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实行母婴同室 提高母乳喂养率   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文介绍了对92例母婴同室并给予喂养指导的产妇、57例非母婴同室未给予喂养指导的产妇进行4个月随访调查的情况,并分析了影响母乳喂养的原因。结果表明,母婴同室能提高母乳喂养率,到产后120天,母婴同室组纯母乳喂养率为39.13%,明显高于非母婴同室组19.30%的纯母乳喂养率。本文提出母乳喂养成功与否同妇幼保健制度、母乳喂养宣传和产前产后医生的指导密切相关,并对改革产科制度以提高母乳喂养率进行了讨论。  相似文献   

本文介绍了北京妇产医院进行产科制度改革,实行母婴同室,按需哺乳,早吸吮、早开奶,降低了产褥期产妇的发病率和新生儿感染及消化道疾病的发病率,提高了母乳喂养率,同时,也促进了非母婴同室母乳喂养工作的开展。实践证明,改革产科制度,实行母婴同室,早开奶,有利于母婴的健康。  相似文献   

许洁  王颖 《工企医刊》2003,16(1):103-103
实行母婴同室是产科制度的重大改革,我院自1994年改革产科的管理制度,实行了母婴同室,并采取了一系列措施,加强了母婴同室婴儿的护理,大大提高了母乳喂养率,增加了母婴的健康。 1 建立各项规章制度 1.1 严格交接班制度床前交接班是一项重要的管理制度,交接班时,值班者必须在婴儿床前向接班者详细交待婴儿的本班情况,每个值班者必须勤巡视每例婴儿,做到心中有数,并对每例新生儿的分娩时间、分娩方式,Apgar评分、吃奶情况、大小便、体温等做书面交班报告,以保证婴儿的护理质量。 1.2 建立协助产妇喂母乳的制度母乳喂养是保障婴儿健康成长的最基础的措施,产妇回病房后,护士要立即到病床  相似文献   

母乳是婴儿最佳及最理想食物,母乳中含有婴儿出生后半年内所需的全部营养物质,而且清洁无菌,含有各种免疫球蛋白及抗体,通过婴儿吸吮反射,可促进产妇子宫收缩,有助于分娩后止血及恶露排出,所以母乳喂养对母婴均有益无弊。现将我院剖宫产术后母婴同室,母乳喂养,剖宫产产妇的情况报告如下。  相似文献   

促进母乳喂养的措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文阐述了济南市妇幼保健院为促进母乳喂养,改革了产科制度,成立了母乳喂养领导小组,加强了母乳喂养健康教育,培训母乳喂养技术骨干,建立健全母乳喂养规章制度,实行母婴同室,早吸吮、早开奶,提高了母乳喂养率,降低了新生儿发病率和产妇产褥期发病率。  相似文献   

<正> 本院开展母婴同室工作已有多年.1982年我们进行母乳喂养情况调查,了解到当时的母乳喂养率仅有41.06%,虽然加强了产后宣教,但对提高母乳喂养率的作用不大.因此,我们决定改革医院制度,改母子分室为母婴同室.这项工作前后经过三个阶段. 第一阶段是试点阶段(1983.5~1984.12).开始时,母婴同室在国内并无经验及模式可以借鉴,只能自己摸索.我们在原来一个正常产后休养室内,用8张床位作为母婴同室的试点部位,配备3名护士和1名工人日夜进行观察、指导、记录等护理工作,并有儿科及妇产科医师兼管母婴情况.产妇  相似文献   

目的观察新生儿母乳不耐受发生情况并调查分析其影响因素,为提高母乳喂养提供指导信息。方法选取2019年1-10月在该院住院生产的产妇500例为研究对象,统计新生儿母乳不耐受发生情况,比较新生儿母乳不耐受与新生儿母乳耐受的产妇(年龄、学历、孕期增重、孕期并发症、分娩方式、产后感染、泌乳时间)、新生儿(性别、胎龄、出生体质量、胎儿窘迫史、出生时窒息史)、母婴接触及喂养(母婴同室、早接触、早吸吮、按需哺乳)情况,将差异有统计学意义的项目纳入多因素Logistic回归分析,分析新生儿母乳不耐受发生的影响因素。结果新生儿母乳不耐受发生率为8.2%(41/500),均发生在产后1周内,主要表现为呕吐、腹胀、胃潴留和排便不畅等。两组产妇学历、分娩方式、产后感染、泌乳时间,新生儿胎龄、出生体质量、胎儿窘迫史、出生时窒息史,母婴同室、早接触、早吸吮、按需哺乳方面比较,差异均有统计学意义(均P0.05)。多因素Logistic回归分析结果显示,产妇产后感染,新生儿胎龄、出生体质量、胎儿窘迫史、出生时窒息史及母婴同室、早接触、早吸吮、按需哺乳是新生儿母乳不耐受发生的影响因素(均P0.05)。结论新生儿母乳不耐受发生的影响因素复杂多样,包括产妇产后感染、新生儿胎龄、出生体质量、胎儿窘迫史、出生时窒息史及母婴同室、早接触、早吸吮、按需哺乳,临床工作者应加强母乳喂养的宣传教育工作,产后严密监测新生儿母乳喂养情况,采取针对性预防措施有效改善新生儿母乳不耐受状况。  相似文献   

牡丹江市政府将提高母乳喂养率纳入工作日程,建立了领导机构,加强了部门协作,制定了规划,加强了管理。妇幼保健机构加强了母乳喂养健康教育,使母婴同室的产妇出院后的纯母乳喂养率达88%。  相似文献   

目的探讨我院母婴同室病房新生儿护理存在的问题及相应的护理对策。方法通过分析19 93-20 12年母婴同室病房存在的问题,提出整改措施。结果整改后有效提高了母乳喂养率和产妇及家属的满意度,保证了母婴安全。结论通过采取正确的护理管理、护理措施及健康宣教,可以提高母婴同室新生儿母乳喂养率及安全保障。  相似文献   

王颖  许洁  李乃美 《工企医刊》2002,15(4):46-46
我院自1996年9月10日实行母婴同室,至1999年9月1日共出生新生儿3901名,实行母乳喂养者达3861名,出现母乳性黄疸者3名,男婴2名,女婴1名,占喂母乳人数的0.08%。报告如下。 1 临床资料 1.1 一般资料母婴同室的婴儿。建立母乳喂养卡片,凡出院产妇每人填写1张联系卡,由产科保健人员负责对婴儿黄疸的发生、发展及与母乳的关系进行随访观察,并做好登记工作。 1.2 母乳性黄疸的分型 (1)早发型:婴儿出生喂母乳后3天~4天出现黄疸,5天~7天黄疸达高峰,停母乳或用人工  相似文献   

社会,特别是母亲的母乳喂养观念淡化,忽视了母乳喂养的重要性;医疗保健人员对促进母乳喂养的工作重视不够;有关保护妇女、儿童健康的立法不够,或有了立法,但实施不力;缺乏母乳喂养的必要的社会支持;产科及妇幼保健服务能力不足是我国母乳喂养率下降的主要原因。致使我国母乳喂养率自70年代以来出现了明显下降趋势,如北京市区的母乳喂养率由50年代的81%下降到1989年的13%;上海市1989年为15%;农村母乳喂养率也有较明显下降。提高我国母乳喂养率的主要措施为:加强有关母乳喂养的健康教育和技术培训;加强保护妇女、儿童健康的立法;建立和改善母乳喂养的社会支持条件;改善有关母乳喂养的保健服务水平;加强有关母乳喂养的科研工作;建立母乳喂养的监测和监督体制。以使我国的母乳喂养率尽快提高到WHO提出的指标。  相似文献   

哈尔滨市南岗区妇产医院在争创爱婴医院的过程中,运用管理机制,健全各项规章制度,形成了一套完整的管理运行机制。管理机制由3个部分组成,即建立培训制度,实施培训计划;建立一整套母乳喂养的规章制度及医护人员的岗位责任制;建立健全母乳喂养的组织管理体系。  相似文献   

The study, aiming to document the effect of continued support for mothers on frequency of exclusive breast feeding, was carried out by inclusion of breast feeding counselling in the context of well-baby care. One hundred and forty-six mothers who had been exposed to two educational sessions on breast feeding after delivery were given appointments to bring their baby to the paediatric hospital for well-baby care. The mother-infant pairs were followed by the same two residents for 4 months. Mean number of visits was six. A conscious effort was made during all visits to influence the mothers and their close relatives towards exclusive breast feeding. It was observed that in a large proportion of the infants, breast milk was being supplemented with water at the time of the first visit and no further effort was made to change this traditional behaviour. Comparison of the results with a group of mothers who had been exposed to similar educational sessions after delivery but without further support showed a striking increase in frequency of exclusive breast feeding (breast milk and water) in the supported group.  相似文献   

The promotion of breast feeding is 1 of 17 nutrition objectives set out in the Public Health Service''s Objectives for the Nation. Trends in breast feeding for the last 30 years are reviewed. While the proportion of mothers breast feeding in the overall American population has been steadily increasing, there is still much to be accomplished in order to meet the 1990 national breast feeding objective. Low-income women still lag behind middle-and upper-income women in starting and maintaining breast feeding. Several sources of barriers to breast feeding exist: society, the health care profession, and the family. In addition, economic and cultural barriers further inhibit breast feeding efforts of low-income women. Efforts to promote breast feeding have been initiated at national, State, and local levels, as well as in the private sector. A summary of key initiatives at all levels is given. Future directions for breast feeding promotion include (a) increasing educational efforts directed to pregnant women and their families, (b) changing the routines and practices in hospitals, (c) improving and increasing the support systems available to breast feeding women, (d) providing education to all health professionals in maternal and infant health care, (e) increasing the scope of efforts and media used to educate the general public, (f) increasing the acceptance by employers of the need for workplace accommodation for breast feeding women, and (g) continuing research efforts. One way to address the challenges ahead is to link up with other community organizations and agencies. The Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies Coalition is one vehicle for this purpose.  相似文献   

Objective The purpose of this study was to assess the knowledge, attitudes, behaviors and training needs of child care providers on infant feeding practices, specifically breastfeeding. Methods Needs assessment surveys for child care directors and infant room teachers were developed, tested and mailed to the 277 Colorado child care centers licensed to care for infants (≤12 months); 1,385 surveys were mailed. Results A total of 267 surveys were received for an overall response rate of 20%. The majority (79%) of infant room teachers and directors reported low knowledge on ways to adequately store breastmilk and formula. Perceived attitudes on the advantages and disadvantages of breastmilk versus formula as well as behaviors associated with offering working mothers a supportive breastfeeding environment (e.g. breast pumps available at center, offer mothers a place to breastfeed) were also examined. Directors and infant room teachers desired updated infant feeding information for themselves, co-workers and parents. They wanted English and Spanish information regarding breastfeeding, formula feeding and introducing solid foods. Eighty-six percent of directors and 67% of teachers stated they have Internet access at work. Eighty-eight percent of directors and 79% of teachers would be interested in an infant feeding website. Conclusions According to the results of the needs assessment, child care directors and infant room teachers are in need of current, accessible infant feeding information. Child care directors and infant room teachers desired a website with bilingual and best practice infant feeding information specific to the needs of child care providers.  相似文献   

Proper feeding of the mother during pregnancy and lactation -- preferably with locally available foods -- will optimize the volume and composition of breast milk (both as the sole food for the young baby and as a supplement for the transitional). This approach will avoid the economic, infective and distributive complexities of introducing cow's milk and bottle feeding unnecessarily, and will also help to retard the decline in breast feeding on a community basis.  相似文献   

母乳喂养实用技术   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文对母乳喂养的实用技术和注意事项作了详细论述.认为母乳喂养应包括产前准备、产后早吸吮、母婴同室和随访.并应加强母乳喂养知识教育,加强对乳房护理、哺喂技巧的指导.  相似文献   

Despite widespread advocacy of breast feeding, many babies are breast fed only briefly, if at all. Mothers' decisions on how to feed are often made before the birth; so we have sought demographic, social and psychological factors that might be amenable to intervention during pregnancy. In the Avon Longitudinal Study of Pregnancy and Childhood about 12,000 women completed questionnaires in pregnancy. Univariate analyses were carried out to establish which factors were related to breast feeding intentions. All significant factors in univariate analyses were entered into logistic regression analyses. Demographic characteristics independently related to intentions to breast feed included older maternal age, more maternal education, primiparity and not smoking; in previous work all these had been associated with actual feeding behaviour. Social relationship variables had a small influence. Of the psychological variables, a notable finding was that women who were preoccupied with their body shape and those who expressed controlling, less child-centred, responses to managing an infant in the postnatal months were less likely to express intentions to breast feed. Depression did not predict breast feeding intentions once the other factors had been taken into account. Health care professionals may be able to intervene to increase breast feeding by making routine enquiries during antenatal care and targeting appropriate subgroups.  相似文献   

为提高母乳喂养率(Breast feeding rate,BFR),我们提出“强化母乳喂养为中心的保健服务”方案。实验组产后4个月末的BFR为80.2%,2个对照组分别为50.46%和48.67%。通过强化保健使实验组中25.7%想放弃母乳喂养的母亲转而坚持母乳喂养。另外2个对照组中,一个BFR一直在53%左右,另1个BFR逐月下降。  相似文献   

目的:探讨在常规乳房护理的基础上进行穴位按摩对母乳喂养的影响。方法:选择160例产妇分为实验组(80例)和对照组(80例),对照组采用常规乳房护理,实验组在此基础上穴位按摩。记录两组产妇乳房硬度、疼痛及母乳喂养情况。结果:实验组乳房疼痛程度在产后第2天明显高于对照组(P0.01),在产后第3、4天较对照组轻(P0.05、P0.01);乳房硬度在第2天时实验组大于对照组,第4天实验组低于对照组(P0.01)。全部母乳喂养率实验组高于对照组,有统计学差异。结论:在常规乳房护理的基础上进行穴位按摩可促进乳汁分泌,减轻乳房胀痛,促进母乳喂养。  相似文献   

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