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We report on a patient with blepharophimosis who after unsuccessful surgery developed progressive corneal vascularization. The patient had conductive hearing loss, acroosteolysis of the phalanges, arthropathy, loss of subcutaneous fat of the hands, feet and face, and oligospermia. He had had spontaneous pneumothorax four times. We have found no similar case reports in the literature and suggest that this is a new syndrome, which must be differentiated from hereditary mucoepithelial dysplasia, mandibuloacral dysplasia, keratitis-ichthyosis-deafness syndrome, Hajdu-Cheney syndrome, Penttinen syndrome, and mucopolysaccharidoses.  相似文献   

随着高校扩大招生、普高热日趋火爆以及就业市场对人才学历的高要求 ,中等职业教育的生源素质下降 ,中等职业教育面临新的严峻挑战。因此 ,作为一名中等职业教育者 ,必须认清新时期生源的特点 ,认真学习贯彻党的教育方针和有关职业教育改革的精神 ,明确中等职业教育的培养目标是德智体美等全面发展 ,具有全面素质和综合职业能力 ,在生产、服务、技术和管理第一线工作的高素质劳动者和中等专门人才。调整教育教学的思路 ,做到因材施教 ,理顺教与学两者关系 ,采取积极主动的举措 ,提高教学质量。下面谈谈本人在解剖学教学过程中 ,坚持“以人为…  相似文献   

墨非 《校园心理》2008,6(3):34-37
从2006年12月开始,家住沈阳市和平区的高昆一直被家中恼人的电话骚扰所困扰。打电话的是一个声音异常温柔的神秘女性,自称想与高昆"交朋友"。现年27岁的高昆是一位工程师,任职沈阳某研究所。一开始,他还觉得新鲜、有趣,饶有兴致地同她交谈一番。但交谈几次之后,对方言辞越来越出格,到后来,对方甚至天天打电话来,对他极尽挑逗、撩拨之能事。高昆几次厉言正告她均无效,工作、生活节奏被完全打乱,最后女友因疑心他"招惹坏女人"而同他分手……于是,他愤而将情况向有  相似文献   

"我学,我讲"的组织学实习课教学模式   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
组织学是一门形态科学,其特点是实践性强,上好实习课是学好这门科学的金钥匙。经过多年的组织学实习课带教的反复探索和实践,我们总结出“我学,我讲”(即学生学完理论课后,学生讲授实习课内容)的实习课教学模式,深受学生欢迎。取得较好的教学效果。  相似文献   

近日来,在学校心理咨询室里,一连接待了数名大学四年级的学生,他们来自不同的院系,有男生也有女生,他们痛苦地诉说着自己出现了不同的躯体症状:注意力分散、失眠、早醒、食欲减退、贪食、抑郁、强迫行为等。 "大四"学生怎么了? "大四"学生在经过了一年级的彷徨与适应,二年级的挫折与磨炼,三年级的摸索与追求,步入了大学四年级。这一年更是不平凡的一  相似文献   

随着科学技术的发展和社会进步,具有自主学习和发展能力的人才能适应社会发展的要求并创造未来。因此教师不应该只局限知识的传授,更重要的是引导学生要重视探究性学习,注重培养学生的自主学习能力,学会总结学习过程中的经验教训。真正懂得学什么和怎么学,让学生“学会学习”。  相似文献   

Jampolsky (1970, 1978) found that the light from the nasal visual field seen through the eyelid of one eye is seen in the direction of the temporal visual field when the other eye is occluded. We examined whether the "false projection" is an artefact of the light "leaking" into the occluded eye. Completely occluding one eye did not eliminated the "false projection": four observers saw the light in the nasal field as coming from the temporal field in 89.4% of the trials whereas the light in the temporal field as coming from the temporal field in 95.6% of the trials. The phenomenon still needs an explanation.  相似文献   

We have made remarkable progress in understanding the molecular bases of many Mendelian diseases over the past 2-3 decades. The current interest in discovering the molecular basis of complex diseases uses either linkage or candidate gene approaches. The latter often uses case/control (or case/cohort) study designs. We believe it is critically important to have a thorough understanding of SNP (single nucleotide) and haplotype function in such endeavors. Functionally neutral SNPs and haplotypes are probably best suited for linkage studies (far away from the locus of interest). Functionally relevant SNPs and haplotypes seem best suited for candidate gene approaches. The need for functional data may result in a renaissance of biochemical genetics with a new twist in the genomic era. We propose that the functional characterization of SNPs and haplotypes be advanced with great vigor for those genes with defined assayable phenotypes. These systematic investigations will involve classical biochemistry, modern genetics, and genomics and will probably also draw on newer technologies such as microarrays. In short, a renaissance of biochemical genetics will advance our understanding of complex diseases.  相似文献   

按照经济学简约主义的思路,在“教育”与“大学生失业”之间,有一个关键性的概念——“人力资本”。20世纪70年代,有关这个概念就争议纷纷,20世纪90年代结束时,  相似文献   

江文富 《医学信息》2006,19(7):1174-1175
本文通过对医护人员“同情疲劳”心理现象的剖析,来展现人性的“整全性”;进而通过人作为“一切社会关系的总和”,阐明人是不可分割的多种社会角色复合体。由此倡导一种以医护人员的人性“整全性”为出发点,关注心理变迁过程的“角色教育”。  相似文献   

Several experiments show that there is a cell to cell communication by light in different cell types. This article describes theoretical mechanisms and subcellular structures that could be involved in this phenomenon. Special consideration is given to the nervous system, since it would have excellent conditions for such mechanisms. Neurons are large colourless cells with wide arborisations, have an active metabolism generating photons, contain little pigment, and have a prominent cytoskeleton consisting of hollow microtubules. As brain and spinal cord are protected from environmental light by bone and connective tissue, the signal to noise ratio should be high for photons as signal. Fluorescent and absorbing substances should interfere with such a communication system. Of all biogenic amines nature has chosen the ones with the strongest fluorescence as neurotransmitters for mood reactions: serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine. If these mechanisms are of relevance our brain would have to be looked upon as a "holographic computer".  相似文献   

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