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This work involved determining the fracture toughness, KIc (in MPa(square root)m) (using rectangular compact tension specimens) and impact strength, IS (in kJ/m2) (Charpy type specimens) of Surgical Simplex P and three variants of Palacos R acrylic bone cements. The best fit to these results yielded a power relationship KIc = 0.795(IS)0.59. The usefulness of this relationship is detailed, especially for the purpose of performing quality control checks on bone cements.  相似文献   

Interfacial fracture toughness between bovine cortical bone and cements   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
To evaluate the bonding strength of the interfaces within the cemented arthroplasty system, various mechanical tests have been used. Conventional push-out and pull-out tests cannot reveal the actual bonding property of the interface because of the significant influence of surface roughness on the measured adhesion and the failure to account for the mismatch of elastic modulus across the interface. An alternative fracture mechanics approach, which considers the mix of opening and shear modes of the crack tip loading associated with the testing system and the elastic mismatch of materials across the interface, was used to evaluate the bonding ability of various cements. The four-point bend interfacial delamination test by Charalambides et al. (J. Appl. Mech. 56 (1989) 77; Mech. Mater. 8 (1990) 269) was used to quantify the bonding ability of cements. This method is arguably more suitable since the applied loading mode is comparable to the nature of loading within the prosthetic system, which is primarily bending. The bovine bone specimens were polished to mirror finish to eliminate bonding by mechanical interlocking. The results revealed minimal bonding for the conventional bone cement (PMMA) whereas substantial bonding was evident for the glass-ionomer cements tested. However, only the conventional glass-ionomer cements showed evidence of bonding on testing, while the resin-modified glass-ionomer cement (poly-HEMA) did not. The latter appeared to debond before testing because of excessive expansion stresses associated with swelling in water.  相似文献   

Biological and mechanical properties of PMMA-based bioactive bone cements   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
We reported previously that a bioactive PMMA-based cement was obtained by using a dry method of silanation of apatite-wollastonite glass ceramic (AW-GC) particles, and using high molecular weight PMMA particles. But handling and mechanical properties of the cement were poor (Mousa et al., J Biomed Mater Res 1999;47:336-44). In the present study, we investigated the effect of the characteristics of PMMA powder on the cement. Different cements containing different PMMA powders (CMW1, Surgical Simplex, Palacos-R and other two types of PMMA powders with Mw 270,000 and 1,200,000) and AW-GC filler in 70 wt% ratio except Palacos-R (abbreviated as B-CMW1 and B-Surg Simp, B-Palacos 50 [50 wt% AW-GC filler] and B-Palacos 70 [70 wt% AW-GC filler], B-270 and B-1200) were made. Dough and setting times of B-CMW1, B-Surg Simp B-270 and B-1200 were similar to the commercial CMW1 cement which did not contain bioactive powder (C-CMW1), but B-palacos which contained large PMMA beads with high Mw had delayed setting time. B-270 had the highest bending strength among the tested cements. After 4 and 8 weeks of implantation in the medullary canals of rat tibiae, the bone-cement interface was examined using SEM. The affinity index of B-1200 was significantly higher than the other types of cements. B-270 showed good combination of handling properties, high mechanical properties and showed higher bioactivity with minimal soft tissue interposition between bone and cement compared with commercial PMMA bone cement. This may increase the strength of the bone-cement interface and increase the longevity of cemented arthroplasties.  相似文献   

The composition of acrylic bone cement has been identified as one of the important parameters affecting its mechanical properties and may, in turn, ultimately influence the longevity of a cemented arthroplasty. Our aim in this study was to determine the influence of change of one compositional variable, the activator, on the fatigue performance and fracture toughness of specimens of the fully cured cement. To that end, three sets of cements were prepared, containing either the conventional activator, 4-N,N dimethyl p-toluidine (DMPT), or novel ones that are tertiary amines based on long-chain fatty acids, that is, 4-N,N dimethylaminobenzyl oleate (DMAO) and 4-N,N dimethylaminobenzyl laurate (DMAL). In the fatigue tests, the specimens were subjected to tension-tension loading, and the results (number of cycles to failure, Nf) were analyzed using the linearized form of the three-parameter Weibull equation. The fracture toughness (KIc) tests were conducted with rectangular compact tension specimens. All fracture surfaces were subsequently examined with scanning electron microscopy. We found that the Weibull mean fatigue lives for specimens fabricated using the DMPT, DMAL, and DMAO containing cements were 272,823, 453,551, and 583,396 cycles, respectively. The corresponding values for KIc were 1.94 +/- 0.05, 2.06 +/- 0.09, and 2.00 +/- 0.07 MPa radical m, respectively. Statistical analyses showed that for both the DMAL- and DMAO-containing cements, the mean values of Nf were significantly higher compared to the corresponding value for the DMPT-containing cement (Mann-Whitney test; alpha < 0.10). This result is attributed to the higher molecular weights of the former cements compared to the latter. The same trend was found for the mean KIc values (Mann-Whitney test; alpha < 0.05), with the trend being explained in terms of the differences seen in the crack morphologies. These results thus demonstrate that these novel amines are viable alternatives to DMPT for incorporation into acrylic bone cement formulations in the future.  相似文献   

We have developed two types of polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA)-based bioactive bone cements containing bioactive glass beads (designated GBC) or apatite-wollastonite containing glass-ceramic powder (designated AWC) as the filler. A new method was used to evaluate the bone-cement interfacial strength of these bioactive bone cements. Two types of bioactive bone cements (GBC and AWC) and PMMA cement (CMW-1) were put in a frame attached to the smooth tibial metaphyseal cortex of the rabbit and polymerized in situ. The load required to detach the cement from the bone was measured at 4, 8, and 16 weeks after implantation. The interfacial tensile strength of GBC and AWC showed significantly higher values than PMMA cement from 4 weeks, and increased with time. For GBC, strength reached a maximum value of 12.39 +/- 1.79 kgf 16 weeks after implantation. Histological examination of rabbit tibiae up to 16 weeks demonstrated no intervening layer between the bioactive bone cements and the bone, whereas fibrous tissue was observed at the interface between the PMMA cement and the bone. From this study, we conclude that PMMA-based bioactive bone cements have a relatively higher adhesiveness at the interface than the conventionally used PMMA cement, showing potential as a promising alternative.  相似文献   

Polymethylmethacrylate bone cement containing either no added antibiotic or 0.5 g of Gentamicin was prepared and stored either in air at room temperature or in a 37 degree C water bath for 48 h. An additive-free cement stored in air at room temperature was also tested for purposes of comparison. Following storage the specimens were tested in flexure. Weibull statistics demonstrated to fit the flexural strength distribution of all the materials tested with regression coefficients of at least 0.98. The presence of a BaSO(4) radiopacifier markedly reduced the mean flexural strength and increased the data scatter in the air-stored specimens. On the other hand, the flexural strength of both impregnated and nonimpregnated antibiotic increased when those materials were stored in water at 37 degree C, compared with the same material stored in air, as a consequence of the water ingress. The water-stored antibiotic-impregnated cement displayed lower flexural strength, increased data scatter, and a remarkably higher number of weak specimens compared with the antibiotic-free cement. The influence of the load type on the flexural behavior was studied by testing the air-stored specimens in three-point bending and four-point bending. Cements tested in four-point bending resulted in lower flexural strength than that tested in three-point bending. The ratio of mean strength measured in the different load arrangements was satisfactory, as predicted by the Weibull model.  相似文献   

Poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) is commonly used as acrylic bone cement to fix bone implants. In vivo degradation of bone cement may lead to a decrease in mechanical properties and result in aseptic loosening. Creeping can promote failure of the implant. This study used dynamic mechanical thermal analysis (DMTA) equipment, in the 0.01 to 50 Hz frequency range, to investigate the dynamic viscoelastic relaxation characteristics of CMW?, PROFIT QUIRÚRGICO and PALACOS PMMA-based bone cements. Their initial moduli were measured as 2450, 1850 and 1710 MPa, respectively. Relaxation master curves displayed similar features. The DMTA temperature range was between 20 and 75°C. Predictions for long-term relaxation moduli were analyzed and compared against published experimental data. The comparison revealed that master curves obtain using the time-temperature-superposition principle (TTSP) present a much slower relaxation modulus compared to long-term experimental data above 1000 s. However, extrapolations based on a time-power law applied to isothermal experimental data allow better long-term predictions.  相似文献   

Polymethylmethacrylate-based cements containing magnetite (Fe3O4) particles were prepared and their structure and properties were investigated. The Fe3O4 particles were uniformly dispersed in the cement matrix and constituted a maximum of 60 wt.% of the total weight of cement. The setting time of the cement increased and the maximum temperature during the setting reaction decreased with increasing Fe3O4 content. The compressive strength of cement increased with increasing Fe3O4 content. Cement with 50 wt.% Fe3O4 particles generated heat in alternating magnetic fields of 300 and 120 Oe at a frequency of 100 kHz.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the correlation between fracture toughness (K(Ic)) and flexural strength (FS) in dental porcelains. Porcelains with different leucite contents and clinical indications were used (A, B, C, D, and E). K(Ic) was determined by surface crack in flexure method (SCF) and FS was determined by four-point-bending test. Microstructural characterization was also carried out. The leucite contents of porcelains A, B, C, D, and E were, respectively, 22, 22, 6, 15, and 0%. Materials with higher leucite content (A and B) presented significantly higher K(Ic) values compared to materials with lower leucite content (C and E). The Weibull moduli (m) of porcelains A and B were statistically higher than those of the other three materials. Regarding characteristic strength (sigma(0)), porcelains D and E showed similar values and statistically higher than those of the other materials which were statistically different from each other. According to the regression analysis, sigma(0) increased with the increase of K(Ic) until approximately 0.75 MPa m(1/2). After that, the increase in K(Ic) was accompanied by a decrease in sigma(0). However, the Weibull modulus increased with the increase in K(Ic), especially for values greater than 0.80 MPa m(1/2).  相似文献   

Age-related changes in the skeleton often lead to an increase in the susceptibility of bone to fracture. The purpose of this study was to determine whether differences in material properties between the osteonal and interstitial regions of bone have an effect on bone fracture properties. Parameters such as longitudinal fracture toughness, transverse fracture toughness, porosity, interstitial microhardness, osteonal microhardness, bone density, and weight fractions of the mineral and organic phases of bone were examined as a function of age using female baboon femurs. With increasing age, the longitudinal fracture toughness decreased significantly as did transverse fracture toughness, whereas the interstitial microhardness increased. However, no significant differences in the other parameters were observed as a function of age. Using the ratio of interstitial microhardness to osteonal microhardness as a measure of the differences in the material properties in these two regions, correlation analysis revealed that the longitudinal fracture toughness of bone has a significant correlation with the microhardness ratio. Localized differences in material properties between osteonal and interstitial regions of bone increase with age; such differences may result in high stress concentrations at cement lines and facilitate longitudinal crack propagation.  相似文献   

The fracture toughness of titanium-fiber-reinforced bone cement.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fracture of the poly(methyl methacrylate) bone cement mantle can lead to the loosening and ultimate failure of cemented total joint prostheses. The addition of fibers to the bone cement increases fracture resistance and may reduce, if not eliminate, in vivo fracturing. This study discusses the effect of incorporating titanium (Ti) fibers on fracture toughness. Essential characteristics of the composite bone cement included a homogeneous and uniform fiber distribution, and a minimal increase in apparent viscosity of the polymerizing cement. Ti fiber contents of 1%, 2%, and 5% by volume increased the fracture toughness over non-reinforced bone cement by up to 56%. Bone cements of two different viscosities were used as matrix material, but when reinforced with the same fiber type and content, they showed no difference in fracture toughness. Four different fiber aspect ratios (68, 125, 227, 417) were tested. At 5% fiber content, there was no statistically significant dependence of fracture toughness on fiber aspect ratio. Scanning electron microscopy revealed important toughening mechanisms such as fiber/matrix debonding, local fracture path alteration, and ductile fiber deformation and fracture. Fiber fracture was evidence that the critical fiber length was exceeded. The surfaces of the Ti fibers were rough and irregular, indicating that a high degree of mechanical interlock between matrix and fiber was likely. The energy absorption contribution of plastic deformation and ductile fracture is absent in brittle fibers, like carbon, but is a distinction of the Ti fibers used in this study.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to evaluate the osteoconductivity and bone-bonding ability of two types of bioactive bone cement, both consisting of apatite and wollastonite containing glass-ceramic powder (AW-P), fused silica glass powder (SG-P), submicron fumed silica as an inorganic filler, and bisphenol-a-glycidyl methacrylate (Bis-GMA) based resin as an organic matrix. The cements had two kinds of formulas: one (dough-type cement; designated DTC) composed of 85% (w/w) filler and 15% resin, which was developed for fixation of the acetabular component in total hip arthroplasty and could be handled manually; and one (injection-type cement; designated ITC) composed of 79% (w/w) filler and 21% resin. ITC was developed for fixation of the femoral component and, because it had a lower viscosity than DTC, could be injected. The DTC and ITC both contained 73% AW-P, 25% SG-P, and 2% fumed silica in the weight ratio of the filler component. Two other types of cement, both of which consisted of 83.3% AW-P or SG-P, 1.7% fumed silica, and 15% resin, were used as reference material (designated AWC or SGC) for a detaching test. Following the packing of bone defects in the rat tibiae with either DTC or ITC, histological examination revealed that the DTC and ITC had both directly contacted the bone and were almost completely surrounded by bone by 16 weeks after the surgery and that no marked biodegradation had occurred at 52 weeks postimplantation. Rectangular plates (2 x 10 x 15 mm) of AWC, DTC, ITC, and SGC were implanted into the metaphysis of the tibia of male rabbits and the failure load was measured by a detaching test at 10 and 25 weeks after implantation. The failure loads of AWC, DTC, ITC, and SGC were 3.65, 2.21, 2.44, and 0.04 kgf at 10 weeks and 4.87, 2. 81, 2.82, and 0.13 kgf at 25 weeks, respectively. Observation of the bone-implant interface by scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray microanalysis revealed that all the samples except SGC formed direct contact with the bone and that only AWC-implanted tibiae had a layer of a low calcium and phosphorus level at the bone-implant interface. Results showed that DTC and ITC have excellent osteoconductivity and bone-bonding ability under non-weight-bearing conditions.  相似文献   

Bone is an adaptive material that is designed for different functional requirements; indeed, bones have a variety of properties depending on their role in the body. To understand the mechanical response of bone requires the elucidation of its structure–function relationships. Here, we examine the fracture toughness of compact bone of elk antler, which is an extremely fast-growing primary bone designed for a totally different function than human (secondary) bone. We find that antler in the transverse (breaking) orientation is one of the toughest biological materials known. Its resistance to fracture is achieved during crack growth (extrinsically) by a combination of gross crack deflection/twisting and crack bridging via uncracked “ligaments” in the crack wake, both mechanisms activated by microcracking primarily at lamellar boundaries. We present an assessment of the toughening mechanisms acting in antler as compared to human cortical bone, and identify an enhanced role of inelastic deformation in antler which further contributes to its (intrinsic) toughness.  相似文献   

New acrylic bone cements were prepared from alumina particles previously treated by 3-(trimethoxysilyl)propylmethacrylate (gamma-MPS) and embedded in poly(methylmethacrylate-co-ethylacrylate) beads with about 7 mol% of ethyl acrylate repeating units. The encapsulation was performed through a conventional suspension polymerization process. The influence of (i) the concentration of the dispersion stabilizer and (ii) the alumina content upon the shape, size, and size distribution of the acrylic beads was studied. Cements were prepared from each batch by hand-mixing alumina-filled acrylic beads with a liquid monomer mixture containing methyl methacrylate, n-butyl methacrylate, and N,N-dimethyl-p-toluidine. Benzoyl peroxide was previously added to the solid part. The powder-to-liquid ratio was equal to 2 for each formulation. Compressive strength of cured cement decreases with alumina content, whereas compressive modulus remains roughly constant. These results are in contradiction to those obtained for cements based on a mixture of gamma-MPS-treated alumina and unfilled acrylic beads. Nevertheless, they are interpreted in terms of alumina arrangement in the cement. In the first case, alumina particles contribute to the reinforcement of the dispersed acrylic phase, with poor benefits for the whole materials. In the second case, they allow the reinforcement of the continuous acrylic phase and, therefore, the cement's one.  相似文献   

In this study, the fatigue strengths of acrylic cement prepared by various commercially available reduced pressure mixing systems were compared with the fatigue strength of cement mixed by hand (control) under atmospheric conditions. The following observations were made from this investigation. The mean fatigue strength of reduced pressure mixed acrylic bone cement is double that of cement mixed by hand using an open bowl, 11,354+/-6,441 cycles to failure for reduced pressure mixing in comparison with 5,938+/-3,199 cycles for mixing under atmospheric conditions. However, the variability in mean fatigue strengths of reduced pressure mixed bone cement is greater for some mixing devices. The variation in fatigue strengths for the different mixing techniques is explained by the different porosity distributions. The design of the reduced pressure mixing system and the technique employed during mixing strongly contribute to the porosity distribution within the acrylic bone cement. The level of reduced pressure applied during cement mixing has an effect on the fatigue strength of bone cement, but the mixing mechanism is significantly more influential.  相似文献   

目的探讨前交叉韧带(ACL)撕脱骨折与胫骨平台后侧骨损伤的相关性。方法回顾性分析2015年1月至2017年12月我院收治的36例急性ACL撕脱骨折患者和22例急性后交叉韧带(PCL)撕脱骨折患者的临床资料。通过查体、辅助检查,计算ACL撕脱骨折患者和PCL撕脱骨折患者胫骨平台后侧骨损伤的发生率。应用单因素Logistic回归法评估ACL撕脱骨折与胫骨平台后侧骨损伤的相关性。结果ACL撕脱骨折的36例患者中,胫骨平台后侧骨损伤发生率为88.89%(32/36);PCL撕脱骨折的22例患者中,胫骨平台后侧骨损伤发生率为31.81%(7/22),2组比较差异有统计学意义(χ2=20.19,P=0.001)。单因素Logistic回归分析显示,ACL撕脱骨折与胫骨平台后侧骨损伤具有相关性(OR=17.1,95%CI=4.34~67.67)。结论ACL撕脱骨折时伴有较高的胫骨平台后侧骨损伤发生率,胫骨平台后侧骨损伤可能为ACL撕脱骨折的伴随损伤,应引起注意。  相似文献   

In this study, a determination is made of the effect of loading rate, v (0.1 mm min(-1) versus 1.0 mm min(-1) versus 10 mm min(-1)) on the value of the plane strain fracture toughness, K(Ic), of three commercial formulations of acrylic bone cement (Osteopal), CMW3, and Copal), that are characterized as "low-", "medium-", and "high-" viscosity brands, respectively). For all formulations, K(Ic) increases with increase in v. However, while this trend is statistically significant for CMW3 and Copal, this is not so for Osteopal. The CMW3 and Copal results are explained in terms of changes of the molecular relaxation transitions in the cement and the thermal state at the crack tip of the test specimen. Two implications of the findings are discussed. In the case of Osteopal, a recommendation for further study is made.  相似文献   

G Lewis 《Biomaterials》1992,13(4):225-229
Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL) has now been established as an efficacious non-invasive modality for the management of renal calculi and has shown promise for management of other types of stone, as well. Following on from these successes, ESWL has recently been proposed for use in the preliminary stages of revision of cemented total hip joint replacements as a means of breaking up the cement mantle. It is useful, therefore, to examine the effect of shock waves on pertinent mechanical properties of the cement. This study utilizes the chevron-notch short-rod specimen and a commercially available test system to obtain the values of one such property, namely fracture toughness, of Palacos Radiopaque bone cement before and after treatment with shock waves delivered from a lithotriptor. The fracture toughness drops by about 14% following the shock wave treatment, thus confirming the possibility that ESWL can be used, as indicated earlier, in revision arthroplasty.  相似文献   

The composition and viscosity of an acrylic bone cement have both been identified in the literature as being parameters that affect the mechanical properties of the material and, by extension, the in vivo longevity of cemented arthroplasties. The objective of the present study was to determine the relative influence of these parameters on a key cement mechanical property; namely, its fracture toughness. Two sets of cements were selected purposefully to allow the study objective to be achieved. Thus, one set comprised two cements with very similar compositions but very different viscosities (Cemex RX, a medium-viscosity brand, and Cemex Isoplastic, a high-viscosity brand) while the other set comprised two cements with similar viscosities but with many differences in composition (Cemex Isoplastic and CMW 1). Values of the fracture toughness (as determined using chevron-notched short rod specimens) [K(ISR)] obtained for Cemex RX and Cemex Isoplastic were 1.83 +/- 0.12 and 1.85 +/- 0.12 MPa square root(m), respectively, with the difference not being statistically significant. The K(ISR) values obtained for Cemex Isoplastic and CMW 1 were 1.85 +/- 0.12 and 1.64 +/- 0.18 MPa square root(m), respectively, with the difference being statistically significant. Thus, the influence of cement composition on its K(ISR) is more marked relative to the influence of cement viscosity. Explanations of this finding are offered, together with comments on the implications of the results for the in vivo longevity of cemented arthroplasties.  相似文献   

背景:现有资料显示,膝关节是否为髋部骨折的危险因素之一,存在明显分歧。 目的:观察膝关节退变在低能量性髋部骨折中的作用及其机制。 方法:回顾性研究2014年10月至2015年1月因轻微外伤性股骨颈骨折、股骨转子间骨折而入院治疗的患者116例,男38例,女78例;发病年龄(69.2±14.5)岁;均为单纯髋关节骨折。所有患者常规拍摄双髋关节、双膝关节正侧位片。统计所有患者的临床资料,并对双侧膝关节采用Kellgren和Lawrence评分标准进行分级,行双侧膝关节HSS评分,髋关节WOMAC评分。 结果与结论:116例骨折类型为:股骨颈骨折66例,股骨转子间骨折48例,股骨转子下骨折2例;膝关节KL分级:0级0例;Ⅰ级21例;Ⅱ级51例;Ⅲ级44例;Ⅳ级0例;KL分级骨折侧平均为(2.19±0.72)级,健侧为(1.51±0.52)级,两侧差异有显著性意义(P < 0.05);膝关节HSS评分:骨折侧为(78.4±8.09)分,健侧为(80.2±8.1)分,两侧差异有显著性意义(P < 0.05)。结果提示,膝关节退变对低暴力损伤性股骨颈骨折、股骨转子间等髋部骨折的发生具有一定作用,膝关节退行性改变可以促进股骨颈骨折、股骨转子间骨折的发生。中国组织工程研究杂志出版内容重点:组织构建;骨细胞;软骨细胞;细胞培养;成纤维细胞;血管内皮细胞;骨质疏松;组织工程  相似文献   

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