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This paper describes and discusses issues concerned with therole of the nurse in health promotion work. It represents thefirst phase of a research project designed to explore this role,and presents the evolving philosophical framework for the study.The study is taking place currently in the United Kingdom andhas been made possible by the (first) award of a Post DoctoralNursing Research Fellowship to the project director. Against the backdrop of the World Health Organization's ‘Healthfor All by the year 2000’ (WHO HFA 2000) movement therehave been repeated calls for nurses to be the leaders in healthpromotion. Policy makers and educators have responded to thesecalls by claiming a central role for nursing and putting healthpromotion high on policy and training agendas. Very little attention,however, has been devoted to exploring the legitimacy and developmentof this role in nursing. Generally, nurses seem enthusiasticabout health promotion, and sure that they have a role to play.What is less certain is what this role is. The study seeks toclarify this by exploring policy, behaviour, and attitudes.Policy provides the framework for practice, and operates ata number of levels. In this early paper we review the literatureto explore policy and practice from international to grassrootslevels. We also make some initial observation derived from ourpilot work.  相似文献   

This study examines the changing role of practice nurses in the primary care of elderly people. The study took place in three district health authorities. Random samples of 1500 people aged 65 years and over were interviewed in 1990 and again in 1992 and questioned on their utilization and opinions of primary care services. More older people in 1992 than in 1990 were aware that their practice employed a nurse and annual consultation rates increased from 27% in 1990 to 43% in 1992 and those who consulted did so more often in 1992 than 1990. Their principal reasons for consulting a practice nurse included blood pressure checks, blood tests, ‘flu injections and ear syringing. There was an increase in the number of patients aged over 75 years who reported having a health assessment “health check” and an increase in the proportion of assessments carried out by the practice nurse. Respondents were very positive about their relationship with practice nurses; only one patient in each year was dissatisfied with practice nursing services and in 1992 there was an increase in the number of patients who reported being very satisfied. Conclusions: The role of practice nurses appears to be expanding and there is therefore an on-going need for evaluation and training to enable nurses better to fulfil their enhanced role in the primary care team.  相似文献   

Abstract While health promotion is widely acknowledged as a practice field where multidisciplinary teamwork is important, within nursing's discipline‐specific literature, a strong argument can be discerned regarding the profession's belief that it has a clear and unique role to play in that field. Yet rarely is this unique role, how it arises, and specifically how its effects are to be demarcated, attended to within the discipline‐specific literature. Two philosophical perspectives on science are presented and we demonstrate the extent to which these two perspectives influence nursing scholarship, including nursing practice within the field of health promotion. We then go on to argue that, for nurses to sustain their claim to a unique and important contribution within health promotion, clear articulation of the philosophical premises underpinning practice methodologies is warranted. Specifically we argue the importance of such clarity within the context of an analysis of the discourse of multidisciplinary practice as a strategy for avoiding confronting the ways in which bio‐medical authority has already significantly demarcated how health promotion practice can proceed.  相似文献   

Objective  To determine whether patient evaluations of the accessibility to general practice and co‐ordination with other care providers were associated with characteristics of general practice organizations. Background  In 1998 patients across Europe perceived that small general practices have better accessibility than large practices. Since then a number of changes in primary care have had impact on accessibility and co‐ordination of care. Design, setting and participants  The study was based on data from the European Practice Assessment study, an observational study in 284 general practices in 10 countries in 2004. Main outcome measures  Patient evaluations of general practice were measured with the 23‐item Europep instrument, from which seven items on accessibility and co‐ordination were selected in a principal factor analysis. Six practice characteristics were examined: percentage of female general practitioners, mean age of physicians, mean number of physician hours worked per week, number of general practitioners, number of care providers, urbanization level. Mixed regression models were applied, in which patients were clustered within practices, and practices within countries. Results  Practices with a higher numbers of care providers received less positive patient evaluations (b = −0.112, P = 0.004). The other practice characteristics were not related to patient evaluations. Only a small proportion of the total variation in patient evaluations of accessibility and co‐ordination (1.8%) was explained by characteristics of the general practice organizations. Conclusions  General practices have become larger in most developed countries in recent years, but patients seemed to prefer general practice organizations with fewer health professionals.  相似文献   

Aim: The current qualitative study aimed to explore the perceptions of key health professionals relating to the effectiveness of nutrition care provided in the general practice setting. Methods: Twenty‐eight health professionals across a range of disciplines (general practitioners (n = 11), practice nurses (n = 3), dieticians (n = 5), naturopaths (n = 5) and exercise physiologists (n = 4)) individually participated in a semistructured telephone interview, guided by an inquiry logic informed by the literature. Interviews were transcribed verbatim and analysed thematically using a constant comparison approach. Results: Health professionals, including general practitioners, perceived that nutrition care provided in the general practice setting was mostly ineffective at improving patient nutrition behaviour. This was reported to be due to nutrition care competency deficits among general practitioners, a general practice reimbursement system that encourages practices inconsistent with quality nutrition care, and a low prioritisation of nutrition care in general practice. Tensions were apparent between health professional groups, which may be hindering the successful implementation of interdisciplinary nutrition care for patients with chronic disease in this setting. Conclusion: Without systematic changes to Australian primary health care model, the demand on general practitioners as primary providers of nutrition care will continue, therefore mandating support for general practitioners providing care in this context. Further research is required to identify strategies to improve nutrition care and opportunities to facilitate integrated health care provided to the general public within the general practice setting.  相似文献   

Australia has a well‐accepted system of universal child and family health (CFH) services. However, government reports and research indicate that these services vary across states and territories, and many children and families do not receive these services. The aim of this paper was to explore professionals' perceptions of the challenges and opportunities in implementing a national approach to universal CFH services across Australia. Qualitative data were collected between July 2010 and April 2011 in the first phase of a three‐phase study designed to investigate the feasibility of implementing a national approach to CFH services in Australia. In total, 161 professionals participated in phase 1 consultations conducted either as discussion groups, teleconferences or through email conversation. Participants came from all Australian states and territories and included 60 CFH nurses, 45 midwives, 15 general practitioners (GPs), 12 practice nurses, 14 allied health professionals, 7 early childhood education specialists, 6 staff from non‐government organisations and 2 Australian government policy advisors. Data were analysed thematically. Participants supported the concept of a universal CFH service, but identified implementation barriers. Key challenges included the absence of a minimum data set and lack of aggregated national data to assist planning and determine outcomes; an inconsistent approach to transfer of information about mothers and newborns from maternity services to CFH nursing services or GPs; poor communication across disciplines and services; issues of access and equity of service delivery; workforce limitations and tensions around role boundaries. Directions for change were identified, including improved electronic data collection and communication systems, reporting of service delivery and outcomes between states and territories, professional collaboration, service co‐location and interprofessional learning and development.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To identify associations between the characteristics of general practitioners and practices, and patients' evaluations of the availability of general practice. DESIGN: Written surveys completed by patients. SETTING: General practice care in nine European countries: Denmark, Germany, The Netherlands, Norway, UK, Belgium (Flanders and Wallonia), Switzerland, Slovenia and Spain. STUDY PARTICIPANTS: 15996 adult patients consecutively visiting the general practitioner (response rates per country varied between 47 and 89%). MAIN MEASURES: The Europep instrument to assess patients' evaluations of five aspects of the availability of general practice care: (1) getting an appointment, (2) getting through on the phone, (3) being able to speak to the practitioner on the telephone, (4) waiting time in the waiting room, and (5) providing quick services for urgent health problems. Each general practitioner recorded age, sex, number of years in the practice, number of practitioners and other care providers in the practice, and urbanization level of the practice. RESULTS: Patients' more positive evaluations were associated with fewer general practitioners in the practice, except for quick services for urgent health problems (range of conditional overall odds ratios, 1.69-2.02). In addition, a number of significant unconditional overall odds ratios were found, particularly those related to the number of general practitioners' working hours and the number of care providers in the practice. None of the associations was found consistently in all countries. CONCLUSION: Patients favour small practices and full-time general practitioners, which contradicts developments in general practice in many countries. Policy makers should consider how the tensions between patients' views and organizational developments can be solved.  相似文献   

The enterprise of health promotion in medicine involves a responsibilityof distinguishing between the concepts of health and absenceof disease and of reflecting on the notions of illness and sickness.In this paper the importance of human dialogue is stressed bothas a means and end of the doctor-patient relationship and asthe main means of genuine health promotion. The outcome of healthwork is proposed to depend mainly on the way the patients areencountered. Their efforts to make themselves seen as beingsick should not on all occasions be diagnosed and treated. Bymeans of a reflected, dialogic practice patients may be listenedto and inspired to reconstruct their symbol-based relationshipto the world of meaning. The conception of health primarilyincludes man's relationship to himself. Illness is looked uponas the subject's experience of illhealth, whereas disease isunderstood as a functional imbalance of bodily organs. Thereis a tacit meaning in being ill (and found sick) that can berealized and attended to best in close relationship with thepatient. Physicians – preferably general practitioners– involved in health promotion should, it is concluded,both assist the patients to give up their sick role and continuallyelaborate their own professional competence to see and successfullyencounter the manifold specifically human issues underlyingtheir patients' presented symptoms.  相似文献   

Background: Changes in their Contract in 1990 gave general practitioners the opportunity to become more involved in child health surveillance. This study aimed to describe and compare child health surveillance services provided by general practitioners before and after the changes of the 1990 GP contract.Methods: A questionnaire was sent to all general practices within the Nottingham Health Authority area in 1990, and this process was repeated in 1994, ascertaining the services provided for child health surveillance. Outcome measures were: the reported provision of services, keeping of records and facilities for following up non-attenders. Also recorded were the training and qualifications of general practitioners and their attitudes towards child health surveillance.Results: Response rates were 62% in 1990 and 80% in 1994. More practices were involved in the provision of child health surveillance services in 1994, more held a baby clinic and more reported having a recall system for non-attenders. There was little change in the training or qualifications of GPs in child health between 1990 and 1994. In 1994, there was evidence of GPs meeting regularly with Health Visitors. There remained a small number of practices who were not interested in child health surveillance.Conclusion: The 1990 GP contract appears to have increased the provision of child health surveillance services by GPs and improved liaison with Health Visitors in general practice.  相似文献   

Objective: The value of symptoms and clinical findings for the diagnosis of acute maxillary sinusitis in general practice is unclear. We investigated the relation between clinical picture and objective findings.

Methods: For 113 adult patients suspected by their general practitioner (GP) of having maxillary sinusitis, history and clinical examination data were related to roentgenograms, echograms and punctate results.

Results: History and examination data of the GPs showed a similar pattern for patients with and without positive punctate results. Even 22 patients with fluid and pathogenic bacteria in the sinus could not clearly be distinguished clinically. The probability of fluid in the sinus ranges from very low for X-ray results without demonstrable abnormalities, to about 60% in case of X-rays showing fluid levels.

Conclusion: Our findings demonstrate that the group of patients suspected of having maxillary sinusitis cannot be further subdivided on the basis of history and examination. Since acute rhinitis and acute sinusitis appear to be manifestations of the same clinical entity, for these patients the diagnosis acute rhinosinusitis is preferable. The patients can be roughly classified on the basis of the X-ray as to the presence of fluid and pathogenic bacteria in the sinus. The question is now whether such diagnostic classification is relevant with a view to treatment.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Remote general practice can be a highly rewarding career, but poses many personal and professional challenges. It is characterised by significant geographical, professional and social isolation and a requirement for practitioners with public health, emergency and extended clinical skills. The remote practitioner faces further challenges in the remote Aboriginal community setting, including language and cultural barriers. OBJECTIVES: This paper discusses the specific components of a remote Aboriginal community general practice registrar orientation program in the Northern Territory, and their particular importance and relevance to remote training and practice in this context. DISCUSSION: Northern Territory General Practice Education, the regional general practice training provider in the Northern Territory, has developed a model for a comprehensive orientation program for general practice registrars planning to work in remote Aboriginal community locations. This comprises a number of core components, including communication and cultural safety training; clinical and procedural skill development; population health; self-care and personal/professional role delineation; and organisational issues. We believe it is a program that is applicable to other disciplines undertaking work in remote Aboriginal communities.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To trial a measure of rural and remote GP access for small areas. Design: A cross-sectional study using geographical information systems software to calculate GP to population rates with a floating catchment of 100 km radius around census collection districts (CCDs). SETTING: Non-metropolitan Western Australia. PARTICIPANTS: The locations and full-time equivalents of GPs and other primary-care doctors were identified through a GP workforce survey. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: GP to population ratios for each CCD were classified as being above or below a benchmark of adequate GP access. CCDs with no GP sessions reported within 100 km were identified separately. These categories were investigated by divisions of general practice and by indigenous status, age and employment characteristics of the population. RESULTS: Small-area estimates detected greater variation in access than depicted by conventional methods. Sixty-four per cent of the non-metropolitan population live in CCDs with adequate GP access. Forty-five per cent of indigenous people and 52% of people working in rural industries live in CCDs with access below the benchmark. CONCLUSIONS: The floating catchment method is a powerful tool to identify small areas of inadequate service. It can be applied to measure access to other professionals, medical equipment or facilities.  相似文献   

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