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副肿瘤性肢端角化病,由Bazex等于1965年首先描述,也称伴肿瘤性肢端角化症、类肿瘤性肢端角化症,其病因认为与体内癌病灶有密切关系,属恶性肿瘤特别是喉癌的重要皮肤标志之一。此病非常少见,我们近来遇见1例,现报道如下。临床资料患者男,77岁。因面及手足紫红色浸润斑、脱屑、痒  相似文献   

1965年Bazex等曾在法国报道一例梨状隐窝癌患者伴有四肢鳞屑性红斑,并命名为副肿瘤性肢端角化症(Acrokerotrsis paraneoplastica,APN)[1].迄今国外报道共60余例[2-4].1984年立花隆夫等报道[5]1例,为亚州首例,在我国尚未见报道,本文特将所见一例报告如下.  相似文献   

Bazex氏等于1965年描述了一种称为“肢端角化过度型副肿瘤性综合征”的疾病,后又于1967年称其为“癌源性肢端银屑病样皮肤病”。自1968年以来普遍应用“副肿瘤性肢端角化症”这个名称。所报告的22病例均系男性。其中12例首先出现皮肤症状,然后发现肿瘤,均为上皮癌(epithelioma),主要位于上呼吸道——消化道,如喉、软腭、扁桃体、舌后部,有时部位较低(支气管癌)。在6例中发现表皮样上皮癌的下颁角或颈静脉——颈动脉淋巴结转移,其来源未能确定。  相似文献   

副肿瘤性肢端角化症患者男性,62岁。主诉:手、足、鼻、耳部红斑2年余。现病史:1991年夏,患者双手足指(趾)末端出现红斑,表面干燥粗糙,逐渐向近心端蔓延,同时指(趾)甲亦逐渐变形毁坏。2个月后鼻尖及耳廓亦发生皮损。无痛痒感,亦无全身症状。体格检查:...  相似文献   

临床资料 患者,男60岁,农民。因手、足、耳及面部皮肤红斑。干燥、粗糙1年,于2001年4月3日来我院就诊。皮损初起时为淡红色斑,渐变暗色及褐红色,表面干燥、粗糙;初发于双手足指(趾)末端,逐渐向折心端蔓延、扩大。同时指(趾)甲亦逐渐变形、毁坏;半年后皮损累及耳轮及面部。无痛痒,发生皮损前手足及面部皮肤未曾接触有刺激性或毒性物质。近10年来有排,尿费力、费时及尿频症状,虽  相似文献   

患者男,52岁,因双手、双足起褐色斑伴渗出3个月于2017年4月3日来青岛市立医院皮肤科住院治疗。患者2017年1月无明显诱因于双手、双足出现暗红斑,伴少量渗出,偶感瘙痒。红斑渐增多并融合成片状,伴皲裂、脱屑,部分结痂。  相似文献   

患者,男,16岁。双手角化性斑片3年、复发2个月。本患者与既往报道的SAK病例不同,初期仅表现为手掌及指侧缘淡黄色角化性斑片,随着病情进展,皮损表现为黑褐色角化性斑片,皮损浸水后均发白、起皱,伴轻微紧绷感,离开水后恢复原状。治疗1个月后随访,皮损基本消退。  相似文献   

患者男,62岁,于1978年头皮、背部及四肢伸侧出现鳞屑性红斑,诊断为“副银屑病”,给予丹参注射液静脉滴注后皮疹大部分消退。1982年皮疹复发,并出现指节垫及掌跖角化,再用丹参治疗则效果较差;用白血宁、乙亚胺或甲氨喋呤等药物治疗可控制皮疹。1994年起,自服乙亚胺亦不能控制发疹,鳞屑红斑逐渐增多,并遍及全身,瘙痒呈进行性加重。1995年初,左颈部锁骨上出现蚕豆大小淋巴结1个,活动,无粘连。表皮无红肿及破溃,尔后又于其周围陆续出现蚕豆大小淋巴结3个于1996年9月住院治疗。体检:血压24/14kPa,各系统检查无异常。皮肤科检查:头皮大片红斑及糠…  相似文献   

患者,女,63岁。手背部遇水后出现白色角化肿胀性丘疹20余年,干燥后皮损逐渐消退。水桶征阳性。诊断:水源性肢端角化病。  相似文献   

病历介绍患者申××,男性,18岁,未婚,电焊工,祖籍湖南,长人出生在昆明。主诉及现病史:手足出现疣状损害七八年。从十岁左右开始手足多汗,掌跖皮肤逐渐变厚,手足背面,捐趾背面及掌跖侧缘等  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Bullous lesions of acral distribution are an uncommon finding in Bazex's syndrome (acrokeratosis paraneoplastica). We report here one of these rare cases. PATIENTS AND METHODS: A 65 year-old-man, an alcoholic and a smoker, presented with characteristic lesions of Bazex's acrokeratosis paraneoplastica associated with a right cervical lymph node mass. An epidermoid carcinoma of sinus piriformis was then discovered. The acrokeratosis lesions worsened and spread to the knees, elbows, trunk and genitalia, with an erosive aspect, pain in the extremities, and tender, hemorrhagic bullous lesions on the toes and sides of the feet. Histological examination of a biopsy sample showed a subepidermal blister with numerous eosinophilic leucocytes. Direct immuno-fluorescence showed C3 deposits on dermal capillaries and IgA and IgM on colloid bodies in the papillary dermis. Blood eosinophilia and high levels of IgE were noted. Indirect immunofluorescence was negative for anti-epidermal and anti-basement membrane antibodies. Radiation and chemotherapy for the neoplasia resulted in healing of the bullous lesions and almost complete disappearance of keratotic squamous lesions with residual hyperpigmentation. DISCUSSION: Although bullous lesions are rare in Bazex's syndrome (acrokeratosis paraneoplastica), they were noted as early as 1968 by Degos et al. These acral bullae mimic autoimmune bullous disease. An immunological reaction is thought to occur with antigens of the dermal-epidermal junction and eosinophils appear to be involved.  相似文献   

Bazex syndrome (paraneoplastic acrokeratosis) is characterized by the presence of hyperkeratotic lesions on the nose, ears, palms, and soles that appear in association with malignancies of the upper aerodigestive tract, most often a squamous cell carcinoma. We present a case of Bazex syndrome and provide a review of the literature.  相似文献   

Bazex paraneoplastic acrokeratosis in prostate carcinoma   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We describe a patient in whom symmetrical acrokeratosis appeared 6 years before the diagnosis of metastatic carcinoma of the prostate causing paraplegia. The paraneoplastic dermatosis and paraplegia regressed following treatment with stilboestrol and topical applications of 2% salicylic acid in vaseline. To our knowledge, Bazex acrokeratosis has not been reported previously in association with carcinoma of the prostate.  相似文献   

Bazex's paraneoplastic acrokeratosis is a syndrome with psoriasiform acral hyperkeratosis and nail changes associated with carcinoma of the upper respiratory or alimentary tract. We report here a case where amino acid analysis of the hyperkeratotic and friable nails differed from normal and other diseased nails investigated by us, but they were similar to those reported in trichothiodystrophy or the BIDS syndrome.  相似文献   

Bazex paraneoplastic acrokeratosis: a case report and response to Tigason   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A clinically typical case of Bazex acrokeratosis neoplastica is presented. This case is unusual in that the syndrome developed two years after a neoplasm was diagnosed. Almost complete clinical clearance was obtained with oral Tigason, making it the first recorded case to improve without removal of the underlying neoplasm.  相似文献   

Paraneoplastic acrokeratosis is a distinctive dermatosis observed only in patients with either carcinoma of the upper respiratory and digestive tract or with metastatic lymphnodes in the cervical or mediastinal region. The characteristics of this dermatosis are: acral beginning, erythematous, squamous and hyperkeratotic plaques with centripedal spreading and healing only after successful treatment of the carcinoma. An allergic or toxic skin reaction to a substance formed by the tumor cells is discussed as causative agent. The author gives a review of the symptoms, the course of the disease, of histological and biochemical data and of the differential diagnosis as reported in the literature.  相似文献   

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