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CONTEXT: Little research has explored how teenagers think about abstinence and how it functions in their lives. These questions are particularly salient in light of widespread funding of abstinence-only programs in the United States. METHODS: Data on attitudes and intentions related to abstinence and sex were collected from 365 adolescents aged 12-15 who participated in an HIV risk reduction program in Seattle in 2001-2003. Logistic regression analyses assessed associations between these cognitions, as measured six months after the program, and teenagers' likelihood of having vaginal or anal sex in the subsequent six months. RESULTS: Adolescents who had positive attitudes and intentions about abstinence had a reduced likelihood of subsequently engaging in sex (odds ratio, 0.6 for each), whereas those with positive attitudes and intentions about having sex had an elevated likelihood of engaging in sex (2.2 and 3.5, respectively). A regression model including only sex cognitions accounted for substantially more variation in sexual activity than did one including only abstinence cognitions (15-26% vs. 6-8%). Significant interaction effects were also seen: Among teenagers with low levels of sex intention, greater abstinence intention had little relationship to the predicted probability of having sex, but among teenagers with high levels of sex intention, greater abstinence intention was associated with increases in the predicted probability of having sex. CONCLUSIONS: Youth do not consider abstinence and sexual activity opposing constructs, and solely instilling positive abstinence attitudes and intentions in youth may not have robust effects in preventing sexual activity.  相似文献   

汪玉珍 《时尚育儿》2012,(10):172+174
怀孕是喜事,性爱是乐事,如同鱼与熊掌,能够兼得吗?孕期性爱究竟是可为还是不可为?如果可为又该如何为?长达10个月的"爱情枯水期"究竟该怎么度过?孕期性欲因人而异部分女性情欲高涨当育龄女性身怀六甲之后,性欲多会发生某些变化。一些女性会变得情欲高涨,格外性感。奥秘在于妊娠荷尔蒙的力量,一方面使阴道分泌增多、胸部丰满、生殖器充血加快、阴部敏感度增加;另一方面皮肤更润滑、头发更浓密且有  相似文献   

我们第一次在车上做爱,是一个夏天的中午。 那时,我在汉口工作,女友在武昌。一天中午,我有事到武昌,办完事正好路过女友单位,就把车开进了他们单位的院子里,两人坐在车上聊天。  相似文献   

Discourse on male sexuality in mid-to-later life has exploded in recent years (Gullette 1998). Attention to this topic has been spurred by the advent of (highly profitable) sexuopharmaceutical 'solutions' to erectile changes affecting older men. 'Success' stories abound in the media and in medical literature related to the restoration of faulty erections and ailing sex lives through drugs such as Viagra (sildenafil citrate), Uprima (apomorphine) and Cialis (tadalafil). In this paper we explore some of the ways in which notions about ageing and male sexuality are changing in popular cultural and medical texts in response to the advent of Viagra and the increasing authority of biomedicine in this area. We also demonstrate how the recent biomedical endorsement of 'sex for life' (the imperative to maintain an active youthful masculine [hetero]sexuality - defined in terms of male orgasm through penetrative sex) may be challenged by the very accounts of older men who are, or have been, affected by erectile difficulties and have used drugs like Viagra themselves. We present the perspectives of mid-to-late life heterosexual men in New Zealand whose stories question the contemporary biomedical privileging of erections and intercourse 'at any cost and at any age'. We argue that the current push to identify and treat so-called erectile dysfunction (and restore erections and penetrative sex to relationships) neglects some men's own experiences of alternative modes of relating sexually that they identify as 'normal', 'healthy', 'enjoyable' and 'satisfying' for them and their partners; and undermines their understanding of such changes as positive outcomes of ageing, experience and maturity.  相似文献   

谈到避孕措施,大夫未必向你和盘托出,一些关键事实并不为多数女性所了解,未能引起足够的重视。曾经对2000多位女性进行了一项民意调查,有33%的女性回答每年一度的妇科检查大夫只是蜻蜒点水,应付一下而已。恰恰是你不了解的那些信息可能埋下隐患,伤害到你。在采取避孕措施的女性中,有2/3  相似文献   

每个人都希望拥有美满的Sex life,但妨碍我们达到理想境界的,往往是自己一些不该有的态度与行为。 你可别看轻这些障碍,它们极有可能令你的性伴侣对你望而却步,甚至成为对方离开你的罪魁祸首。所以,要让男人恋上你的床,首先要戒掉以下陋心!  相似文献   

女人每个月都有那些“几天”,是丈夫的“禁欲期”。那么,在这个生理周期外的时间里,是不是就可以百无禁忌,无拘无束地尽情享受性爱乐趣了呢?丈夫们尴尬的发现,并不尽然。他们的妻子,时不时地会耍些“小性子”,有时他们热情似火,有时却又沉闷乏腻,委实令人捉摸不定。[编者按]  相似文献   

CONTEXT: Sexual relationships in young adulthood may have important ramifications for individuals' physical and emotional well-being. Nonetheless, representative information about young adults' sexual activities in long-term relationships and the emotional context of such relationships is rare. METHODS: A subsample of 6,421 participants in Wave 3 of the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (18-26-year-olds) who were in a sexual relationship of at least three months' duration were selected for analysis. Multiple logistic regression models were used to explore the relationship between love and various sexual activities. RESULTS: Eighty percent of respondents had engaged in cunnilingus and fellatio as well as vaginal intercourse in their current relationship; this group included 22% who also had engaged in anal sex. Compared with their peers who reported that they and their partner did not love each other a lot, both males and females who reported mutually loving relationships had significantly higher odds of having given oral sex (odds ratios, 3.9 and 2.6, respectively) and having received oral sex (1.8 and 3.3); males in mutually loving relationships also had elevated odds of having had anal sex (3.1). CONCLUSIONS: Most young adult couples in long-term relationships engage in a variety of sexual practices with loving partners; the direction of causality in this association and its implications for relationship building require exploration. Furthermore, programs and interventions that address health and well-being during emerging adulthood should cover issues relevant to a broad range of sexual activities, including oral and anal sex.  相似文献   

This qualitative study examined sex work among internally displaced male and transgender female sex workers in Bogotá, Colombia. Internal displacement has occurred in Colombia as a result of decades of conflict among armed groups and has created large-scale migration from rural to urban areas. Informed by the polymorphous model of sex work, which posits that contextual conditions shape the experience of sex work, we examined three main research questions. The first dealt with how internal displacement was related to the initiation of sex work; the second concerned the effect of agency on sex worker satisfaction; and the third examined how sex work in this context was related to HIV and other risks. Life history interviews were conducted with 26 displaced individuals who had done sex work: 14 were men who have sex with men and 12 were transgender women (natal males). Findings revealed that many participants began doing sex work in the period immediately after displacement, because of a lack of money, housing, and social support. HIV risk was greater during this time due to limited knowledge of HIV and inexperience negotiating safer sex with clients. Other findings indicated that sex workers who exerted more control and choice in the circumstances of their work reported greater satisfaction. In addition, we found that although many sex workers insisted on condom use with clients, several noted that they would sometimes have unprotected sex for additional money. Specific characteristics affecting the experience of sex work among the transgender women were also discussed.  相似文献   

小丹 《婚育与健康》2013,(10):40-41
结婚几年以后,当你被许多琐事牵绊住:工作、孩子、父母、坏掉的马桶……你是否也发现,你的性爱已经被你排到了所有事情的最后?甚至都已经被遗忘?今天,我们请到的这7对夫妻,都是结婚多年、全日制工作、同样要抚养小孩,但是他们都拥有正常,甚至说是频繁的性生活,一个星期三次以上。让我们一同来分享他们的SEX保鲜秘诀吧!秘诀1:给爱人发一封性爱请柬  相似文献   

第一课:要接吻吗?那么先去刷牙,有条件的还可以喷点口腔清新剂,最不济的,也要吃点口香糖吧。食物残渣、口气,想起来都会让人恶心。口香糖最好选用无糖的,太甜的残留味道,也会让对方感觉不好。第二课:记得洗澡!太多的中国男人,没有事前事后洗澡的好习惯。要知道,汗臭味会极大地影响女人的欲望。你未经处理和净化过的关键部位,也会带入病菌,给女性身体带来很大的损伤。而事后洗澡,是对自己身体卫生负责的方式。第三课:如果你们还没有准备要生  相似文献   

Adult sexuality contributes significantly to an individual's identity, self-esteem and relationships. Since occupational therapy is practised from the perspective of holistic care, sexual behaviour can be a legitimate area for therapists to consider when working with clients. For people with schizophrenia there are particular issues that may need to be addressed by the therapist. This paper summarizes the results of a study examining whether occupational therapists regard sex education as a valid topic to teach, as part of a treatment package, to people with schizophrenia. Forty-nine therapists responded to a questionnaire. The results suggest that the majority of occupational therapists believe sex education to be within the domain of their profession. They are not, however, providing sex education for their clients. The factors that influence this decision include length of time qualified, theories of practice and the expectations of employers.  相似文献   

CONTEXT: Speculation in public discourse suggests that sexual encounters outside a committed romantic relationship may be emotionally damaging for young people, and federal abstinence education policy has required teaching that sexual activity outside of a marital relationship is likely to have harmful psychological consequences. METHODS: In 2003–2004, a diverse sample of 1,311 sexually active young adults (mean age, 20.5) participating in a longitudinal study in Minnesota completed a survey including measures of sexual behavior and psychological wellbeing. Chi‐square tests were used to compare the prevalence of recent casual partnerships by selected demographic and personal categories. General linear modeling was then used to compare mean levels of each psychological wellbeing measure between those reporting recent casual partners and those reporting committed partners; partner type was measured both dichotomously and categorically. RESULTS: One‐fifth of participants reported that their most recent sex partner was a casual partner (i.e., casual acquaintance or close but nonexclusive partner). Casual partnerships were more common among men than among women (29% vs. 14%), and the proportions of male and female respondents reporting a recent casual partner diff ered by race or ethnicity. Scores of psychological well‐being were generally consistent across sex partner categories, and no significant associations between partner type and well‐being were found in adjusted analyses. CONCLUSIONS: Young adults who engage in casual sexual encounters do not appear to be at greater risk for harmful psychological outcomes than sexually active young adults in more committed relationships.  相似文献   

对结婚已经几年的夫妻来说,偶尔给性爱放放假,两性激情就会有所回升,激情澎湃的鸳梦重温也就有了可能。尝试给性爱放假的人各有各的创意,下面是一些实例。  相似文献   

Talking about sex and sexuality has been integral to HIV/AIDS prevention work in the United States since the beginning of the epidemic. Early prevention workers, who were primarily gay men, developed a sex-positive approach to prevention, involving frank discussions of sex and sexuality, with the idea of helping to end the epidemic by protecting oneself and one's sex partners from the disease. This article examines early prevention work at AIDS Action Committee (ACC) in Boston, Massachusetts, and details subsequent challenges to this approach, primarily from Bostonians outside of the gay community, but also from within AAC. The article ends with an examination of the early 2000s at AAC, which saw the more recent manifestation of a sex-positive approach to prevention in their work with HIV-infected individuals.  相似文献   

压力太大,工作太忙,孩子还小,家务太多,睡眠太少,感觉太累……是的,这就是我们每天匆匆而过的日子,性爱,早已在疲态中悄悄淡出夜的舞台。忙碌中,也要记得给他一个小小的暗示,让他和你一起期待今晚的月光。  相似文献   

我们的爱飘在蓝天白云中,我们的吻在万里高空…… 先生高大英俊,是一名在蓝天白云间飞翔的飞行员,而我,则在一家杂志社做编辑。我们的婚姻,被朋友们用了一个很俗的词来形容:天造地设。可是,美中不足的是,他只能一周回家一次——这对于新婚的我们来说,无疑有些残酷。  相似文献   

童童 《婚育与健康》2013,(20):48-49
你和他在哪里享受爱情的甜蜜?答案当然是卧室里!可你是不是知道,卧室里的小细节决定你们甜蜜的程度哦!也许是时候为你与他的小空间做一点改变啦!1.打开窗户,让维生素D进来不要老让卧室的窗户紧闭着!适当地开窗,可以带给男人很多益处哦。想想看,为什么喜欢户外运动的男人往往拥有更强的性能力?因为维生素D起了决定性作用!阳光中的维生  相似文献   

朋友中有人曾向我诉苦,说他的妻子生完孩子对于性爱的渴望明显减弱,好像不再需要爱了,导致他们的性生活产生了危机。其实,我也遭遇过同样的经历,但庆幸的是我懂得适时调节,把性当做一件人间美事去“布置”,去创造,还借助蜂蜜让性重新散发出甜蜜的气息。[编者按]  相似文献   

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