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谈医院药品的采购与管理 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
刘春枝 《实用中西医结合临床》2002,2(3):53-53
药品质量的好坏是整个医疗质量中的重要一环,它不仅影响医疗效果,而且直接关系着病人的健康和生命安危。医院的药品采购、药品管理的好坏是保证药品质量的关键。 相似文献
药品集中公开招标采购是医疗行业在药品采购方式上的一种新的尝试,长期以来,在医院药品采购中一直存在着采购费用过高,购销中的虚高定价、暗箱操作、收受回扣等不正之风,导致广大患者医药费负担过重。从2000年上半年开始,我院率先在新疆医疗单位中实行药品集中公开招标采购,自实施以来,药品采购费用大幅度下降,且较好地抑制了医药购销中滋生的腐败现象, 相似文献
目的和方法:通过比较几种采购方法的利弊分析,总结出效益最好的采购方法。结论:要充分发挥法律和相应组织的监督管理职能。趋利避弊,降低药品采购成本。 相似文献
王国玉 《中国临床医药研究杂志》2004,(113):94-94
药品是防病治病、康复保健的特殊商品,它贯穿药库、药房工作的始终,并以市场为导向,而且遵循价值规律。医疗单位药库、药房的药品使用担负着保障人民健康的使命,本文就笔者从事药库、药房工作20多年来的体会,谈几点有关药品采购与药库管理的看法,供同行参考。 相似文献
在商品经济飞速发展的今天,各种商品的销售竞争都异常激烈,药品作为特殊商品尤为突出。医院作为药品的使用单位,在药品的采购和临床应用中,应采取科学的态度,把握好自己的权力,严把药品质量关,避免药品乱采滥用现象。首先谈谈药品的采购问题。现在药品种类繁多,进入医院介 相似文献
目的通过对我院药品举牌竞价采购的分析,呼吁建立完善的药品价格体系,建立供需双方公开、公平交易平台。方法回顾近年来药品举牌竞价采购工作实践及取得的成效,对相关药品采购数据进行对比分析,并提出建议。结果我院通过竞价采购药品,大幅降低了药品价格;相对于药品挂网限价,2006年~2012年我院药品采购价平均降幅高达43.11%,个别品种最高降幅达95.3%,仅2010~2012年三年就为医保和患者节约药品费用1.168亿元,占三年医院业务总收入的22.43%。结论药品举牌竞价采购是目前医院规范临床用药,节约医保资金,缓解“看病贵”的有效方法;研究表明,医院“以药养医”的提法有其片面性,“看病贵”更不能简单归咎于“以药养医”,药品流通环节中“药品价格虚高”是导致“看病奇”的主墨原因之一。 相似文献
J J Ramirez 《Headache》1985,25(6):337-339
Electromyographic (EMG) biofeedback is frequently used as the behavioral therapy of choice to reduce the severity of tension headache. In this review, it becomes evident that despite biofeedback's widespread use, other behavioral therapies which are not as hardware-dependent are as effective as biofeedback training in relieving headache pain. In addition, several theoretical concerns are raised here since the assumptions upon which EMG biofeedback therapy is justified may not be valid. Finally, recommendations for dealing with tension headache are made, based on the evidence provided by studies of behavioral intervention therapies. 相似文献
Electromyographic (EMG) biofeedback is frequently used as the behavioral therapy of choice to reduce the severity of tension headache. In this review, it becomes evident that despite biofeedback's widespread use, other behavioral therapies which are not as hardware-dependent are as effective as biofeedback training in relieving headache pain. In addition, several theoretical concerns are raised here since the assumptions upon which EMG biofeedback therapy is justified may not be valid. Finally, recommendations for dealing with tension headache are made, based on the evidence provided by studies of behavioral intervention therapies. 相似文献
Judith Helena Prieto Sasa Koncarevic Sung Kyu Park John Yates III Katja Becker 《PLoS Clinical Trials》2008,3(12)
Proteome studies contribute markedly to our understanding of parasite biology, host-parasite interactions, and mechanisms of drug action. For most antimalarial drugs neither mode of action nor mechanisms of resistance development are fully elucidated although this would be important prerequisites for successfully developing urgently required novel antimalarials. Here, we establish a large-scale quantitative proteomic approach to examine protein expression changes in trophozoite stages of the malarial parasite Plasmodium falciparum following chloroquine and artemisinin treatment. For this purpose SIL (stable isotope labeling) using 14N-isoleucine and 13C6,15N1-isoleucine was optimized to obtain 99% atomic percent enrichment. Proteome fractionation with anion exchange chromatography was used to reduce sample complexity and increase quantitative coverage of protein expression. Tryptic peptides of subfractions were subjected to SCX/RP separation, measured by LC-MS/MS and quantified using the novel software tool Census. In drug treated parasites, we identified a total number of 1,253 proteins, thus increasing the overall number of proteins identified in the trophozoite stage by 30%. A relative quantification was obtained for more than 800 proteins. Under artemisinin and chloroquine treatment 41 and 38 proteins respectively were upregulated (>1.5) whereas 14 and 8 proteins were down-regulated (<0.5). Apart from specifically regulated proteins we also identified sets of proteins which were regulated as a general response to drug treatment. The proteomic data was confirmed by Western blotting. The methodology described here allows for the efficient large-scale differential proteome analysis of P. falciparum to study the response to drug treatment or environmental changes. Only 100 µg of protein is required for the analysis suggesting that the method can also be transferred to other apicomplexan parasites. 相似文献
随机选取2008年1月-2009年1月发生不良反应的128例患者的中药临床应用情况进行回顾性分析,并对其用药安全性进行评价。结果 128例中未进行辨证论治44例,用法、用量错误32例,疗程不确切25例,中西药联合应用不当19例,其他原因所致不良反应8例。临床对中药进行合理用药,应对中药的炮制、辨证、配伍、煎煮、对症治疗等方法加强合理用药及监护力度,以保障患者的用药安全。 相似文献