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BACKGROUND: Assessment of lifetime major depression is usually made from a single interview. Most previous studies have investigated reliability. Comparison of recall of key symptoms and longitudinal reports shows the accuracy of recall, not just reliability. METHOD: At age 25, 1003 members of the Christchurch Health and Development Study cohort were asked to recall key symptoms of depression (sadness, loss of interest) up to age 21. This recall was compared with longitudinal reports at ages 15, 16, 18 and 21 years. Diagnosis was by DSM-III-R and DSM-IV criteria. RESULTS: Only 4% of those without previous reports recalled key symptoms. Of those with a diagnosis of depression up to age 21, 44% recalled a key symptom. Measures of severity of an episode (number of symptoms, impairment, duration, suicidally) and chronicity (years with a diagnosis, years with suicidal ideation) all strongly predicted recall. Current key symptoms increased recall, even after taking account of severity and chronicity. Being female and receiving treatment also predicted recall, although odds ratios were reduced to 1.6-1.7 when all other predictors were included. Comparison of risk factors for key symptoms showed similar results from longitudinal reports and recall. Sexual abuse, neuroticism, lack of parental attachment, gender, physical abuse and maternal depression were major risk factors in both sets of analyses. CONCLUSIONS: Forgetting of prior episodes of depression was common. Severity, chronicity, current depression, gender and treatment predicted recall. Lifetime prevalence based on recall will be markedly underestimated but the identification of major risk factors may be relatively little impaired.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Patients with winter depression, (seasonal affective disorder, SAD) frequently complain of difficulty awakening in the morning. Dawn simulation has been found effective in treating SAD, but its effect on difficulty awakening has not been assessed. METHODS: Fifty medication-free patients with SAD associated with hypersomnia were randomized to receive either 1 week of dawn simulation (250 lux) or a dim (0.2-2 lux) placebo signal. The patients assessed their level of drowsiness upon awakening during the baseline week and during the treatment week using the Stanford sleepiness scale (SSS). A psychiatrist rated difficulty awakening after the baseline week and after the treatment week. RESULTS: Dawn simulation lowered both the difficulty awakening score (P<0.05) and the SSS score (P<0.05) compared to the placebo dawn signal. LIMITATIONS: Replication is necessary. No biological markers of circadian phase were measured. CONCLUSIONS: Compared to a placebo condition, dawn simulation appears effective in decreasing both prospectively assessed morning drowsiness and retrospectively assessed difficulty awakening. The symptom of difficulty awakening is consistent with the phase delay hypothesis of SAD. Assessment of difficulty awakening could prove useful in the evaluation of SAD.  相似文献   

Appleby B 《Psychosomatics》2007,48(4):286-289
There has been debate in the literature about whether or not positive anti-nuclear antibody (ANA) titers are associated with affective disorders. Using specific search criteria, the author conducted a search of PubMed over the past 35 years. Four studies showed a positive correlation, whereas eight did not. Some of the positive studies have confounding factors. Given that the positive studies have confounding factors and that there are more negative studies than positive ones, it is logical to assume that there is no association between ANA titer and affective disorders until a properly controlled study is conducted.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: To improve asthma control, the management of rhinosinusitis often leads the physician to perform sinonasal imaging and/or nasal endoscopy, but their respective contributions are still insufficiently understood. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the potential contribution of a symptoms questionnaire, sinus radiography (SR) and computed tomography (CT) scan to the diagnosis of nasal diseases in asthmatic patients when compared with ENT examination. METHODS: A total of 124 patients completed a questionnaire on nasal symptoms administered by the chest physician. Then, they underwent ENT examination. On the same day, SR and CT scans were performed independently. RESULTS: Patients (80.3%) had nasal symptoms during the month preceding the consultation. The ENT examination was normal in 8.1% (n = 10) and revealed rhinitis in 57.3% (n = 71), rhinosinusitis in 14.5% (n = 18) and nasal polyposis in 20.2% (n = 25). For rhinitis, the negative predictive value of bilateral nasal obstruction was 87.8%. Both SR and CT had low sensitivity and specificity. For rhinosinusitis, the negative predictive value of nasal symptoms varied from 85.4 to 95.2%. Sinus CT was at least as accurate as SR for the diagnosis of rhinosinusitis. In a multivariate analysis, only the CT scan (score > or =12) appeared to be significantly associated with the diagnosis of nasal polyposis. CONCLUSION: In asthmatic patients, physicians need to enquire systematically about the existence of nasal symptoms by using this simple questionnaire which is sensitive for rhinitis, and has good negative predictive value for excluding rhinosinusitis and nasal polyposis.  相似文献   

Anticipation has been suggested among the genetic mechanisms of bipolar disorder (BD), prompting the search for unstable DNA sequences. Past studies of anticipation in BD have generally relied on observed shift in the age at onset between parental and offspring generations. Such a shift, however, may be caused by a number of other factors difficult to correct for. We investigated age at onset distributions in a sample of 161 related subjects and in a sample of "pseudofamilies" consisting of 320 unrelated subjects selected from a large epidemiological cohort using Monte-Carlo simulation to mimic the family sample. Comparison of age at onset distributions in both samples shows a difference between the generations, but of a similar magnitude in each sample. This suggests that age at onset alone may not be a sufficient criterion of anticipation. Am. J. Med. Genet. (Neuropsychiatr. Genet.) 96:804-807, 2000.  相似文献   

Bright light therapy (BLT) is widely accepted as first-line treatment of seasonal affective disorder (SAD). However, the mechanism of action of BLT is still widely unknown. On the other hand, in mammals, light penetrates the skull bone and reaches the brain, and extra ocular transcranial phototransduction has physiological influences such as changed reproductive cycles and increased brain serotonin levels. Therefore, we challenged the existing conceptual framework that light therapy would only be mediated through the eyes. Consequently, we run a pilot study on the putative effect of transcranial bright light in the treatment of SAD. The light was produced using light-emitting diodes (LEDs), which were attached to earplugs. The amount of photic energy was 6.0-8.5 lumens in both ear canals, and the length of treatment was 8 or 12 min five times a week during a four-week study period. Subjects were recruited through advertisements in the city of Oulu, Finland (latitude 65°01'N) during 14 January 2009-03 February 2009. The final patient series consisted of 13 (aged 37.1 ± 7.2 years) physically healthy indoor workers suffering from SAD according to DSM-IV-TR criteria. Severity of depressive symptoms was assessed using the 17-item Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HAMD-17) and Beck Depression Inventory (BDI)-21. Furthermore, severity of anxiety symptoms was measured by the 14-item Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (HAMA). The HAMD-17 mean sum score at screening was 23.1 ± 1.6. Ten out of 13 SAD patients (76.9%) achieved full remission (i.e., HAMD-17 sum score ≤ 7), and 92.3% (12/13) at least 50% reduction in HAMD-17 sum scores at "Week 4". By using a mixed regression model of repeated measures (AR-1) controlling for age, gender, and HAMD-17 mean sum score at screening, significant differences were found comparing the HAMD-17 mean sum scores of "Week 0" with the corresponding scores at the "Week 3" (t=-2.05, p=0.045) and "Week 4" visit (t=-2.77, p=0.008). Correspondingly, significant differences were found comparing the BDI-21 mean sum scores (15.2 ± 6.7) of "Week 0" with the corresponding scores at the "Week 3" (t=-2.37, p=0.021) and "Week 4" visit (t=-3.65, p<0.001). The HAMA mean sum score at screening was 20.5 ± 5.4. During the study period, 12 out of 13 (92.3%) patients achieved at least 50% reduction in their HAMA sum scores, and in 10 out of 13 patients (76.9%), the HAMA sum score was <7. In conclusion, it is hard to believe that our findings could be explained solely by placebo effect. Consequently, the basic assumptions underlying extraocular photoreception in humans deserve to be reconsidered. Given that a proper placebo treatment can be implemented via ear canals, further investigations with randomized placebo-controlled and/or dose-finding study designs regarding the extraocular transcranial bright light in the treatment of SAD are called for.  相似文献   

Prior work has repeatedly demonstrated that people who have current major depression exhibit blunted cardiovascular reactivity to acute stressors (e.g., Salomon et al., 2009). A key question regards the psychobiological basis for these deficits, including whether such deficits are depressed mood-state dependent or whether these effects are trait-like and are observed outside of depression episodes in vulnerable individuals. To examine this issue, we assessed cardiovascular reactivity to a speech stressor task and a forehead cold pressor in 50 individuals with current major depressive disorder (MDD), 25 with remitted major depression (RMD), and 45 healthy controls. Heart rate (HR), blood pressure and impedance cardiography were assessed and analyses controlled for BMI and sex. Significant group effects were found for SBP, HR, and PEP for the speech preparation period and HR, CO, and PEP during the speech. For each of these parameters, only the MDD group exhibited attenuated reactivity as well as impaired SBP recovery. Reactivity and recovery in the RMD group more closely resembled the healthy controls. Speeches given by the MDD group were rated as less persuasive than the RMD or healthy controls' speeches. No significant differences were found for the cold pressor. Blunted cardiovascular reactivity and impaired recovery in current major depression may be mood-state dependent phenomena and may be more reflective of motivational deficits than deficits in the physiological integrity of the cardiovascular system.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to compare to each other the methods currently recommended by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) to measure snoring: an acoustic sensor, a piezoelectric sensor and a nasal pressure transducer (cannula). Ten subjects reporting habitual snoring were included in the study, performed at Landspitali—University Hospital, Iceland. Snoring was assessed by listening to the air medium microphone located on a patient's chest, compared to listening to two overhead air medium microphones (stereo) and manual scoring of a piezoelectric sensor and nasal cannula vibrations. The chest audio picked up the highest number of snore events of the different snore sensors. The sensitivity and positive predictive value of scoring snore events from the different sensors was compared to the chest audio: overhead audio (0.78, 0.98), cannula (0.55, 0.67) and piezoelectric sensor (0.78, 0.92), respectively. The chest audio was capable of detecting snore events with lower volume and higher fundamental frequency than the other sensors. The 200 Hz sampling rate of the cannula and piezoelectric sensor was one of their limitations for detecting snore events. The different snore sensors do not measure snore events in the same manner. This lack of consistency will affect future research on the clinical significance of snoring. Standardization of objective snore measurements is therefore needed. Based on this paper, snore measurements should be audio‐based and the use of the cannula as a snore sensor be discontinued, but the piezoelectric sensor could possibly be modified for improvement.  相似文献   

This study sought to determine if there is any overlap between the two major non‐rapid eye movement and rapid eye movement parasomnias, i.e. sleepwalking/sleep terrors and rapid eye movement sleep behaviour disorder. We assessed adult patients with sleepwalking/sleep terrors using rapid eye movement sleep behaviour disorder screening questionnaires and determined if they had enhanced muscle tone during rapid eye movement sleep. Conversely, we assessed rapid eye movement sleep behaviour disorder patients using the Paris Arousal Disorders Severity Scale and determined if they had more N3 awakenings. The 251 participants included 64 patients with rapid eye movement sleep behaviour disorder (29 with idiopathic rapid eye movement sleep behaviour disorder and 35 with rapid eye movement sleep behaviour disorder associated with Parkinson's disease), 62 patients with sleepwalking/sleep terrors, 66 old healthy controls (age‐matched with the rapid eye movement sleep behaviour disorder group) and 59 young healthy controls (age‐matched with the sleepwalking/sleep terrors group). They completed the rapid eye movement sleep behaviour disorder screening questionnaire, rapid eye movement sleep behaviour disorder single question and Paris Arousal Disorders Severity Scale. In addition, all the participants underwent a video‐polysomnography. The sleepwalking/sleep terrors patients scored positive on rapid eye movement sleep behaviour disorder scales and had a higher percentage of ‘any’ phasic rapid eye movement sleep without atonia when compared with controls; however, these patients did not have higher tonic rapid eye movement sleep without atonia or complex behaviours during rapid eye movement sleep. Patients with rapid eye movement sleep behaviour disorder had moderately elevated scores on the Paris Arousal Disorders Severity Scale but did not exhibit more N3 arousals (suggestive of non‐rapid eye movement parasomnia) than the control group. These results indicate that dream‐enacting behaviours (assessed by rapid eye movement sleep behaviour disorder screening questionnaires) are commonly reported by sleepwalking/sleep terrors patients, thus decreasing the questionnaire's specificity. Furthermore, sleepwalking/sleep terrors patients have excessive twitching during rapid eye movement sleep, which may result either from a higher dreaming activity in rapid eye movement sleep or from a more generalised non‐rapid eye movement/rapid eye movement motor dyscontrol during sleep.  相似文献   

This paper questions the assumption that personality disorder and dangerousness are causally linked, and suggests that insofar as a relationship between them exists, it is mediated by early-onset alcohol abuse. The latter, by impairing the function of prefrontal cortex during adolescence, a critical period of its development, putatively leads to deficits in goal-directed behaviour and emotional self-regulation that place the individual at high risk of becoming chronically antisocial in adulthood. Evidence is adduced in support of the hypothesis from the literature on: (i) the comorbidity of personality disorder and alcohol abuse; (ii) frontal lobe deficits in psychopaths; and (iii) life-course persistent offenders. Some testable predictions from the hypothesis are presented, together with its implications; most importantly, that measures to prevent serious antisocial behaviour in adulthood should target at-risk individuals prior to their commencing heavy drinking during adolescence.  相似文献   

Mitchard J R, Love S B, Baxter K J & Shepherd N A
(2010) Histopathology 57 , 671–679
How important is peritoneal involvement in rectal cancer? A prospective study of 331 cases Background and aims: The importance of circumferential resection margin involvement in predicting locoregional recurrence and death from rectal cancer is well known. However, it is well accepted that cases of rectal carcinoma recur when this surgical margin is not compromised. The aim of this study was to analyse the influence of peritoneal involvement, among other clinicopathological variables, on locoregional recurrence and overall prognosis in an unselected prospective series of rectal cancer resections. Methods and results: This unselected prospective study assessed 331 rectal carcinoma cases from a colorectal cancer study that recruited more than 1000 cases. Meticulous pathological examination was performed by one pathologist, with particular attention paid to the peritoneal surface. All clinicopathological variables were entered into a database with comprehensive clinical follow‐up. Peritoneal involvement was a significant factor in prognosis on univariate analysis but not on multivariate analysis. However, in analysing the causes of locoregional recurrence specifically, it may have been a factor in causing this in up to half the cases. Conclusions: This study adds to the small amount of literature data on the potential importance of peritoneal involvement in predicting locoregional recurrence and overall prognosis, especially in upper rectal cancer.  相似文献   

The present study used ERPs to test the extent to which temporal processing is modality specific or modality general. Participants were presented with auditory and visual temporal patterns that consisted of initial two‐ or three‐event beginning patterns. This delineated a constant standard time interval, followed by a two‐event ending pattern delineating a variable test interval. Participants judged whether they perceived the pattern as a whole to be speeding up or slowing down. The contingent negative variation (CNV), a negative potential reflecting temporal expectancy, showed a larger amplitude for the auditory modality compared to the visual modality but a high degree of similarity in scalp voltage patterns across modalities, suggesting that the CNV arises from modality‐general processes. A late, memory‐dependent positive component (P3) also showed similar patterns across modalities.  相似文献   

The assessment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in adults has been a source of controversy. The authors tested competing ideas by evaluating familial transmission among adult and nonadult relatives of ADHD children. They analyzed ADHD symptom data collected by structured interviews from the members of 280 ADHD and 242 non-ADHD families. For both past and current symptoms, both the boys' and girls' families showed significantly more familial aggregation for adult relatives than for nonadult relatives. The results were similar for inattentive and hyperactive-impulsive symptoms and for relatives with and without psychiatric comorbidity. The results provide further evidence for the validity of adult ADHD and support the intriguing idea that, from a familial perspective, the assessment of ADHD may be more valid in adults than in children. They do not support the idea that parents of ADHD children are biased to report ADHD symptoms in themselves because of their exposure to an ADHD child.  相似文献   

Hair pulling disorder (HPD; trichotillomania) and skin picking disorder (SPD) are relatively common and potentially severe psychiatric conditions that have received limited empirical attention. Researchers are increasingly recognizing the similarities and co-occurrence of HPD and SPD, and several authors have suggested that the two disorders should be categorized together in the DSM-5. In the present article, we critically examined the evidence for comorbidity of HPD and SPD, and reviewed a diverse literature pertaining to shared risk factors and similarities in clinical characteristics. Evidence suggests that the two disorders co-occur more often than can be expected by chance, have substantial similarities in a variety of clinical characteristics (e.g., symptom presentation and course of illness) and may have some distal risk factors in common (e.g., genetic vulnerabilities). Implications for classification in the DSM-5, clinical management and research on etiology were discussed.  相似文献   



Bipolar disorder (BD) is characterized by recurrent episodes of mood dysregulations and depression is considered as the most frequent form of relapse. However, there is some evidence that in tropical countries, the course might be different with fewer depressive episodes. This study aims to examine the frequency of depressive and manic episodes in a sample of subjects with BD from India.


Index subjects and a reliable informant (a family member) were interviewed with Diagnostic Interview for Genetic studies and a life chart was drawn to ascertain the episodes of illness in addition to reviewing their clinical case records. The mean total episode frequency and the mean manic and depressive episode frequency were estimated for this study.


Data on the total episode number and number of manic and depressive episodes separately was available in 439 subjects. The subjects had been ill for 7.45 years, had experienced an average of 3.29 episodes of mania and 1.08 episodes of depression. Thus episodes of mania were seen to be more frequent.


It has been increasingly recognized that circadian rhythm abnormalities could play an important role in the relapse and symptom expression of bipolar disorder. The mania predominance in the course of BD in this population contrasts from the depressive predominance in other studies. We suggest that this phenomenon could be a function of latitudinal gradient in the expression of BD using the zeitgeber hypothesis.  相似文献   

In order to inform the debate about tissue blocks and slides introduced by the Retained Organs Commission, a study is undertaken to determine the percentage weight of tissue present in the surgical archive in the cellular pathology department of a district general hospital. When original, unprocessed tissue weight is expressed as a percentage, based on the weight of 100 archival paraffin blocks, values range from 0.2% to 41.5%. When the corresponding archival slides are also included, the values fall as low as 0.1% (i.e. up to 99.9% of the stored archival material for a piece of processed tissue could be non-human material). The results are used to make a case for including archival histological material as part of the patient's clinical record, although it is accepted that this study was performed only on surgical tissue.  相似文献   

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