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In Argentina, there is no information on ages of attainment of developmental milestones and very few data about environmental factors that influence them. A national survey on the psychomotor development of children under 6 years of age was carried out with the help of 129 paediatricians. Logistic regression was applied to a final sample of 3573 healthy, normal children in order to estimate selected centiles (25th, 50th, 75th and 90th), together with their respective confidence intervals, of the ages of attainment of 78 developmental items belonging to the following areas: personal-social (18 items), fine motor (19), language (18) and gross motor (23). The 50th centile obtained for each of the 43 comparable items was compared with those obtained in previously standardised tests: DDST, Denver II, Bayley and Chilean scales. Neither significant nor systematic differences were found between our results and those described in the tests used for comparison. Multiple logistic regressions showed that social class, maternal education and sex (female) were associated with earlier attainment of some selected developmental items, achieved at ages later than 1 year. Selected items achieved before the first year of life were not affected by any of the independent environmental variables studied. The information is useful in helping paediatricians in their daily practice for surveillance of development, as baseline information for epidemiological studies on development in our country and for cross-cultural analysis.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The relation between income and mortality due to violence has been studied in recent years. The Synthesis of Social Indicators of 2002 [Sintese de Indicadores Sociais, 2002], published by The Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), states that one of the most outstanding characteristic of Brazilian society is inequality. The proposal of this ecological study was to test the association between homicide rates, and some health and socioeconomic indicators. METHODS: This is an ecological cross-sectional study. Data regarding Sao Paulo City, Brazil in the year 2000 was analyzed. The association between homicide coefficients and the following five indicators were tested: infant mortality rates, monthly average income of household heads, percentage of adolescents aged 15 to 17 years not attending school, proportion of pregnant adolescent women aged 14 to 17 years and demographic density. Pearson's correlation coefficient and a multiple linear regression model were utilized to test these associations. RESULTS: The municipal homicide rate was 57.3/100,000. The correlation between homicide rates and average monthly income was strong and negative (r=-0.65). Higher homicide rates were found in the districts whose inhabitants had lower incomes and lower rates were found in those districts whose inhabitants had higher incomes. The correlation between homicide rates and proportion of adolescents not attending school was positive and strong (r=0.68). The correlation between homicide rates and the proportion of pregnant adolescent women was positive and strong (r=0.67). The correlation between homicides and the rate of infant mortality was r=0.24 (for all: p<0.05). The correlation between demographic density and homicides was not significant. Although the univariate regression was positive for four indicators, the multivariate regression test was only significant for average monthly income (negative) and proportion of adolescents not attending school (positive) (for both indicators: p<0.01). CONCLUSIONS: The findings highlight the problem of homicides and socioeconomic disparities in S. Paulo City. Economic development and reducing socioeconomic inequality may have an impact on the rates of mortality due to violence.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: This study determined the effect of income inequality on homicide rates in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. METHODS: We conducted an ecological study at 2 geographical levels, municipalities in the state of Rio de Janeiro and administrative regions in the municipality of Rio de Janeiro. The association between homicide and income inequality was tested by multiple regression procedures, with adjustment for other socioeconomic indicators. RESULTS: For the municipalities of Rio de Janeiro State, no association between homicide and income concentration was found an outcome that can be explained by the municipalities' different degrees of urbanization. However, for the administrative regions in the city of Rio de Janeiro, the 2 income inequality indicators were strongly correlated with the outcome variable (P < .01). Higher homicide rates were found precisely in the sector of the city that has the greatest concentration of slum residents and the highest degree of income inequality. CONCLUSIONS: The findings suggest that social policies specifically aimed at low-income urban youth, particularly programs to reduce the harmful effects of relative deprivation, may have an important impact on the homicide rate.  相似文献   

目的 了解安阳市0~60岁人群死因构成及顺位情况,为疾病防控工作提供参考依据。方法 分析2020年安阳市0~60岁人群死亡情况,计算粗死亡率、标化死亡率与构成比,采用SPSS 21.0和Excel 2016对数据进行整理分析。结果 2020年共报告0~60岁死亡病例5 350例,粗死亡率为111.30/10万,占死亡总数的18.26%,男性粗死亡率(151.79/10万)高于女性(69.04/10万)。在死因顺位中,前3位死因分别是循环系统疾病(37.21%)、肿瘤(28.13%)和伤害(17.81%)。0~4岁组以围生期疾病和伤害为主,5~14岁组以伤害、肿瘤为主,15~60岁组以循环系统疾病、肿瘤和伤害为主。主要死因居前5位的是脑血管病(21.24/10万)、冠心病(16.81/10万)、道路交通事故(6.97/10万)、肝癌(6.47/10万)、肺癌(4.93/10万)。女性第5位与第9位死因分别是乳腺癌(3.23/10万)与宫颈癌(1.74/10万)。结论 循环系统疾病、肿瘤、伤害是导致0~60岁居民死亡的前3位死因,是安阳市疾病防控重点。  相似文献   

AIM: The aim of this study was to analyse the relationship between suicide rates and economic development within the theoretical framework of epidemiological transition. RESULT: A weak positive correlation was found between suicide rates and GNP per capita in both sexes for all ages. DISCUSSION: According to previous studies, there is a clear decline in deaths due to unintentional injuries with improved economic conditions. This example of a man-made disease that declines during the fourth stage is in agreement with the theory of epidemiological transition. However, our results found the opposite pattern for deaths due to intentional self-inflicted injury. CONCLUSION: Mortality rates due to unintentional and intentional self-inflicted injury show deviating patterns from an epidemiological transition perspective.  相似文献   



To examine the relation between income inequality and school bullying (perpetration, victimisation and bully/victims) and explore whether the relation is attributable to international differences in violent crime.


Between 1994 and 2006, the Health Behaviour in School-aged Children study surveyed 117 nationally representative samples of adolescents about their involvement in school bullying over the previous 2 months. Country prevalence rates of bullying were matched to data on income inequality and homicides.


With time and country differences held constant, income inequality positively related to the prevalence of bullying others at least twice (b = 0.25), victimisation by bullying at least twice (b = 0.29) and both bullied and victimisation at least twice (b = 0.40). The relation between income inequality and victimisation was partially mediated by country differences in homicides.


Understanding the social determinants of school bullying facilitates anti-bullying policy by identifying groups at risk and exposing its cultural and economic influences. This study found that cross-national differences in income inequality related to the prevalence of school bullying in most age and gender groups due, in part, to a social milieu of interpersonal violence.  相似文献   

Around 30% of the deaths due to violent causes in Brazil result from homicides. Violence has traditionally been related to larger social problems, such as poverty. Recently, however, a positive correlation has been observed between higher incomes and an increase in the homicide rate, so that some researchers have begun to consider inequality, rather than poverty, as an explanation for the epidemic of violence. The objective of this study was to investigate the correlation between urbanization, poverty, and economic inequality and homicide rates in the state of S?o Paulo, Brazil, in 1996. Information regarding population size, average monthly income of household heads, income distribution, and Gini index was obtained for each municipality, based on the demographic census. Homicide rates were calculated based on official data. Data were analyzed in terms of correlation and relative risk with 95% confidence intervals. Homicide rates rose in direct proportion to city population and ranged from 6.96 (per 100,000 inhabitants) in municipalities with a population smaller than 10,000 inhabitants, to 55.54 in municipalities with more than 1 million inhabitants. Relative risk ranged from 1.35 to 7.98. A significant correlation with population size was found only for incomes above 3.11 times the minimum wage and a Gini index greater than 0.50. There was a strong, direct, and significant correlation between homicide rates and the income ratio between the ninetieth and the twentieth percentiles of the population. It is necessary to probe more deeply into the macrosocial determinants of homicide rates in order to identify indicators of inequality that can generate meaningful data for developing public health strategies.  相似文献   

目的了解河源市近年来实施脊髓灰质炎(简称脊灰)减毒活疫苗(OPV)常规免疫和补充免疫后人群中脊灰病毒抗体水平,评价免疫效果,为维持无脊灰状态提供科学依据。方法按照不同的经济发展水平随机抽取3个县,每个县随机抽取1家综合医院和2所乡镇卫生院/社区卫生服务中心作为监测点,在监测点的门诊患者中抽取0~49岁年龄组的患者作为监测对象,采集监测对象4 mL 血液样本进行脊灰中和抗体检测。结果共抽取0~49岁监测对象300人,其I、Ⅱ、Ⅲ型脊灰中和抗体阳性率分别为97.00%、98.67%和96.00%,3个型别抗体阳性率差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ 型中和抗体几何平均滴度(GMT)分别为1∶106.64、1∶76.82和1∶38.14,各型抗体水平依次降低,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。不同年龄组人群的脊灰3个型别抗体阳性率比较,差异均无统计学意义(均P>0.05);而各型中和抗体GMT均以0~1岁组最高,呈现随年龄增长而下降的趋势 (均P<0.01)。结论河源市通过OPV常规免疫和补充免疫,人群脊灰中和抗体阳性率、GMT总体保持在较高水平,免疫效果良好,人群对脊灰已经形成免疫屏障。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Polysaccharide pneumococcal vaccination for older adults is being introduced in developed country settings. Evidence of protection by this vaccine against pneumococcal pneumonia, or confirmation that illness and death from bacteraemia are prevented, is currently limited. Decisions are often made based on partial information. We examined the policy implications by exploring the potential economic benefit to society and the health sector of pneumococcal vaccination in older adults. METHODS: A model to estimate the potential cost savings and cost-effectiveness of a polysaccharide pneumococcal vaccine programme was based on costs collected from patients, the literature, and routine health-services data. The effect of a pneumococcal vaccine (compared with no vaccination) was examined in a hypothetical cohort aged over 64 years. The duration of protection was assumed to be 10 years, with or without a booster at 5 years. RESULTS: If it were effective against morbidity from pneumococcal pneumonia, the main burden from pneumococcal disease, the vaccine could be cost-neutral to society or the health sector at low efficacy (28 and 37.5%, respectively, without boosting and with 70% coverage). If it were effective against morbidity from bacteraemia only, the vaccine's efficacy would need to be 75 and 89%, respectively. If protection against both morbidity and mortality from pneumococcal bacteraemia was 50%, the net cost to society would be 2500 pounds per year of life saved ( 3365 pounds from the health-sector perspective). Results were sensitive to incidence, case-fatality rates, and costs of illness. CONCLUSIONS: A vaccine with moderate efficacy against bacteraemic illness and death would be cost-effective. If it also protected against pneumonia, it would be cost-effective even if its efficacy were low.  相似文献   

目的调查莱阳市城乡(城区、农村)4~16岁儿童抽动障碍(tic disorders,TD)的流行病学特征、家庭环境以及伴发的行为问题,为TD的科学干预创造条件。方法 2010年4—10月采用分层整群随机抽样的方法,从莱阳市城区和农村68 396名4~16岁儿童中抽取1 752名进行TD横断面调查。采用问卷调查和专科访谈相结合的方式,回收有效问卷1 588份。TD患儿作为TD组,相应条件的无TD儿童作为对照组。结果 4~16岁儿童TD总患病率1.70%,短暂性抽动障碍(transient ticdisorders,TTD)患病率0.94%、慢性抽动障碍(chronic tic disorders,CTD)患病率0.57%、多发性抽动症(tourette syndrome,TS)患病率0.19%。男生患病率2.43%,女生患病率0.99%,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。平均发病年龄为(7.52±2.73)岁。TD组患儿家庭环境中的亲密度、知识性、道德宗教观评分与对照组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。6~11岁TD组男性患儿抑郁、交往不良、强迫性、社交退缩、多动、攻击性、违纪评分以及总分高于同年龄、同性别对照组,差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.05);6~11岁TD组女性患儿抑郁、社交退缩、多动、攻击性评分以及总分高于同年龄、同性别对照组,差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.05)。结论 TD在莱阳市城乡儿童中并不少见,男性患病率较女性高。TD患儿家庭环境较差,且伴有较多行为问题。  相似文献   

叶振淼  秦侠 《中国学校卫生》2016,37(9):1374-1376
分析温州市15~24岁艾滋病病毒感染者/艾滋病病人(HIV/AIDS)流行特征,为有针对性地制定艾滋病防控措施提供科学依据.方法 从中国疾病预防控制信息系统的艾滋病综合防治信息系统中获取艾滋病网络直报数据,筛选温州市1988-2015年报告的15~24岁年龄组HIV/AIDS病例,对人口学特征、感染途径、病例来源等信息进行描述性分析.结果 1988-2015年温州市累计报告15~24岁年龄组HIV/AIDS病例524例,其中AIDS患者142例,死亡40例,各年度报告的病例数呈现逐年增加的趋势.疫情波及全市各个县(市、区),本地户籍占51.53%,男女比为2.91:1.男男同性传播占47.14%,构成比呈逐年增加趋势(x2=51.73,P<0.01).在检测咨询和无偿献血人群中发现的病例分别占23.66%和8.40%,15~24岁HIV/AIDS患者中新发现为AIDS的比例占14.12%(74名).结论 温州市15~24岁人群艾滋病疫情形势严峻,特别要重视对学生群体和男男同性恋人群的艾滋病防控.  相似文献   

AIMS: This study examined the association between homicide rates and GNP per capita (as a measure of economic development) among all age- and sex-specific groups in 53 countries. METHODS: Cross-sectional data on homicide rates by age- and sex- specific groups were obtained for 53 countries from World Health Statistics Annual 1996. The association between homicide rates and economic development was studied by using two methods: (1) with regression analysis and (2) by categorizing the data into four income-based country groups and then comparing the differences in their mean values. RESULTS: Results indicate that there was a negative correlation between homicide rates and economic development. The association between homicide rates and country GNP per capita became stronger with increasing age. Pearson's product moment correlation coefficient was strongest among older age groups (65+year) in both sexes (male, r = -0.77 and female, r = -0.71). The correlation was weakest and positive among 1- to 4-year-old children (males, r = 0.17 and females, r = 0.07). The homicide rate among females was highest for <1-year-old children in low income countries (LICs) (12.8 per 100,000). CONCLUSIONS: Lower middle-income countries are in the stage of high priority where both homicide rates and homicide as percentage of total death are high, and its impact was greatest for young males. However, infanticide as a public health problem seems highly concentrated in the poorest countries, while homicide among small children, 1-4 years old, appears to be a universal phenomenon across all nations.  相似文献   

北京市0~6岁儿童五类残疾现状和影响因素调查   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
目的研究北京市0~6岁儿童5类残疾(听力、视力、肢体、智力、精神)的流行现状和影响因素。方法对居住在北京市半年以上、具有北京市户口的0~6岁儿童进行容量比例概率分层整群抽样调查,调查程序为二阶段筛查,共调查28738名儿童;评定标准为调查专家组编写的“0~6岁儿童残疾评定标准”。结果总残疾现患率为11.45‰,听力和精神专业假阴性率分别为0.14‰和0.80%,以此校正后的总残疾现患率为12.19%,其中各类残疾现患率由高到低顺序依次为:智力9.31‰、肢体2.12%、精神1.53%(校正前0、73%)、听力1.04%(校正前0.91‰)、视力0.73‰。多因素分析结果显示,男童、居住在城市、年龄大、母亲文化程度低、母亲从事非脑力劳动、家庭人均月收人低是儿童残疾的危险因素,可疑致残因素仍以产前为主。结论北京市0~6岁儿童残疾总现患率较1987年全国抽样调查下降了16.36%,其中听力下降最为明显;北京市有必要建立儿童残疾的监测系统,亟需为儿童残疾重新定义、建立标准。  相似文献   

目的  分析2004-2017年全国0~10岁人群乙型肝炎(简称乙肝)发病趋势。方法  2004-2017年0~10岁人群乙肝发病数据来自国家公共卫生科学数据中心。应用Joinpoint回归分析模型分析发病趋势变化,计算年均变化百分比和年度变化百分比。构建年龄-时期-队列模型,分析年龄、时期和出生队列对乙肝发病趋势变化的影响。结果  2004-2017年全国0~10岁人群新发乙肝病例共17 007万例,发病率为7.74/10万。Joinpoint回归分析模型结果显示,2004-2017年0~10岁人群的乙肝发病率总体呈下降趋势(AAPC=-12.060 45,P<0.001),2015-2017年(APC=2.28,P=0.907 7)呈无规律变化。出生队列分析发现出生年代越晚的人群,乙肝发病率越低。同时,年龄-时期-队列模型结果表明,0~10岁人群乙肝发病率变化受到年龄、时期和队列因素的影响(均有P<0.001)。结论  2004-2017年全国0~10岁人群的乙肝发病率总体不断降低,2015-2017年间下降趋势有所放缓。建议进一步加强对乙肝的防制措施,不断降低乙肝发病风险。  相似文献   

目的 了解上海市4区0~5岁儿童的生长发育水平和营养状况,为本地区儿童健康促进和营养改善工作提供科学依据。方法 采用分层整群随机抽样选择上海市4个区的12个社区卫生服务中心作为调查点,以2018年7月-2019年4月前往调查点进行健康体检的0~5岁儿童及其监护人作为调查对象进行健康体检和问卷调查。采用2006年世界卫生组织制定的Z评分法进行评价。结果 除36~60月龄组外,其余各月龄组男童身长/高、体重均大于女童(P<0.05);女童HAZ值在各月龄组间比较差异有统计学意义(χ2=15.166,P=0.004),不同月龄组男女童WAZ值及WHZ值差异均有统计学意义(男童χ2WAZ=25.192、χ2WHZ=25.368;女童χ2WAZ=24.378,χ2WHZ=24.690,P<0.001)。生长迟缓、低体重、消瘦、超重和肥胖儿童检出率分别为3.4%,2.0%,2.0%,11.4%和9.5%。结论 上海市4区0~5岁儿童生长发育总体水平正常,仍存在生长迟缓、低体重和消瘦等营养不良问题,超重和肥胖问题突出,应加强本地区儿童健康促进和营养改善工作。  相似文献   

目的 了解上海市4区0~5岁儿童的生长发育水平和营养状况,为本地区儿童健康促进和营养改善工作提供科学依据。方法 采用分层整群随机抽样选择上海市4个区的12个社区卫生服务中心作为调查点,以2018年7月-2019年4月前往调查点进行健康体检的0~5岁儿童及其监护人作为调查对象进行健康体检和问卷调查。采用2006年世界卫生组织制定的Z评分法进行评价。结果 除36~60月龄组外,其余各月龄组男童身长/高、体重均大于女童(P<0.05);女童HAZ值在各月龄组间比较差异有统计学意义(χ2=15.166,P=0.004),不同月龄组男女童WAZ值及WHZ值差异均有统计学意义(男童χ2WAZ=25.192、χ2WHZ=25.368;女童χ2WAZ=24.378,χ2WHZ=24.690,P<0.001)。生长迟缓、低体重、消瘦、超重和肥胖儿童检出率分别为3.4%,2.0%,2.0%,11.4%和9.5%。结论 上海市4区0~5岁儿童生长发育总体水平正常,仍存在生长迟缓、低体重和消瘦等营养不良问题,超重和肥胖问题突出,应加强本地区儿童健康促进和营养改善工作。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Colorectal cancer (CRC) screening rates are low, and racial, ethnic, and economic disparities have been reported. Whether disparities in CRC screening have decreased over time is unknown. This study aimed to determine whether progress was made between 2000 and 2005 in reducing CRC screening disparities by race, ethnicity, income, and insurance status. METHODS: Age-adjusted percentages of participants aged 50-64 who reported CRC screening (home fecal occult blood test in the past year or endoscopy in the past 10 years) were estimated from the 2000 (n=6020 participants) and 2005 (n=6706) cancer control supplements of the National Health Interview Survey, with analysis in 2007. RESULTS: Screening rates did not increase between 2000 and 2005 for Hispanic women or uninsured women. Only for high-income participants did screening exceed 50%. For both men and women, the uninsured had the lowest levels of screening (19.1% and 19.3%, respectively, in 2005), and the greatest disparities were observed among groups defined by health insurance status. For women, disparities by ethnicity, income, and insurance status increased over time, whereas among men, disparities in 2005 were similar to those in 2000. For Hispanic women, growing disparities were present at all income and insurance levels and persisted after additional adjustment. CONCLUSIONS: No progress was made in reducing most CRC screening disparities between 2000 and 2005. Methods are needed to increase CRC screening among everyone, but in particular Hispanic women and uninsured men and women.  相似文献   

Children who are fed alternative and especially macrobiotic diets have been reported to be smaller and weigh less than their peers fed omnivorous diets. To answer the questions: at what age does growth in children on macrobiotic diets slow down, and is there any return to standards later in childhood, a cross-sectional anthropometric study was performed in the Dutch macrobiotic child population aged 0-8 years (n = 243). Addresses were obtained from macrobiotic organizations and from families already participating in the study. Food habits were checked by a structured food frequency questionnaire. Anthropometric measurements included weight, height, mid-upper arm circumference and triceps and subscapular skinfolds. For each sex, age curves were constructed in comparison to standards. For selected age intervals, standard deviation scores (SDS) were tested for differences from the reference after accounting for confounding variables in a multiple regression model. Reported birth weight was 150 g lower than the Dutch reference; birth weight was positively associated with the consumption frequency of dairy products and fish. During the first 6-8 months of life, SDS were not different from the standard except for arm circumference and skinfolds. From 6-8 months onwards, growth stagnation occurred in both sexes, but was most marked in girls. A minimum level of 1 to 1.5 SD below the P50 of the reference was reached by the age of 18 months. Between 2 and 4 years a partial return towards the P50 occurred for arm circumference and, in boys only, for weight and skinfolds, but not for height. SDS of weight, height and arm circumference were higher in children from families with regular consumption of dairy products than in children from families avoiding dairy products.  相似文献   

Although we previously observed significant associations between intakes of several foods and constipation, definition of constipation was completely based on subjective perception assessed by a quite simple and single question: do you often have constipation? In this study, we examined the associations between food intake and functional constipation as defined according to symptom-based criteria (Rome I criteria: straining, hard stools, incomplete evacuation, and infrequency of bowel movement). Subjects were 3,835 female Japanese dietetic students aged 18-20 y from 53 institutions in Japan. Dietary intake was estimated with a validated, self-administered diet history questionnaire. The prevalence of functional constipation was 26.2%. Dietary intakes of several foods were significantly associated with functional constipation. A multivariate adjusted odds ratio (95% confidence interval; p for trend) for women in the highest quintile of dietary intake compared with those in the lowest was 0.59 (0.46-0.75; <0.0001) for rice, 0.77 (0.61-0.97; 0.003) for pulses, 1.64 (1.30-2.08; <0.0001) for confectioneries, and 1.41 (1.11-1.78; 0.01) for bread. In conclusion, intake of rice and pulse was negatively and that of confectioneries and bread was positively associated with functional constipation among a population of young Japanese women, which was generally consistent with our previous study where constipation was assessed by a quite simple question.  相似文献   

目的  分析膳食炎症指数(dietary inflammatory index,DⅡ)与超重/肥胖之间的关联,为研究肥胖的炎症机制提供科学依据。 方法  2019年1月―5月在新疆伊犁州霍城县招募35~74岁队列成员并完成基线调查,采用统一制定的调查问卷,收集研究对象一般人口特征、行为方式等信息。采用食物频率调查表(food frequency questionnaires,FFQ),调查研究对象膳食摄入情况,计算DⅡ,评估膳食的炎症潜能。 结果  研究对象2 241人,超重的检出率为38.51%,肥胖的检出率为32.04%;总研究对象DⅡ评分以正值为主,总体膳食属于促炎性膳食;调整年龄、民族、性别、文化程度、家庭收入后,Log-binomial回归分析模型结果显示DⅡ与超重及肥胖存在相关性,最大促炎组患超重及肥胖的风险是最大抗炎组的1.32倍(PR=1.32,95% CI:1.10~1.57,P=0.015),其中DⅡ与超重仅在Q1(最大抗炎)与Q4(最大促炎)组间发现相关性(PR=1.26,95% CI:1.09~1.47,P=0.002),DⅡ与肥胖在每组均存在相关性,随着DⅡ评分的增加,研究对象患肥胖的风险增加。 结论  膳食炎症指数与超重/肥胖之间存在相关性,膳食的肥胖效应可以从炎症的角度进行深入分析。  相似文献   

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