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婴儿气质影响因素的探讨   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:15  
本研究以婴儿气质修订问卷(RITQ)为气质测查工具,对400名4~8个月婴儿的气质进行了综合评定,并对其环境因素进行了调查。经单因素及多因素分析发现:父母的职业、学历、年龄、父亲吸烟、父亲嗜酒、母亲孕期疾病、精神创伤、看电视时间,家庭结构,居住面积及喂养方式与婴儿的气质存在显著相关。  相似文献   

婴儿气质特点的跨文化比较研究   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
目的:比较中国与白种人四个月婴儿间气质特点的差异,以期为我国文化背景下的儿童身心潜能的开发提供科学依据。研究方法:被试步骤和分析方法均采用Kagan所设计的条件。结果:欧美白种婴儿和中国黄种婴儿之间,在刺激唤醒的两种水平和差异性上有明显差异,中国婴儿表现两种水平都较低而且样本本身内差异性较小;中国的婴儿活动量、哭闹和发声均比较少,而且对外界刺激不作强烈的情绪反应。结论:中国婴儿和欧美白种婴儿在一些行为特征上存在着差异,可能与某些先天气质特征有关。  相似文献   

目的根据Rothbart等对儿童气质维度的理论编制3~6岁儿童气质量表。方法访谈33名儿童家长,拟定出问卷共15个维度,包括60个项目,并采用1127份样本进行问卷信效度检验。结果①项目分析结果表明,高低分组在各维度差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),具有一定的鉴别力。②信度分析结果表明,总量表和各维度的内部一致性系数以及1个月后的重测信度均>0.7。③效度分析结果表明,各维度间以及各低阶维度与高阶维度间相关显著,验证性因素分析结果表明模型拟合良好。校标效度检验结果也显示出较好的相关性。结论总体上,3~6岁儿童气质量表具有良好的信效度。  相似文献   

Carey的1个月~12岁儿童气质系列问卷的应用评价   总被引:47,自引:3,他引:44  
目的:引进Carey等人的1个月 ̄12岁全套五个年龄阶段的儿童气质问卷,探讨它们的应用情况,以进一步完善气质工具在国内的使用。方法;对原问卷进行翻译、修订后,随机选择上海市有代表性地区的儿童进行测试,由家长填写问卷,对五个年龄阶段的气质问卷分别做重测信度的内部一致性分析。结果:各问卷的平均重测信度分别为0.59 ̄0.81,Chronbach Alpha内部一致性各问卷的维度平均值为0.48 ̄0.5  相似文献   

目的 编制适合我国中学生的气质问卷.方法 通过开放式问卷调查、回顾以往研究及参考心理学专家的建议,初步构建中学生气质的理论结构,形成中学生气质预测问卷;进行预测之后,对问卷进行修改和筛选题项.最后进行正式施测,被试共计1111名,运用探索性因素分析和验证性因素分析,形成正式问卷.结果 探索性因素分析提取了5个因子,累计贡献率为50.002%.验证性因素分析表明问卷的理论结构拟合度(x2=369.488,x2/df=1.857,RMR=0.067,SRMR=0.047,GFI=0.943,AGFI=0.927,IFI=0.923,TLI =0.909,CFI=0.922,RMSEA =0.039).问卷的分半信度系数值在0.564~0.763之间,同质性信度在0.568~0.751之间,重测信度在0.502~0.803之间.各维度之间相关在0.074~0.385之间,系数校标效度外向性(E)与社会抑制性相关系数为-0.686,神经质(N)与负情绪性相关系数为0.617,注意集中指数与专注性相关系数为0.629(P均<0.001).结论 自编《中学生气质问卷》具有良好的信效度,可以作为测量我国中学生气质的工具.  相似文献   

自我描述问卷Ⅱ型在中国的试用报告   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
目的:本研究以Marsh的自我描述问卷对中国中、小学生进行测查,探讨该量表在中国使用的可行性。方法:抽取上海市小学四年级、六年级、初二、高一四个年级的学生共计559名,每个年级140名左右。主试根据统一指导语对各年级的被试分别进行测试。结果:全量表稳定性系数达0.94,各分量表稳定性系数在0.66~0.71之间;各分量表之间的相关也较理想;学业自我概念与学业成绩间有很高的相关。结论:该量表在中国儿童中试用具有较理想的信度、效度和实用价值。  相似文献   

婴儿气质与产科抑郁的关系研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
作者主要采取纵向追踪的方式,采用MMPI和R-ITQ分别测试了125位母亲的心理状态及其4-8个月婴儿气质,探讨了婴儿气质与母亲产前、产后抑郁的关系。结果提示:是否有产前抑郁对婴儿气质的特点有影响,产前抑郁可使婴儿发生气质困难的危险性明显增加;产后抑郁对婴儿气质因子的影响明显,但对婴儿气质类型的影响不确定。另外,婴儿气质与母亲产后抑郁之间存在相互作用关系。提示保持孕期及产后情绪愉快,对于小儿的健康成长与发育具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

气质对6—8月龄婴儿智力发展的影响   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
目的:本研究的目的是探讨气质对儿童智力发展的作用,为在我国开展儿童早期教育及高危儿童的医疗干预提供一些理论依据。方法:211名6~8月龄正常男女婴儿,男孩110名,女孩101名,平均月龄7.03±0.81;采用Carey气质问卷评定婴儿的气质,以贝利婴儿发展量表评价婴儿的智力和运动能力。结果:经方差分析显示,正性情绪占优势者比中等情绪或负性情绪占优势者智力发展更好,坚持度高和中等者比坚持度低的婴儿智力要好;回避新环境和坚持度低的婴儿运动能力发展较差;易于抚养气质婴儿的智力和运动能力均明显的比难于抚养气质及中间型气质婴儿的高;多元逐步回归分析显示,影响智力发展的主要因素是坚持度和趋避性,影响运动发展的主要因素是坚持度和反应阈值,表现为趋近新环境、坚持度高、反应阈值高有利于智力和运动能力的发展。结论:气质对儿童智力和运动的发展具有明显的作用,并且这种作用在婴儿期即已表现出来。  相似文献   

目的:探讨1~4个月婴儿的气质特征及与家庭环境的关系.方法:抽取年龄为1~4个月的384名健康独生子女婴儿为研究对象,由父母填写小婴儿气质问卷及一般情况调查表.结果:①1~4个月婴儿中,男孩较女孩更易接近、反应阈更高、反应强度更小;②1~4个月婴儿气质特征与父母年龄、文化程度及母亲在孕期的心情等因素存在相关关系,而与家庭经济地位、居住面积等关系不明显.结论:1~4个月婴儿的某些气质特征存在性别差异.并且,1~4个月婴儿的某些气质特征与母孕期情绪状况、父母年龄等因素有关,而与家庭经济地位等关系不明显.  相似文献   

老年心理健康问卷的编制   总被引:46,自引:1,他引:46  
目的 :编制适用于中国老年人的心理健康问卷。方法 :根据心理健康内涵包括性格、情绪、适应、人际和认知五个方面的理论构想 ,建立包含 5 8题的初试卷。在北京地区分层随机取样 110 0例 5 5岁以上老年人为调查对象。结果 :通过因素分析从 5 8道题中筛选出 5 0道题组成正式的老年心理健康问卷。对全量表和分量表的项目进行一致性检验 ,α系数为 0 .5 8~ 0 .89,各分量表与所属题目及总分均存在显著的相关 (P <0 .0 0 1) ;因素分析证实了问卷的结构效度 ;问卷得分与流调中心抑郁量表得分、生活满意度、健康满意度、慢性疾病患病数和遭遇重大生活事件数等因素显著相关 ,不同群体心理健康状况的比较表明该问卷具有良好的实证效度。此外 ,还建立了北京城区老年人心理健康常模。结论 :问卷编制符合心理测量学要求 ,已到达预期目的  相似文献   

Prenatal predictors of infant temperament   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Emerging data suggest that prenatal factors influence children's temperament. In 50 dyads, we examined fetal heart rate (FHR) activity and women's antenatal psychiatric illness as predictors of infant temperament at 4 months (response to novelty and the Infant Behavior Checklist). FHR change during maternal challenge was positively associated with observed infant motor reactivity to novelty (p = .02). The odds of being classified as high versus low motor among fetuses who had an increase in FHR during maternal stress was 11 times those who had a decrease in FHR (p = .0006). Antenatal psychiatric diagnosis was associated with an almost fourfold greater odds of having a high cry reactivity classification (p = .03). There also were modest associations between baseline FHR and maternal reports of infant temperament and between observed temperament and that based on mothers' reports. All of the infant results were found independent of the influence of women's postnatal anxiety. These data indicate that physiological markers of individual differences in infant temperament are identifiable in the fetal period, and possibly shaped by the prenatal environment.  相似文献   

The present study examined observations of parenting quality (mothers’ emotional availability – EA) during infant bedtimes at 4 points across the infants’ first year, assessing relations between levels and trajectories of EA and infant attachment at 12 months and the role of infant temperament in moderating these associations. The sample (N = 128) was predominantly Euro-American (82.5%) and at low socioeconomic risk. Latent growth curve modeling with latent basis coefficients indicated substantial individual differences in initial levels and slopes in EA trajectories across the first year. Both levels of maternal EA and EA trajectories across the first year predicted 12-month infant attachment security. Although maternal EA tended to decrease across the first year in the full sample, EA trajectories that showed a “bounce-back” between 6 and 12 months, suggesting more successful maternal adaptation to an expanding infant developmental repertoire, predicted greater infant security at 12 months. In addition, linkages between latent EA trajectories and 12-month attachment were moderated by 3-month infant temperamental reactivity and regulation. These findings indicate that infant attachment security is sensitive to both static and dynamic aspects of parenting quality across the first year, and that infant temperament can interact with both in predicting infant attachment.  相似文献   

An important goal of developmental science is to understand how the early organization of the brain and behavioral tendencies are interconnected. A foundational step in pursuit of this goal is to identify brain-behavior relations. Much progress has been made identifying such relations during infancy by linking baseline electroencephalography (EEG) activity to infants’ performance in lab-based measures of socio-emotional and cognitive development. Parent-report represents another resource in expanding our understanding to infants’ behavioral tendencies in their natural environment. The current study explored how parent-report of 6- to 12-month-old (N = 53) infants’ attention and regulatory abilities relates to cortical activity. The results confirmed one key hypothesis that lower levels of theta and higher levels of beta and gamma over the frontal region would be related to infants’ attentional abilities. These results are consistent with the extant baseline EEG literature. Cuddliness was robustly related to higher levels of theta and lower levels of beta over the posterior, likely reflecting infants’ tendency to use another person to self-regulate. Our results indicate links between these cortical rhythms and attention and regulatory processes have infant origins. Our results indicate furture research investigating brain-behavior relations using parent-report is warranted.  相似文献   

儿童自我意识量表的中国城市常模   总被引:97,自引:10,他引:97  
目的 :建立Piers Harris儿童自我意识量表的中国城市常模并检验信度和效度。方法 :在全国 2 0个城市采样 16 98例 (男 846 ,女 85 2 ) ,平均 11 5 1± 2 5 9岁。由儿童填写儿童自我意识量表。结果 :量表的重测信度、分半信度、Crobachα系数为 0 6 95~ 0 85 8,项目与总分的一致性为 0 0 78~ 0 4 6 7,除 3项外均达显著性水平。量表与Conners父母问卷、教师评定量表的各分量表有显著相关。结论 :儿童自我意识量表适用于我国儿童自我意识的评估。  相似文献   

The effectiveness of temperament-based anticipatory guidancefor parents of infants aged 4–12 months was tested intwo clinical situations. The model consisted of the Carey-McDevittInfant Temperament Questionnaire provided to parents at 4 monthsof infant age, a selection of written guidance tailored to thechild's temperament, and subsequent questionnaire follow-upat 8 or 12 months of age. Comparison of the 4-month temperamentquestionnaire results to the follow-up measures indicated thatthe Carey ITQ had significant discriminant predictability: Infantswith different temperament patterns at 4 months had differentpatterns of issue and problem occurrence during the time periodcovered. In addition, the anticipatory guidance program showedsignificant degrees of differential utility: Parents of infantswith more reported problems, or who received more accurate anticipatoryguidance, rated the guidance materials as generally more useful.The results indicate that further enhancements and testing ofthis temperament-based anticipatory guidance model, with moreobjective outcome measures, are warranted.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Prenatal cocaine exposure is a marker of developmental risk. Social environmental risk factors may include maternal stress and maternal perceptions of difficult infant temperament. OBJECTIVES: To examine factors that may predict or moderate maternal ratings of parenting stress and difficult temperament in cocaine-exposed (CE) infants. METHOD: Neonatal behavior, infant temperament, parenting stress, and maternal psychopathology were measured in a large sample of infant-mother dyads with prenatal CE and a nonexposed comparison sample. Participants were drawn from an existing longitudinal data set (Maternal Lifestyle Study). RESULT: Relations between neonatal behavior and infant temperament ratings were moderated by mothers' ratings of parenting stress. Relations between neonatal cry and parenting stress were moderated by maternal psychopathology ratings. Results were unrelated to drug exposure history. CONCLUSIONS: For mothers of at risk infants (with or without prenatal CE), psychological distress affects the degree to which infant behavioral characteristics are experienced as stressful or difficult. Implications for treatment and outcome are discussed.  相似文献   

多维记忆评估量表的信效度研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
目的:检测多维记忆评估量表(MMAS)的信度和效度。方法:根据694名6-91岁被试的MMAS测试结果作了同质信度、结构效度和实证效度检验,以56名被试间隔20天的两次测试资料计算重测信度,以WMS-RC为效标考查效标效度。结果:分测验的重测信度在0.526-0.935之间,组合分的重测信度在0.76以上;分测验的分半信度(0.265-0.970)、α系数(0.246-0.957)和概化系数(0.245-0.957)多数在0.60以上;MMAS组合分与WMS-RC记忆商的相关为0.400-0.745,有关分测验的相关0.3以上;各分测验之间的相关(0.191-0.785),及与对应组合分的相关多数在0.5以上,多维构想得到证实;分测验成绩和组合分与教育呈正相关(0.156-0.764);在儿童组分测验成绩和组合分与年龄呈正相关(0.214-0.759)、在成人和老人组分测验成绩和组合分与年龄呈负相关(-0.198~-0.595),各分测验的区分效度为0.278-0.889。结论:MMAS的重测信度、同质信度、效标效度和实证效度均较理想,符合心理测量学的要求。  相似文献   

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