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硫酸阿米卡星致过敏性休克   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
患者女,43岁,2001年8月5日因受凉后出现发热、咳嗽,来医院就诊,查体:T 38.5℃,呼吸、血压正常,门诊给予头孢氨苄片0.5克,potid,服药3d,体温降至正常.  相似文献   

阿米卡星致过敏性休克1例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阿米卡星致过敏性休克1例冯爱萍,刘祥清,吴勤英(山东省枣庄矿务局枣庄医院枣庄277101)患者,男,57岁,干部。因胸痛、咳嗽1周在院外用阿米卡星(上海旭东海普药业公司生产,批号941102)0.4g加入0.9%氯化钠注射液250ml中每日静脉滴注,...  相似文献   

阿米卡星注射液致过敏性休克1例   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
患者,男,28岁。因腹痛,腹泻Zd来院就诊。诊断为:急性肠胃炎,当日入院治疗。给予阿米卡星注射液(江苏武进制药厂,940826)0.4g加入液体滴注。滴至250ml,病人出现皮肤癌痒,寒颤,手足发冷,面色苍白。即给予葡萄糖酸钙ig静脉注射,症状未见好转。10min后,给予地塞米松10mg静脉注射。接着患者出现四肢抽搐,口唇发组,HR120次/min,BP12/gkPa。立即给予吸氧4L·min-‘,肾上腺素ling,静脉注射地塞米松10mg,约10min左右,患者末梢循环较好转,脉博渐转有力。BP17/gkPa。但是出现高烧(39.7’C:),意识不清,口唇紧闭,…  相似文献   

肌肉注射硫酸阿米卡星致过敏性休克1例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈玉英 《淮海医药》2007,25(3):280-280
患者(实习护生),女18岁.因上呼吸道感染在门诊给硫酸阿米卡星0.2 g im Bid.第2天该护生来我科实习,晨间护理后,请带教老师给肌注硫酸阿米卡星.带教老师询问病情及是否注射过此药,并按常规检查药品后给其注射此药.  相似文献   

硫酸阿米卡星冲洗膀胱致过敏性休克1例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
【病例】 男 ,72 y。因排尿困难 3a,加重十余天入院 ,以往无药物过敏史。查体 :t38.2℃ ;BP 1 8/1 1k Pa( 1 35/82 .5mm Hg) ;心、脑、肝、脾 ( - ) ;肛诊示前列腺肥大 ,质韧 ,触痛 ,中央沟消失 ;神经系统( - )。血常规 :HB 1 32 g/L、WBC 1 1 .2× 1 0 9/:、N0 .793、L 0 .2 0 7;尿常规 ;尿隐血 ( )、尿白细胞( )。入院后给予持续导尿 ,在未行任何治疗前给予生理盐水 2 50 ml加硫酸阿米卡星 0 .2 g(上海延安制药厂 ,批号 980 90 5)膀胱冲洗 ,冲洗液完全进入膀胱 5min,患者即出现寒战、胸闷、憋气、出汗、皮肤出现花斑 ,面色苍白 ,…  相似文献   

右旋糖酐-20伍用盐酸川芎嗪致过敏性休克1例   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
患者,男,37岁。因心脏神经官能症入院。静脉滴注右旋糖酐20注射液500ml(郑州化学制药厂,批号970822)加盐酸川芎嗪注射液120mg(无锡市第七制药厂,批号971197)。用药后约0.5min病人突然呈现四肢抽搐、胸闷、气短、心悸、面色苍白,口唇略紫绀,球结膜充血,血压测不到,心率120次/min。立即停药,大流量吸氧,更换输液,静脉注射地塞米松20mg,肾上腺素0.5mg;肌内注射异丙嗪25mg,地西泮10mg,6542针6mg。7min后症状缓解不显著,再次静脉注射地塞米松10m…  相似文献   

笔者自1985年,采用3%过氧化氢溶液口服治疗单纯蛔虫肠梗阻56例,疗效显著,报告如下:1 临床资料 56例中,男31例,女25例;年龄最小4岁,最大者14岁;经用3%过氧化氢溶液口服治疗,全部治愈,有效率达100%。2 治疗方法 适应证:凡患儿体温正常,腹不胀或少胀腹肌  相似文献   

例1:男,42岁。因急性支气管炎使用苯唑青霉素钠,皮试阴性,500mg肌注,每日2次,继用至第4天时,注射后约5分钟左右,患者自述视物不清,呼吸困难,面色苍白,口唇紫绀,皮肤出现风疹块,四肢冰冷。测脉搏200次/分,血压为0,诊断为过敏性休克。立即给氧,肌注0.1%肾上腺素  相似文献   

患者女,32岁,因停经44d,于2001年5月20日来我院就诊。患者平素体健,无药物过敏史。末次月经:2001年4月6日,孕3产1,人工流产1次。查体:一般情况好,心、肺检查正常。妇科检查:外阴、阴道正常,宫颈光滑,双附件未触及异常。尿妊娠试验阳性。B超提示6周宫内孕。诊断为宫内早孕。根据患者要求,给予药物流产,于2001年5月21日、5月22日,连续2d上午空腹服米非司酮50mg,下午空腹服25mg,共150mg。服后无明显不适。5月23日9:35空腹服米索前列醇600μg。服药后75min,患者突感手足麻木,胸闷心慌,烦躁不安,面色发白,前胸及大腿内侧出现大片红色皮疹。立即…  相似文献   

1例57岁女性高血压病患者,长期口服阿司匹林、硝苯地平、富马酸比索洛尔,因冠状动脉粥样硬化性心脏病致心绞痛,加用硫酸氢氯吡格雷75 mg口服,1次/d;马来酸桂哌齐特320 mg,1次/d静脉注射。6 h后出现间歇性血尿,伴尿频、尿急、尿痛。尿常规检查示尿隐血(+++),红细胞17个/高倍视野(HP)。双肾、膀胱超声检查未见异常。停用硫酸氢氯吡格雷。次日,患者尿色逐渐恢复,尿隐血(++),红细胞4个/HP。3 d后尿常规检查正常。  相似文献   

Analytically useful fluorescence was obtained from mebendazole and flubendazole after reaction with hydrogen peroxide in alkaline solution. The fluorescence produced (lambda(ex) = 300 nm; lambda(em) = 360 nm) is stable and concentrations of 0.1 mug ml(-1) can be determined. The method has been applied to the analysis of some commercially available anthelmintic preparations.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to examine the behavior of different materials towards the microbial inactivation kinetic of gaseous hydrogen peroxide. Samples of 49 materials potentially used in aseptic processing environments were inoculated with 106 spores of Geobacillus stearothermophilus ATCC #12980 and exposed to defined periods using a reproducible hydrogen peroxide bio-decontamination cycle. The inactivation characteristic of each material was investigated by means of repeated D-value calculations. The results demonstrate that different materials show highly variable performance regarding the inactivation pattern of spores on each particular surface. Not only the chemical composition of the material but also differences in manufacturing processes and surface treatments were found to have an effect on the resistance of the test organisms. From the data obtained it is concluded that some correlation exists between the calculated D-values and roughness as well as wettability of the materials. Best- and worst-case materials were identified, and the dependence of specific decontamination characteristics on material properties was investigated. It is suggested to integrate studies regarding the inactivation characteristics of incorporated materials into the construction process of new aseptic processing systems bio-decontaminated with hydrogen peroxide.  相似文献   

氟康唑片致过敏反应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
患者男,42岁。因双脚患有脚癣多年,近来加重并感染,于2002年6月21日来我院就诊。医嘱给予氟康唑片口服治疗。当日晚餐后患者口服氟康唑片200mg,服药后4h左右开始出现较严重恶心、呕吐,同时出现腹泻,随后周身严重瘙痒,出现皮疹,尤以胸部和四肢更为严重,继而发生排尿困难。患者随即来院就诊,根据症状,考虑是药物过敏反应,立即静滴地塞米松注射液5mg,10%葡萄糖酸钙注射液20ml,tid,口服赛庚定片4mg,bid。2d后患者皮疹部位开始脱皮,7d后症状完全消失。询问病史,患者无药物及食物过敏史。患者服用该药前1周内未接受过其他药物治疗,在服用氟康唑后…  相似文献   

1例57岁女性患者,因右肺小细胞肺癌行第2次化疗。化疗前给予格拉司琼止吐、苯海拉明抗过敏。然后静脉滴注替尼泊苷注射液100mg 5%葡萄糖注射液250ml,60滴/min。用药约2min后,患者突然出现憋气、紫绀,随即意识丧失,呼吸、心跳停止。立即停药,给予心肺复苏、升压及抗过敏治疗。10min后患者呼吸、心跳恢复,HR150~160次/min,BP100/60mmHg,全身出现大面积红色皮疹。继续给予抗过敏、抗休克等治疗。12h后皮疹消退,17h后患者清醒,一般状况好转。  相似文献   

谷胱甘肽致过敏性哮喘与休克   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
患者女,30岁。因不明原因的全身轻微乏力,食纳下降,来我院就诊。查体:T36.5℃,P84次/m in,R20次/m in,BP120/80m m H g(1m m H g=0.133kPa)。检测肝功能:A LT84U/L,A ST94U/L,两对半H BsA g(+)、H beA b(+++)、H bcA b(+),以慢性乙型肝炎收入院。给予5%葡萄糖注射液100m l+谷胱甘肽(阿拓莫兰)1.2g、5%葡萄糖注射液100m l+甘草酸二铵(甘利欣)40m l,静脉滴注、5%葡萄糖注射液100m l+维佳林2支(粉针剂0.5g/支)静脉滴注进行治疗。当输入第一组阿拓莫兰1m in后病人出现心慌、胸闷、气促、症状迅速加重并伴呼吸困难、喉头水肿、唇部紫…  相似文献   

Myosmine is not only one of the minor tobacco alkaloids but is also present in various foods. Therefore, research on myosmine metabolism and activation has been intensified. 3-Pyridylacetic acid, 4-oxo-4-(3-pyridyl)butanoic acid (keto acid), 3-pyridylmethanol, 3'-hydroxymyosmine, and 4-hydroxy-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone (HPB) have been identified as urinary metabolites after oral administration to female Wistar rats. Although N-nitrosation of myosmine, yielding N'-nitrosonornicotine (NNN) and HPB, was considered as a possible in vivo activation route, the formation pathways of most metabolites could not be explained until now. Therefore, under consideration of its high reactivity due to its imine structure, peroxidation of myosmine seemed to be a promising additional activation pathway. In vitro peroxidation using myosmine (8.9 micromol in 200 microL methanol) with a mixture of hydrogen peroxide (57.6 micromol, 5 microL of a 35% solution) and acetic acid anhydride (106 micromol, 10 microL) already showed high yields of reaction products after 30 min ultrasonic treatment. The product pattern was analyzed by HPLC/UV and GC/MS. Besides unchanged myosmine, 3-pyridylacetic acid, keto acid, 3-pyridylmethanol, HPB, and nornicotyrine have been identified as myosmine peroxidation products. Different product patterns were obtained after 24 h and 4 days due to a time-dependent degradation, formation, and conversion of the reaction products. Therefore, peroxidation reaction of myosmine might explain the in vivo formation of 3-pyridylacetic acid, keto acid, 3-pyridylmethanol, and HPB in rats. In addition, because of acetylating conditions using acetic acid anhydride, N-(4-oxo-4-pyridin-3-yl-butyl)acetamide was rapidly formed during the first 30 min of the reaction.  相似文献   

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