6 ± 1.9 µg/kg/min). Induction of sustained atrial flutter or fibrillation was reproducible in all but one dog. The type of anesthetic did not significantly affect inducibility. Induction of prolonged atrial fibrillation or flutter is possible in the baseline anaesthetized state in approximately half of dogs using high frequency programmed electrical stimulation. The yield of inducible sustained atrial fibrillation or flutter with programmed stimulation during intravenous infusion of methacholine was increased to 100%. Induction of sustained atrial fibrillation or flutter was highly reproducible.  相似文献   

选择体表心电图表现为短阵心房扑动 (简称房扑 )的阵发性心房颤动 (简称房颤 )病例 ,结合心内电生理标测和导管射频消融大静脉肌袖电隔离的结果 ,探讨短阵房扑与心脏大静脉肌袖和房颤的关系。 2 3例阵发性房颤 ,心电图和动态心电图表现为短阵发作的房扑的患者入选本研究 ,2 3例中有 17例进行了心内电生理标测 ,有 14例标测到短阵房扑和房颤 ,其中单纯短阵房扑发作 8例 ,短阵房扑触发房颤 6例 ,均提示短阵房扑为起源于大静脉肌袖的快速电活动所驱动 ,其中肺静脉 10根 ,上腔静脉 4根 ,均进行了相关肌袖的导管射频消融电隔离治疗 ,成功 13例。结论 :短阵房扑的发生机理是大静脉肌袖的快速电活动所驱动 ,这种机制与阵发性房颤的发生有密切关系 ,短阵房扑可能是房颤由肌袖电活动触发的特征性心电图表现 ,导管射频消融电隔离是治疗这一心律失常的有效方法。  相似文献   

Atypical atrial flutter has, hitherto, been relatively refractory totermination by rapid atrial pacing. High-frequency pacing (HFP) in theatrium, for termination of atrial flutter or atrial fibrillation (AF), andthe electrophysiologic effects related to it have not been examined. Weexamined the clinical efficacy, safety, and electrophysiologic mechanisms ofHFP using 50-Hz bursts at 10 mA applied at the high right atrium in patientswith atypical atrial flutter (group 1) or AF (group 2), using a prospectiverandomized study protocol. Four burst durations (500, 1000, 2000, and 4000ms) were applied at the high right atrium repetitively in random sequence in22 patients with spontaneous atrial flutter or AF. Local and distant rightand left atrial electrogram recordings were analyzed during and after HFP.HFP resulted in local and distant right and left atrial electrogramacceleration in 8 of 10 patients (80%) in group 1 but caused lessfrequent local atrial electrogram acceleration (6 of 12 patients) and nodistant atrial electrogram effects in group 2 (p < .05 versus group 1).The HFP protocol was effective in arrhythmia termination in 6 of 10patients in group 1 but in no patient in group 2 (p < .05 versus group1). Standard HFP protocol applied at the high right atrium can frequentlyalter atrial activation in both atria and can terminate atypical atrialflutter. Efficacy in AF is limited, probably due to limitedelectrophysiologic actions beyond the local pacing site.  相似文献   

Transition Between Atrial Fibrillation and Flutter. Introduction: The eletrophysiologic mechanism of atrial fibrillation (AF) has a wide spectrum, and it seems that some atrial regions are essential for the occurrence of a particular type of AF. We focused on one type of AF: AF associated with typical atrial flutter (AFI), which was right atrial (RA) arrhythmia, and sought to investigate intra-atrial electrograms and activation sequences in the transition between AF and AFL.
Methods and Results: Intra-atrial electrograms and activation sequences in the R.A free wall and the septum were evaluated in the transition between AF and AFL in seven patients without organic heart disease (all men; mean age 57 ± 11 years). In five episodes of the conversion of AFL into AF, the AFL cycle length was shortened (from 211 ± 6 msec in stable AFL to 190 ± 15 msec before the conversion, P, 0.001). Interruption of the AFL wavefront and an abrupt activation sequential change induced by a premature atrial impulse resulted in fractionation and disorganization of the septal electrograms. During sustained AF, septal electrograms were persistently fractionated with disorganized activation sequences. However, the RA free-wall electrograms were organized, and the activation sequence was predominantly craniocaudal rather than caudocranial throughout AF. In 12 episodes of the conversion of AF into AFL, the AF cycle length measured in the RA free wall increased (from 165 ± 26 msec at the onset of AF to 180 ± 24 msec before the conversion, P, 0.001). AFL resumed when fractionated septal electrograms were separated and organized to the caudocranial direction, despite the RA free-wall electrograms remaining discrete and sharp with an isoelectric line.
Conclusion: Changes of the electrogram and activation sequence in the atrial septum played an important role in the transition between AF and AFL.  相似文献   

Introduction: Radiofrequency catheter ablation of atrial flutter (AFl) has high initial success with a 10–15% recurrence. Atrial fibrillation (AFib) after radiofrequency catheter ablation of AFl can occur but may be transient (lasting no more than four weeks). Methods: Of one hundred seventeen consecutive patients studied, one hundred and four consecutive patients with sustained, symptomatic AFl, as the predominant rhythm disturbance (some of whom had transient pre-ablation AFib), referred for radiofrequency catheter ablation, had clinical follow-up. All had evidence for successful AFl ablation. Patients were followed prospectively. Results: Over a mean follow-up of 28 months, 28 patients developed AFib after ablation of AFl [12 early AFib (<2 months) and 16 late AFib (>2 months)]. Seven of 12 (58%) patients in the early onset group reverted to normal sinus rhythm; none required long-term antiarrhythmic therapy. Only one (8%) developed permanent AFib. No patient in the late onset group remained in sinus rhythm without an antiarrhythmic drug. Three (19%) developed permanent AFib despite therapy among those with late onset AFib. Two (17%) patients with early onset AFib reverted to normal sinus rhythm with treatment versus 5 (31%) in the late onset group. Finally, only 2 patients (17%) with paroxysmal/persistent episodes of Afib from the early onset group stayed in normal sinus rhythm despite therapy, while 8 patients ( ± %) with paroxysmal/persistent AFib episodes from the late onset group required therapy to maintain normal sinus rhythm. Conclusion: Early onset AFib after ablation of AFl is likely to be transient and self-limited. Late onset AFib after ablation of AFl can persist and require chronic therapy.  相似文献   

Atrial Remodeling in Atrial Flutter. Introduction: Atrial fibrillation (AF) and atrial flutter (AFL) are related arrhythmias with common triggers, yet in individual patients either AF or AFL often predominates. We performed detailed electrophysiologic (EP) and electroanatomic (EA) studies of the right atrium (RA) in patients with AF and AFL to determine substrate differences that may explain the preferential expression of AF/AFL in individual patients. Methods: Patients with AF (n = 13) were compared to patients with persistent AFL (n = 10). Detailed studies were performed, and 3‐dimensional electroanatomic mapping studies were created and the RA was divided into 4 segments for regional analysis. Global, septal, lateral, anterior, and posterior segments were compared for analysis of: bipolar voltage; proportion of low‐voltage areas and areas of electrical silence; conduction times; and proportion of abnormal signals (fractionated signals and double potentials). Results: Compared to patients with AF, patients with AFL had (1) lower bipolar voltage and an increase in the proportion of low‐voltage areas; (2) an increase in the proportion of complex signals; and (3) prolongation of activation times. Conclusions: Patients with AFL showed more advanced remodeling than patients with AF with slowed conduction, lower voltage areas with regions of electrical silence, and a greater proportion of complex signals, particularly in the posterior RA. These changes facilitate the stabilization of AFL and may explain why some patients are more likely to develop AFL as a sustained clinical arrhythmia. (J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol, Vol. 23 pp. 1067‐1072, October 2012)  相似文献   

Introduction: The underlying mechanisms of complex fractionated atrial electrogram (CFAE) during radiofrequency catheter ablation (RFCA) of atrial fibrillation (AF) have not yet been clearly elucidated. We explored the relationships between CFAE and left atrial (LA) voltage, or conduction velocity (CV).
Methods and Results: In 50 patients with AF (23 paroxysmal AF [PAF], 41 males, mean age 55.76 ± 10.16 years), the CFAE (average index of fractionation of electrograms during AF by interval-analysis algorithm, cycle length [CL]≤ 120 ms) areas, voltage, and CV were measured at eight different quadrants in each patient's LA by analyzing a NavX-guided, color-coded CFAE CL map, a voltage map, and an isochronal map (500 ms pacing) generated by contact bipolar electrograms (70–100 points in the LA). The results were: (1) CFAE areas were predominantly located in the septum, roof, and LA appendage; (2) CFAE area had lower voltage than those in non-CFAE area and was surrounded by the areas of high voltage (P < 0.0001); (3) The CFAE areas had low CVs compared with non-CFAE areas (P < 0.001); and (4) The percentage of CFAE area was lower in patients with persistent atrial fibrillation (PeAF) compared with those with PAF (P < 0.05).
Conclusions: The CFAE area, which is primarily located at the septum, has a low voltage with a lower CV, and is surrounded by high-voltage areas. Underlying electroanatomical complexity is associated with clustering of CFAEs.  相似文献   

This report describes the coexistence of fibrillatory activity limited to an isolated left common pulmonary vein trunk with typical counterclockwise isthmus-dependent right atrial flutter in a patient undergoing a pulmonary vein isolation procedure.  相似文献   

AF Ablation in Patients With Only Documentation of Atrial Flutter. Objectives: The aim of the study was to evaluate whether isolation of the pulmonary veins (PVs) at the time of cavotricuspid isthmus (CTI) ablation is beneficial in patients with lone atrial flutter (AFL). Background: A high proportion of patients with lone persistent AFL have recurrent episodes of atrial fibrillation (AF) after CTI ablation. However, the benefit of AF ablation in patients with only documentation of AFL has not been determined. Methods: Forty‐eight patients with typical lone persistent AFL (age 56 ± 6; 90% male) were randomized to CTI ablation (Group A; n = 25) or to CTI + PV isolation (PVI) (Group B; n = 23). In addition to PVI, some patients in group B underwent ablation of complex fractionated electrograms and/or creation of left atrial roof and mitral isthmus ablation line in a stepwise approach when AF was induced and sustained for more than 2 minutes. Mean follow‐up was 16 ± 4 months with a 48‐hour ambulatory monitor every 2 months. Results: There were no recurrences of AFL in either group. Six patients in group B (22%) underwent a stepwise ablation protocol. AF organized and terminated in 5 patients during ablation (83%). Complication rate was not significantly different among the groups. Twenty patients in group B (87%) and 11 patients in group A (44%) were free of arrhythmias on no medications at the end of follow‐up (P < 0.05). Conclusions: Ablation of AF at the time of CTI ablation results in a significantly better long‐term freedom from arrhythmias. (J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol, Vol. 22, pp. 34‐38, January 2011)  相似文献   

分析典型心房扑动(简称房扑)射频消融术后发生心房颤动(简称房颤)患者的心房电生理特性,探讨心房内传导时间在房颤发生中的意义。56例典型房扑患者,其中19例有器质性心脏病,16例在消融前有房颤发作。所有患者均进行常规的电生理检查及标测,记录消融前后心房的电生理参数。根据消融术后随访是否有房颤的发生分为两组进行分析。结果:56例房扑患者全部消融成功,随访14±12(6~60)个月,中位数14个月。消融术后15例有房颤发作,其中3例进展为慢性房颤。15例有房颤发作患者的年龄较无房颤发作的患者大(57.1±13.6岁vs42.3±11.2岁,P<0.05),消融术前和术后的高右房至冠状窦的传导时间延长(分别为98.4±17.1msvs67.8±16.5ms;93.1±18.4msvs70.2±19.7ms;P均<0.05)。多因素Cox回归分析消融前有房颤发作的病史(危险比2.3,95%CI1.425~4.632,P=0.02)和窦性心律下高右房至冠状窦的传导时间超过90ms(危险比1.7,95%CI1.215~3.758,P=0.03)是预测射频消融术后发生房颤的独立的危险因素。结论:典型房扑射频消融术后发生房颤患者心房内传导延迟,并且房内传导延迟是预测射频消融术后发生房颤的重要电生理指标。  相似文献   

Discrimination of NSR, AFL, and AF. Introduction : Analysis of endocardial signals obtained from an electrode located in the right atrium as realized in newly designed dual chamber, implantable cardioverter defibrillators might be used to provide additional therapeutic options, such as overdrive pacing or low-energy atrial cardioversion for the treatment of concomitant atrial flutter (AFL) or atrial fibrillation (AF). Therefore, we developed a computer algorithm for discrimination of normal sinus rhythm (NSR), AFL, and AF that may lead to adequate differential therapy of atrial tachyarrhythmias in an automated mode.
Methods and Results : During an electrophysiologic study, bipolar endocardial signals from the high right atrium were obtained in 28 patients during sustained AFL or AF and after restoration of NSR. A total of 286 data segments of 5-second duration were recorded (NSR: 96, AFL: 86, AF: 104). Mean atrial cycle length (MCL), standard deviation of mean atrial cycle length (SDCK), and index of irregularity (IR). defined as the ratio between MCL and SDCL, were calculated for each data segment. A cutoff of 315 msec for MCL allowed discrimination of NSR from atrial tachyarrhythmias with 100% sensitivity and specificity. For discrimination of AF from AFI- by using SDCL, a cutoff value of 11.5 msec led to a sensitivity of 99% and a specificity of 90%. Best discrimination of AF from AFL was found for the criterion IR ≥ 7.5%, resulting in a sensitivity of 100% with a specificity of 95% for AF detection.
Conclusion : The investigated algorithm provides discrimination of NSR, AFL, and AF with high sensitivity and specificity. Incorporation of this algorithm in an implantable automated antitachycardia device may lead to adequate differential therapy in patients suffering from spontaneous episodes of AF and AFL.  相似文献   

Ablation of Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation. Introduction: (AF), trial fibrillation (AF), the most common arrhythmia, is due to multiple simultaneous wavelets of reentry in the atria. The only available curative treatment is surreal, using atriotomies to compartmentalize the atria. Therefore, we investigated a staged anatomical approach using radiofrequency catheter ablation lines to prevent paroxysmal AF. Methods and Results: Forty-live patients with frequent symptomatic drug-refractory episodes of paroxysmal AF were studied. Progressively complex linear lesions were created by sequential applications of radiofrequency current in the right atrium and then in the left atrium if required. The outcome of the procedure was considered a success when the episodes of AF were either eliminated or recurred at a rate of no more than one episode (lasting < 6 hours) in 3 months. Patients who had no more than one episode per month were considered “improved.” Right atrial ablation organized local electrical activity and led to stable sinus rhythm during the procedure in 18 (40%) of the 45 patients. However, sustained AF remained inducible in 40 of 45 patients, and the lesions failed to produce evidence of a significant linear conduction block/delay in all but four patients. There were no significant complications except for two transient sinus node dysfunctions. The procedure duration and fluoroscopic time were 248 ± 79 and 53 ± 11 min, respectively. Additional sessions were required in 19 patients to treat sustained right atrial flutter or arrhythmias linked to ectopic right or left atrial foci. During a mean follow-up of 11 ± 4 months, right atrial ablation was successful in 15 (33%) patients, ft without medication and 9 with a previously ineffective drug. Nine (20%) additional patients were improved. Ten patients with an unsuccessful outcome then underwent linear ablation in the left atrium. The procedure duration and fluoroscopy time were 292 ± 94 and 66 ± 24 min. A hemopericardium occurred in one patient. Two patients required reablation to treat ectopic atrial foci. Left atrial ablation terminated AF during the procedure in 8 patients, and sustained AF could not he induced in 5. Subsequent success was achieved in A (60%) patients, including 4 without medication, and 1 additional patient was improved. Conclusions: Successful radiofrequency catheter ablation of drug-refractory daily paroxysmal AF is feasible using linear atrial lesions complemented by focal ablation targeted at arrhythmogenic foci. Ablation only in the right atrium is a safe technique providing limited success, whereas linear lesions in the left atrium significantly increase the incidence of stable restoration of sinus rhythm, the inability to induce sustained AF, and the final success rate. The described technique is promising hut must he considered preliminary because significant Improvements are required to optimize lesion characteristics and shorten total procedure duration.  相似文献   

Atrial Flutter After Cardiac Surgery . Introduction: Atrial flutter (AFL) is common after cardiac surgery. However, the types of post‐cardiac surgery AFL, its response to catheter‐based radiofrequency ablation, and its relationship to atrial fibrillation (AF) are unknown. Methods and Results: We retrospectively studied all patients who underwent mapping and ablation for AFL after cardiac surgery from January 1990 to July 2004. One hundred randomly selected patients without prior cardiac surgery (PCS) who underwent mapping and ablation of AFL served as the control population. A total of 236 patients formed the study population (mean age 62 + 13 years, 22% female) and 100 patients formed the control population (mean age 60 + 13 years, 25% female). The majority of patients without PCS had cavo‐tricuspid isthmus (CTI)‐dependent AFL when compared to patients with PCS (93% vs 72%, respectively, P < 0.0001). In contrast, scar‐related AFL was more common in patients with PCS as compared to patients without PCS (22% vs 3%, P < 0.0001). Predictors of scar related AFL in multivariable regression analysis included PCS and left‐sided AFL. Acute success rates and complications were similar between the groups. When compared to patients with AFL ablation without PCS, those that had AFL after PCS had higher rates of recurrence of both AFL (1% vs 12%, P < 0.0001; mean time to recurrence 1.85 years) and AF (16% vs 28%, P = 0.02; mean time to recurrence 2.67 years). Conclusion: Despite ablation of AFL, patients with PCS have a higher rate of AFL and AF when compared to patients without PCS who underwent ablation of atrial flutter during long‐term follow‐up. (J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol, Vol. pp. 760‐765, July 2010)  相似文献   

To examine the long-term efficacy of combination therapy of amiodarone and bisoprolol in patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (P-AF). Methods Eighty-eight patients with P-AF were divided into two groups : 44 patients treated with bisoprolol and amiodarone were enrolled in group A; 44 patients treated with amiodarone alone were enrolled in group B. Survival rates, rates of conversing to permanent atrial fibrillation (AF), subjective symptom improvement rates and secondary bradyarrhythmia rates of the two groups were measured and analyzed. Results At 12 and 24 months, the survival rates for patients free from atrial fibrillation recurrence were 75 % and 59. 1% in group A, and 54.5 % and 36. 4 % in group B (P 〈 0. 05, group A vs. group B). The percentage of patients with conversion to permanent AF was 6.8 % in group A and 25 % in group B ( P 〈 0. 05, group A vs. group B). In group A, 36 patients (81.8 % ) experienced subjective symptom improvement and only 24 patients (54. 5 % ) in group B (P 〈 0. 01, group A vs. group B). Whereas there was no significant difference in patients with secondary bradyarrhythmia ( P 〉 0. 05, group A vs. group B). Conclusions In patients with P-AF, bisoprolol appears to enhance the efficacy of amiodarone therapy in maintaining sinus rhythm and improving subjective symptoms. ( S Chin J Cardiol 2009:10(1 ) : 26 -30)  相似文献   

We sought to define a minimum standardized protocol for induction of atrial fibrillation [AF] and/or atrial flutter. In contrast to ventricular stimulation protocols, a stimulation protocol for induction of AF or atrial flutter has not been critically evaluated. Since suppression of inducible AF or atrial flutter is used as one of the endpoints of success of pharmacologic and ablation therapies, there is an obvious need to define minimally appropriate electrical stimulation protocol for induction of AF or atrial flutter. We prospectively evaluated 70 patients, 44 with spontaneous atrial flutter or AF and 26 controls without documented atrial arrhythmias. A standardized programmed stimulation protocol, which employed up to three atrial extrastimuli delivered at two atrial sites at two atrial drive pacing lengths, was used in attempt to reproduce sustained AF and atrial flutter. The study endpoint was induction of sustained (>30 s) AF or atrial flutter. Sustained AF or atrial flutter was induced in 39/44 (89%) patients and 2/26 (7%) of controls (p <0.01). The arrhythmia induced was atrial flutter in 19/21 (91%) of atrial flutter patients, AF in 17/18 (94%) AF patients, both atrial flutter and AF in 5 AF/atrial flutter patients (100%). Two patients with atrial flutter had both AF/atrial flutter and 1 patient with AF had atrial flutter induced. The arrhythmia was induced from first stimulation site in 37 patients (85%) using a single in 9 (20%) patients, double 18 (41%) patients and triple extrastimuli in 10 (23%) patients. Two patients (5%) required stimulation from second site with two and three extrastimuli, respectively. The overall sensitivity and specificity of this stimulation protocol were 89% and 92%, respectively with a positive predictive accuracy of 95%.Conclusions. 1. Up to three atrial extrastimuli and two atrial sites are needed to increase yield of AF/atrial flutter induction at electrophysiologic study. 2. Induction of either AF or atrial flutter correlates well with presence of a similar spontaneous arrhythmia. 3. A baseline determination of the induction mode may be desirable prior to evaluation of interventions directed at AF or atrial flutter.  相似文献   

尽管对阵发性心房颤动的认识已增加了不少,但是对自然状态下发作的阵发性心房颤动的触发方式的细节研究还是少之又少。通过对其相关心电图特征的研究以更好的了解阵发性心房颤动的发生。  相似文献   

Nonpharmacologic Approaches to Atrial Fibrillation and Flutter. The high prevalence of atrial fibrillation, the associated morbidity and mortality, the absence of safe and effective drug therapy, and an increased understanding of the pathophysiologic basis of atrial fibrillation and flutter have collectively led to the development of novel nonpharmacologic treatments for the management of these arrhythmias, including the CORRIDOR and MAZE surgical procedures, catheter-based ablation and modification of AV conduction, catheter-based ablation of atrial flutter and fibrillation, and internal atrial defibrillation. These surgical and catheter-based techniques offer potentially curative therapy while sparing the long-term risks of antiarrhythmic drug therapy. For patients with typical atrial flutter, catheter ablation affords cure rates in excess of 70%. As technological innovations further facilitate identification and ablation of the critical isthmus in the floor of the right atrium, success rates should improve substantially. For patients with atrial fibrillation, AV junction ablation with implantation of a rate-responsive ventricular pacemaker should be considered palliative therapy, as should modification of AV junction conduction. The MAZE procedure offers very high cure rates, but because it currently involves open heart surgery, patient selection is critical. Catheter-based procedures emulating aspects of the MAZE procedure may one day offer cure rates comparable to those of the surgery itself, but additional research and technological development are necessary to further define and refine the minimal effective procedure, and then to facilitate the placement of contiguous, full-thickness lesions in precise three-dimensional configurations. In the interim, the implantable automatic atrial defibrillator may offer a means for rapidly restoring sinus rhythm without the risks of long-term antiarrhythmic drug therapy.  相似文献   

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