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本文对广西隆安贫困县中学生厌学问题进行了调查 ,从学生的体质、个性特征、学习能力等方面探讨初中生出现厌学情绪的影响因素。对象 广西隆安县某镇初级中学壮族学生共 786名 ,年龄在 13~ 16岁 ,平均 14 5± 1岁 ,男生 3 2 3人 ,平均 14 48± 1 0 2岁 ;女生 463人 ,平均 14 45±0 99岁 ,大石山区 181人 ,非石山区60 5人。方法  (1)、体格检查 :按《1995年全国学生体质、健康监测细则》的要求进行 ,测量身高、体重、血压、视力等项目 ;(2 )、人格特征测验 :采用龚耀先修订的EPQ (儿童 )问卷。 (3 )自行设计调查表内容包括厌学出现…  相似文献   

宁波市区学龄前儿童智商分离的调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
智商分离易造成儿童学业不良[1 ] ,为了解宁波市区学龄前儿童智商分离的状况及影响因素 ,本文对此进行了初步调查。对象 从儿童体检卡号中由电脑随机抽取宁波市区学龄前儿童 2 80名 ,对其及其父母进行了调查 ,资料齐全的2 71名 ,其中男 14 5名 ,女 12 6名 ,年龄( 5 41± 1 15 )。智商分离判断标准 :语言智商 (VIQ ) >操作智商 (PIQ )或PIQ >VIQ[2 ] 15以上者为智商分离。方法  1、采用龚耀先等修订的中国韦氏幼儿智力量表[3]  及韦氏成人智力量表[4 ] 对儿童和母亲进行智力测定。2、由儿童家长填写自编的家庭一般情况表 ,包括母亲…  相似文献   

父母教养方式:EMBU的初步修订及其在神经症患者的应用   总被引:141,自引:20,他引:141  
本文选取390名正常人为被试,对父母教养方式调查问卷 EMBU (Egna Minnen avBarndosnauppforstran) 通过主因素分析,项目分析进行了初步修订。修订后的问卷涉及父亲58个条目。母亲57个条目,并各自由六个和五个分量表组成。并对66名神经症患者和66名正常人进行了效度的实证考查。  相似文献   

防御方式问卷初步试用结果   总被引:60,自引:8,他引:60  
本文通过对防御方式问卷 (DSQ) 初步修订及用其对44名神经症患者和47名正常人测量,发现修订后的防御方式问卷具有较好的信度和效度。本问卷可反映一个连续的防御机制分级过程,即从不成熟防御机制,经中间型防御机制到成熟防御机制。同时也发现 DSQ 与生活事件量表、EPQ、SCL-90及社会支持问卷具有较好的相关性。  相似文献   

Buri父母权威问卷的中文修订   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的:对Buri1991年编制的父母权威问卷(Parental Authority Questionnaire,PAQ)进行中文修订和信效度检验。方法:研究用翻译的PAQ,先后测量了726名大学生,55名大学生在一个月后进行了重测。部分被试填写了父母养育方式量表,作为效标效度检验。结果:中文修订的PAQ由三个因素组成。母亲版(PAQ-M)各维度内部一致性系数为0.655~0.869,重测信度为0.621~0.822。父亲版(PAQ-F)各维度的内部一致性系数为0.653~0.862,重测信度为0.600~0.755。验证性因素分析的结果证实了PAQ中文版的三因素模型,相关分析的结果表明问卷有较好的效标效度。结论:修订后的中文版PAQ的信效度达到心理测量学的标准,可以满足国内有关研究的需要。  相似文献   

根据中国科协《关于全国性学会召开全国会员代表大会及理事会换届选举管理办法》文件的要求 ,经常务理事会决定中国微循环学会于2004年9月19日在北京龙泉宾馆召开了二届六次常务理事扩大会。会议邀请了学会常务理事、在京理事、各省市联络理事共计42人 ,会议实到理事28[其中 :常务理事12名(原有16名) ,其他理事16名 ,因出国、出席其他会议或因病请假者14名]。本次会议由郑超强常务副会长主持 ,首先由修瑞娟理事长致词并宣读全国人大蒋正华副委员长的信及回信 ,蒋正华副委员长欣然接受中国微循环学会的邀请担任学会名誉理事长、担任即将召开…  相似文献   

ISO27001标准前身为英国的BS7799标准,该标准由英国标准协会(BSI)于1995年2月提出,并于1995年5月修订而成。2005年国际标准化组织(简称:ISO)将BS7799转化为ISO27001:2005发布,后由国际标准化组织及国际电工委员会(IEC)修订认可。我国2008年将ISO27001:2005转化为国家标准GB/T 22080:2008。该标准指出"像其他重要业务资产一样,信息也是一种资产。它对  相似文献   

204名大学生干部CPI-RC测试结果评定与人格特征分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的 了解大学生干部人格特质。方法 运用CPI—RC对某医学院1~3年级部分大学生干部204人进行测评。结果 ①男女大学生干部CPI各分量表原始分与常模比较:男女大学生干部在(Cs)、(Sp)、(Em)、(Py)、(Fx)、V3等7个通俗概念量表中均高于全国常模;而在(In)、(Sc)、(Gi)、(Cm)、V1、V2等方面均低于全国常模;在(To)、(Ac)、(Ai)3方面与全国常模一致。②不同性别学生干部CPI结果比较:分量表(Py)男性明显高于女性;在(Re)、(So)、(Sc)、(F/m)、V1 5个方面女性高于男性。③不同性别学生干部V3比较:男女大学生干部在自我实现水平方面存在一定的差异,但均高于常模。结论 高等学校应在选拔、使用、指导、培养大学生干部方面特别重视和加大力度.通过这条途径为国家培养一批优秀的拔尖人才。  相似文献   

巯基蛋白酶抑制肽(cystatin or cysteine proteinase inhibitor,简称CPI),是一类小分子蛋白质,能够抑制巯基蛋白酶的活性。近年来国外许多学者对CPI开展了广泛的研究,孙诠曾在本刊介绍了鸡巯基蛋白酶抑制肽(鸡CPI)的研究现状。本文着重概述人巯基蛋白酶抑制肽(hCPI)的生物学功能及与临床医学的关系。  相似文献   

近年来 ,联合免疫抑制剂 (IS)合并雄激素治疗成人重型再生障碍性贫血 (SAA)明显提高了其疗效 [1 ,2 ] ,但对小儿的报道较少 ,现介绍我们应用环孢霉素 A (CSA ) 康力龙及CSA 康力龙 大剂量丙种球蛋白 (HDIG )治疗 14例小儿SAA的疗效及经验体会。1 材料和方法1.1 病例  14例均为我院 1995~ 1999年的住院患儿 ,其中男 8人 ,女 6人 ,年龄 3~ 12岁 (平均 6 .7岁 ) ,均按 1987年宝鸡全国再障学术会议修订的诊断标准 [3 ]确诊为 SAA 型。发病至确诊时间 <3个月者 10例 ,<6个月者 4例。1.2 治疗方法 根据患儿病情轻重、药源及经…  相似文献   

Developed, cross-validated, and compared a CPI short-form that consisted of those CPI items repeated from the MMPI plus additional CPI items with the CPI short-form developed by Burger (1975). Scores for the two short-forms were extracted from standard CPIs administered to 81 consecutive, male, psychiatric ward admissions and 38 inpatient volunteers at a VA Neuropsychiatric Hospital. Comparisons of intercorrelational matrices, scale correlations, and profile validities support a hypothesis that the short-forms may prove to be useful predictors of the full-version CPI. Comparisons between the two short-forms showed that the Repeated Items Short-Form was equal or superior to the other short-form in approximating the full-version CPI. Further assessment of a CPI short-form that is simultaneously an MMPI short-form appears justified in light of both the current results and previous data by Rodgers (1966), which showed that the repeated item constitute a satisfactory estimate of the MMPI for research purposes.  相似文献   

The present study examined the concurrent validity of the newest version of the California Psychological Inventory (CPI) with the Student Adaptation College Questionnaire. The sample consisted of 142 college students at a midwestern, technically oriented university. Significant differences in the expected directions were found between higher and lower adjusted students with regard to Gough's (1987) new control (p less than .001), flexibility (p less than .003), and consensuality (p less than .005) factors and also with respect to the new norm-favoring (p less than .01) and self-realization (p less than .008) thematic vectors of the revised CPI.  相似文献   

住院病人护士观察量表的因子分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的:提高住院病人护士观察量表(NOSIE-30)在精神科临床的实用性。方法:对只有项目名称、项目评分等级的原量表制定项目定义和评分标准。培训后合格的研究者对164例首发精神分裂症住院病人每两周进行一次NOSIE评定,共评估994人次。将994份资料随机分A、B两组,按照A组资料进行主成分等分析的结果修订原量表,然后用B组资料进行验证并与原量表比较。结果:A组资料因子分析发现每个因子的结构与原量表的7个分量表不尽相同。根据不同情况进行项目调整。最后保留30项中的26项。形成5个分量表。在B组资料比较原量表与修订量表时,5个分量表的特征均优于7个分量表。结论:本研究结果表明原NOSIE-30R 7个分量表并不能反映病人的独立症状群,为了提高该工具的实用性,应该重新修订其分量表。  相似文献   

目的:初步制订"病理性上网"的诊断标准,为全国测查及完善该标准提供依据.方法:检索文献中常用的与"病理性上网"有关的 "诊断标准"或筛选标准,据此建立"病理性上网"的诊断标准条目库及初步诊断标准.测查中,由每两名具有高级职称的精神科医生(共8名)组成一组,根据"病理性上网"操作性定义,以本文制定的初步诊断标准为检查提纲,交替对79名因上网问题住院的受试者及其家属进行访谈,独立评定并作出诊断.另外,方便选取某高中一年级2个班的全体男生,共44人,由评定者单独访谈、评定.两名评定者均作出诊断时方可确诊,否则排除诊断.结果:123名受试者中"病理性上网"者为54名.两名专家的诊断一致性Kappa=0.812(P<0.001).条目库中12条症状有2条评定者间一致性差,4条对诊断贡献小.在保留的6个条目中,4条以上阳性时,诊断的灵敏度为78.9%,特异度为95.3%.严重程度标准偏严格.确定诊断者的病程90.7%为3个月以上,77.7%为6个月以上.结论:修订后的初步诊断标准包括6项症状标准,3项严重程度标准,1项病程标准,以及排除标准.本标准评定者间一致性高、可操作性强,可作为下一步制定"病理性上网"操作性诊断标准的基础.  相似文献   

NEO个性问卷修订本在中国的应用研究   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:14  
目的:探讨以"大五因素"人格理论编制的NEO人格问卷修订本(NEO-PI-R)在中国大陆的实用性.方法:采用杨坚翻译的NEO-PI-R对909名21~81岁正常被试进行了测试.结果:NEO-PI-R中文本具有较好的信度,α系数从0.77(顺同性)至0.92(神经质),重测信度从0.81(开放性)至0.91(外向性);因子分析表明30种人格特质分量表基本上负荷了五个主要公共因子(可解释57.65%的总体方差);NEO-PI-R的神经质和外向性维度与EPQ的神经质和内外向维度的相关系数分别为0.744(P<0.01)和0.816(P<0.01).研究还发现性别、年龄和受教育程度对测验的结果均有明显的影响.结论:作者认为NEO-PI-R在个别条目稍加修改后很适合在中国大陆应用,并建议在标准化时应建立年龄常模.  相似文献   


Symptom proneness (SP), the 20 psychiatric items of the Cornell Medical Index, here called the Cornell Psychiatric Items (CPI), and a test developed partially from the Schedule of Recent Experiences called the Utah Stress Scales (STRESS) were used to predict general adaptational distress (GAD) symptoms during pregnancy on a sample of 1306 primigravidas. The causal model explored in seven path analyses developed for months 3–9 of pregnancy is that SP and STRESS affect CPI, and that SP, STRESS, and CPI directly affect GAD symptoms. Results suggest that CPI is most predictive of GAD symptoms until the ninth month when SP and STRESS become more predictive. It is suggested that GAD pregnancy symptoms are affected by situational stress, symptom proneness, and level of psychological upset and that this system of relations changes over the course of pregnancy. This information should have important implications for anticipating potential problems and improving the quality of nursing care of pregnant women.  相似文献   

目的评价中国成年人情绪性量表在我国公务员中的信效度。方法用情绪性量表在我国公务员群体中进行施测,通过项目分析、探索性因子分析和验证性因子分析对量表的信效度进行检验。结果经项目分析和探索性因子分析,情绪性量表表达性因子的7个项目被删除,量表保留了愉悦性和乐观性2个因子20个项目。20个项目的题总相关系数均大于0.4,因子载荷大于0.4,共同性大于0.16。2个因子可累积解释量表总变异量的57.821%。20项量表的建构效度、收敛效度、区别效度和效标效度也都符合心理测量学的要求。量表的内部一致性信度Cronbach'sα系数为0.902,愉悦性和镇定性2个因子的Cronbach'sα系数分别为0.918、0.919;愉悦性和镇定性2个因子的组合信度分别为0.919、0.848。结论情绪性量表(20项)具有良好的信效度,可以作为测量和评估我国公务员情绪性的工具。  相似文献   

The clinical significance of cytoplasmic inclusions(CPI) in synovial fluid(SF) examination was evaluated. We examined SF specimens collected from major rheumatology clinics in the Philadelphia area during the period of January to December 1995. Among 759 patients in the initial study group, 419 cases with established diagnoses and full synovial analyses were included. Their diagnoses and SF analysis results including leukocyte counts, differential counts and wet preparations were collected and analysed. Ninety seven of the 419 SF specimens were found to have CPI. CPI were found in SF from almost all rheumatic diseases. They were most likely to be found in inflammatory arthropathy including rheumatoid arthritis(RA, 46%), juvenile rheumatoid arthritis(JRA, 78%) and psoriatic arthritis(55%). On the contrary, CPI were least common in crystal-induced arthropathy among the inflammatory arthropathy. CPI were found 8 out of 98 gout cases(8%) and 2 among 53 calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate(CPPD) deposition disease(4%). In noninflammatory arthropathy, CPI were found in only 6 cases(6%) out of the 103 osteoarthritis(OA). In RA cases with non-inflammatory SF, 4 of the 20 SF(20%) had CPI while only 6% of OA SF had CPI. OA SF with CPI were all noninflammatory SF. In summary, CPI were a common finding on SF examination. CPI were more likely to be found in inflammatory arthropathy than noninflammatory. Among inflammatory arthropathy, CPI can favor non-crystal arthropathy than crystal arthropathy. Awareness of the presence of CPI is suggested as an addendum to routine SF analysis. Renewed investigation of the several types of CPI may add further to the understanding of joint disease.  相似文献   

CPI与学科成绩的相关性研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
目的:了解性格特征与学样成绩的关系,为进一步对中学生的咨询,就业,升学指导等提供资料。方法:采用加利福尼亚心理调查表(CPI)对71名高一学生进行测试,并与期末学科成绩及文、理科平均成绩进行相关分析。结果:(1)CPI中的Re(责任心),So(社会化),Wb(适意感),Ac(依赖成就),Py(心理感受性),Cm(同众性),To(宽容性),Se(自我控制),V3(自我实现)等9种性格特征与学科成绩有较高相关(0.24-0.33,P均<0.05,0.01);(2)文、理科成绩与CPI的相关同一定的差异;(3)成绩好组主要在So,Sc,Wb,To,V3几个分量表上明显要高于成绩差组(P<0.01或0.05)。结论:CPI与学样成绩有一定相关,且对学科成绩有一定预测作用。  相似文献   

This study examined the psychometric properties of the Medical Coping Modes Questionnaire, a rationally and empirically constructed instrument that purports to measure 3 cognitive-behavioral, illness-related coping strategies. The original 3-factor solution as derived by Feifel et al. (1987a) was tested and compared to 2 additional theoretically derived 1- and 2-factor models using confirmatory factor analysis. Because goodness of fit criteria were not acceptable, and because transplant candidates may use different coping strategies than general medical patients, principal components factor analysis was performed. In addition, internal consistency and construct validity of revised scales and their relation to demographic variables were assessed. A sample of 372 liver, kidney, heart, lung, and bone marrow transplant patients was used. Exploratory factor analysis revealed 4 factors (with an acceptable number of items) that accounted for 45.81 % of the variance and consisted of 16 of the original 19 items. Generally, the Avoidance and Acceptance/Resignation subscales were replicated, and the Confrontation scale was split into 2 factors: Social Support Seeking and Information Seeking. Correlations between revised factors and measures of affective distress and quality of life were in the directions expected. Implications for the use of this measure with transplant candidates are discussed.  相似文献   

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