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The effect of several alpha 1 adrenoceptor antagonists on the alpha 1-adrenoceptor-mediated stimulation of phosphatidylinositol labeling was studied comparatively in rat hepatocytes and rabbit aorta. It was observed that 5-methyl urapidil and WB 4101 were much more potent in rabbit aorta than in hepatocytes. The orders of potency were prazosin much greater than 5-methyl urapidil greater than or equal to WB 4101 in liver cells and WB 4101 greater than or equal to 5 methyl urapidil = prazosin in aorta. Treatment with chlorethylclonidine inhibited 70-80% of the stimulation of labeling induced by epinephrine in rat liver, but only 30-40% of that in aorta. Our data suggest the existence of two pharmacologically distinct receptors in these tissues i.e.m alpha 1A-adrenoceptors in aorta and alpha 1B in liver cells.  相似文献   

A series of (+/-)-nantenine derivatives of the natural aporphine alkaloids was synthesized and examined for a blocking action on alpha1-adrenoceptors in rat aorta and A10-cells. The potency of these derivatives was compared with that of an aporphine-related compounds (+)-boldine, an alpha1-adrenoceptor antagonist. Among nine (+/-)-nantenine derivatives having different substituents at N-6, C-1, or C-4 of the aporphine skeleton, (+/-)-domesticine had the most powerful alpha1-adrenoceptor-blocking action. The order of pA2 values was (+/-)-domesticine (8.06+/-0.06)>(+/-)-nordomesticine (7.34+/-0.03)>(+/-)-nantenine (7.03+/-0.03)>(+)-boldine (6.91+/-0.02)>other derivatives. Study of the structure-activity relationships showed that the replacement of a methoxy moiety at C-1 position of (plus minus)-nantenine with a hydroxyl group increased affinity for the receptor. In contrast, replacement of a methyl group with a hydrogen atom or an ethyl group at N-6 position in the (+/-)-nantenine structure decreased affinity for the receptor. These results suggest that a hydroxyl group at the C-1 position and a methyl group at the N-6 position in the (+/-)-nantenine structure are essential for the enhancement of affinity for the alpha1-adrenoceptor.  相似文献   

Efficient synthetic routes of 2-amino-4-(omega-hydroxyalkylamino)pyrimidine derivatives were investigated in relation to the anti-influenza virus activity of these compounds. The derivatives in which cyclobutyl and cyclopentyl groups were introduced to the beta-position of the aminoalkyl group (especially the cyclobutyl group substituted by a phenylalkyl group at the 3'-position) resulted in improved antiviral potency: i.e. an average 50% effective concentration for inhibition of plaque formation (EC50, microM) of 0.1-0.01 microM for both types A and B influenza virus. The antiviral efficacies were in the order of amino group > hydroxyiminomethyl group > halogen substitution at the 5-position, and chlorine or methoxy group > hydrogen at the 6-position of the pyrimidine ring. The antiviral indices of these compounds were 2-6 with respect to the 50% inhibitory concentration for cell proliferation (IC50, microM) for growing cells, but > 500 to > 10(4) with respect to the IC50 for stationary cells, indicating that these compounds may be efficacious for the topical treatment of influenza virus infection.  相似文献   

(+/-)-Dobutamine at concentrations < or =10(-5) M did not evoke contractions of rat gastric artery segments. However, when the tissues were contracted with methoxamine, (+/-)-dobutamine evoked concentration-dependent relaxation. The relaxant responses were not significantly affected by propranolol. In the same preparation, propranolol competitively antagonized isoprenaline-induced relaxation with a -log K(B) value of 7.90+/-0.26. (+/-)-Dobutamine did not relax arterial ring segments precontracted with vasopressin (10(-7) M). (+/-)-Dobutamine antagonized noradrenaline-induced contractions of the gastric artery segments. The pA2 value was 6.93+/-0.20, and the slope of the Schild regression line was 1.22+/-0.14. This value (slope) was not significantly different from 1, indicating competitive antagonism. Pretreatment of gastric artery segments with dobutamine before phenoxybenzamine (PBZ) protected against inactivation of alpha1-adrenoceptors by PBZ. The dose ratio of prazosin (3x10(-9) M) and (+/-)-dobutamine (10(-5) M) in combination was close to the expected sum of their individual dose ratios minus 1, indicating interaction with a common site. It was therefore concluded that (+/-)-dobutamine evoked relaxation of rat gastric artery segments by an action not involving beta-adrenoceptor activation but by blocking alpha1-adrenoceptors.  相似文献   

Nebivolol, a selective beta-adrenoceptor (beta1-AR) antagonist, induces vasodilatation by an endothelium- and NO-cGMP-dependent pathway. However, the mechanisms involved in the vascular effect of nebivolol have not been established. Thus, we evaluated the role of alpha1 and beta3-ARs in nebivolol-induced vasodilatation. The responses to nebivolol were investigated in vitro in thoracic aortic rings isolated from male Sprague-Dawley rats. Nebivolol (0.1-10 microM) significantly shifted the concentration-response curve to phenylephrine, an alpha1-AR agonist, to the right in a concentration-dependent manner (pA2 = 6.5). Conversely, the concentration-response curve to endothelin 1 (ET1) was unaffected by nebivolol. In ET1-precontracted rings, nebivolol induced a concentration-dependent relaxation, which was unaffected by nadolol (a beta1/beta2-AR antagonist) but was significantly reduced by L-748,337 (a beta3-AR antagonist), endothelium removal or pretreatment with L-NMMA (an NOS inhibitor). Similar results were obtained with a beta3-AR agonist, SR 58611A.It was concluded that, in rat aorta, nebivolol-induced relaxation results from both inhibition of alpha1-ARs and activation of beta3-ARs. In addition, we confirmed that the endothelium and the NO pathway are involved in the vascular effect of nebivolol. The identification of these vascular targets of nebivolol indicate that it has therapeutic potential for the treatment of pathological conditions associated with an elevation of sympathetic tone, such as heart failure and hypertension.  相似文献   

1. alpha 1-Adrenoceptor subtypes in rabbit thoracic aorta have been examined in binding and functional experiments. 2. [3H]-prazosin bound to two distinct populations of alpha 1-adrenoceptors (pKD,high = 9.94, Rhigh = 79.2 fmol mg-1 protein; pKD,low = 8.59, Rlow = 215 fmol mg-1 protein). Pretreatment with chloroethylclonidine (CEC, 10 microM) almost inactivated the prazosin-high affinity sites and reduced the number of the low affinity sites without changing the pKD value. 3. In the displacement experiments with CEC-untreated membranes, unlabelled prazosin, WB4101 and HV723 displaced the binding of 200 pM [3H]-prazosin monophasically; the affinities for WB4101 (pK1 = 8.88) and HV723 (8.49) were about 10 times lower than that for prazosin (9.99). In the CEC-pretreated membranes also, the antagonists inhibited the binding of 1000 pM [3H]-prazosin monophasically; the pK1 values for prazosin, WB4101 and HV723 were 9.09, 8.97 and 8.17, respectively. These results suggest that the prazosin-high and low affinity sites can be independently appraised in the former and latter experimental conditions. Noradrenaline, but not methoxamine, showed slightly higher affinity for the prazosin-high affinity site than for the low affinity site. 4. In the functional experiments, noradrenaline (0.001-100 microM) and methoxamine (0.1-100 microM) produced concentration-dependent contractions. Pretreatment with CEC inhibited the contractions induced by low concentrations of noradrenaline but without effect on the responses to methoxamine.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

N-[3-(1H-Imidazol-4-ylmethyl)phenyl]ethanesulfonamide, maleate (ABT-866) is a novel alpha(1)-adrenoceptor agent with mixed pharmacological properties in vitro. Compared to phenylephrine, ABT-866 demonstrates intrinsic activity at the alpha(1A)-adrenoceptor subtype present in the rabbit urethra (pD(2) = 6.22, with 80% of the phenylephrine response), reduced intrinsic activity at the alpha(1B)-adrenoceptor subtype in the rat spleen (pD(2)= 6.16, with 11% of the phenylephrine response), and no intrinsic activity at the rat aorta alpha(1D)-adrenoceptor subtype. ABT-866 also demonstrated antagonism at the rat spleen alpha(1B)-adrenoceptor (pA(2) = 5.39 +/- 0.08, slope = 1.20 +/- 0.12), and the rat aorta alpha(1D)-adrenoceptor (pA(2)= 6.18 +/- 0.09, slope = 0.96 +/- 0.13). This is in contrast to the weak non-selective activity seen with the alpha(1)-adrenoceptor agonist, phenylpropanolamine (2-amino-1-phenyl-1-propanol hydrochloride), and the alpha(1A/D)-adrenoceptor selective agonist 1-(2',5'-dimethoxyphenyl)-2-aminoethanol hydrochloride (ST-1059), the active metabolite of midodrine, that has been used clinically for the treatment of stress urinary incontinence. This study identifies a unique agent that may prove to be a valuable in vivo tool in testing the hypothesis that the alpha(1A)-adrenoceptor can be stimulated to contract the smooth muscle present in the urethra without evoking blood pressure elevations presumably caused by alpha(1B)- and alpha(1D)-adrenoceptor subtype involvements in the vasculature.  相似文献   

The interactions between selective alpha-adrenoceptor agonists and antagonists were studied in the rabbit isolated ovarian artery in an attempt to characterize the alpha-adrenoceptor subtype present in the smooth muscle of this vessel. Norepinephrine, epinephrine, and phenylephrine, but not clonidine or BHT-920, contracted the ovarian artery in a concentration dependent manner. The rank order of potency was epinephrine greater than norepinephrine greater than phenylephrine. The contractions were competitively antagonized by prazosin, phentolamine, and yohimbine. However, prazosin and phentolamine were approximately 100-500 times more potent than yohimbine against norepinephrine and phenylephrine. Observations were unchanged when arterial segments were used after endothelial removal. Norepinephrine-induced contractions of the ovarian artery were relatively resistant to blockade by diltiazem. The results suggest that exclusively alpha 1-adrenoceptors are present in vascular smooth muscle cells of the ovarian artery, whose activation operates through a mechanism relatively independent of Ca2+ influx into the smooth muscle cells.  相似文献   

This study was designed to determine whether the alpha2-adrenoceptor antagonists idazoxan, yohimbine, and rauwolscine cause endothelium-dependent and -independent responses in the rat aorta. Rings of rat aorta, with and without endothelium, were suspended for the measurement of isometric force in modified Krebs-Ringer bicarbonate solution (37 degrees C; aerated with 95% O2 and 5% CO2). The alpha2-adrenoceptor antagonists, in the concentration range of 10(-8)-10(-6) M, relaxed phenylephrine-contracted rings with, but not those without endothelium. alpha2-Adrenoceptor antagonists (3 x 10(-6) M for 1 min) increased the accumulation of cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) about twofold in the aortas with endothelium. The relaxation and the increased cGMP induced by alpha2-antagonists were attenuated by methylene blue (10(-6) M) and N(G)-nitro-L-arginine (L-NA, 3 x 10(-5) M), whereas propranolol (10(-6) M) did not affect the relaxation. In concentrations >10(-6) M, alpha2-adrenoceptor antagonists relaxed the rat aorta without endothelium. The endothelium-independent relaxation by alpha2-adrenoceptor antagonists was abolished by increased external K+ and reduced significantly by tetraethylammonium (TEA, 10(-2) M, a Ca2+-dependent K+ channel blocker), but not inhibited by glibenclamide (10(-5) M, an ATP-sensitive K+ channel blocker). In the rabbit aorta, only endothelium-independent relaxations were observed with alpha2-adrenoceptor antagonists in the concentration range of 10(-8)-10(-5) M, and these relaxations were not antagonized by TEA. These results suggest that alpha2-adrenoceptor antagonists relax the rat aorta through endothelium-dependent mechanism at lower concentrations and endothelium-independent mechanisms at higher concentrations. The endothelium-dependent relaxations are likely to be mediated by the endothelium-derived relaxing factor (EDRF)/NO pathway because they are associated with the accumulation of cGMP, whereas the endothelium-independent relaxations may be caused by the opening of potassium channels in the vascular smooth muscle.  相似文献   

Scatchard analyses of [3H]prazosin binding in rat ventricular muscle membranes showed biphasic curves, which identified alpha 1High- and alpha 1Low-affinity sites. The alpha 1High-affinity site was completely inhibited by 1 microM phenoxybenzamine. The displacement potencies of alpha 1-adrenergic antagonists were characterized by [3H]prazosin binding to alpha 1High- and alpha 1Low-affinity sites in the absence and presence of 1 microM phenoxybenzamine. The affinities of most chemicals for alpha 1Low-affinity sites were significantly lower than those for alpha 1High-affinity sites, but WB-4101 (2-(2,6-dimethoxy-phenoxyethyl)aminomethyl-1,4-benzodioxane), arotinolol, cinanserin, nifedipine, and p-aminoclonidine had the same affinities for both alpha 1Low- and alpha 1High-affinity sites. These results show that two alpha 1-adrenoceptor subtypes, alpha 1High- and alpha 1Low-affinity, are present in the rat heart, and that there are physical variations in alpha 1-adrenoceptor binding sites, based on their selectivity to antagonists.  相似文献   

The pharmacological profile of HSR-175, a new alpha 1-adrenoceptor antagonist, was studied in vitro and compared with those of other alpha 1-antagonists. HSR-175, prazosin, bunazosin and yohimbine competitively antagonized the contractile responses induced by noradrenaline in the dog mesenteric arteries and the rabbit thoracic aorta. The pA2 values for HSR-175 in the dog mesenteric arteries and the rabbit aorta were 10.38 and 9.63, respectively, which were significantly higher than those for prazosin (8.39 and 8.80), bunazosin (8.44 and 8.75) and yohimbine (7.34 and 6.10). HSR-175 also inhibited the sympathetic adrenergic contraction induced by electrical transmural stimulation in the dog mesenteric arteries, and the inhibitory effect of HSR-175 was more potent than those of prazosin and bunazosin. Although HSR-175 also possessed competitive antagonist properties at pre- and postsynaptic alpha 2-adrenoceptors in the rat vas deferens and the dog saphenous veins, those affinities (pA2 = 6.41 and 7.05) were much lower than those at postsynaptic alpha 1-adrenoceptors. Furthermore, HSR-175 at concentration of 10(-6) M showed no inhibition on the contractile responses to 5-HT, histamine, KCl and angiotensin II in the rabbit thoracic aorta. These results indicate that HSR-175 is a very potent and selective alpha 1-adrenoceptor antagonist.  相似文献   

The effects of increasing intravenous (i.v.) doses of prazosin, phenylephrine, flecainide, and UK-52,046 on blood pressure (BP), heart rate (HR) and the specialized conduction system (AH and HV intervals) were investigated in anaesthetized dogs. Results indicated that UK-52,046 (1-8 micrograms/kg) had no effect on BP or HR, but reduced (p less than 0.05) BP at doses of 16 and 32 micrograms/kg; no change occurred in HR. During sinus rhythm (SR) the AH or HV intervals did not change as compared with placebo; on pacing (PA) UK-52,046 (4-16 micrograms/kg) decreased the AH interval. After prazosin BP decreased (p less than 0.05) after 20-40 micrograms/kg; HR increased after all doses (5-40 micrograms/kg). The HV interval was unaltered, but the AH interval decreased after 40 micrograms/kg during SR and PA. After phenylephrine (continuous infusion, 50 micrograms/ml/min) BP increased at 33 min and HR was decreased at 23 and 33 min. The AH interval lengthened during PA (p less than 0.05), but there was no effect on the HV interval. Administration of flecainide (0.5-2.0 mg/kg) had no effect on BP or HR but increased the HV interval during SR and PA (1 and 2 mg/kg, p less than 0.05). The results indicate that the alpha 1-adrenoceptor agonist phenylephrine and the alpha 1-adrenoceptor antagonist prazosin, on PA altered the AH (but not the HV) intervals in opposite directions in association with changes in HR and BP.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

This study was done to determine the alpha1-adrenoceptor subtypes and to characterize the functional role of alpha1D-adrenoceptors in the following rabbit arteries: thoracic and abdominal aorta, mesenteric, renal and iliac arteries. In all arteries, selective alpha1D-adrenoceptor antagonist BMY 7378 (8-(2-(4-(2-methoxyphenyl)-1-piperazinyl)ethyl)-8-azaspirol(4,5) decane-7,9-dione dihydrochloride) dose dependently shifted the concentration-response curves for norepinephrine to the right. Schild plots of the results obtained from the inhibition by BMY 7378 for norepinephrine yielded a straight line with a slope of unity in thoracic (pA2 6.54+/-0.02) and abdominal (pA2 6.73+/-0.03) aorta. Slopes of Schild plots obtained from the inhibition by BMY 7378 for norepinephrine were significantly different from unity in mesenteric, renal and iliac arteries. Slopes of Schild plots for BMY 7378 were not different from unity in chloroethylclonidine-treated thoracic (pA2 6.49+/-0.14) and abdominal (pA2 6.61+/-0.11) aorta. Slopes of Schild plots for BMY 7378 were significantly different from unity in chloroethylclonidine-treated mesenteric, renal and iliac arteries. On the other hand, in Ca2+-free physiological saline solution (Ca2+-free PSS) slopes obtained from Schild plots for BMY 7378 were not different from unity in thoracic (pA2 6.41+/-0.09) and abdominal (pA2 6.28+/-0.07) aorta and mesenteric (pA2 6.55+/-0.06), renal (pA2 6.24+/-0.10) and iliac (pA2 6.64+/-0.13) arteries. BMY 7378 inhibited [3H]prazosin binding to thoracic (pKi 6.44+/-0.08) and abdominal (pKi 6.59+/-0.02) aorta with low potency, and mesenteric (pKi High 8.66+/-0.28, pKi Low 6.34+/-0.14), renal (pKi High 8.71+/-0.33, pKi Low 6.45+/-0.03) and iliac artery (pKi High 8.60+/-0.24, pKi Low 6.56+/-0.13). These results suggest that alpha1D-adrenoceptors play a significant role for contractile responses in renal and iliac artery, but play virtually no role in thoracic and abdominal aorta and that an alpha1-adrenoceptor subtype, which is pharmacologically distinguishable from the alpha1A-, alpha1B- and alpha1D-adrenoceptor subtype, may co-exist in mesenteric artery.  相似文献   

The anxiolytic effects of buspirone, its metabolite, 1-(2-pyrimidyl)piperazine (1-PP) and several alpha 2-adrenoceptor antagonists have been compared in an anticonflict (shock-induced suppression of drinking) paradigm in rats. Idazoxan, WY 26392 and yohimbine had anticonflict effects comparable to those of buspirone and 1-PP, and enhanced the release of suppressed responding induced by buspirone. The response to buspirone was antagonised by the alpha 2-adrenoceptor agonist clonidine. In tests of clonidine-induced mydriasis, the antagonist potencies of buspirone, 1-PP, idazoxan, WY 26392 and yohimbine corresponded closely to the doses of the compounds active in the anticonflict test. Clonidine-induced hypolocomotion was also antagonised by 1-PP, although this response was potentiated by buspirone. The results suggest that the anticonflict effects of buspirone involve an alpha 2-adrenoceptor mechanism.  相似文献   

The emergence of a novel theory concerning the role of noradrenaline in the progression and the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases has provided a new impetus toward the discovery of novel compounds acting at alpha(2)-adrenoceptors. A series of substituted 1-(2, 3-dihydrobenzo[1,4]dioxin-2-ylmethyl)piperidin-4-yl derivatives bearing an amide, urea, or imidazolidinone moiety was studied. Some members of this series of compounds proved to be potent alpha(2)-adrenoceptor antagonists with good selectivity versus alpha(1)-adrenergic and D(2)-dopamine receptors. Particular emphasis is given to compound 33g which displays potent alpha(2)-adrenoceptor binding affinity in vitro and central effects in vivo following oral administration.  相似文献   

(+)-Cyclazosin is a quinazoline derivative pharmacologically characterized as alpha(1b)-adrenoceptor selective ligand in binding assays and alpha(1B)-selective antagonist in isolated tissues. In this work, we determined the absolute configuration of (+)-cyclazosin by X-ray crystallographic analysis applied to the (R,R)-(+)-tartrate of (-)-2, which is the enantiomer of the specific synthetic precursor of (+)-cyclazosin. Results indicated that (+)-cyclazosin has an R and S configuration at its C4a and C8a atoms, respectively.  相似文献   

1. Recently, alpha 1-adrenoceptors in blood vessels have been classified into three subtypes (alpha 1H, alpha 1L and alpha 1N). We examined which subtype (or subtypes) is involved in the noradrenaline-induced contraction of rabbit thoracic aorta. 2. Noradrenaline produced a concentration-dependent contraction in the rabbit isolated thoracic aorta. Prazosin antagonized the contractions to noradrenaline, resulting in a rightward displacement of the concentration-response curve. However, the shift was not proportional to the concentration of prazosin; Schild plots showed that the inhibition by prazosin was biphasic, implying that noradrenaline acted through two receptor populations. Two affinity constants (pKB values of 10.02 and 8.83) were determined for prazosin at these sites. 3. However, under continuous treatment with 1 nM prazosin, or in strips pretreated with chlorethylclonidine (CEC; an alpha 1H inactivating agent) to remove the contribution of one receptor population, prazosin showed a single pKB or pA2 value of approximately 8.3. 4. Yohimbine also produced biphasic antagonism of noradrenaline-induced contractions, resulting in two affinity constants (pKB = 6.52 and 6.17). However, a monophasic Schild plot was obtained for yohimbine either in the presence of 1 nM prazosin (pA2 = 6.08) or in strips pretreated with CEC (pA2 = 6.03). 5. The Schild plot for HV723 (a selective alpha 1N-antagonist) yielded a monophasic slope (pKB = 8.47) and the inhibition was not affected by 1 nM prazosin or CEC-pretreatment. 6. [3H]-prazosin bound to alpha 1-adrenoceptors of the aortic membrane preparations with two different affinities (pKD = 9.94 and 8.37).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

As a part of a program aimed at discovering compounds endowed with alpha(1)-adrenoceptor (AR) blocking properties, in this paper we describe the synthesis and biological characterization of the compounds designed to fully match a three-dimensional pharmacophore model for alpha(1)-AR antagonists previously developed by our research group. Accordingly, the structure of trazodone (1), identified during a database search performed by using the model as a 3D query, was chosen as the starting point for this study and modified following suggestions derived from a literature survey. In particular, the triazolopyridine moiety of trazodone was replaced with different heteroaromatic rings (such as imidazole, benzimidazole, and indole), and a pyridazin-3(2H)-one moiety was inserted into the scaffold of the new compounds to increase the overall length of the molecules and to allow for a complete fit into all the pharmacophore features. Our aim was also to study the influence of the position of both the chloro and the methoxy groups on the piperazine phenyl ring, as well as the effect of the lengthening or shortening of the polymethylene spacer linking the phenylpiperazine moiety to the terminal heterocyclic portion. Compounds obtained by such structural optimization share a 6-(imidazol-1-yl)-, 6-(benzimidazol-1-yl)-, or 6-(indol-1-yl)pyridazin-3(2H)-one as a common structural feature that represents an element of novelty in the SAR of arylpiperazine compounds acting toward alpha(1)-AR. Biological evaluation by radioligand receptor binding assays toward alpha(1)-AR, alpha(2)-AR, and 5-HT(1A) serotoninergic receptors indicated compounds characterized by very good alpha(1)-AR affinity and selectivity. Very interestingly, chemical features (such as the o-methoxyphenylpiperazinyl moiety and an alkyl spacer of three or four methylene units) that generally do not allow for 5-HT(1A)/alpha(1) selectivity led to compounds 2c and 6c with a 5-HT(1A)/alpha(1) ratio of 286 and 281, respectively. Finally, compounds with the best alpha(1)-AR affinity profile (2c, 5f, and 6c) were demonstrated to be alpha(1)-AR antagonists.  相似文献   

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