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Recent reports suggest that percutaneous transluminal angioplasty is a satisfactory alternative to surgical treatment of occlusion of the infrapopliteal arteries. To evaluate further the merits of percutaneous angioplasty of these vessels, we retrospectively analyzed the results of 57 procedures in 53 patients. Seventy-six infrapopliteal arteries were dilated: 26 anterior tibial arteries, 10 posterior tibial arteries, 18 peroneal arteries, and 22 tibioperoneal trunks. Thirty-three (62%) of the patients had concomitant angioplasties of the femoropopliteal arteries or vein grafts. There were three major complications (one death due to cardiac arrest 5 hr after the procedure and two puncture-site hematomas requiring surgery). Twenty minor complications did not affect clinical course. In the first 14 procedures (25%), tapered catheters were used, and technical success occurred in only four (29%). In the succeeding 43 procedures (75%), Gruentzig balloon catheters and low-profile balloons were used, and technical success occurred in 37 procedures (86%). Prompt clinical improvement was seen in 32 (80%) of 40 technically successful procedures. Prompt clinical improvement occurred in 28 (97%) of 29 procedures in which angioplasty restored straight-line flow to the foot (i.e., nonobstructed blood flow in at least one calf vessel that is narrowed by no more than 75% of its diameter). When such flow was not restored, clinical improvement occurred in only four (36%) of 11 cases (p less than .001). These results show that with current technology, infrapopliteal artery angioplasty is an effective and safe procedure. The greatest benefit is achieved when straight-line blood flow to the foot is restored.  相似文献   

To analyse data comparing drug-eluting devices versus non-coated devices in the treatment of vascular disease in the infrapopliteal region. All data available in the literature (16 studies were included) comparing drug-eluting stents (DESs) and drug-eluting balloons (DEBs) versus bare-metal stents (BMSs) and conventional balloons were analysed. For each single study, primary and secondary endpoints were reported. As comparative studies between DEBs and DESs were not available, a technical evaluation of the advantages and disadvantages of both were also included. Besides the limitations of the published studies, all of them were reporting interesting results for the new generation devices (DEB and DES). DES: primary patency at 1 year comprised between 75.0 % and 86 %; target lesion revascularisation between 8.7 % and 13.8 %. DEB: primary patency comprised between 71 % and 84.6 % at 12 months; target lesion revascularisation between 15.3 % and 17.6 %. However, limb salvage rates were not always higher using a DEB rather than a standard percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA); a clinical improvement for patients treated with DEB was demonstrated only in the Leipzig registry. On the basis of the results available, the drug-eluting devices produced better results. DEB can be considered the leading approach in below-the-knee disease. A comparative evaluation with DES is mandatory in the future. Key Points ? We present data about advanced endovascular treatment of peripheral artery disease. ? This provides an update on drug-eluting devices in infrapopliteal vascular disease. ? Drug-eluting devices (DEB/DES) show promising results compared with traditional ones.  相似文献   

濒临截肢伤应根据濒临截肢伤的特点进行伤情评估,本文总结7种不同类型的濒临截肢伤,各有其不同的修复措施,但其救治原则或救治策略是相近或统一的,离不开先救命后保肢、有效进行损害控制、运用与时俱进的骨科内、外固定原则和理念,特别是要借助娴熟的显微外科技术,最大程度地修复患肢的形态和功能。  相似文献   

Initial radioclinical examination of a 24 year old patient following a road accident showed a hemomediastinum on computed tomography imaging. Digital subtraction angiography by the arterial route demonstrated integrity of abdominal aorta and occlusion of both vertebral arteries soon after their origin. This bilateral occlusion had failed to provoke any neurologic sign imputable to the vascular lesion. A review venous digital subtraction angiography examination two months later gave similar angiographic appearance. Emphasis is placed on the asymptomatic nature of this acute occlusion of the two vertebral arteries and on the value of digital subtraction angiography for vascular exploration of this type of disease.  相似文献   

Limb salvage in extremity soft-tissue sarcoma: combined modality therapy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Thirty-two consecutive patients with high-grade soft-tissue sarcoma of an extremity were treated preoperatively with concomitant intra-arterial infusion of Adriamycin (doxorubicin) (10 mg/m2 daily for 10 days) and radiotherapy (2500 rad [25 Gy] in 10 fractions in 2 weeks). En bloc resection was then performed. Postoperatively, depending on the surgical specimen findings, radiotherapy was given to a dose ranging from 5000 rad (50 Gy) in 5 weeks to 6000 rad (60 Gy) in 6 weeks equivalent continuous schedules. No residual tumor was found in 28% of the surgical specimens and only minimal tumor in 41%. A functionally intact limb was preserved in 30 patients (94%). Local recurrence developed in one patient (3%). The actuarial overall survival at three years was 70% and disease-free survival 57%.  相似文献   

Summary The case of a man, aged 67, who had bilateral occlusion of the cervical internal carotid arteries with an unusual collateral circulation between the occipital artery and the anterior cerebral artery, is described.  相似文献   

Percutaneous transluminal balloon angioplasty (PTA) was performed in 17 tibial arteries with an average cross-sectional area stenosis of 92% (range 75–99%) in 13 patients (14 limbs) for limb salvage. In 4 of 14 lower extremities, PTA of femoropopliteal arteries was also performed. Technical success with 50% or less residual stenosis was achieved in all 17 tibial vessels. At approximately 2 months after PTA, clinical improvement had occurred in 10 of 14 limbs; no patient was made worse. Most recent follow-up (mean 19 months, range 8–34 months) revealed continued satisfactory clinical success with no further vascular intervention in 9 of these 10 limbs (one patient died). Short segmental stenoses, residual stenoses less than 40% following PTA, and absence of diabetes or gangrene appear to be predictors of favorable clinical outcomes. Our results suggest that PTA of focal tibial stenosis is an effective and safe treatment modality in properly selected patients and that wider use of PTA may be justified.  相似文献   

地震伤员严重下肢挤压伤保肢治疗体会   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨地震伤员严重肢体挤压伤的保肢治疗.方法 在不干扰批量伤员救治的前提下,通过严格掌握纳入指征,合理配置医疗人员,按照分级救治程序,对伤员进行紧急救治和早期处理,特别重视监护调整脏器功能,一旦出现无法控制的生命体征紊乱即行截肢,病情稳定后及时后送.结果 1例肾功能损害加重再次手术截肢,9例均成功存活.至后送时,8例保肢伤员肢端血管搏动有力,毛细血管充盈时间正常,初期保肢成功率达88.9%.结论 依托良好的人员配置、ICU监护下脏器功能调整和科学的分级救治程序,部分严重挤压伤患者可以避免截肢.  相似文献   

Four patients with aneurysms of the inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery are described. All had occlusion of the celiac axis at its origin, with the inferior pancreaticoduodenal arcades serving as a collateral pathway. We propose that the association of the celiac axis occlusion and aneurysms in the collateral supply via the pancreatic arcades is more than coincidental. Awareness of this relationship may be of significance in planning therapeutic intervention  相似文献   

重症下肢缺血(CLI)是下肢动脉硬化闭塞症重度期表现,膝下动脉闭塞是导致CLI重要原因,保肢、提高生活质量是CLI治疗目标.随着技术和器械发展,腔内治疗成为膝下动脉病变的主要治疗方法.由于膝下动脉独特的解剖特点、治疗难度大、再狭窄发生率高,一系列争议性问题产生;首选腔内治疗还是传统旁路手术,膝下动脉治疗靶血管如何选择,膝下动脉腔内治疗入路如何选择,腔内治疗术式如何优化等.本文结合最新循证医学证据和临床治疗经验,就膝下动脉闭塞腔内治疗上述热点问题的实践与思考作一阐述.  相似文献   

Summary The intracranial arterial obstructions (narrowing or occlusion) found with intracranial tumors are rarely reported. Our 25 cases and those of the literature enable us to draw a statistical view of these facts. Meningiomas and gliomas are often concerned, and they principally involve the main arteries at the base of the brain. The practical interest in such pathology concerns: the risk of a fall in blood pressure during general anesthesia which may result in occlusion of a narrowed artery; the need to estimate the pathological state of one or several arteries passing by a tumor which must be removed; and the possibility of providing an extra-intracranial arterial bypass if necessary.  相似文献   

A case of bilateral persistence of the proatlantal arteries with occlusion of both internal carotid arteries is reported.  相似文献   

The Gore-Tex prosthetic ligament as a salvage procedure in deficient knees   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the results of prosthetic ligament replacement of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) or posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) with the Gore-Tex polytetrafluorethyene prosthesis (W.L.Gore and Co., Flagstaff, Ariz.) in 52 patients (54 knees). All patients sustained multiple (failed) knee operations or had knees with gross instability. Twenty-eight (29 knees) of the ¶52 patients (54%) in whom the Goretex prosthesis was still in situ were available at a minimum follow-up of 5 years (mean 9 years, range 5–11 years). The mean age at examination was 39 years (range 30–57 years); there were 15 men and 13 women. The results of the procedure were compared with the results of the same patients at a mean follow-up of 3 years. Eighty-one percent of the patients of the whole group complained about pain. This was 78% for the patients with an ACL reconstruction and 75% for the patients with a PCL reconstruction. The Tegner activity score and the Lysholm knee score showed a statistically significant difference over time. The anterior instability pattern improved in only 43% of the knees and the posterior instability in 41% of the knees. The Lachman test showed also a significant difference over time. In all patients X-ray showed an increase in degenerative changes. In conclusion, the PTFE prosthetic ligament in the reconstruction of the ACL and the PCL in the (chronically) unstable knee seems to deteriorate over time.  相似文献   

目的探讨髂动脉闭塞性病变介入治疗的技术要点。方法本组41例髂动脉闭塞的患者通过行闭塞段开通、经导管局部溶栓、血管腔内成形术(PTA)和内支架置入等多种介入方法综合治疗来观察效果。结果 41例患者介入治疗成功率达100%,治愈36例,好转5例,共9例血管闭塞者进行了溶栓治疗。术后随访2~24个月,平均18个月,除2例分别在术后11个月和8个月发生支架内再闭塞行二次介入治疗外,其余患者症状均无加重或复发。结论血管腔内介入治疗可作为治疗髂动脉闭塞可选择的手术替代方案,尤其是对于有高手术风险的患者,具有微创、简单、有效的优点。  相似文献   

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