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遵义市27357名中小学生氟牙症,恒牙龋病的调查分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
遵义市27357名中小学生氟牙症、恒牙龋病的调查分析梁燕遵义市口腔医院(563000)1992~1993年,对遵义市31所中小学6~18岁的学生恒牙龋病、氟牙症患病情况进行了普查,其中男性13939名,女性13418名。现报告如下。1调查方法根据卫生...  相似文献   

目的:比较氟牙症患者Dean氟牙症指标(Deanindex,DI)与氟牙症牙面指数(toothsurfaceindexoffluorosis,TSIF)的特点及适用范围。方法:随机抽取河北省邢台高氟区12、15岁及35~44岁居民416名进行DI的调查,再从中随机抽取178名进行TSIF的调查。调查前进行两指标的理论及临床培训。利用SPSS10.0统计软件及Excel数据库进行统计分析。结果:DI与TSIF的理论加权Kappa值较高,0.86~0.96,临床校准结果TSIF较低,且随涉及牙面的增加,可靠度降低,从“很好”到“中度”可靠。以DI为准的氟牙症患病率较TSIF结果低,两者差异在35~44岁年龄组中最明显,相差40%左右,这主要由于“可疑”一级不参与患病率的计算,此年龄组的可疑一级比例最高,为40.3%。结论:DI适于大型流行病学调查,并应结合社区氟牙症指数(communityfluorosisindex,CFI)使用;而TSIF更适于美观评价等专项调查研究,尤其对于重症氟牙症更敏感。  相似文献   

错[牙合]畸形是常见的口腔疾病之一,不仅影响患者颜面美观、咀嚼和语音等功能,还会影响患者的身心健康。了解其患病情况和发病因素,对预防和治疗该病具有重要意义。2004年,笔者对西藏那曲地区恒牙列初期的藏族学生进行横断面调查,以了解当地错[牙合]畸形患病的基本特征,并对发病因素进行分析,现报道如下。  相似文献   

为了解四川省兴文县中、小学生患氟牙症、龋病的情况 ,作者于 1983年、2 0 0 0年先后 2次调查了四川省兴文县相同地区的中、小学生氟牙症、龋病的患病情况 ,现报道如下。1 对象和方法1.1 调查对象1983年选择兴文县 2所中学、3所小学的中小学生 45 0人 ,按 7、9、12、15、17岁  相似文献   

目的调查河北省邢台地区高氟区氟牙症流行情况,为控制该地区氟牙症疫情提供依据。方法多阶段分层整群随机抽取当地居民416名进行Dean氏氟牙症指数(DI)的调查,包括12岁、15岁及35~44岁三个年龄组分别为149。131及136名。并对其中178名进行氟牙症牙面指数(TSIF)的检查。用SPSS10.0统计软件进行统计分析。结果河北邢台高氟区氟牙症患病率为71.20%,主要表现为轻、中度氟牙症,各占20%及34%,社区氟牙症指数(CFI)为1.77,属中度流行。12岁、15岁及35~44岁三个年龄组的TSIF上前牙平均值分别为3.48,2.28及0.86。差异有显著性。结论河北省邢台市高氟区氟牙症疫情较重,需采取一定的公共卫生干预措施。  相似文献   

新疆温宿县中小学生氟牙症与龋病流行病学调查   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
目的 了解新疆温宿县中小学生氟牙症和龋病发病特点及相互关系。方法 按Dean分度标准和WHO第3版《口腔健康调查基本方法》对1527名6-16岁维、汉族学生进行氟牙症和冠龋流行病学调查,电极法进行水和尿氟含量测定。结果 维、汉族氟牙症患病率和指数分别为73.70%、64.67%和1.647、1.303;维、汉族患龋率和龋均分别为61.19%、42.66%和1.648、1.023;氟牙症组与氟牙症组患龋率和龋均分别为51.94%、52.99%和1.305、1.449。水氟含量:2-5mg/L,尿氟含量:维5.28mg/L,汉3.64mg/L。结论 新疆温宿县学生氟牙症患病率异,可能与摄氟量过高、口腔卫生差、医疗条件有限等因素导致龋病上升有关。  相似文献   

本研究采用流行病学现场调查方法,对山西省运城市盐湖区汤里村村民的氟牙症患病情况进行调查,为氟牙症的预防提供依据. 1 资料和方法 1.1 调查对象  相似文献   

目的 了解西藏山南地区藏族高中毕业学生的口腔健康状况,为当地口腔疾病防治提供依据。方法 于2013年4月按照《第三次全国口腔健康流行病学调查方案》和世界卫生组织《口腔健康调查基本方法》的标准,对1907名西藏山南地区藏族高中毕业学生进行恒牙的龋病、牙周病、氟牙症以及口腔卫生情况检查,计算该人群的龋病指数、社区牙周指数(CPI)、简化口腔卫生指数(OHI-S)和社区氟牙症指数(CFI),并通过问卷调查其口腔卫生行为、口腔医疗服务现状和口腔保健服务要求,采用SPSS17.0统计软件对结果数据进行分析。结果 所调查的藏族高中毕业学生恒牙患龋率为39.96%,龋均为0.97;CPI中,牙龈炎检出率为59.50%,牙石检出率为62.64%;OHI-S为0.69,其中简化软垢指数(DI-S)为0.36,简化牙石指数(CI-S)为0.33;CFI为0.29,氟牙症的患病率为8.13%。问卷调查显示,学生的口腔卫生行为和口腔医疗服务现状较差,学生对口腔保健服务要求较低。结论 西藏山南地区藏族高中毕业学生的口腔患病率较高,口腔健康意识较差,应加强对该地区学生的口腔卫生宣教和对当地口腔医生的技能培训,有效防治口腔疾病。  相似文献   

2005年广东省12岁人群氟牙症抽样调查报告   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的 了解广东省12岁城乡人群恒牙氟牙症状况,为广东省口腔卫生保健工作提供信息支持.方法 采用多阶段分层等容量随机抽样的方法,抽取广东省12岁城乡常住人口720人,男女各半.按照<第三次全国口腔健康流行病学调查方案>中临床氟牙症的检查方法和标准,检查全口恒牙牙冠氟牙症情况.数据采用SAS软件统计,计算出患病率和氟牙症指数.结果 12岁组人群氟牙症患病率为4.44%,氟牙症指数为0.03,城乡和性别的差异无显著性意义.结论 广东省氟牙症患病率和氟牙症指数处于较低水平.  相似文献   

目的了解西藏那曲地区藏族学生砖茶型氟牙症及龋病流行情况,并对两者关系进行探讨。方法2004年7月采用单纯随机抽样的方法,对12~17周岁的471名藏族学生,按WHO推荐的Dean分类法和龋病调查方法对氟牙症及龋病患病情况进行检查;采用SPSS11.5进行统计分析,氟牙症与龋病的相关性分析用Mantel-Haenszelχ2检验和线性相关性检验;将不同程度的氟牙症按Dean标准分级,并与龋病患龋率进行分层趋势χ2检验。结果氟牙症患病率为53.5%,氟牙症指数为1.09,属中度流行地区;恒牙患龋率较高(56.7%),程度较重(龋均为4.09±2.106);龋病的发生与氟牙症呈高度正相关(χM2H=12.060,P<0.01;OR=1.954,P<0.01),为显著线性关系(χ2=12.715,P<0.01);随着氟牙症程度的加重,患龋率呈上升趋势(χ2=14.846,P<0.01)。结论砖茶型氟牙症已成为当地龋病高发的易感因素;减少氟牙症的发生,应成为当地藏族学生预防龋病的重要措施之一。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To assess the prevalence and severity of dental fluorosis and its relationship with fluoride levels in drinking water. DESIGN: Twelve villages with similar climate, diet, socioeconomic conditions and altitudes were selected from rural areas of Davangere district, Karnataka, India. The fluoride concentration in drinking water was estimated by the Ion Selective Electrode Method. Dean's Index was used to assess the dental fluorosis. Karl-Pearson coefficient for correlation and simple regression analysis were used to evaluate the association between the water fluoride levels and the community fluorosis index (CFI). RESULTS: The study group consisted of 1,131, 12-15-year-old school children. The fluoride levels in drinking water of selected villages were in the range of 0.22-3.41ppm. A stepwise increase in the prevalence of dental fluorosis with corresponding increase in water fluoride content, 13.2% at 0.22ppm F to 100% at 3.41 ppm F, was found. There was a significant positive linear correlation (r=0.99) between CFI and water fluoride level. CONCLUSION: Dental fluorosis is a major dental public health problem among children in Davangere district and is related to drinking water with 0.74ppm fluoride or above.  相似文献   

Longhurst法釉质微打磨和漂白治疗氟斑牙的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨釉质微打磨和漂白联合应用治疗氟斑牙的疗效。方法 将患者有氟斑牙着色的上颌前牙按中线分为两组 ,每组随机采用Longhurst釉质微打磨或Longhurst釉质微打磨后漂白 4周 ,通过比色板记录牙齿的颜色 ,并通过敏感表比较这两种方法对牙齿和牙龈敏感程度的影响。结果 Longhurst釉质微打磨后漂白 4周的牙齿颜色比单独Longhurst釉质微打磨的牙齿颜色更白 ,这两种方法牙齿和牙龈的敏感程度差异无显著性。 结论 Longhurst釉质微打磨与漂白联合应用治疗氟斑牙效果更好  相似文献   

In order to study the age-related susceptibility to dental fluorosis, 40 children who had been lifelong consumers of moderate- to high-fluoride water (0.55–8.48 mg F/l) were examined, as well as a group of older siblings (n = 40) who were born 6 months to 6 years before the fluoride-containing drinking water was introduced to the household. Background information was obtained through a structured questionnaire. Dental fluorosis was scored according to the TF index. Among the 80 children examined, the permanent incisors were erupted in 66, while 67 had permanent first molars present. As compared to their older siblings, the prevalence of dental fluorosis was significantly higher in the children who had consumed moderate- to high-fluoride water throughout their lives. In a multiple regression analysis, the variable “age when introduced to moderate- to high-fluoride water” came out as the only significant risk factor associated with dental fluorosis. This variable was divided into three categories according to the first exposure to moderate- to high-fluoride drinking water (1) 0–12 months of age, (2) 13–24 months of age and (3) after 24 months of age. Category 3 was used as the reference group. Fluoride exposure starting during the 1st year of life showed the highest odds ratio as compared to exposure only after 2 years of age. The findings indicate that early mineralising teeth (central incisors and first molars) are highly susceptible to dental fluorosis if exposed to fluoride from the first and – to a lesser extent – also from the 2nd year of life. Received: 20 July 1998 / Accepted: 22 October 1998  相似文献   

目的探讨Beyond冷光美白对着色型氟斑牙的临床效果。方法 20名着色型氟斑牙受试者,用Be-yond冷光美白进行3个疗程的漂白治疗,每个疗程结束后由患者本人和两位未参与治疗的医生对疗效进行评分。结果 3个疗程结束后,受试者评分为(95.43±5.98)分,医生甲评分为(95.61±7.11)分,医生乙评分为(96.12±5.76)分。结论 3个疗程的Beyond冷光美白对着色型氟斑牙疗效满意。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Relatively little is known about associations between primary and permanent tooth fluorosis. In this study, associations between dental fluorosis of the permanent and primary dentitions were assessed. METHODS: Subjects (n = 601) are in the Iowa Fluoride Study, which included fluorosis examinations of the primary and early-erupting permanent dentitions by trained dentist examiners. Relative risks, correlations, and logistic regression assessed associations between permanent tooth fluorosis and primary molar fluorosis. RESULTS: Ten percent had primary molar fluorosis at age 5; 36% had definitive (mostly mild), 28% questionable, and 36% no permanent incisor fluorosis at age 9. Those with primary molar fluorosis were significantly more likely to have definitive permanent incisor fluorosis (76% vs. 32%), and permanent molar fluorosis (59% vs. 16%). The strong association between primary and permanent tooth fluorosis is independent of level of fluoride intake. CONCLUSIONS: Detection of primary tooth fluorosis in pre-school children should alert clinicians and parents to the high likelihood of subsequent fluorosis in the permanent dentition.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to identify and compare the attitudes of dental students towards dental education in Japan and China. Fifty‐four dental students from the Stomatology School of China Medical University and 51 dental students from the Dental Faculty of Kyushu University, Japan, participated in this study. Information was derived from a self‐answered questionnaire consisting of 11 items. Significant differences in the responses of the participants from the two countries were detected for 10 of the questionnaire items (< 0.05). Nearly three‐quarters of the Japanese students were satisfied with the teaching faculties of their schools, while only a quarter of the Chinese students indicated satisfaction. A total of 69% of Chinese students thought that learning a foreign language wasted too much time compared with none of the Japanese students. A student‐oriented teaching mode was not well accepted by either of the groups, and 62% of Chinese students and 53% of Japanese students wanted to increase the duration of the clinical practice stage of education. The findings from this study enhance our understanding of differences and/or similarities among dental students in the two nations. This information may help to define strategies to improve the quality of dental education, and especially exchange programmes of international students.  相似文献   



The purpose of this study was to investigate evolving trends in dental post graduate specialty preferences and career aspirations among final year dental students in Saudi Arabia.

Materials and methods

A cross sectional survey using a self-administered questionnaire was conducted among final year dental students from seventeen universities in Saudi Arabia. The questionnaire enquired about socio-demographic details and the ranking of three of their best preferences among the list of specialties/general dentistry and career options. They were also enquired about their opinion regarding the total time required to become a dentist and their intention to go for further studies abroad. The questionnaire assessed factors influencing their choices using a 5 point Likert scale ranging from extremely important to not important. Binary logistic regression to examine the combined effect of several independent variables on the likelihood of choosing a dental specialization/general dentistry and career option were analyzed.


The overall response rate was 64.6%. Restorative and Aesthetic Dentistry was the most preferred specialty (n = 98; 17.7%) followed by Endodontics (n = 78; 14.1%); Prosthodontics (n = 65; 11.7%) and Orthodontics (n = 63; 11.4%). The two most preferred careers were ‘Civilian dentist in public sector’ followed by ‘Academic services dentist’. Overall, students reported that the influence of family members in the dental profession, preference for private practice and specific interest in patient population as the most important factors in choosing a specialty/general dentistry. Intellectual content of the specialty was ranked the least important. On the other hand, the most important factors for choosing a career were variety of non-clinical duties, access to child care facilities and research opportunities.


The results of this study show the top preferred specialties and career choices which can be a baseline for establishing national policies and for the improvement of graduate programs. There seems to be a need to promote mentoring activities and provide guidance and encouragement to pre-doctoral dental students in selecting the most appropriate specialty within their capability domain.  相似文献   

目的研究自制氟斑牙比色板的临床使用效果。方法由3名口腔修复专业医生,分别采用自制氟斑牙比色板及VITA16色比色板对30例氟斑牙患者在自然光下进行比色,按照2种比色结果分别制作修复体,根据医生及患者满意度对疗效进行评价。结果通过对修复体的满意度调查,医生及患者对根据自制氟斑牙比色板制作的修复体满意度明显高于根据VITA16色比色板制作的修复体。结论在对氟斑牙患者比色中,自制氟斑牙比色板较VITA16色比色板省时、高效。  相似文献   

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