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角膜后弹力层内皮移植术的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
十年间角膜内皮移植术已在我国各级医院广泛开展,并取得了显著成绩。而角膜后弹力层内皮移植术作为角膜内皮移植术中治疗角膜内皮病变的理想术式,在国内仅有少数医院进行了初步尝试。本文从手术适应证、手术过程及术后并发症等方面综述角膜后弹力层内皮移植术在国内外的发展现状,以期为该手术在国内广泛开展提供参考。(中华眼科杂志,2015,51:544-547)  相似文献   

角膜内皮移植已成为治疗角膜内皮病变的首选方法.作为目前主流的2种角膜内皮移植手术——后弹力层剥除自动板层刀制备的角膜内皮移植术和后弹力层角膜内皮移植术,前者手术操作易于掌握,但角膜植片仍带有部分基质;后者术后视觉质量好,但手术操作较难掌握,二次手术率较前者高.大气泡和自动板层刀辅助的后弹力层前膜角膜内皮移植术在自动板层刀制备角膜内皮植片的基础上,用大气泡法暴露中央6.5 mm直径的后弹力层前膜,本术式既有后弹力层角膜内皮移植术后的视觉效果,手术操作又易于掌握,值得推广.  相似文献   

随着角膜内皮移植术在国内外的广泛开展和应用,角膜内皮移植术作为目前治疗角膜内皮失代偿的较理想术式,其优点不言而喻,但也存在植片制备、术中及术后发生并发症的可能。本文以2种常见的角膜内皮治疗术式——角膜后弹力层剥除内皮移植术和角膜后弹力层内皮移植术为例,从植片制备并发症(如植片穿孔、植片撕裂)、术中并发症(如植片展开困难...  相似文献   

角膜内皮移植术是治疗角膜内皮疾病的重要方法, 主要分为角膜后弹力层剥除内皮移植术和角膜后弹力层内皮移植术。与穿透性角膜移植术比较, 角膜内皮移植术的术后视力好, 免疫排斥反应发生率低, 但手术技术和过程较为复杂, 术中和术后并发症有所不同。角膜内皮移植术的成功关键在于掌握手术的基本要素并预防并发症。为在我国规范开展和推广角膜内皮移植术, 中华医学会眼科学分会角膜病学组以国内外研究结果和临床实践经验为基础, 围绕角膜内皮移植术的适应证、术前评估、手术技术和操作、术后并发症处理和随访等进行充分讨论, 达成共识性意见, 以期为临床工作提供指导和参考。  相似文献   

角膜内皮移植(endothelial keratoplasty,EK)是针对内皮细胞功能障碍的靶向性治疗方法.目前已成为国际上治疗角膜内皮病变的首选方法.而后弹力层角膜内皮移植术(Descemet's membrane endothelial keratoplasty,DMEK)是目前EK最新技术,也称为小切口角膜内皮移植术,从解剖学角度完美恢复了角膜组织的正常结构,可更好更快恢复视力,且术后排斥反应显著降低,受到了广泛关注和认可.然而,DMEK作为一项新技术,虽然具有显著的优点,也面临着技术上的挑战.最受关注的是供体制备过程中内皮片的丢失、植入受体的展开和位置调整.目前随着手术方法和设备的不断改进,植入技术不断改进,学习曲线正在逐渐减低,越来越多的眼科医生掌握了该技术.由于角膜材料与手术适应证等限制,目前我国尚无开展DMEK的报道.  相似文献   

洪晶 《眼科》2009,18(3)
角膜后弹力层剥除自动角膜刀取材内皮移植术(DSAEK)已经成为替代穿透性角膜移植治疗角膜内皮病变的首选术式,其优点为仅去除病变的角膜内皮和后弹力层,最大限度地保持角膜的完整性,避免眼表面的损伤和明显的屈光变化.手术方法为在角膜缘部制备5 mm的隧道切口,用后弹力膜剥离钩划开并剥除病变的角膜后弹力层和内皮层,同时移植带有部分角膜后基质的后弹力层和内皮层,经前房注气展开并顶起植片使之与植床贴附,无缝线,避免了角膜散光.手术中及术后重要的环节和经验是:亚洲人的前房较浅,在植片植入和展开的环节会有一些问题,因此术前要充分降低眼压,防止术中晶状体虹膜隔的前移,使前房内有较充足的空间植入植片;手术后植片脱位是DSAEK的最大并发症,往往也是导致手术失败的主要原因,避免的方法为术中尽量减少黏弹剂的应用,在植片植入前将前房内的黏弹剂彻底冲洗干净,在植片与植床贴附后要尽量排除二者之间的液体,增加二者的贴附力.晶状体虹膜隔的完整性与气泡能否在前房内持续保持有密切的关系,如果晶状体虹膜隔不完整,气泡容易进入玻璃体腔,无法顶住植片,容易导致植片的脱位,因此早期在手术适应证的选择上要注意这些方面的问题.  相似文献   

目的利用后弹力层撕除术建立一种新的角膜内皮失代偿模型以便更好地了解该手术的组织反应。方法根据手术方法的不同将40只新西兰成年兔平均分为4组:角膜内皮刮除组、后弹力层撕除组、后弹力层撕除角膜内皮移植术(DSEK)组及DSEK供体组;右眼为手术眼。每组定期通过角膜内皮活体染色,眼前节照相和UBM至少观察2个月。结果后弹力层撕除组角膜始终保持混浊,角膜内皮刮除组和DSEK组角膜逐渐透明,角膜厚度逐渐降低。活体染色显示角膜后弹力层撕除组术后2个月仍无角膜内皮生长。结论后弹力层撕除术建立的角膜内皮失代偿模型显示了后弹力层撕除后角膜内皮愈合过程,可用于角膜内皮移植的研究。  相似文献   

John  T  王历阳 《国际眼科纵览》2007,31(5):306-306
后弹力膜撕脱角膜内皮移植术(descemetorhexis with endokeratoplasty,DXEK)与传统的穿透移植相比,已从取消以缝线缝合全层角膜伤口中赢得许多好处。但要通过混浊角膜实施后弹力膜撕脱角膜内皮移植术联合超声乳化后房型人工晶状体植入仍面临许多技术上的挑战。作者介绍了一种新的手术方法:(1)DXEK植床制作:从颞侧角膜缘周围充分暴露巩膜,止血;作一条5mm角膜缘切口并制作角膜基质口袋。通过左侧切口撕脱所需口径的后弹力膜,并将周边部暴露的基质创面弄粗糙,便于后续的内皮植片与植床贴附。  相似文献   

随着眼科技术的发展,角膜内皮移植术取得了长足进展。从后板层角膜移植术(PLK)开始到深板层角膜移植术(DLEK),以及目前运用的后弹力层撕除角膜内皮移植术(DSEK/DSAEK),乃至具有更好视觉恢复效果的带有后弹力层(Descem et膜)的角膜内皮移植术(DMEK),眼科医生们不断寻求着更快更好的治疗方法。而DMEK从解剖学角度完美的恢复了角膜组织的正常结构,术后视力恢复快,是角膜内皮移植手术的发展趋势。现主要就DMEK的手术方法、特点以及进一步的改进进行综述。  相似文献   

目的:评估飞秒激光辅助的后弹力层撕除角膜内皮移植术治疗大泡性角膜病变的临床疗效及安全性。方法:回顾性分析2013-03/2014-02在我科住院治疗的大泡性角膜病变患者15例16眼,其中男7例7眼,女8例9眼,平均年龄66.3±18.4岁,采用飞秒激光制作薄层角膜内皮植片,进行后弹力层撕除角膜内皮移植术。术后随访12mo,观察角膜刺激症状消退、植片恢复和并发症等情况,观测指标包括最佳矫正视力、眼压、前节光学相干断层扫描及角膜内皮细胞计数。结果:所有患者手术顺利,无术中并发症发生;术后眼压正常,最佳矫正视力较术前不同程度提高。角膜刺激症状自术后1d 开始逐渐减轻,术后3wk 完全缓解。术后1眼(6%)发生内皮植片脱位,3眼(19%)植片与植床之间存在局灶性层间积液。术后1 mo角膜上皮变光滑,基质水肿消退,中央角膜厚度(638±86.51μm )较术前(811±137.55μm)明显变薄。随访期间,发生植片急性排斥反应和植片内皮功能失代偿各1眼(6%)。末次随访,角膜内皮细胞计数为1687±507个/mm2。结论:应用飞秒激光辅助后弹力层撕除角膜内皮移植术治疗角膜内皮病变,可以个体化、精确、高效地制作内皮植片,手术安全性高,术后恢复快。  相似文献   

Purpose: To identify causes of reduced visual acuity after Descemet stripping (automated) endothelial keratoplasty (DSEK/DSAEK) and to determine whether such eyes can be successfully ‘repaired’ with a secondary Descemet membrane endothelial keratoplasty (DMEK). Methods: Twelve eyes of 12 patients, who underwent secondary DMEK to manage poor visual outcome after initial DSEK/DSAEK, were evaluated with biomicroscopy, Pentacam imaging, and specular and confocal microscopy, before and at 1, 3 and 6 months after DMEK. Results: Four causes of reduced optical quality of the transplanted host cornea could be identified in DSEK/DSAEK: five eyes (42%) showed large host‐Descemet remnants within the visual axis during surgery; six eyes (50%) irregular graft thickness; six eyes subtle ‘stromal waves’; and nine eyes (75%) high reflectivity at the donor‐to‐host interface. After DMEK graft replacement, all corneas cleared and achieved a best corrected visual acuity of ≥20/25 (≥0.8), except for one with a partial Descemet graft detachment. Pachymetry values decreased from 670 (±112) μm before to 517 (±57) μm after secondary DMEK. Higher‐order aberrations (Coma and Trefoil) at the posterior surface tended to be lower (p = 0.07) in DMEK grafts than in DSEK/DSAEK grafts. Conclusion: Host‐Descemet remnants at the donor‐to‐host interface, interface reflectivity, graft thickness irregularity and donor stromal contraction may contribute to poor visual outcome after DSEK/DSAEK, without causing permanent host corneal damage, as in most cases, complete visual recovery could be achieved by performing a secondary DMEK.  相似文献   

Purpose:The purpose of this study is to evaluate 2-year clinical outcome after Descemet membrane endothelial keratoplasty (DMEK) in a variety of endothelial dysfunctions using a standardized protocol.Methods:From a group of 230 eyes which underwent DMEK for Fuchs'' endothelial corneal dystrophy (FECD), aphakic and pseudophakic bullous keratopathy, failed full thickness corneal transplants, ICE syndrome, failed DSEK, and TASS the clinical outcomes [best spectacle-corrected visual acuity (BSCVA), central endothelial cell density (ECD)] were evaluated before, and at 6, 12, and 24 months and the success rate, failure rate and postoperative complications were also analyzed.Results:Out of 230 eyes, 144 eyes (70%) had BSCVA 6/9 or better 2 years postoperatively. Mean donor ECD was 2692.23 (range, 2300–3436) cells/mm2 preoperatively, which was reduced to 1433.64 (range, 619.0–2272.0) cells/mm2 2 years after DMEK surgery, indicating a mean reduction of 1258 cells/mm2 (46%) in ECD.Conclusion:DMEK is a highly successful surgical procedure when following a standard protocol for treating diseases of the corneal endothelium providing a near perfect anatomic restoration and a high degree of visual rehabilitation.  相似文献   

AIM: To investigate the impact of non-Descemet stripping endothelial keratoplasty (non-DSEK) on graft rejection rate, and its overall procedural effectiveness in patients. METHODS: Non-DSEK was performed on 65 eyes of 64 patients, and the procedural outcomes, including rejection episodes, failure and dislocation of the grafts, best corrected visual acuity (BCVA), endothelial cell density (ECD), and other complications, were analyzed retrospectively. RESULTS: Of the 65 eyes, 63 recovered from bullous keratopathy with a clear cornea. The mean follow-up time was 26.4mo (range, 6-84mo). The mean BCVA improved from 1.70 logMAR preoperatively to 0.54 logMAR at 3mo, 0.46 logMAR at 6mo, and 0.37 logMAR at 1y after surgery. The postoperative donor ECD of the 25 patients who successfully underwent specular microscopic examination was 1918±534 cells/mm2 (range, 637 to 3056 cells/mm2), and the mean endothelial cell loss was 41.9% at 24mo postoperatively. One eye developed secondary glaucoma and required regrafting via penetrating keratoplasty (PKP). Another eye had postoperative graft failure due to rejection at 26mo. Postoperative graft dislocation occurred in eight eyes. All of the eight dislocated grafts were reattached using air reinjection. CONCLUSION: Immunological graft rejection of the donor graft rarely occurs in non-DSEK. Therefore, non-DSEK is a safe, concise, and effective alternative to restore corneal decompensation when the Descemet membrane is disease-free.  相似文献   

Corneal endothelial cells do not proliferative in?vivo sufficiently to enable endothelial regeneration, and thus diseases of the corneal endothelium, which cause poor vision and discomfort, require treatment by transplantation of cadaveric donor corneal endothelial cells. The two major goals of any corneal transplant procedure are to restore vision and to promote longevity of the donor cornea by maintaining a healthy donor endothelial cell density. Over the last decade, the surgical treatment for endothelial disease has rapidly evolved toward endothelial keratoplasty, or selective tissue transplantation, and away from full-thickness penetrating keratoplasty (PK). While endothelial keratoplasty offers distinct advantages over PK in terms of visual outcomes and a smaller incision, the new surgical manipulations of the fragile donor tissue cause significant donor endothelial cell trauma. As a result, donor endothelial cell loss is much higher during the first month after Descemet stripping endothelial keratoplasty (DSEK) compared to after PK, and the primary (or more appropriately, iatrogenic) graft failure rate of 5% remains unacceptably high. Nevertheless, the rate of endothelial cell loss rapidly decreases beyond 6 months after DSEK, and thus endothelial cell loss at 5 years after DSEK appears to be lower than that at 5 years after PK. In the absence of primary (iatrogenic) graft failure, graft survival through 5 years after DSEK is similar to that after PK. Given the promising longer-term endothelial outcomes of DSEK, the quest for optimizing the visual outcomes has spurred interest in Descemet membrane endothelial keratoplasty (DMEK). While early results after DMEK suggest better visual outcomes than after DSEK, the technique needs to be simplified, and longer-term outcomes must show an advantage over DSEK with respect to vision, endothelial cell loss, and graft survival. DMEK also has a high rate of primary (iatrogenic) graft failure, and additional donor tissue wastage occurs when preparation of DMEK grafts is unsuccessful. This review discusses endothelial keratoplasty techniques and the associated endothelial outcomes.  相似文献   

Various techniques for posterior lamellar keratoplasty have been established for the clinical routine and continuously improved during the last 15 years so that an extremely rapid recovery of vision is possible due to very thin transplants. Descemet membrane endothelial keratoplasty (DMEK) is the method of choice for simple corneal endothelial diseases and has already been applied in complex conditions of the anterior segment. The learning curve for DMEK is comparatively long and the risk of complications in complex anterior segment pathologies is higher than in Descemet’s stripping automated endothelial keratoplasty (DSAEK); however, DMEK results in better visual outcome and less graft rejections than DSAEK. The latest evolution in posterior lamellar transplant surgery is ultrathin DSAEK (UT-DSAEK), where the grafted lamella is much thinner than in conventional DSAEK. Currently available data suggest that the resulting visual acuity after UT-DSAEK is close to the visual acuity seen after DMEK; however, studies comparing the results after DMEK and UT-DSAEK are so far lacking. Whether the transplantation of these very thin DSAEK grafts also results in endothelial cell densities and graft rejection rates comparable to DMEK has to be proven.  相似文献   

Purpose:To describe a simple manual surgical technique for splitting a single-donor eye for performing both deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty (DALK) and Descemet membrane endothelial keratoplasty (DMEK) without using a microkeratome.Methods:Twenty-three eyes with anterior stromal pathology and 23 eyes with irreversible endothelial dysfunction were evaluated for keratoplasty at a tertiary eye care referral center. Twenty-three healthy donor corneas were split into two parts. The Descemet’s membrane was stripped and used for DMEK. The stripped stroma was used for DALK. Best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) of both DALK and DMEK, endothelial cell density, and endothelial cell loss in DMEK were noted at 1-year follow-up, along with any intraoperative or postoperative complications and failures.Results:In the DALK group, mean BCVA improved from 1.264 ± 0.25 log Mar preoperatively to 0.355 ± 0.27 log Mar at 12 months follow-up. There were no complications and failures. In the DMEK group, mean BCVA improved from 1.537 ± 0.61 log Mar preoperatively to 0.592 ± 0.67 log Mar and the mean donor ECD was 3071.66 (range, 2783–3487) cells/mm2 preoperatively, which was reduced to 1989.33 (range, 1546–2543) cells/mm2 at 12 months follow-up indicating a mean endothelial cell loss of 35%. The failure rate was 21.7%.Conclusion:This study demonstrates that with a single donor corneal tissue, both DALK and DMEK can be performed successfully without any complications. Our technique will help corneal surgeons in all developing countries to cost effectively perform more lamellar surgeries and help in reducing the magnitude of corneal blindness without the need for expensive microkeratomes.  相似文献   

Descemet membrane endothelial keratoplasty (DMEK) is a selective replacement of dysfunctional endothelium with healthy donor Descemet membrane and endothelium. Although the donor preparation and surgical methods still remain a challenge, DMEK is gaining popularity in terms of early rehabilitation and visual outcomes. New and improved donor preparation techniques like prestripped DMEK tissues are being taken up rapidly because of less manipulation that is required in the surgical theatre. Donor graft delivery in the recipient eye has also been improved because of new products like prestripped and preloaded membranes. As DMEK is at its budding stage, only early outcomes have been known so far. Early graft detachment, rebubbling rates, and primary failures are still being studied in DMEK. As there are different techniques that are currently used for preparation and injection of the graft, it becomes difficult to judge the results based on specific inclusion and exclusion criteria. Graft detachment and rebubbling rates have been a huge challenge both during the surgery and also while reporting postoperative data. We highlight the importance of defining graft detachment and rebubbling rates and their surgical relevance, which may also have an impact on graft preparation and insertion techniques.  相似文献   

目的 观察角膜内皮移植手术(EK)治疗穿透性角膜移植术(PKP)后植片失代偿的长期临床效果。设计 回顾性病例系列。 研究对象 选取2008至2010年爱尔眼科医院收治的接受PKP术后植片内皮失代偿的患者6例(6眼)。 方法 对上述患者实施EK手术,对患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析。记录并分析患者术后视力、眼压、内皮细胞密度、排斥反应及并发症等。平均随访时间为(36.17±10.11)个月。主要指标  视力、眼压、内皮细胞密度、排斥反应及并发症。结果 术后所有患者植片均恢复透明,视力较前有不同程度提高,症状缓解。末次随访时,1例患者角膜失代偿,其余5例内皮细胞密度从986~1914个/mm2。随访期内,1例术后1天发生植片半脱位,经再次前房注气后贴附良好;1例术后5个月发生免疫排斥反应,经药物治疗植片保持透明;另1例患者未规律随诊,内皮移植术后26个月时发生排斥反应,导致失代偿。结论 对于反复发生免疫排斥反应导致植片混浊的高危患者,角膜内皮移植手术是可供选择的治疗方法。  相似文献   

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