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目的:对酒依赖患者及其一级亲属(父母、同胞或子女)组与正常对照组的听觉事件相关电位(ERP)进行对照研究,以了解酒依赖患者认知功能状况及酒依赖的遗传易感性。方法:收集40例男性酒依赖患者以及40例一级亲属和40例健康对照者进行听觉ERP检测。结果:酒依赖组和亲属组ERP的P3波(P300成分)波幅均明显低于对照组(均为P〈0.05);而P3波幅在患者组和亲属组之间比较差异无显著意义(P〉0.05);酒依赖组N2、P3潜伏期延长(P〈0.01),而N2、P3潜伏期在亲属组和对照组之间的比较差异则无显著意义(P〉0.05)。结论:ERP反映酒依赖认知功能损害,可以作为酒依赖认知功能损害评估的重要检测手段之一;P3波幅可能是酒依赖的遗传易感性标志,可以作为预测酗酒的指标;对酒依赖一级亲属进行听觉ERP检测可早期发现高危人群,及时提供干预措施。  相似文献   

目的:研究正常大鼠听觉事件相关电位(ERP)的P3样波(下简称听觉P3样电位)特点及癫痫大鼠P3样电位变化。方法:癫痫组大鼠每日予戊四氮腹腔注射,直至达到点燃标准,正常组大鼠每日注射生理盐水。记录并分析两组动物听觉ERP特点及其P3样电位的变化。结果:(1)在大鼠可发现与人类听觉ERP的P3电位波形、潜伏期及反应特点相似的ERP;(2)癫痫大鼠与正常大鼠相比,其P3样电位的听觉ERP的P3电位潜伏期明显延长(P<0.01),波幅相对降低(P>0.05),波形分化不清。结论:P3样电位的产生具有跨越种属的相似性,提示P3样电位在哺乳动物中可能具有共同的神经回路。  相似文献   

海洛因依赖者事件相关电位P300的实验研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
近年来国内滥用海洛因的人数逐年上升 ,药物成瘾与流行已构成当今重要的社会问题之一。长期使用海洛因会对人体多系统器官造成不同程度的损害 ,并可产生严重的神经系统并发症和精神障碍。国内外已有研究发现海洛因依赖者存在一定程度的认知功能障碍[1,2 ] 。但应用事件相关电位P30 0来了解海洛因对认知功能影响的研究尚少见报道。为此 ,我们对 2 2例海洛因依赖者进行P30 0的检测 ,结果报告如下。1 对象和方法1.1 对象1.1.1 病例组 共 2 2例 ,为 2 0 0 0年 8月至 2 0 0 2年1月在我院住院的自愿戒毒者 ,入院时尿液吗啡定性检测均为阳性…  相似文献   

行为问题儿童听觉事件相关电位P300对照研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨行为问题儿童听觉事件相关电位P300特点.方法:用Achenbach儿童行为问卷(CBCL)和中国联合型瑞文测验(CRT-C2)筛选行为问题儿童,并按同性别、同年龄进行1:2配对;采用odd模式测试听觉事件相关电位.结果:①问题组儿童的P300各项指标与对照组儿童无显著差异;②混合问题组P300潜伏期较单一问题组延迟(P<0.05),Pz点P300的基线波幅混合问题组与单一问题组的差异接近有统计学意义.③行为问题儿童Pz点P300基线波幅与行为问卷总分呈显著负相关(P<0.05).结论:行为问题较为严重的儿童可能有认知功能损害.  相似文献   

本文就醇脱氢酶、醛脱氢酶、5-羟色胺、多巴胺、单胺氧化酶、内源性阿片系统等与酒依赖关系的分子生物学研究进展进行了概括.  相似文献   

目的 探讨社会心理干预护理对酒依赖者戒酒疗效的影响.方法 将64例酒依赖的住院患者随机分成社会心理干预护理组及对照组各32例,对照组进行常规戒酒治疗,社会心理干预护理组在对照组的基础上给予社会心理干预护理.在治疗前和治疗第2、4、6、8周末分别使用汉密尔顿抑郁量表(HAMD)、汉密尔顿焦虑量表(HAMA)评定两组疗效....  相似文献   

听觉刺激的方法测定了40例单侧半球急性脑血管病和20例正常对照的N1、N2、N3电位,结果病人组P3潜伏期明显较对照组延长(P<0.01),波幅显著降低(P<0.01)。病人两半球间比较,右半球卒中者P3潜伏期较左半球卒中者显延长,P3波幅则两半球卒中者之间无显著差别。卒中类型、病灶大小、电极记录部位对P3潜伏期无明显影响,而病变部位则是影响巳潜伏期的关键,提示P3的测定有定位,定侧的辅助作用。  相似文献   

目的 :研究正常大鼠听觉事件相关电位 (ERP)的P3样波 (下简称听觉P3样电位 )特点及癫大鼠P3样电位变化。方法 :癫组大鼠每日予戊四氮腹腔注射 ,直至达到点燃标准 ;正常组大鼠每日注射生理盐水。记录并分析两组动物听觉ERP特点及其P3样电位的变化。结果 :①在大鼠可发现与人类听觉ERP的P3电位波形、潜伏期及反应特点相似的ERP ;②癫大鼠与正常大鼠相比 ,其P3样电位的听觉ERP的P3电位潜伏期明显延长 (P <0 0 1) ,波幅相对降低 (P >0 0 5 ) ,波形分化不清。结论 :P3样电位的产生具有跨越种属的相似性 ,提示P3样电位在哺乳动物中可能具有共同的神经回路  相似文献   

目的:找出影响酒依赖的相关因素。方法:整群抽样,使用定式问卷及DSM-Ⅲ-R诊断标准,调查23513例一般人群(18~65岁)中不同特征的受试者的酒依赖率,并通过单因素和多因素的方法,计算这些因素对酒依赖的作用强度。结果:大量饮酒者、男性、年龄较大者、体力劳动者、受教育年限较少者和吸烟者酒依赖患病率较高,其中,年饮酒量对产生酒依赖的作用最大。结论:控制人群的总体饮酒量有助于减少我国饮酒问题的发生率  相似文献   

目的观察脑血管性痴呆(vascular dementia,VD)患者的听觉P300的变化特点以及与其认知功能的关系.方法对30例VD患者和30名健康老年人(NC)应用Nicolet Bravo脑诱发电位仪进行事件相关电位P300检测;同时应用简易认知功能量表(MMSE)评估其认知功能.结果VD组MMSE[(17.52±3.57)分]分值低于NC组[(26.57±1.43)分,(P<0.01)];与NC组相比,VD相P300中的P2、N2、P3潜伏期长,P2、P3波幅低,非靶P2波幅低(P<0.05~0.01);而VD组P300在三个脑区之间的差异无统计学意义(P<0.05);VD组P300中的P3波潜伏期与MMSE分值呈负相关(P<0.05~0.01).结论P300的变化可作评估VD患者认知功能缺损的有用指标.  相似文献   

Past reports suggest that reduced P300 amplitude is associated with risk for alcoholism. We examined whether visual P300 amplitude could identify familial risk for alcohol disorders in individuals not known to be at risk at the time P300 was recorded. These individuals were twins from pairs where neither twin had an alcohol disorder at age 17 but familial risk was established at age 20 when one twin developed an alcohol disorder whereas the other did not. Of special interest was the P300 of the unaffected twin recorded at age 17 when both twins were alcoholism free. We found reduced P300 in the unaffected twin compared to pairs where both members were continuously disorder free. Hence, P300 was reduced in alcohol disorder-free individuals whose twin siblings subsequently developed alcoholism, further supporting reduced P300 amplitude as an endophenotype indexing familial risk for alcoholism.  相似文献   

Emitted and Evoked P300 Potentials and Variation in Stimulus Probability   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
D. S. Ruchkin    S. Sutton    P. Tueting 《Psychophysiology》1975,12(5):591-595
There have been a number of reports of a cerebral potential occurring at about the time of an expected but absent stimulus when absence provided significant information for the subject. This potential consists primarily of a positive peak occurring with a latency of about 300 msec with respect to the time of stimulus absence and is referred to as an emitted P300 potential. It has been conjectured that the emitted P300 is a manifestation of the same process that underlies the evoked P300 . Evidence supporting this hypothesis is provided by demonstrating that both the evoked and emitted P300 potentials are similarly affected by variation in event probability. A paradigm was used in which click presence and absence provided information. The relative probability of click presence and absence was experimentally manipulated. Both evoked and emitted p300 amplitude responded in the same way to event probability, larger for the less frequent event and smaller for the more frequent event.  相似文献   

Event-related brain potentials (ERPs) are altered in patients with a variety of psychiatric disorders and may represent quantitative correlates of disease liability that are more amenable to genetic analysis than disease status itself. Estimates of heritability are presented for amplitude and latency of the N1 and P3 components of the ERP measured at 19 scalp locations in response to visual and auditory stimuli for 604 individuals in 100 pedigrees ascertained as part of the Collaborative Study on the Genetics of Alcoholism. Significant heritabilities were found for visual P3 amplitude in response to all stimuli and for visual P3 latency in response to target and novel, but not non-target, stimuli. Heritability of visual N1 latencies was uniformly low, whereas heritability of visual N1 amplitude was significant for all electrodes in response to the non-target stimuli but only for posterior electrodes in the other two stimulus conditions. Heritabilities for auditory target P3 were similar to those of the visual stimuli, with auditory target P3 amplitudes and latencies both demonstrating significant heritability. For auditory P2 in response to non-target stimuli, peak amplitude was heritable, but latency was not. Auditory N1 amplitude and latency were significantly heritable for both target and non-target conditions and did not demonstrate the anterior/posterior patterning obtained for visual N1 amplitude. This study represents the first systematic assessment of heritability of these potential neurophysiological markers in families with a history of alcoholism and suggests that many of these ERP phenotypes have heritabilities strong enough to justify genomic screening for loci jointly influencing ERP abnormalities and liability to alcoholism. Am. J. Med. Genet. (Neuropsychiatr. Genet.) 88:383–390, 1999. © 1999 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

目的:脑卒中后抑郁(post—strokedepression,PSD)是脑卒中患者发病后常见的并发症,由于缺乏客观的检测指标和判断标准,往往被漏诊。本课题采用前瞻性研究,通过对PSD发生率、相关因素、影像学特点、认知功能缺损及其事件相关电位(P300)的改变,并与脑卒中非抑郁患者(N—PSD)进行对比,探讨PSD可能的发病机制、相关的危险因素及预测因素、P300在早期诊断的应用价值,以达到临床早期诊断及治疗的目的。方法:从2007年3月至2008年3月间入住我院神经内科能够完成随访,符合课题要求的首发急性脑卒中患者96例,其中脑梗死82例,脑出血12例,蛛网膜下腔出血2例,所有患者均经脑CT及MRI证实,并记录病灶部位分布,96例患者经过综合治疗,病情好转后出院,出院后每月随访一次,连续12个月。采用中国精神分类方案第3版(CCMD-3)抑郁状态的诊断标准将其分为抑郁组(PSD组,36例)和非抑郁组(N—PSD组,60例)。统计PSD组发病时间及临床表现,并选取年龄、性别、文化程度、吸烟史、酗酒史、慢性病史、负性生活事件、病灶部位分布等可能的危险因素在PSD组和N—PSD组间进行单因素分析,以有显著差别的指标进行多元Logistic逐步回归分析来确定其影响程度。随访时对两组患者采用简易智力量表(MMSE)评分和事件相关电位(P300)检查进行认知功能评测,并分析比较两组患者P300潜伏期、波幅差异及MMSE评分的变化。统计学处理应用SPSS13.0软件对资料进行分析。计量资料采用t检验,计数资料采用χ^2检验,单因素分析阳性参数采用Logistic(Forward:Wdald法)逐步回归分析来确定其影响程度,相关分析采用Spearman相关,检验水准为α=0.05。结果:1、一般资料:在96例脑卒中患者中,36例发生抑郁,其发病率为37.50%(36/96),其中轻度抑郁21例(58.33%);中度抑郁12例(33.33%),重度抑郁3例(8.33%)。PSD组与N—PSD组患者年龄、性别、吸烟、文化程度比较无显著性差异(P〉0.05)。两组酗酒史、近期有负性生活事件、慢性病史比较均有显著性差异(P〈0.05),对PSD组与N—PSD组间单因素分析有差别的指标(酗酒史、慢性病史、近期有负性生活事件)进行多元Logistic回归分析,结果显示以上三个因素均进入议程,发生PSD的OR值分别为3.516、3.047和3.987,P〈0.05。2、临床表现和发病时间:大部分PSD患者均有兴趣丧失、无愉快感、精力减退或疲乏感、自我评价过低、自责,或有内疚感,少数严重患者有想死的念头或有自杀、自伤行为。病程分布以卒中后3~6个月发生PSD最多见(19例,52.78%)。3、病变部位:96例脑卒中患者中,病灶位于左侧27例,位于右侧45例,多发24例;病灶位于左侧半球合并PSD率最高(59.26%),右侧次之(33.33%),多发病灶抑郁率(20.83%)最低(P=0.013)。4、MMSE评分:PSD组MMSE平均评分为(20.14±3.01)分,N—PSD组为(22.77±3.77)分,两者比较差异有显著性(P〈0.05),PSD患者发生认知功能受损的比例(41.67%)明显高于N—PSD组(20.00%,P=0.022)。5、P300检查:PSD组P300检查30例出现异常(83.33%),平均潜伏期(383.14±13.20)ms,平均波幅(6.14±3.29)μV;N—PSD组检查9例出现异常(15%)平均潜伏期(342.70±15.38)ms,平均波幅(16.50±3.28)μN,两组比较差异有显著性(P〈0.05)。6、比较PSD组P300潜伏期及波幅与MMSE评分的相关性发现:P300潜伏期与MMSE评分均呈负相关关系(r=-0.881,P〈0.001),P300波幅与MMSE评分呈正相关关系(r=0.863,P〈0.001)。结论:1、PSD是脑卒中后的一种常见并发症,其发生率为37.50%左右,多发生在脑卒中后3~6个月之间,以轻度抑郁多见。2、PSD的发病可能与病灶位于左侧半球、近期出现负性生活事件、酗酒、慢性病有关。3、PSD患者常伴有认知功能受损。4、P300可为早期诊断PSD提供重要依据。  相似文献   

Auditory event related potentials were recorded from neonatal, 3‐month, and 3‐year old rhesus monkeys. Auditory brainstem evoked responses (ABRs) were reliably recorded at all ages. ABR latencies decreased with age. Age effects were greater the more centrally generated the wave. Wave I amplitude decreased with age, Wave II increased, and Wave IV remained about the same. Stimulus rate effects were greater in neonates than older monkeys. Stimulus frequency also affected the ABR, but not differentially as a function of age. Recording montage had a significant effect on the recorded waveform. Wave I tended to be larger in amplitude in horizontal recordings and front–back recordings, while the later waves were relatively more prominent in more vertical montages. Middle latency evoked responses and late potentials were less reliably recorded than the ABR. Their reproducibility improved with age. Auditory event related potentials are promising measures of auditory function for research requiring nonhuman primate models of the developing human. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Dev Psychobiol 34: 37–56, 1999  相似文献   

This study assessed whether two ERP components that are elicited by unexpected events interact. The conditions that are known to elicit the N400 and the P300 ERP components were applied separately and in combination to terminal-words in sentences. Each sentence ended with a terminal-word that was highly expected, semantically unexpected, physically deviant, or both semantically unexpected and physically deviant. In addition, we varied the level of semantic relatedness between the unexpected terminal-words and the expected exemplars. Physically deviant words elicited a P300, whereas semantically unexpected words elicited an N400, whose amplitude was sensitive to the level of semantic relatedness. Words that were both semantically unexpected and physically deviant elicited both an N400 with enhanced amplitude, and a P300 with reduced amplitude. These results suggest an interaction between the processes manifested by the two components.  相似文献   

Summary Auditory ERP (AERP) studies have been performed in 56 patients with central nervous system disturbances. Forty seven patients(90.5%), had AERP component abnormalities concerning mainly P300 topography alterations and secondarily P300 latency prolongation. It is concluded that P300 is a very useful tool in clinical neurology and that P300 topography or latency alterations are not specific of any cerebral disturbance but can be found in any disease whenever cognitive functions are impaired.  相似文献   

This study examined the stability of genetic and environmental influences on individual differences in P300 amplitude during adolescence. The P300 component is an event-related brain potential (ERP) that has attracted much attention as a biological marker for disturbed cognitive processing in psychopathology. Understanding the genetics of this biological marker may contribute to understanding the genetics of the associated psychopathologies. In a group of 213 adolescent twin pairs, the P300 component was measured twice, the first time at age 16 and the second time 18 months later. A large part of the variance of the P300 amplitude could be explained by familial factors, with estimates ranging from 30% to 81%. Whether the familial resemblance was due to genetic or shared environmental factors depended on sex. For males, genetic factors explained familial resemblance in P300 amplitude, but for females such resemblance was likely due to shared environmental factors. The phenotypic stability of the P300 amplitude from 16 to 18 years was high in both sexes, and stability could be attributed largely to the same familial factors. There was no evidence that new familial influences emerged at age 18.  相似文献   

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