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对39例旅途精神病暴力犯罪司法鉴定案例进行了分析,发现本组患者最常见的症状是被害妄想、情绪障碍和意识障碍。暴力攻击行为受被害妄想或幻觉直接支配,均指向陌生人。暴力行为的发生有一高峰期。患者受妄想和幻觉的影响,极易采取暴力对抗这种极端应激方式来缓解心理冲突的压力,亦是容易涉及法律问题的重要原因。  相似文献   

【事件回放一】在大连某学院求学的云南籍女大学生陈某,2008年1月22日在返家途中的火车上惨遭歹徒割喉,不幸身亡,和她一起的表姐和另外4名乘客也  相似文献   

刘杰 《心理与健康》2003,(12):56-56
如今,“非典”的阴影离我们远去,在家中憋闷了很久的人们松了一口气,纷纷走出家门,呼吸着新鲜的空气。民工开始返城打工,学生们结束放假回到校园,还有很多人外出旅游。于是,民工潮、学生潮、旅游潮汇集在一起,前几个月还空荡荡的  相似文献   

目的探讨住院临期精神病患者家属的心理需求和心理特征,为做好此期家属的心理指导提供依据。方法采用自制调查问卷,选取来我院住院临期的精神病患者家属145名进行问卷调查。结果经单因素分析发现,影响住院临期精神病患者的家属心理因素与患者的住院次数和病程密切相关,有统计学意义(χ2=5.60~9.83,P<0.05)。结论应当注重住院临期精神病患者家属的心理指导,并且要注意指导的内容和方式。  相似文献   

近年来国外有关抑郁症的临床随访资料表明:抑郁症为一组慢性的复发性疾病[1]。东西方国家,因抑郁症自杀死亡的人数在自杀人群中均居首位[2]。目前国外研究认为慢性抑郁与儿童期的创伤经历、病前神经质人格、人际交往困难、婚姻质量差、负性生活事件的出现、社会支...  相似文献   

根据对若干大学生自杀个案的调查研究,本文从自杀动机、自杀心理过程和人格特征三个角度分析了大学生自杀个体的心理特征。厘清大学生自杀个体的心理规律,可以为预防自杀提供线索和参考意见。  相似文献   

预激综合征患者的个性心理特征分析湖北医科大学附一院心内科黎明江江洪湖北医科大学附一院精神科刘铁膀流行病学资料表明,临床心律失常的发生及程度与个性心理特征有一定相关性[1、2],本文旨在探讨近年来我院接受射频消融治疗的预激综合征并阵发性室上性心动过速(...  相似文献   

医院护士心理特征分析   总被引:20,自引:4,他引:16  
目的 了解医院护士心理健康状况和心理特征。方法 应用 SCL-90对 2 46名护士进行评定并与全国常模比较 ;应用 EPQ进行人格特征评定并与北京地区常模比较。结果  SCL-90强迫症状、恐怖、偏执、精神病性因子分均较全国常模高 ;EPQ的 P量表分和 N量表分较常模高。结论 医院护士的心理健康状况低于一般人群  相似文献   

随着社会老龄化问题的日益突出,老年期精神疾病患者随之增多.为进一步了解住院老年精神病人的诊治情况,我们采用时点分析对当天在我院住院的老年病人进行一次调查,报告如下.1 资料与方法1999年3月26日在我院住院的60岁以上患者共159人,其中男88人(56.58%),女71人(43.42%),男:女=1.0:0.87 年龄60~86岁,平均67.62±6.61岁,男性61~86岁,女性60~84岁.在我院住院时间3月~26年,按中国精神疾病分类和诊断标准(第二版修订本)作出诊断,记录当天用药名称、剂量、给药途径及合并用药情况.2 结果疾病种类:诊断为精神分裂症共148例,其中衰退期113例、未定型15例、残留期9例、偏执型6例、缓解期5例.颅脑创伤所致精神障碍2例,精神发育迟滞伴发精神病性障碍、癫痫性精神障碍各1例,老年期抑郁症3例,阿尔采本氏病4例.  相似文献   

目的探讨青少年精神病患者亲属心理健康状况。方法对我院首次住院青少年精神病患者的93例亲属,采用症状自评量表(SCL-90)、焦虑自评量表(SAS)及自制一般情况调查表进行测评,并进行t检验和统计学描述。结果患者亲属SCL-90评分高于国内常模,且女性评分高于男性。SAS评分高于国内常模(P〈0.01),差异有显著性。结论青少年精神病患者亲属普遍存在心理问题,为促进患者的康复,应及时有效的对其亲属进行心理干预,改善他们的心理障碍,提高他们的心理健康水平。  相似文献   

This paper reviews some of the literature on menstrual psychosis, and proposes a new classification, adapting that of v. Krafft-Ebing (1902) and Jolly (1914). The world literature consists almost entirely of case reports; they include a few with statistical evidence of an association between the onset of psychosis and menstruation, and many other claims with less solid evidence. The complete cases include those with premenstrual, catamenial, paramenstrual and mid-cycle onsets, and continuous phasic illnesses with switches in rhythm with the menstrual cycle. In affected women, psychosis complicates only a small number of cycles, which seem to be concentrated around the menarche and after childbirth. The clinical picture resembles puerperal psychosis, with which it has often been associated. Nosologically menstrual psychosis seems to fall under the manic depressive rubric. Menstruation is one of a family of triggers linked to female reproduction. The evidence for an association with anovulatory cycles suggests that a relative excess of oestrogen may be implicated in the pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Summary Four cases of puerperal psychosis occurring after extremely premature delivery are presented. These cases are potentially important because the hormonal environment is different from a full term pregnancy, with much lower steroid hormone levels.  相似文献   

Introduction: Evidence suggests that patients with psychosis who have a history of cannabis use, but currently abstain, demonstrate superior cognitive performance than patients who have never used cannabis. The present study aimed to determine the neurocognitive profiles of patients who are in adolescence or early adulthood, when both illness- and drug-onset typically occur.

Methods: Subjects were 24 cannabis-using and 79 cannabis-naïve psychosis patients between 16 and 25 years of age. Patients and controls were administered a neurocognitive battery, indexing estimated pre-morbid intelligence, psychomotor speed, mental flexibility, verbal learning and memory, verbal fluency, sustained attention, motor and mental response, and visuospatial learning and memory.

Results: While healthy controls outperformed both patient groups across most cognitive measures, no significant differences between cannabis-using and cannabis-abstinent patients were evident.

Conclusion: Evidently although there may be a group of patients who are diagnosed with a non-affective psychosis disorder regardless of external factors (i.e. cannabis use), some may instead have their illness precipitated through cannabis use at a young age, presenting with unique cognitive and symptomatic repercussions later in life. These results demonstrate no cognitive differences between cannabis-using patients and abstinent patients at the time of illness-onset, providing partial support for an alternative pathway to schizophrenia through early cannabis use.  相似文献   

Although children with chronic illness are at greater risk for decreased psychological adjustment than physically healthy children, little is known about the factors that lead to increased risk. Eighty-one children with asthma between the ages of 6 and 14 years and their parents participated in a study to determine the relative contribution of background variables (age, gender, and socioeconomic status), recent stressful life events, and illness severity to psychological adaptation. Overall 11.5% of the children had CBCL Total Behavior Problems scores above the 98th percentile. Multiple regression revealed that lower SES, negative life change, and high illness severity were predictive of less optimal psychological adjustment. The results highlight the need for interventions to improve coping with both disease and nondisease issues.  相似文献   

Evidence of association between duration of untreated psychosis (DUP) and negative symptoms of schizophrenia in first‐episode psychosis (FEP) patients is inconsistent in the recent literature. In the present study, DUP, schizophrenia symptoms, duration of medication, and diagnosis were obtained from hospital archives in a sample of FEP patients. The sample included 41 first‐episode patients who had an ICD‐10 schizophrenia spectrum diagnosis (F20‐F29) and were treated with antipsychotic medication. Longer duration in days from the first psychotic symptoms to the initiation of antipsychotic medication had a statistically significant positive correlation with mean level of negative symptoms (Spearman's ρ =.38; p <.05). Results suggests that DUP is associated with a higher level of negative symptoms after the onset of adequate antipsychotic treatment. This should be considered in the care of FEP.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess for significant differences in psychological functioning between caregivers of HIV-infected children and caregivers of healthy children, and to examine the utility of applying a stress and coping model to caregivers of children with HIV disease. METHODS: Participants included caregivers of HIV-infected children (n = 36) and caregivers of a demographically matched control group of healthy children (n = 32). During their child's pediatric clinic visits, caregivers completed measures of psychological adjustment, stress, coping style, and family resources and support. They also completed a measure of their child's psychological adjustment. RESULTS: Caregiver psychological distress scores did not significantly differ between the HIV and control groups, and clinically significant rates of psychological distress were reported by more than a third of caregivers in both groups. Hierarchical multiple regression analyses revealed that independent of their child's illness status, stress and coping style were significant predictors of caregiver's psychological adjustment. In addition, caregiver psychological distress was a significant predictor of children's maladjustment. CONCLUSIONS: High rates of psychological distress were observed in caregivers of children with HIV disease; however, similarly high rates of psychological adjustment problems were found in caregivers of healthy children. Caregivers who reported high levels of daily stress and emotion-focused coping styles tended to report more psychological distress. Further, caregivers who reported more psychological distress also reported more internalizing and more externalizing behavior problems in their children, regardless of the child's illness status. These findings reflect the impact of poverty and environmental stress on caregivers' adjustment.  相似文献   

Summary Puerperal psychosis is the most severe and rare form of postnatal psychiatric disorder. Researchers in Birmingham are currently involved in a wide range of studies into the disorder, which necessitates the recruitment of subjects who have suffered from this relatively uncommon illness, as well as conducting a comprehensive clinical assessment of the phenotype. This paper describes the approaches we have developed for sample ascertainment and the methodology for recruitment and clinical assessment used in research studies of puerperal psychosis. These include the establishment of a national panel of women who have suffered from the illness (Action on Puerperal Psychosis) and the use of the media as well as systematic routes of ascertainment. Clinical evaluation includes collection of key social, obstetric, and demographic data, together with life-time assessment of mania, depression and psychotic symptomatology by modified SCAN interview and review of case notes. We believe that the methods employed will be useful to other researchers investigating puerperal psychosis, as well as other psychiatric disorders.  相似文献   

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