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上皮样血管肉瘤的临床病理分析   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
Liu M  Ba E  Zhao P  Li X 《中华病理学杂志》2002,31(5):407-410
目的 分析上皮样血管肉瘤的临床病理特点及需进行鉴别诊断的肿瘤。方法 利用HE染色,免疫组织化学抗生物素蛋白-生物素复合物法(ABC法)观察15例上皮样血管肉瘤,电镜观察其中12例,结果 15例中12例为男性,3例为女性,发生部位;腹膜后3例,四肢软组织3例,肌骨4例,甲状腺2例,眶上缘1例,胸壁软组织1例,颈部软组织1例。临床症状包括局部肿物及其引起的疼痛,消瘦,乏力。影像学检查显示肿瘤多为实性或囊实性,直径可达3-20cm。镜下观察瘤组织或弥漫成片或聚集成巢,伴有出血和多灶坏死,瘤组织内常见大小不等的不规则腔隙,衬附异型瘤细胞,单个瘤细胞或多个瘤细胞形成空腔包绕红细胞。电镜可观察到胞质内空泡,W-P小体,中间丝及细胞基底膜的存在,瘤细胞可表达CD34,CD31,Ⅷ因子相关抗原,细胞角蛋白,上皮膜抗原,血管周细胞表达平滑肌肌动蛋白,临床主要采用手术切除的治疗方法,偶尔辅以放疗。随访/2例存活,术后存活期分别为19个月,7年;12例已死亡,术后存活期最短为2周,最长38个月,平均19个月;1例失访。8例患者发生肺,骨,淋巴结和腹腔转移。结论 上皮样血管肉瘤是高度恶性肉瘤,免疫组织化学检测和电镜观察有助于确定肿瘤的内皮分化,上皮样血管肉瘤需与转移癌,上皮样血管内皮细胞瘤,恶性黑色素瘤,上皮样肉瘤等鉴别。  相似文献   

子宫上皮样平滑肌瘤的临床病理观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨子宫上皮样平滑肌瘤(epithelioid leiomyoma,EL)的临床病理特征和生物学特性。方法 收集14例子宫EL的临床和病理资料。随机抽取同期l0例子宫低度恶性间质细胞肉瘤作为对照。采用二步法进行actin、Des、EMA和CDl0免疫组化染色。结果 子宫EL临床表现无特征性。镜下显示肿瘤细胞呈类似上皮细胞样的圆形、卵圆形或多边形,核呈圆形或卵圆形,胞质嗜伊红染色或部分伴空泡化改变似核周晕,也可表现为富含糖原的透明细胞。平均核分裂象0~1个10HPF。14例EL的actin、Des全部阳性表达,EMA9例阳性,CDl0有2例呈弱阳性。l0例子宫低度恶性间质细胞肉瘤actin、Des、EMA和CDl0分别有5例、3例、2例和7例阳性表达。结论 子宫EL有特殊的病理形态特征;免疫组化有助于鉴别诊断。  相似文献   

Kimura病和上皮样血管瘤的临床病理学观察   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Lu L  Chen RG  Li XQ  Wang J 《中华病理学杂志》2005,34(6):353-357
目的探讨Kimura病和上皮样血管瘤的临床病理学特征、免疫学表型及两者的鉴别诊断。方法分析和观察9例Kimura病和3例上皮样血管瘤的临床资料和组织学形态,应用免疫组织化学(SP法)研究其免疫表型,所用抗体包括CD43、CD3、CD45RO(UCHL-1)、CD20、CD79α、Ki-67、CD31、CD34、第Ⅷ因子相关抗原(FⅧRAg)、CD68(KP-1)和细胞角蛋白(AE1/AE3)。结果临床上,Kimura病多见于男性患者,而上皮样血管瘤多见于女性。两者均好发于头颈部,但Kimura病多表现为皮下多发性结节或局部肿胀,部分病例伴有区域淋巴结肿大,而上皮样血管瘤则多表现为皮肤单发的小结节或丘疹样病变。组织学上,两者均可位于真皮内或皮下,但Kimura病均以增生的淋巴组织为主,其中7例可见淋巴滤泡形成,内含活跃的生发中心,滤泡问可见大量增生的毛细血管后微静脉型血管,其内皮呈肿胀状或扁平状,血管周围和滤泡旁可见大量的嗜酸性粒细胞浸润,3例内可见嗜酸性微脓疡形成。3例上皮样血管瘤均以成簇增生的血管为主,其中2例为毛细血管型,1例为小至中等大的血管型。血管内衬胞质丰富、深嗜伊红染的上皮样内皮细胞。除内衬管腔外,内皮细胞还可在血管腔内生长或在血管周围呈实性片状增生或排列成条索状,部分细胞的胞质内含有空泡,拟形成原始血管腔。2例的问质内可见多少不等的慢性炎症细胞反应,但不见淋巴滤泡形成,嗜酸性粒细胞浸润也远不如Kimura病明显。免疫组织化学显示,Kimura病中的淋巴滤泡表达B细胞抗原,滤泡间的淋巴细胞多表达T细胞标记,而上皮样血管瘤中的内皮细胞强阳性表达CD31和FⅧRAg等内皮标记。结论Kimura病和上皮样血管瘤是两种完全不同的病种,前者是一种淋巴组织的增生,而后者则是一种良性的血管瘤,掌握两者的临床特点和组织学形态对避免将两者相互混淆具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

Bone vascular tumors are very rare. Epithelioid types are described according to their architecture, their degree of vascular differentiation, and their cytonuclear atypia. The include epithelioid hemangioma, epithelioid hemangioendothelioma, and angiosarcoma. We report a case of L4 corpus vertebral bone epithelioid hemangioma. The patient was a 25-year-old man with a tumor that recurred twice. The lesion was characterized by a vascular lumen lined by cells with regular nuclei and inflammatory infiltrates. Capillaries were lined by prominent epithelioid endothelial cells, associated with CD31+ and cytokeratin-.  相似文献   

Epithelioid hemangioma is a rare and benign vascular tumor, most often occurring in the skin. Numerous other localizations, including bones, have been reported. The overall favorable clinical outcome of cutaneous epithelioid hemangioma is now well documented, but it still remains debated in osseous localization, as local recurrences and metastases have been described. We report a case of epithelioid hemangioma of the spine occurring in a 25-year-old male, and discuss main differential diagnoses. Recent studies tend to demonstrate that osseous epithelioid hemangioma, as cutaneous epithelioid hemangioma, should be considered as a benign tumor. Histologically, epithelioid hemangioma consists of a vascular proliferation with diffuse or lobular pattern and features vascular spaces lined by epitheliod endothelial cells with numerous lymphocytes and eosinophils. The main differential diagnosis is represented by epithelioid hemangioendothelioma, the surgical treatment of which must be more aggressive. Precise histological diagnosis is essential for accurate clinical management and to avoid overtreatment.  相似文献   

Castleman病的临床病理观察   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
目的 研究Castleman病临床病理学的特点,探讨其鉴别诊断和发病机制。方法 观察26例Castleman病的病理形态,用EnVision两步法对其中20例行CD45RO、CD45RA、CD20,以及κ、λ轻链免疫组织化学染色,结合其临床表现、治疗进行分析,并获得16例的随访资料。结果 临床表现为伴有贫血、血沉快、血清球蛋白异常、肝脾肿大、皮疹以及肺和肾损害,1例因并发肺损害和肾衰竭死亡。病变呈局灶性20例、多中心性6例;透明血管型19例、浆细胞型4例和混合细胞型3例。多中心性包括了4例浆细胞型和2例混合细胞型;局灶性20例中,13例仅有单发淋巴结肿大,且均为透明血管型,预后良好。另7例伴副肿瘤性天疱疮者,有血清球蛋白异常(4/7)及肺脏异常(5/7例),透明血管型6例和混合型1例,伴套区淋巴细胞和树突状网织细胞,小血管和浆细胞增生。术后皮损好转,肺损害无改变。免疫组织化学可见κ和λ两种轻链的表达。结论 Castleman病为淋巴组织增生性疾病,临床和病理上要与多种疾病鉴别,且病理的鉴别尤其重要。它的多器官受累可能与自身免疫疾病的发病机制相似。  相似文献   

Four cases of cutaneous epithelioid angiosarcoma are described together with the potential diagnostic trap of mistaking these tumours for poorly differentiated carcinoma or malignant melanoma. The immunophenotypic profile using four endothelial markers showed positive staining in all cases for factor VIII related antigen in a predominantly paranuclear dot-like fashion and for CD31 (JC70); in three cases for CD34 (QB-END/10) and in two cases with UEA-1. All four cases were cytokeratin (CAM 5.2 and AE1/AE3) negative in contrast to the positive staining reported at non-cutaneous sites. Aberrant S-100 protein expression was seen in one case. In two cases subsequent recurrences showed better differentiation than the original tumour. Electronmicroscopy confirmed the absence of non-endothelial lines of differentiation but failed to reveal Weibel-Palade bodies.  相似文献   

A series of 44 cases of benign Hodgkin''s disease is reported. The condition occurs most commonly between the ages of 15 and 35 years and affects men more often than women. The presenting symptom is painless lymphadenopathy, frequently in the neck, and often confined to a single group of nodes. The histological features are the presence of Sternberg-Reed cells in a back-ground of mature lymphocytes intermingled with a small number of reticulum cells. Mitotic figures are usually present only in the Sternberg-Reed cells. The prognosis is good; 93% of cases survive five years and 85% 10 years. About one-quarter of the cases show transition to classical Hodgkin''s disease after a period of five or more years and die with widely disseminated Hodgkin''s disease. Biopsy-excision followed by radiotherapy is the treatment of choice.  相似文献   

We report and discuss a case of Kimura's disease with an unusual eosinophilic epithelioid granulomatous reaction. A 3-year-old Japanese boy with eosinophilia and a high concentration of IgE developed lymphadenopathy and multiple cervical masses. A lymph node biopsy demonstrated the infiltration of eosinophils in the stroma, which is consistent with the findings of Kimura's disease. Interestingly, a number of apoptotic eosinophils was detected in the infiltrating eosinophils. Multiple epithelioid granulomas with central eosinophilic abscesses and necrosis were also observed. Macrophages and giant cells had phagocytosed the apoptotic eosinophils at the edge of the granulomas. In situ terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP-biotin nick end-labeling (TUNEL) assay showed that the TUNEL-positive eosinophils were both in the macrophages and in the central eosinophilic abscesses of the granulomas. These findings suggest that the eosinophils had undergone an accelerated apoptosis in this case of Kimura's disease, and that the epithelioid granulomas were produced by phagocytosis of the apoptotic eosinophils by macrophages.  相似文献   

Administered Kimura's Recurring-Figures-Test to 427 normal Ss from Germany. A Kuder-Richardson test reliability of rtt = .94 was obtained. T-scale norms are given for two subgroups of different educational level.  相似文献   

The clinicopathological features of 29 patients with nodular sclerosing Hodgkin's disease are described. The histological appearances are those of a nodular pattern due to thick fibrous bands which encircle areas of abnormal lymphoid tissue in which a particular form of abnormal reticulum cell can be recognized. They can be further subdivided into well differentiated and poorly differentiated types; the median survival time from onset in the well differentiated type was approximately nine years and in the poorly differentiated type two years. The outstanding clinical feature of patients with the well differentiated histological pattern was repeated enlargements of various groups of lymph glands over long periods of time.  相似文献   

Sun ZJ  Zhang L  Zhang WF  Liu B  Li ZB  Zhao YF 《Medical hypotheses》2006,67(5):1133-1135
Epithelioid hemangioma is an uncommon benign vascular lesion with distinct clinicopathological characteristics. Histologically, this entity mainly composed of well-formed but often immature vessels lined by epithelioid endothelial cells with prominent chronic inflammatory component. There is considerable controversy whether epithelioid hemangioma is a reactive lesion or a true neoplasm. We postulated that the local hypoxia may play a role in the pathogenesis of this vascular tumor. This local hypoxic condition may caused by many incidences such as congenital vascular malformation or trauma. The hypoxia will lead to the proliferation of endothelial cells and the formation of this vascular tumor, which may lead by putative stimulators VEGF and HIF-1. Hypoxia may also promote endothelial cell proliferation through the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system. Additionally, the inflammatory cells including eosinophils and mast cells may contribute to the endothelial cell proliferation in EH. Further study investigating the associated factors of hypoxia may lead to new, potentially important insights into epithelioid hemangioma, and might also contribute to novel strategies for the management of this entity.  相似文献   

Epithelioid hemangioendothelioma (EHE) is a rare malignant angiocentric vascular neoplasm. Around 90% of classic EHE has a t(1;3)(p36;q25) that results in a WWTR1-CAMTA1 fusion gene, a histologically distinctive subset of EHE has been recently shown to have a t(10;14)(p13;q42)that results in a different fusion gene, YAP1-TFE3. Twenty-one cases of TFE3 Rearranged Epithelioid Hemangioendothelioma have been reported in the literature, and only two cases occurred in bone. In the report, we report additional two cases occurred in the femur and skull and review the related literature.  相似文献   

A clinicopathological study of liver disease in haemophiliacs.   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Chronic liver disease is not often reported in patients with haemophilia. Although a high incidence of abnormal liver function tests has been reported, the clinical significance of these findings and their relation to chronic liver disease cannot be established without a liver biopsy. The results of this procedure, carried out in 11 patients with severe haemophilia A and B, in whom SGOT had been persistently raised for three years, are reported. Five patients had chronic active hepatitis, four had chronic persistent hepatitis, one had cirrhosis, and one alcoholic hepatitis. No haemorrhagic complication followed the biopsy procedure, which was carried out in patients given prophylactic clotting factor concentrates. These results suggest that duration of abnormal liver function tests is likely to represent liver disease in haemophiliacs, and that biopsy should be considered to establish the diagnosis and plan a suitable therapeutic programme.  相似文献   

目的:探讨腹膜后血管周上皮样细胞肿瘤(perivascular epithelioid cell neoplasms,PEComas)的临床和病理学特点,提高对PEComas的认识和诊断水平。方法:对1例腹膜后恶性PEComas进行临床病理分析及免疫组织化学研究,并复习相关文献。结果:肿瘤组织主要由上皮样细胞构成,胞质丰富、透明或嗜酸性颗粒状,间质富于血管。免疫组织化学显示:肿瘤细胞平滑肌肌动蛋白、HMB45,melan A及Desmin阳性,上皮膜抗原和vimentin局灶阳性,CgA,Syn,S-100,CD117,CD34,细胞角蛋白,calretinin及inhibin均阴性。结论:腹膜后PEComas是一种非常罕见的肿瘤,具有独特的组织学和免疫组织化学特征,应与腹膜后其他上皮样细胞肿瘤进行鉴别。  相似文献   

We describe the clinicopathological findings in 12 cases of hepatic epithelioid haemangioendothelioma in order to identify diagnostic and prognostic features of this unusual vascular neoplasm. Three main tumour patterns were observed histologically: (1) a peripheral pattern with neoplastic cells scattered between fairly normal liver cell plates; (2) a cellular pattern showing a confusing admixture of pleomorphic tumour cells and atrophied hepatocytes set in a small amount of fibrous stroma; and (3) a scarred pattern with sparse tumour cells in a dense fibrous matrix. There were two types of vascular invasion: tuft-like intravascular proliferations of epithelioid cells and fibro-thrombotic venous occlusions. Awareness of these different aspects is important, as they are variably sampled by biopsy needles. The clinical course in this series was less favourable than that previously reported. Eight patients have died, in six instances of liver failure within 4-41 months of diagnosis. Extensive involvement of both lobes of the liver heralds imminent hepatic failure. The slow growth of metastases may justify liver transplantation in order to prolong life.  相似文献   

Cases filed as vascular tumor of bone other than ordinary hemangioma were reviewed. They were included in the study if there was adequate histologic material and clinical information, clear evidence of bone origin, and at least 5 years follow-up. The study group comprised 17 cases, of which 13 were categorized as hemangioendothelioma of bone, 1 as epithelioid hemangioendothelioma, and 3 as high-grade angiosarcoma. Hemangioendothelioma of bone had growth patterns varying from vasoformative to solid, but well-formed vessels were present in at least some area in all cases. The cells generally had a rounded, epithelioid character, regular nuclei, and relatively few mitotic figures; occasional features included spindle cells and scattered enlarged, hyperchromatic or pleomorphic nuclei. Lymphoplasmacytic and eosinophilic inflammatory infiltrate ranged from prominent to slight or absent, and myxoid or hyaline stroma was never more than focal. Epithelioid hemangioma could not be separated from hemangioendothelioma of bone. The single epithelioid hemangioendothelioma for the most part had cords of relatively uniform epithelioid cells in a prominent myxoid stroma but focally demonstrated an angiosarcoma-like appearance, with irregular vascular spaces and marked nuclear pleomorphism. The high-grade angiosarcomas exhibited predominantly irregular vasoformation combined with solid areas, diffuse nuclear hyperchromatism and pleomorphism, and, in 2 cases, numerous mitotic figures (the third case had only a small biopsy and a postradiation amputation specimen). Of the hemangioendotheliomas of bone, 7 were unicentric and 6 were regionally multicentric either concurrently or sequentially. Three patients had intraosseous local recurrence, 2 had discontinuous regional skin or soft tissue involvement (including the popliteal artery in 1), and 1 had a solitary lung metastasis, but none died of tumor. The patient with epithelioid hemangioendothelioma had multicentric tumors in widely separated bones and died with liver and lung metastases. Two of the high-grade angiosarcomas were unicentric, and the third was regionally multicentric, with a popliteal artery-soft tissue component as well. All 3 of these patients died with metastases in various sites.  相似文献   

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