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Gender differences in color preferences have been found in adults and children, but they remain unexplained. This study asks whether the gendered social environment in adulthood affects parents’ color preferences. The analysis used the gender of children to represent one aspect of the gendered social environment. Because having male versus female children in the U.S. is generally randomly distributed, it provides something of a natural experiment, offering evidence about the social construction of gender in adulthood. The participants were 749 adults with children who responded to an online survey invitation, asking “What’s your favorite color?” Men were more likely to prefer blue, while women were more likely to prefer red, purple, and pink, consistent with long-standing U.S. patterns. The effect of having only sons was to widen the existing gender differences between men and women, increasing the odds that men prefer blue while reducing the odds that women do; and a marginally significant effect showed women having higher odds of preferring pink when they have sons only. The results suggest that, in addition to any genetic, biological or child-socialization effects shaping adults’ tendency to segregate their color preferences by gender, the gender context of adulthood matters as well.  相似文献   

This study assessed the influence of gender on attitudes about bisexuals. A total of 164 heterosexual female and 89 heterosexual male undergraduates completed the Biphobia Scale (Mulick & Wright, 2002), rewritten to refer to bisexual men and bisexual women and thus re-named the Gender-Specific Binegativity Scale. A mixed-design ANOVA revealed an interaction between rater’s sex and target’s sex: women equally accepted bisexual men and bisexual women, but men were less accepting of bisexual men than bisexual women. A mediation analysis indicated the relationship between rater’s sex and greater acceptance of bisexual women was partially explained by eroticization of female same-sex sexuality. Finally, participants also responded to two open-ended items, which provided additional information about the content of binegativity: participants described male bisexuals negatively, as gender-nonconforming, and labeled them “really gay,” whereas participants described female bisexuals positively, as sexy, and labeled them “really heterosexual.” These findings suggest multiple underlying beliefs about bisexuals that contribute to binegativity, particularly against bisexual men. Results also confirm the importance of considering gender (of both the target and the rater) when assessing sexual prejudice.  相似文献   

Although men displaying cues of good physical condition possess traits that are desirable in a mate (e.g., good health), these men are also more likely to possess antisocial characteristics that are undesirable in a long-term partner (e.g., aggression and tendency to infidelity). How women resolve this trade-off between the costs and benefits associated with choosing a mate in good physical condition may lead to strategic variation in women's mate preferences. Because the costs of choosing a mate with antisocial personality characteristics are greater in long- than short-term relationships, women's sociosexuality (i.e., the extent to which they are interested in uncommitted sexual relationships) may predict individual differences in their mate preferences. Here we investigated variation in 99 heterosexual women's preferences for facial symmetry, a characteristic that is thought to be an important cue of physical condition. Symmetry preferences were assessed using pairs of symmetrized and original (i.e., relatively asymmetric) versions of 10 male and 10 female faces. Analyses showed that women's sociosexuality, and their sociosexual attitude in particular, predicted their preferences for symmetry in men's, but not women's, faces; women who reported being more interested in short-term, uncommitted relationships demonstrated stronger attraction to symmetric men. Our findings present new evidence for potentially adaptive variation in women's symmetry preferences that is consistent with trade-off theories of attraction.  相似文献   

Sexual selection via male mate choice has often been implicated in the evolution of permanently enlarged breasts in women. While questionnaire studies have shown that men find female breasts visually attractive, there is very little information about how they make such visual judgments. In this study, we used eye-tracking technology to test two hypotheses: (1) that larger breasts should receive the greatest number of visual fixations and longest dwell times, as well as being rated as most attractive; (2) that lightly pigmented areolae, indicative of youth and nubility, should receive most visual attention and be rated as most attractive. Results showed that men rated images with medium-sized or large breasts as significantly more attractive than small breasts. Images with dark and medium areolar pigmentation were rated as more attractive than images with light areolae. However, variations in breast size had no significant effect on eye-tracking measures (initial visual fixations, number of fixations, and dwell times). The majority of initial fixations during eye-tracking tests were on the areolae. However, areolar pigmentation did not affect measures of visual attention. While these results demonstrate that cues indicative of female sexual maturity (large breasts and dark areolae) are more attractive to men, patterns of eye movements did not differ based on breast size or areolar pigmentation. We conclude that areolar pigmentation, as well as breast size, plays a significant role in men’s judgments of female attractiveness. However, fine-grained measures of men’s visual attention to these morphological traits do not correlate, in a simplistic way, with their attractiveness judgments.  相似文献   

Sexual selection via mate choice may have influenced the evolution of women’s breast morphology. We conducted an image-based questionnaire quantifying and comparing the preferences of men from Papua New Guinea (PNG), Samoa, and New Zealand (NZ) for images of women’s breast size, breast symmetry, areola size, and areolar pigmentation. Results showed that men from PNG preferred larger breasts to a greater extent than men from Samoa and NZ, providing some support for the hypothesis that men from subsistence living cultures have a greater preference for morphological cues indicative of caloric reserves. Symmetrical breasts were most attractive to men in each culture. However, preferences were highest among NZ men, followed by men from Samoa, and were lowest among men from PNG. These results did not support the hypothesis that people living in higher pathogen environments have a greater preference for traits indicative of pathogen resistance and developmental stability. Large areolae were preferred among men from PNG, and to a lesser extent in Samoa, while in NZ men preferred medium-sized areolae. Thus, men’s preferences for women’s areolar size appear to be highly culturally specific. Darkly pigmented areolae were most attractive to men from Samoa and PNG, whereas men from NZ preferred areolae with medium pigmentation. These findings suggest that areolar pigmentation indicative of sexual maturity is preferred by men rather than lighter pigmentation, which may signal that a woman is in the early years of reproductive maturity. This study highlights the importance of cross-cultural research when testing the role of morphological cues in mate choice.  相似文献   

Maternal and Child Health Journal - Standard survey measures of fertility preferences, such as the desire for and preferred timing of future births, do not capture the complexity of...  相似文献   

Previous studies of men’s breast size preferences have yielded equivocal findings, with studies variously indicating a preference for small, medium, or large breasts. Here, we examined the impact of men’s oppressive beliefs in shaping their female breast size ideals. British White men from the community in London, England (N = 361) viewed figures of women that rotated in 360° and varied in breast size along five levels. They then rated the figure that they found most physically attractive and also completed measures assessing their sexist attitudes and tendency to objectify women. Results showed that medium breasts were rated most frequent as attractive (32.7 %), followed by large (24.4 %) and very large (19.1 %) breasts. Further analyses showed that men’s preferences for larger female breasts were significantly associated with a greater tendency to be benevolently sexist, to objectify women, and to be hostile towards women. These results were discussed in relation to feminist theories, which postulate that beauty ideals and practices in contemporary societies serve to maintain the domination of one sex over the other.  相似文献   

Maternal and Child Health Journal - Introduction As mounting evidence underscores the importance of both men and women taking steps before pregnancy to improve reproductive outcomes, public health...  相似文献   

Recent studies investigating the relationship between sexual desire and sexual attraction have found that heterosexual women’s reported sexual desire is positively correlated with their reported attraction to both own- and opposite-sex individuals, but that heterosexual men’s reported sexual desire is positively correlated with their reported attraction to opposite-sex individuals only. These findings have led to the proposal that sexual desire is a generalized energizer of sexual attraction in heterosexual women (i.e., influences women’s attraction to both men and women), but only energizes heterosexual men’s sexual attraction to women. Here we show that heterosexual men’s scores on the Sexual Desire Inventory-2 were positively correlated with their preferences for exaggerated sex-typical shape cues in opposite-sex, but not own-sex, faces. Together with previous research showing that heterosexual women’s reported sexual desire is positively correlated with their preferences for exaggerated sex-typical shape cues in both own- and opposite-sex faces, our findings present novel converging evidence for sex-specific relationships between sexual desire and attractiveness judgments of own- and opposite-sex individuals.  相似文献   

Research suggests that the desire to behave sexually with a partner (dyadic sexual desire) may reflect desire for intimacy whereas solitary sexual desire may reflect pleasure seeking motivations more generally. Because direct reproductive success can only be increased with a sexual partner, we tested whether dyadic sexual desire was a better predictor of women’s preferences for lower pitched men’s voices (a marker of relatively high reproductive success) than was solitary sexual desire. In Study 1, women (N = 95) with higher dyadic sexual desire scores on the Sexual Desire Inventory-2 preferred masculinized male voices more than did women with lower dyadic sexual desire scores. We did not find a significant relationship between women’s vocal masculinity preferences and their solitary sexual desire scores. In Study 2, we tested whether the relationship between voice preferences and dyadic sexual desire scores was related to differences in sociosexual orientation. Women (N = 80) with more positive attitudes towards uncommitted sex had stronger vocal masculinity preferences regardless of whether men’s attractiveness was judged for short-term or long-term relationships. Independent of the effect of sociosexual attitudes, dyadic sexual desire positively predicted women’s masculinity preferences when assessing men’s attractiveness for short-term but not long-term relationships. These effects were independent of women’s own relationship status and hormonal contraceptive use. Our results provide further evidence that women’s mate preferences may independently reflect individual differences in both sexual desire and openness to short-term relationships, potentially with the ultimate function of maximizing the fitness benefits of women’s mate choices.  相似文献   



The association between female longevity and age at parity has been discussed in the literature for some time now without a consensual conclusion being reached. Most studies use individual data and aggregated data is still to be explored. This work presents a new perspective about the relation between women’s life span and age at parity.

Subject and methods

Our study uses data at a country level to estimate a panel data linear regression for the EU countries in the period 2004-2013. The women’s life span is measured by life expectancy at 65 years old and the age at parity is captured by three different indicators: mean age of women at birth of first child, mean age of women at childbirth and percentage of adolescent mothers.


The most relevant result shows that women tend to live longer the older they are when they get pregnant (in particular, for the first child).


There are several determinant factors of women’s life expectancy. The most surprising factor is the age of women at pregnancy, which may provide evidence to promote pregnancy in the early 30’s.



This commentary follows a previous work on women’s life span and age at parity. It raises questions about the relationship between women’s health late in life and age of parity and aims to provide statistical evidence thereof.

Subject and methods

This study used data at a national level to estimate a panel data for the EU countries for the period 2005–2013. The women’s health was measured by healthy life years after 65, morbidity after 65 and self-perceived health status after 65. The age of parity was captured by mean age of women at birth of first child, mean age of women at childbirth (for the first child and for any other) and percentage of adolescent mothers.


There is a positive relationship between the mean age of women at childbirth (both the first child and any other) and the good or very good self-perceived health status reported by women older than 65, while there is a negative relationship between a bad and very bad reported health status. No statistical relation was found between women age of parity and healthy life years and health morbidity for women over 65 years old.


The analysis with aggregated data showed that there is a large heterogeneity, which prevents conclusions being drawn about general trends for EU countries. The exception was for self-reported health and age of parity, for which is there was a statistical correlation across EU countries. The results reported here are expected to motivate further research on this topic in order to establish the long-term effects of each age of parity and the optimal age for first birth.

Objectives. We evaluated the association between intimate partner violence and the mental and physical health status of US Caribbean Black and African American women.Methods. We used 2001 to 2003 cross-sectional data from the National Survey of American Life—the most detailed study to date of physical and mental health disorders of Americans of African descent. We assessed participants’ health conditions by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition (Washington, DC; American Psychological Association) Composite International Diagnostic Interview.Results. We found differences in health conditions between abused African American and Caribbean Black women. There were increased risks for lifetime dysthymia, alcohol dependence, drug abuse, and poor perceived health for African American victims of partner abuse, and binge eating disorder was associated with partner violence among Caribbean Black women.Conclusions. Severe intimate partner violence was associated with negative mental and physical health outcomes for US Black women, with different patterns between African American and Caribbean Blacks. Understanding intimate partner violence experiences of US Black women requires recognition of key intragroup differences, including nativity and immigrant status, and their differential relationships to women’s health.Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a serious public health problem that has devastating consequences for the health and well-being of women.1 Nearly 28% of women in the United States have experienced IPV.2 The risk is heightened for Black women, with an estimated 4 in 10 experiencing physical abuse by a partner in their lifetimes.2 The long- and short-term effects of partner violence may be greater for women within this population, who not only experience violence at much higher rates than do other ethnic groups (e.g., White, Hispanic)1,3–9 but also are exposed to external factors and social conditions that increase their chances for poorer outcomes.4,9–14Previous studies have indicated that associated mental conditions of IPV include depression, posttraumatic stress disorder, anxiety, suicide, and tendencies for substance use (both legal and illegal).15–27 Along with these possible mental disorders, IPV victims are prone to physical health problems, such as increased risk for back, limb, gastrointestinal, stomach, and gynecological problems.22,28–31Despite the various health problems that are associated with IPV toward women in general, research devoted to understanding the influences on US Black women is limited.19,32–34 The few studies conducted have primarily used unstructured clinical assessment and are determined by clinical and community-based samples.33,35 Studies using national samples and structured clinical tools are rare, limiting valid assessments and definitive statements on the resulting effects of IPV on women within this population.In addition to these shortcomings, previous research has typically aggregated Blacks into a single category, which may obscure key intragroup differences.5,11,36 This is especially problematic because groups may have culturally distinct behaviors, practices, and experiences that may exacerbate certain health conditions or, conversely, serve as protective factors. Evidence suggests that health conditions may vary according to race and ethnicity.10,13,28,37–39 These differences, in particular, have become more apparent between African Americans and Caribbean Blacks.40 To date, however, we have less knowledge about the differences in health outcomes that may exist among abused women within these populations. Importantly, the impact of IPV on the health and well-being of US Caribbean women, one of the largest and fastest growing ethnic groups in the United States,41 has not been explored in depth.We addressed 2 underlying questions: (1) What are the associations between IPV, mental health disorders, and the physical health of African American and US Caribbean Black women? and (2) Are there differences in health outcomes between abused African American and US Caribbean Black women?  相似文献   

This paper examines the net effect of women's autonomy on their pregnancy intention status among currently pregnant Bangladeshi women. This study is based on data from the Bangladesh Demographic Health Survey, 2007 (BDHS). A subset of interviews from currently pregnant women (718) were extracted from 10,146 married women of reproductive age. The BDHS 2007 used a pre-tested, structured questionnaire to collect sociodemographic, women's empowerment, and pregnancy information. Associations between unintended pregnancy and explanatory variables were assessed using bivariate analysis. Logistic regression was used to assess the net effect of women's autonomy on current pregnancy intention status after controlling for other variables. Results indicate that women's autonomy is a significant predictor of unintended pregnancy after adjusting for other factors. A unit increase in the autonomy scale decreases the odds of unintended pregnancy by 16%. Besides autonomy, our results also indicate that current age, number of children ever born, age at marriage, religion, media access, and contraceptive use exert strong influences over unintended pregnancy. Women who have ever used contraceptives are 82% more likely to classify their current pregnancies as unintended compared with women who are non-users of contraceptives. Improvement in women's autonomy and effective and efficient use of contraceptives may reduce unintended pregnancies as well as improve reproductive health outcomes.  相似文献   

Most women report reliably experiencing orgasm from masturbation, but a smaller proportion of women report regularly experiencing orgasm from intercourse. Research suggests that concurrent clitoral stimulation during intercourse increases the likelihood of orgasm, yet most surveys of orgasm during intercourse leave unspecified whether vaginal intercourse does or does not include concurrent clitoral stimulation (assisted intercourse or unassisted intercourse, respectively). Using an online sample of 1569 men and 1478 women, we tested whether phrasing of questions about the occurrence of orgasm in intercourse modulates women’s reported frequency and men’s estimates of women’s frequency of orgasm in intercourse. Participants provided estimates of orgasm when asked explicitly about intercourse with stimulation unspecified, assisted intercourse, and unassisted intercourse. Women’s reports of orgasm occurrence were highest in response to assisted intercourse (51–60%), second highest in response to intercourse with clitoral stimulation unspecified (31–40%), and lowest in response to unassisted intercourse (21–30%). Men’s estimates of women’s orgasms were highest in response to assisted intercourse (61–70%), and lowest in response to unassisted intercourse (41–50%); in both conditions, men’s estimates were significantly higher than women’s reports. When clitoral stimulation was unspecified, women interpreted “orgasm in intercourse” in three ways: as from intercourse alone, as including concurrent clitoral stimulation though it was unspecified, or as an average of assisted and unassisted intercourse. Taken together, these results demonstrate that the phrasing of questions about women’s orgasm produces markedly different orgasm estimates, and suggest that concurrent clitoral stimulation increases the likelihood of women experiencing orgasm in intercourse.  相似文献   


Farmers are growing older, and fewer new agriculturists are rising to take their place. Concurrently, women and minorities are entering agriculture at an increasing rate. These rates are particularly curious viewed in light of the racialized and gendered nature of agriculture. Slavery and agriculture share strong historical roots, with many male slaves performing agricultural labor. So then, why would African American women choose to engage in agriculture in any form? Participant observation and in-depth interviews with a group of African American women urban farmers in the southeastern United States were asked this question. Interviews with seven such women revealed their perception of self-sustainable small-scale agriculture as a departure from, not return to, slavery. The women drew metaphors between the Earth and femininity, believing their work to be uniquely feminine. Production of food for consumption and trade provides a source for community and healthy food amid urban poverty and the plight of food deserts. These data encourage agricultural health and safety professionals and researchers to tackle the health-promoting nature of such work, with the entrée of anthropology and other social sciences into the field. In many ways, these women portrayed small-scale food cultivation as an important component of, rather than a threat to, health and safety. Indeed, they viewed such labor as wholly health promoting. Their strong social connections provide a potential means for community-led dissemination of any relevant health and safety information.  相似文献   

This paper examines the net effect of women’s autonomy on their health seeking behavior in Ethiopia. We hypothesize that women with higher autonomy are more likely to seek health care during pregnancy and delivery than those with lower autonomy. The paper also examines whether the autonomy-health utilization relationship is influenced by individual (education, work status, religion) and, household (wealth and rural–urban residence) level factors, all of which are important for both autonomy and health-care utilization. Results indicate that women’s autonomy remains significant even after adjusting for other individual and household variables. Besides autonomy, our results highlight other individual and household level influences on the health seeking behaviors of women in Ethiopia. Results also demonstrate the need to look beyond individual level factors when examining the health seeking behaviors of women in Ethiopia. The statistical significance of some individual-level measures, such as education means it cannot be used as proxy for women’s autonomy. This calls for policy makers not only to empower women, but also provide them with better formal education.  相似文献   

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