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Peer effects in adolescent overweight   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study is the first to estimate peer effects for adolescent weight. We use data from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (Add Health) and define peer groups using nominated friends within schools. Endogenous peer groups are accounted for using a combination of school fixed effects, instrumental variables, and alternative definitions of peers (i.e., grade-level peers). Mean peer weight is correlated with adolescent weight, even after controlling endogenous peer groups. The impact of peer weight is larger among females and adolescents with high body mass index. The results are consistent with social multipliers for adolescent overweight policies.  相似文献   

Tot S  Yazici K  Yazici A  Metin O  Bal N  Erdem P 《Public health》2004,118(8):588-593
The objective of this study was to determine the effects of psychosocial factors such as peer group, family and academic self-perception on smoking, alcohol and substance use by adolescents living in Mersin, Turkey. The study included a total of 3282 students from the sixth and tenth grades and college. The number of participating students required from each school was obtained through stratification, and by weighing the enrolled student population in each subgroup. The final sample was derived using a simple random sampling technique. A 45-item self-administered questionnaire was used. The questionnaire included questions about socio-demographic characteristics and lifetime and current (i.e. within the past month) use of cigarettes, alcohol, cannabis, inhalants and other illicit drugs (heroin, cocaine, sedative-hypnotic drugs, etc.). This study found that: (1) higher socio-economic status of the family increased the likelihood of smoking and alcohol use in adolescents; (2) the prevalence of alcohol use was higher in adolescents whose mothers had a higher educational level and whose mothers and fathers drank alcohol; (3) there was a significant association between substance use and having a peer who used a substance; and (4) the prevalence of smoking was significantly higher in students who perceived their academic performance to be poor. Understanding the role and importance of psychosocial factors associated with smoking, alcohol and substance use will be crucial to develop preventive measures for adolescents.  相似文献   

This study examines adolescent substance use in relation to family, peer and school factors in the context of Taiwan. Information on family characteristics, satisfaction with performance at school, and peer influence was collected using a case-control study in which a two-stage method was applied to ascertain substance use. A set of hypotheses on interrelationships of substance use (tobacco, alcohol, betel, illicit drugs) and influences were tested with a structural equation model. There was a strong negative relation between family factors and peer relationships (p=0.005). Family variables played an important role in motivation and effort to study (p=0.004). High motivation and effort to study (p=0.0012) and good school adjustment (p=0.078) led to higher satisfaction with performance at school. A significant positive association between peer relationships and deviant peer behaviour was observed (p<0.001). Satisfaction with performance at school was negatively related to deviant peer behaviour (p=0.052). The direct effect of deviant peer behaviour was marginally statistically significant (p=0.011) and an indirect effect of family factors on substance use was statistically significant (p=0.041). In conclusion, the study found that a strong family-peer relationship and family influence has a significant effect on substance use.  相似文献   

Social scientists continue to devote considerable attention to spillover effects for risky behaviors because of the important policy implications and the persistent challenges in identifying unbiased causal effects. We use the natural experiment of assigned college roommates to estimate peer effects for several measures of health risks: binge drinking, smoking, illicit drug use, gambling, having multiple sex partners, suicidal ideation, and non-suicidal self-injury. We find significant peer effects for binge drinking but little evidence of effects for other outcomes, although there is tentative evidence that peer effects for smoking may be positive among men and negative among women. In contrast to prior research, the peer effects for binge drinking are significant for all subgroups defined by sex and prior drinking status. We also find that pre-existing risky behaviors predict the closeness of friendships, which underscores the significance of addressing selection biases in studies of peer effects.  相似文献   

Although it is widely believed that one of the key factors influencing whether an adolescent smokes or not is the smoking behaviour of his or her peers, empirical evidence on the magnitude of such peer effects, and even on their existence, is mixed. This existing evidence comes from a range of studies using a variety of country-specific data sources and a variety of identification strategies. This paper exploits a rich source of individual level, school-based, survey data on adolescent substance use across countries--the 2007 European Schools Survey Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs--to provide estimates of peer effects between classmates in adolescent smoking for 75,000 individuals across 26 European countries, using the same methods in each case. The results suggest statistically significant peer effects in almost all cases. These peer effects estimates are large: on average across countries, the probability that a 'typical' adolescent smokes increases by between .31 and .38 percentage points for a one percentage point increase in the proportion of classmates that smoke. Further, estimated peer effects in adolescent smoking are stronger intra-gender than inter-gender. They also vary across countries: in Belgium, for example, a one percentage point increase in reference group smoking is associated with a .16 to .27 percentage point increase in own smoking probability; in The Netherlands the corresponding increase is between .42 and .59 percentage points.  相似文献   

In the decade or so of renewed interest in neighborhood contexts and health, significant progress has been made conceptualizing the relationships between the urban environment and public health. Applied research on the link between the environment and health remains limited by the way spatial concepts, such as “the neighborhood” or “the built environment” are operationalized. In this paper we argue that representations of these spatial concepts in statistical models should be based upon the individuals, the place, and the problem under study. Through a series of simulation experiments we describe the sensitivity of estimates of the association between neighborhoods and health to the operationalization of spatial concepts. We explore the practice of conducting the same analysis at multiple scales and find that using model fit to “discover” the spatial dimension is problematic. In sum, there is a gap between our understanding of how the environment influences health and spatial statistical modeling techniques. For quantitative spatial inquiry into the relationship between the neighborhood environment and health to be effective this gap must be closed.  相似文献   

This study examines the relationship among neighborhood stressors, stress-buffering mechanisms, and likelihood of alcohol, drug, and mental health (ADM) disorders in adults from 60 US communities (n=12,716). Research shows that larger support structures may interact with individual support factors to affect mental health, but few studies have explored buffering effects of these neighborhood characteristics. We test a conceptual model that explores effects of neighborhood stressors and stress-buffering mechanisms on ADM disorders. Using Health Care for Communities with census and other data, we found a lower likelihood of disorders in neighborhoods with a greater presence of stress-buffering mechanisms. Higher neighborhood average household occupancy and churches per capita were associated with a lower likelihood of disorders. Cross-level interactions revealed that violence-exposed individuals in high crime neighborhoods are vulnerable to depressive/anxiety disorders. Likewise, individuals with low social support in neighborhoods with high social isolation (i.e., low-average household occupancy) had a higher likelihood of disorders. If replicated by future studies using longitudinal data, our results have implications for policies and programs targeting neighborhoods to reduce ADM disorders.  相似文献   

Despite the longstanding interest of social researchers in the social factors that influence suicide and suicidal behavior, multilevel research on this topic has been limited. Using nested survey data on 5331 Icelandic adolescents (born in 1990 and 1991) in 83 school-communities, the current study examines the contextual effect of community household poverty on adolescent suicidal behavior (suicide ideation and suicide attempt). The findings show that the concentration of household poverty in the school-community has a significant, contextual effect on adolescent suicidal behavior. Furthermore, we test an “epidemic” explanation for this effect, examining the mediating role of suicide suggestion (contact with suicidal others). We find that suicide suggestion mediates a substantial part of the contextual effect of community household poverty on suicide attempt, while mediation is modest in the case of suicide ideation. The findings indicate that community household poverty increases the risk of adolescent suicidal behavior in part because communities in which household poverty is common entail a higher risk for adolescents of associating with suicidal others. The study demonstrates how the concentration of individual problems can have macrolevel implications, creating social mechanisms that cannot be reduced to the circumstances or characteristics of individuals.  相似文献   


Although communication about sexuality is a significant pathway through which peers influence adolescent sexual development, little research has examined the role of peer networks in the use of sexualized media. We applied a social network approach to assess the role of close peers in adolescent pornography use and sexting in a sample of Croatian high school students. Sexual conversation networks’ characteristics did not correlate with pornography use. In contrast, sexting was associated with the proportion of same gender peers, the proportion of older peers and the proportion of sexually experienced peers in the network – pointing to the role of peer influence. Participants’ gender did not moderate these associations. Specific mechanisms underlying the observed associations and the role of peer selection remain important tasks for future research.  相似文献   

I use 28 (1986–2014) years of restricted geocoded NLSY tract-level data and find positive associations between exposure to childhood neighborhood disadvantage and adult obesity and BMI among individuals growing up and entering adulthood during the rise of obesity in the United States. Sibling fixed effects and cousin fixed effects models partially address unobserved confounding nested in the nuclear as well as extended family. Furthermore, exposure to neighborhood disadvantage in adolescence is most salient, providing insight into when policy intervention may be most effective. Results are robust to alternative specifications for neighborhood disadvantage, ages of exposure, and to alternative sampling strategies.  相似文献   

ObjectivesIn 2015, the Liquor Control Board of Ontario (LCBO) authorized sale of alcohol in some Ontario grocery stores. This research evaluates the impact of the new policy on alcohol use patterns of youth in a quasi-experimental setting with two control groups.MethodsThe sample consists of 2267 grade 9 students attending 60 secondary schools across Ontario (n = 56) and Alberta (n = 4), who provided 4-year linked longitudinal data (2013–2014 to 2016–2017) in the COMPASS study. The study used the frequency of drinking and the frequency of binge drinking to characterize alcohol use behaviours.ResultsLatent transition analysis found four statuses of alcohol use: abstainer, periodic drinker, low-risk drinker, and high-risk regular drinker. The new policy had no negative impact among periodic and low-risk drinkers, but the risk of transitioning from the abstainer (lowest risk status) to high-risk regular drinker (highest risk status) among the exposed cohort was 1.71 times greater post-policy than pre-policy change, compared with those of Ontario-unexposed (0.50) and Alberta-unexposed cohorts (1.00). The probability of sustaining high-risk drinking among the exposed cohort increased by a factor of 1.76, compared with 1.13-fold and 0.89-fold among the Ontario-unexposed and Alberta-unexposed cohorts, respectively.ConclusionYouth are more likely to transition from abstinence to high-risk regular drinking, and high-risk regular drinkers are more likely to maintain their behaviours in the jurisdictions exposed to the latest change in LCBO policy authorizing grocery stores to sell alcohol. When formulating policy interventions, youth access to alcohol should be considered in order to reduce their harmful alcohol consumption.Electronic supplementary materialThe online version of this article (10.17269/s41997-020-00366-7) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Despite the growing evidence of health-responses to macroeconomic fluctuations, little research has been carried out on the economic reflexes of licit and illicit drug-consumption, especially among teenagers. This paper uses data on adolescents between 15 and 17 years old from 25 European countries to test, if and how, the substance-use pattern has changed during the Great Recession. The data come from two cross-sectional waves (2007 and 2011) of the European School Survey Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs (ESPAD) (n = 137,989 individuals). One percentage point increase in the unemployment rate is associated with an increase [decrease] in the probability of having tried inhalants and cocaine [ecstasy] at least once, by about 0.005 (95 % CI: 0.004, 0.006) and 0.001 (95 % CI: 0.0001, 0.001) [−0.001 (95 % CI: −0.001, −0.001)] respectively. Social protection expenditure reduces the use of inhalants, whereas ecstasy consumption rises. The pattern for cocaine is unclear.  相似文献   

Adolescents' movie sex exposure (MSE) and movie alcohol exposure (MAE) have been shown to influence later sexual behavior and drinking, respectively. No study to date, however, has tested whether these effects generalize across behaviors. This study examined the concurrent influences of early (i.e., before age 16) MSE and MAE on subsequent risky sex and alcohol use among a national sample of 1228 U.S. adolescents. Participants reported their health behaviors and movie viewing up to six times between 2003 and 2009 in telephone interviews. The Beach method was used to create a population-based estimate of each participant's MSE and MAE, which were then entered into a structural equation model (SEM) to predict lifetime risky sex and past month alcohol use at ages 18–21. For both men and women, MAE predicted alcohol use, mediated by age of initiation of heavy episodic drinking (HED) and age of sexual debut; MAE also predicted risky sex via age of sexual debut. Among men only, MSE indirectly predicted risky sex and alcohol use. Findings indicated that early exposure to risk content from movies had both specific and general effects on later risk-taking, but gender differences were evident: for men, MSE was a stronger predictor than MAE, but for women, only MAE predicted later risk behavior. These results have implications for future media research, prevention programs for adolescent sex and alcohol use, and movie ratings that can guide parents' decisions as to which movies are appropriate for their children.  相似文献   

The relationship between neighborhoods of residence in young adulthood and health in mid-to-late life in the United States are examined using the 1968-2005 waves of the Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID). The sample consists of persons who were aged 20-30 in 1968 and are followed for a period of 38 years (N=2730). Four-level hierarchical random effects models of self-assessed general health status as a function of individual, family, and neighborhood factors are estimated. Using the original sampling design of the PSID, we analyze adult health trajectories of married couples and neighbors followed from young adulthood through elderly ages to assess the magnitudes of the possible causal effects of family and neighborhood characteristics in young adulthood on health in mid-to-late life. Estimates suggest disparities in neighborhood conditions in young adulthood account for one-quarter of the variation in mid-to-late life health. Living in poor neighborhoods during young adulthood is strongly associated with negative health outcomes in later-life. This result is robust even in the presence of a reasonably large amount of potential unobservable individual and family factors that may significantly affect both neighborhood of residence and subsequent health status. Racial differences in health status in mid-to-late life are also associated with family and neighborhood socioeconomic conditions earlier in life. Three quarters of the black-white gap in health status at ages over 55 can be accounted for by differences in childhood socioeconomic status and neighborhood and family factors in young adulthood.  相似文献   

More and more states have passed laws that allow individuals to use marijuana for medical purposes. There is an ongoing, heated policy debate over whether these laws have increased marijuana use among non-patients. In this paper, I address that question empirically by studying marijuana possession arrests in cities from 1988 to 2008. I estimate fixed effects models with city-specific time trends that can condition on unobserved heterogeneities across cities in both their levels and trends. I find that these laws increase marijuana arrests among adult males by about 15–20%. These results are further validated by findings from data on treatment admissions to rehabilitation facilities: marijuana treatments among adult males increased by 10–20% after the passage of medical marijuana laws.  相似文献   

Substance use and substance use disorders (SUDs) have been linked with marital discord. Relatively little is known, however, about the antecedents of SUDs, the mediators of these factors over time, or their associations with the spousal/partner relationship among urban adults. A better understanding of the longitudinal pathways to marital conflict and to SUDs should help prevention and intervention programs target their precursors within the developmental period in which they occur. The present study, therefore, examined the longitudinal predictors of an unsupportive spousal/partner relationship and SUDs among a community sample of urban African American and Puerto Rican adults from East Harlem, NY. Participants (N = 816) completed structured questionnaires at five time waves, from adolescence to adulthood (mean ages = 14, 19, 24, 29, and 32 years). Structural equation modeling examined the effects of earlier environmental and social stressors and intrapersonal and interpersonal factors on later SUDs in adulthood. There was a good fit of the structural equation model (CFI = 0.91; RMSEA = 0.06; and SRMR = 0.06), which revealed three main pathways from adolescence to the spousal/partner relationship and SUDs in adulthood. One pathway linked a weak parent–adolescent attachment relationship with the participant’s psychological symptoms in emerging adulthood (p < 0.01), which in turn were related to affiliation with deviant and drug-using peers, also in emerging adulthood (p < 0.001). Peer deviance and drug use were associated with the participant’s substance use in young adulthood (p < 0.001), which predicted both an unsupportive spousal/partner relationship (p < 0.05) and SUDs (p < 0.001) later in adulthood. Other pathways highlighted the continuity of psychological symptoms as related to both substance use in young adulthood (p < 0.001) and an unsupportive spousal/partner relationship in adulthood (p < 0.001). Findings showed that the associations of both distal stressors and the parent–adolescent relationship with more proximal intra- and interpersonal problems predicted unsupportive spousal/partner relationships and SUDs among urban adults. Several aspects of the individual’s life, at different developmental stages, provide opportunities for interventions to prevent or reduce unsupportive spousal/partner relationships and SUDs.  相似文献   

We estimate the effect of neighborhood characteristics on the mortality of poor black male youth in families relocated through the Gautreaux Assisted Housing Program, a residential mobility program implemented in Chicago, USA in 1976. Within our sample (N = 2850), 52 post-placement deaths were observed, the majority of which (30) were homicides. All-cause and homicide mortality rates were substantially lower among those relocating to Census tracts with higher fractions of residents with college degrees, which suggests that relocating to more-advantaged neighborhoods can ameliorate the mortality risks faced by this population. The estimated effect declines over the post-placement period, a result consistent with evidence that Gautreaux families routinely relocated following their initial placement. A causal interpretation of these findings is undermined somewhat by evidence of neighborhood selection, though the mortality effect estimate is very robust to inclusion of covariates predictive of placement tract characteristics. Mortality effect estimates relating to Census tract measures of socioeconomic deprivation other than education were weaker in magnitude and generally insignificant, suggesting that neighborhood levels of human capital more strongly affect the mortality risks faced by this population than racial composition or neighborhood poverty.  相似文献   

This study examines the availability and use of neighborhood resources in relation to clinical lower limb osteoarthritis (LLOA) in older participants from six European countries. Of the 2757 participants (65–85 years), 22.7% had LLOA. Participants with LLOA made more use of places to sit (OR=2.50; CI: 1.36–4.60 in the UK), and less use of parks and walking areas (OR=0.30; CI: 0.12–0.75 in Sweden), compared to participants without LLOA, particularly in countries with high availability of resources. The results suggest that specific features of the environment impact the use of neighborhood resources by older adults with LLOA.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the association between perceived neighborhood stressors, encompassing negative perceived neighborhood characteristics, and specific cognitive abilities in adulthood. We conducted a coordinated analysis across three studies of adults in the United States and found that perceived neighborhood stressors were consistently associated with poorer performance on attention-demanding cognitive tasks. We specifically found that perceived neighborhood stressors were associated with lower performance in spatial abilities, working memory, and executive function but not perceptual speed, and that the effect was most consistent for lower perceived neighborhood safety followed by lower perceived aesthetic quality, greater perceived neighborhood crime, and lower perceived neighborhood cohesion. These results highlight the importance of the psychosocial neighborhood context for cognitive health in adulthood.  相似文献   

目的 了解山东省青少年电子烟和卷烟的双重使用现状及其影响因素,探讨产生双重使用的原因。方法 采用分层多阶段整群随机抽样方法,在山东省共抽取中学在校学生7 999人进行自填问卷调查。对样本进行加权后,使用SPSS 25.0软件复杂抽样模块对数据进行分析。结果 山东省青少年电子烟和卷烟双重尝试的比例为7.7%,双重使用的比例为1.3%。男生、好友吸烟、过去7 d二手烟暴露是双重使用的危险因素。双重使用者与仅吸卷烟者相比,在戒烟方面的认知和行为差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),双重使用者吸电子烟的原因主要为好奇。结论 山东省青少年电子烟和卷烟双重使用行为普遍存在,其影响因素与传统卷烟类似。双重使用并非戒烟的过渡阶段,双重使用者未来持续吸烟的可能性较高,应引起关注和重视。  相似文献   

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