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The study was aimed at morphometric analysis of cluster organization of neurons, forming interzonal cortico-cortical connections within the visual cortex. The study employed the technique based on horseradish peroxidase retrograde transport and methods of mathematical analysis of spatial distribution of labeled cells. The quantitative characteristics of cell distribution were obtained including cluster volume and linear dimensions, distances between their centers of gravity, periodicity and distribution along cortical surface. Age-related peculiarities in the distribution of initial cells of cortical interzonal connections were found. It was demonstrated that adult cluster organization pattern was established by the end of the second postnatal month. Quantitative differences in the spatial distribution of neuronal groups in the visual cortical areas 17 and 18 were determined.  相似文献   

Summary A single, isolated interneuron with axonal arcades in the cat visual cortex was analysed in detail by both light and electron microscopy. The neuron was impregnated by the Golgi-Kopsch method, gold-toned, and processed for electron microscopy using the ethanolic phosphotungstic acid (PTA) staining method of Bloom & Aghajanian (1968). These methods, in combination, resulted in the successful identification of a large number of synaptic boutons arising from the axon of the cell under study. We examined serially at the electron microscope level 210 boutons of the axonal arborization of the cell. Of these, 152 formed identifiable symmetrical synaptic contacts with a variety of postsynaptic elements. The vast majority of the postsynaptic targets were dendritic profiles, which represented 95.7% of all the synaptic contacts identified. Only one example was observed of two labelled boutons making contacts with the same postsynaptic element; the rest were apparently on different elements. This distribution of synapses, characterized by the lack of convergence, is very similar to that reported by other authors for a certain kind of double bouquet cell which, in turn, shares some morphological features with the neurons with axonal arcades. It is suggested that fine details of the geometry of the axonal arborization of a given cell are an important reflection of the distribution of its synapses.  相似文献   

Summary The organization of corticocortical connections in the representation of the forepaw in cat primary somatosensory cortex (SI) was studied following injections of various tracers into different cortical cytoarchitectonic areas. Small injections of horseradish peroxidase, wheat germ agglutinin-conjugated HRP, Phaseolus vulgaris leukoagglutinin, or fast blue were placed into the representation of the forepaw in areas 3b, 1, or 2. The positions of labeled neurons in SI and the surrounding cortical areas were plotted on flattened surface reconstructions to determine the organization of the corticocortical connections within SI. A strong, reciprocal projection linked the two forepaw representations which have been described in area 3b and the part of area 2 which lies in the anterior bank of the lateral ansate sulcus (see Iwamura and Tanaka 1978a, b). Dense projections also linked these areas with SII, as previously reported (Burton and Kopf 1984a). Additional projections to area 3b arose primarily from areas 3a and 1. Projections to area 2 were more widespread than those to area 3b, and arose from all other areas of SI as well as from areas 4 and 5a. All injections into SI tended to label groups of neurons which lay in mediolateral strips. Corticocortical projection neurons which were most heavily labeled by SI injections were pyramidal cells in layer III. Additional projections from area 2 to 3b, area 5a to 2, and SII to areas 2 and 3b arose from layer VI as well. Although neurons of layers III and VI were always the most densely labeled, large injections into SI labeled neurons in layers II and V as well.  相似文献   

Callosal connections of suprasylvian visual areas in the cat   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
After horseradish peroxidase injections in cat's lateral suprasylvian visual area and in areas 17 and 18, labeled callosal neurons are found within the various subdivisions of the lateral suprasylvian area, mostly in regions where the area centralis and vertical meridian are represented. The homotopic callosal projections from lateral suprasylvian area to lateral suprasylvian area originate almost exclusively from layer III. The heterotopic callosal projections from the lateral suprasylvian area to areas 17 and 18 originate mainly from layer VI but also from layer III. Callosal neurons in the lateral suprasylvian area are pyramidal cells (layers III and VI), fusiform and triangular cells (layer VI).The distribution of callosal neurons in the lateral suprasylvian area is similar to that previously found in areas 17 and 18 in the sense that in all these areas callosal neurons are preferentially located near the vertical meridian representation within two radially separated laminae. However, the preponderance of layer VI neurons in the projection from the lateral suprasylvian area to contralateral areas 17 and 18 is different from what was observed in other callosal connections. Since layer VI usually gives rise to corticothalamic projections it is possible that similar feed-back mechanisms may modulate the information sent to the lateral suprasylvian area from the thalamus and the primary visual areas.  相似文献   

A subpopulation of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) containing neurons was reported to contain cholecystokinin-immunoreactive material in the visual cortex of cat [Somogyi et al., J. Neurosci. (1984) 4, 2590-2603]. In the present study pre-embedding immunocytochemistry was used to identify which of the several types of presumed GABAergic nonpyramidal cells in areas 17 and 18 contain cholecystokinin immunoreactivity. Most of the cholecystokinin-immunoreactive somata were found in layers II-III, they were less frequent in layers I and VI, and relatively rare in layers IV and V. The distribution and density of the axon terminals resembled that of the cell bodies. Two well defined types of cholecystokinin-immunoreactive neuron were distinguished: (1) double bouquet cells in layers II-III with vertically projecting axons, and (2) small basket cells with local axons either restricted to layers II-III, or descending to layer V. Additional cholecystokinin-positive cells showed features of bitufted or multipolar neurons in layers II-VI and horizontal cells in layer I, but these cells could be defined less well due to partial staining. Cholecystokinin-immunoreactive dendrites were found to run horizontally in layer I for several hundred micrometers. Some of the cholecystokinin-immunoreactive cells in layer VI had very long dendrites ascending radially up to layer III, as did their axons. A few cholecystokinin-immunoreactive cells appeared to have two axons and this was confirmed by electron microscopy. All cholecystokinin-immunoreactive neurons and terminals were separated from the basal lamina of blood vessels by glial endfeet. Random samples of boutons from each layer as well as identified terminals traced to their origin from local neurons were examined in the electron microscope. All of the boutons established symmetrical (type II) synaptic contacts with dendritic shafts, spines or somata. Quantitative electron microscopy of the postsynaptic targets of double bouquet cells and small basket cells demonstrated clear differences between these two types of neuron; basket cells having a higher proportion of their terminals in synaptic contact with somata. The findings that several distinct types of cortical neurons, as defined by their synaptic connections, contain cholecystokinin-immunoreactive material and that identified axons of all examined neurons form type II synaptic contacts suggests that the majority, if not all cholecystokinin-positive boutons forming type II contacts originate from local cortical cells. The distribution of targets postsynaptic to cholecystokinin-positive neurons is compared to those of cells labelled by other methods.  相似文献   

The existence of interhemispheric cortical afferent connections to the prefrontal cortex of the cat is investigated by means of the retrograde axonal transport of horseradish peroxidase technique. Labeled neurons are found in contralateral hemisphere in sites homotopical and heterotopical to the injection. The heterotopical contralateral projection arises principally from prefrontal, insular, prelimbic, premotor, cingular and retrosplenial cortices.  相似文献   

Summary The activity of pairs of neurons in the visual cortex (area 17) of anaesthetized, paralysed cats was recorded using two independently manipulated micropipettes. The number of spikes in the evoked responses of pairs of single neurons were analyzed for response covariance. Responses of the majority of cell pairs (83%) did not covary. Covariance was restricted to closeby neurons with distances of less than 150 m and with identical orientation and ocular dominance preference.This work was partially supported by grants NS10332 and EY03796  相似文献   

The intracortical projections of neurons in layers II and upper III of tree shrew visual cortex were studied after terminal lesions in the supragranular layers of area 17. Examination for terminal degeneration was made using ultrastructural techniques. The majority of degenerating terminals were found in layers V and, to a lesser extent, VI, and were presynaptic to neural profiles in the following distribution: 80.5% on spines of small to medium size dendrites, 19% on dendrite shafts, and less than 1% on neuronal perikarya. Degenerating axons coursed in vertical bundles through layers III, IV, V and VI. These findings are similar to those previously described in rat visual cortex.  相似文献   

In acute experiments on immobilized cats, using a method of topographical recording of homotopic and heterotopic transcallosal responses, the functional organization of the callosal connections of the auditory cortex was investigated. It was established that the homotopic potentials of the primary projection field (AI) have the greatest amplitude, minimal temporal parameters, and the maximal stability of these characteristics as compared with the associative fields of the auditory cortex (AII, AIV, Ep). The heterotropic transcallosal responses in field AI appeared during stimulation of the analogous field, while in field Ep, they were recorded both during stimulation of the analogous field, and of fields AI and AII of the opposite hemisphere. It is hypothesized that the structure of the transcallosal connections of the primary projection fields of the auditory cortex is characterizised by homotopy, whereas in the associative auditory fields the role of heterotopic transcallosal interactions increases. It is possible that such a structure of the transcallosal connections assures a significant role for interhemispheric interactions in the mechanisms of spatial audition.Translated from Fiziologicheskii Zhurnal SSSR imeni I. M. Sechenova, Vol. 73, No. 7, pp. 860–867, July, 1987.  相似文献   

Summary Intracortical injections of horseradish peroxidase conjugated with wheat-germ agglutinin (WGA-HRP) reveal a characteristic patchy staining pattern within the superficial layers of cat striate cortex. The patches consist of a dense accumulation of labeled neurons and axonal arborizations. We have investigated the tangential organization and the development of these intrinsic cortical connections by using a flat-mount preparation of area 17. The diameter of the patches varied from 200 to 400 m, the center-to-center distance ranged from 400 to 800 m, and the spread of patches extended further in the anterior-posterior than in the medial-lateral direction. The expression of these horizontal patchy connections is age- and experience-dependent. From ten days to six weeks of age patches are exuberant and on occasion fuse to beaded bands extending radially from the injection site. From 6 weeks onwards the number and the tangential spread of the patches decreases to one or two rows of isolated clusters. Long-term binocular deprivation disrupts this pattern of intrinsic connections nearly completely. We infer from these results that there is an inborn pattern of discrete horizontal connections in striate cortex which is shaped by visual experience and requires contour vision for its maintenance.  相似文献   

The organization of the visual cortex in the cat   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Summary Neuroanatomical studies were carried out on the visual system of the adult rabbit brain. Either horseradish peroxidase (HRP) or wheat germ agglutinine-horseradish peroxidase (WGA-HRP) was injected into the area occipitalis 1. Several cortico-cortical, ipsi- and contralateral, and subcortico-cortical projections were demonstrated.In the ipsilateral telencephalon several patches of labelled cell groups, some single HRP-positive cell bodies and some labelled fibres were observed in the area retrosplenialis granularis dorsalis, the areas occipitales, the areas temporales, the area perirhinalis, the area entorhinalis, the area praecentralis 1, the regio cingularis 1 and in the regio diagonalis, as well as in the dorsal part of the claustrum. Efferent preterminal fibres and terminal knobs were seen in the nucleus caudatus. Contralaterally, groups of labelled cell bodies and single HRP-positive neurons were found in the area retrosplenialis granularis dorsalis, the areas occipitales and the areas temporales.In the ipsilateral diencephalon, labelled cell bodies were observed in the corpus geniculatum laterale (pars dorsalis and ventralis), the nucleus lateralis thalami, the nucleus reticularis thalami and in nonspecific nuclei of the midline. Contralaterally, very few labelled cell bodies were seen in the nonspecific nuclei of the midline.Some labelled cell bodies were observed in the ipsilateral substantia griseum centrale and in the nucleus reticularis mesencephali. Numerous anterogradely labelled preterminal fibres and terminal knobs but very few labelled cell bodies were seen in the nucleus praetectalis posterior. In the nucleus of the optic tract and in the colliculus superior, numerous labelled fibres could be observed.In the ipsilateral nuclei pontis numerous labelled fibres were detectable.  相似文献   

The present study analyses the organization and selected neurochemical features of the claustrum and visual cortex of the sheep, based on the patterns of calcium-binding proteins expression. Connections of the claustrum with the visual cortex have been studied by tractography. Parvalbumin-immunoreactive (PV-ir) and Calbindin-immunoreactive (CB-ir) cell bodies increased along the rostro-caudal axis of the nucleus. Calretinin (CR)-labeled somata were few and evenly distributed along the rostro-caudal axis. PV and CB distribution in the visual cortex was characterized by larger round and multipolar cells for PV, and more bitufted neurons for CB. The staining pattern for PV was the opposite of that of CR, which showed densely stained but rare cell bodies. Tractography shows the existence of connections with the caudal visual cortex. However, we detected no contralateral projection in the visuo-claustral interconnections. Since sheep and goats have laterally placed eyes and a limited binocular vision, the absence of contralateral projections could be of prime importance if confirmed by other studies, to rule out the role of the claustrum in stereopsis.  相似文献   

Summary To understand why some cells in the visual cortex respond to high stimulus velocities while others fail to do so, a sample of 71 of such cells were examined for their responses to stationary presented stimuli as well as to moving edges or slits of different widths. When presented with stationary stimuli it was found that cells which respond best to slowly moving stimuli generally have tonic discharges, long time to peak latencies and often long minimal durations of stimulation. In contrast, cells which respond preferentially to fast stimuli have phasic discharges, short latencies and short critical durations of stimulation when presented with stationary flashed slits. In the latter type of cells the responses to very fast stimulus movement were abolished selectively when contrast and width of the stimulus were not optimal. A few cells exhitited a velocity-response (VR) curve with a central dip indicating good responsiveness to either slow or fast movement but little to medium velocities. These cells responded both phasically and tonically to stationary slits and the latency of the tonic and phasic responses corresponded well to the latency of the responses at low and high velocities, respectively. It is suggested that the ability of phasic cells to respond to high velocities is linked to their limited need for temporal summation.Supported by an NFWO grant  相似文献   

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