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刘爱华  季建 《国际眼科纵览》2013,(6):388-391,396
病理性高眼压和较大的昼夜眼压波动是青光眼视神经损害进展的重要危险因素.眼压具有波动性,正常人眼压波动的峰值多出现于凌晨,这种波动与体位、眼灌注压、眼轴等有关.正常眼压性青光眼患者眼压波动是视野进展的重要危险因素,且经24小时眼压监测发现大部分眼压是存在异常的,因此需根据其昼夜眼压曲线明确诊断和针对性治疗;原发性开角型青光眼患者昼夜眼压波动规律与正常人相似,眼压高峰多在夜间,但波动范围可能比正常人大,且双眼的波动呈明显的一致性;激光周边虹膜切开术后的慢性闭角型青光眼患者的昼夜眼压波动较大,其眼压波动与基线眼压和房角粘连程度呈正相关.与激光和药物相比,小梁切除术更有利于控制长期和昼夜的眼压波动.抗青光眼药物中前列腺素类药物是控制昼夜眼压波动效果最好的滴眼剂.  相似文献   

Background: There is increasing evidence that relatively rapid spikes in intraocular pressure may contribute to axonal damage in glaucoma. The present study seeks to quantify the ability of a compressible damping element (a simple air bubble) to reduce intraocular pressure fluctuations induced by a known change in intraocular fluid volume. Methods: A mathematical model describing the damping of intraocular pressure increases for a given infusion volume was developed and compared with experimental data obtained from isolated pig eyes. A damping element (100 µL to 2 mL of air) was added to the system, and the effect on the induced intraocular pressure change for a given infusion volume was assessed. Results: The introduction of the damping element reduced the intraocular pressure change in a volume‐dependent manner consistent with the mathematical modelling. The maximum bubble size tested (2 mL) dampened the intraocular pressure change by an average of 63.5 ± 8.7% at a baseline pressure close to 20 mmHg. Close agreement was seen between the mathematical model and the experimental data. Conclusion: Mathematical modelling and experiments in isolated pig eyes demonstrated that the addition of a damping element in the form of a compressible air bubble is capable of significantly reducing induced intraocular pressure spikes.  相似文献   

戴惟葭  卢艳  潘秀云 《眼科研究》2004,22(2):197-199
目的 探讨对正常眼压青光眼人群合理用药降低眼压对视功能的保护作用。方法 对 18例 2 8眼正常眼压青光眼患者进行前瞻性研究。随机分成两组 ,一组为非治疗组 ;另一组为治疗组 ,予以 0 5 %噻吗心安治疗 ,每日 2次 ,随访时间为 3~ 4年 ( 4 1 18± 3 77)个月。采用Humphrey 63 0型视野分析仪的中心 3 0 2检查程序 ,观察和记录每次视野和眼压检查结果 ,并对数据进行相关分析。结果 治疗组眼压明显低于非治疗组 ,差异有显著性 (P <0 0 5 )。两组视野平均缺损深度均较观察前加深 ,对照组与观察前相比有显著性差异 (P <0 0 5 ) ,而治疗组的差异无统计学意义 (P >0 0 5 ) ,两组相比结果有非常显著性差异 (P <0 0 1) ;治疗组与对照组相比 ,出现新的视野缺损的人数比例明显低于后者(P <0 0 5 )。MD值与眼压存在明显相关关系 (r =0 92 ,P <0 0 1)。结论 眼压对正常眼压青光眼的视野改变有直接影响 ,合理用药降低眼压可以延缓正常眼压青光眼 (NTG)的视功能损害。除眼压外 ,还存在其他因素影响疾病发展。  相似文献   

目的 利用静息态功能磁共振成像比率低频振幅(resting state fMRI-fractional amplitude of low frequency fluctuation,rsfMRI-fALFF)研究正常眼压性青光眼(normal tension glaucoma,NTG)脑功能的改变,研究其与光学相干断层扫描(optical coherence tomography,OCT)及视野的相关性,探索NTG病理生理机制.方法 选取NTG患者20例(NTG组),以及20名与NTG组在性别、年龄、受教育程度等相匹配的健康志愿者(正常对照组),完成全脑静息态功能磁共振扫描,获取被试全脑静息态数据,利用REST软件进行静息态数据预处理,对比NTG组与正常对照组全脑比率低频振幅(fractional amplitude of low frequency fluctuation,fALFF)改变的脑区,检验fALFF改变的脑区与患者OCT及视野的相关性.结果 与正常对照组比较,NTG组右侧脑角回、右侧脑楔前叶的fALFF值均显著减低(均为P<0.05),未发现fALFF值增高的脑区;右侧脑角回、右侧脑楔前叶的fALFF值与视网膜神经纤维层厚度均呈负相关(右侧脑角回:r=-0.607,P=0.010;右侧脑楔前叶:r=-0.504,P=0.020),而与C/D值均未见显著相关性(右侧脑角回:r =0.158,P=0.494;右侧脑楔前叶:r=-0.087,P=0.706);右侧脑角回、右侧脑楔前叶的fALFF值与视野的平均变异值(右侧脑角回:r=0.096,P=0.468;右侧脑楔前叶:r=0.026,P=0.845)和模式标准差值(右侧脑角回:r =0.064,P=0.626;右侧脑楔前叶:r=-0.145,P=0.268)均无显著相关性.结论 NTG患者静息态多个脑区的功能紊乱可能参与NTG的发病,使之成为临床诊断NTG的可能补充手段,亦可作为评估NTG严重性方面的参考指标.  相似文献   

正常眼压性青光眼诊断中存在的问题   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
王宁利  卿国平 《眼科》2005,14(2):69-70
患者具有典型的青光眼视盘损害、视野缺损、前房角开放、眼压正常,并排除眼部或全身性疾病引起的视神经病变,即可诊断为正常眼压性青光眼。准确的眼压测量、两次以上24小时眼压曲线描记以及对眼部和全身可能原发疾病的排除在诊断过程中至关重要。  相似文献   

AIM: To systematically review whether the increased fluctuation of intraocular pressure (IOP) is a risk factor for open angle glaucoma (OAG) progression. METHODS: Scientific studies relevant to IOP fluctuation and glaucoma progression were retrieved from MEDLINE, EMBASE and CENTRAL databases, and were listed as references in this paper. The hazard ratio (HR) was calculated by using fixed or random-effects models according to the heterogeneity of included studies. RESULTS: Individual data for 2211 eyes of 2637 OAG patients in fourteen prospective studies were included in this Meta-analysis. All studies were longitudinal clinical studies with follow-up period ranging from 3 to 8.5y. The combined HR was 1.23 (95%CI 1.04-1.46, P=0.02) for the association between IOP fluctuation and glaucoma onset or progression with the evidence of heterogeneity (P<0.1). Subgroup analyses with different types of IOP fluctuation were also evaluated. Results indicated that the summary HR was 0.98 (95%CI 0.78-1.24) in short-term IOP fluctuation group, which showed no statistical significance with heterogeneity, whereas, the combined HR was 1.43 (95%CI 1.13-1.82, P=0.003) in long-term IOP fluctuation group without homogeneity. Sensitivity analysis further showed that the pooled HR was 1.10 (95%CI 1.03-1.18, P=0.004) for long-term IOP fluctuation and visual function progression with homogeneity among studies (P=0.3). CONCLUSION: Long-term IOP fluctuation can be a risk factor for glaucoma progression based on the presented evidence. Thus, controlling the swing of IOP is crucial for glaucoma or glaucoma suspecting patients.  相似文献   

Focal ischaemic normal pressure glaucoma versus high pressure glaucoma   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In a total group of 130 patients with Normal Pressure Glaucoma (NPG) twenty-six were classified as Focal Ischaemic NPG (FINPG). This subgroup has a typical defect at the disc with a comparable visual field defect in the corresponding half of the visual field. Visual field defects are more often seen in the upper than the lower half of the visual field. The defects in the upper half are on the average larger (stage 1.6) than those in the lower half (stage 0.9). Abnormalities of the chamber angle were observed in 12% of these patients, the same percentage as in the normal population. Hypertension and/or cardiovascular disorders were found significantly more frequently in FINPG patients (65.4%) than in a control group of High Pressure Glaucoma (HPG) patients (22.2%). Of the local vascular risk factors, papillary haemorrhages (46%) and choroidal sclerosis (30%) were seen significantly more frequently in FINPG than in HPG (11% and 0% respectively). The total amount of peripapillary atrophy (PPA) in FINPG and HPG is the same, but the distribution is clearly different: in FINPG there is more PPA on the side of the papillary defect. Wide veins were observed in a high percentage of cases in both groups. FINPGs were found to be more frequently progressive (38.5%) than had been thought at first. Recognition of subgroups in NPG, and of risk factors, has already made it possible to make a better prognosis in some types of NPG.  相似文献   

AIM: To compare the intraocular pressure (IOP) peaks and fluctuations using water drinking tests (WDTs) and mean diurnal IOP among Filipino patients with normal eyes and glaucoma suspectsMETHODS: This prospective study included normal and glaucoma suspect patients. Each patient underwent both WDT and mean diurnal examination on separate visits. For mean diurnal examination, IOP was recorded every 2h for 8h while in WDT, IOP was recorded prior to WDT, and post-WDT at 5, 15, 30, 45, and 60min. IOP peak was recorded as the highest IOP for both methods, and IOP fluctuation was recorded as highest IOP minus lowest IOP.RESULTS: With the comparison of diagnostic tests, both normal eyes and glaucoma suspect groups, the peak IOP was caught at 15min. Comparative analysis of both groups also showed that the peak IOP measurements were statistically higher for the WDT compared to mean diurnal IOP (P=0.039, P=0.048 under normal group and P=0.032 and P=0.031 under glaucoma suspect group). Similarly, the WDT had a statistically higher mean IOP fluctuation score than the mean diurnal IOP method in both groups (P=0.003, P=0.011 under normal group; P=0.002 and P=0.005 under glaucoma suspect group).CONCLUSION: This study shows that WDT is a comparable diagnostic exam in predicting IOP fluctuations than mean diurnal measurement. WDT is a promising diagnostic procedure for risk assessment in glaucoma.  相似文献   

目的了解原发性开角型青光眼(POAG)和原发性慢性闭角型青光眼(PACG)在眼压降低后视野是否发生改变及相关因素分析。方法原发性慢性青光眼32例(44眼),其中PACG19例(25眼),POAG13例(19眼)。眼压治疗前及治疗后1个月全部患者均行Humphrey静态自动视野(HFA)24-2全阈值视野检查。比较眼压降低前后视野平均缺损(MD)、模式标准差(PSD)的变化,分析眼压降低幅度、年龄及视神经杯盘比与视野MD改变是否相关。结果治疗前MD为-13.58±9.31,治疗后MD为-12.08±8.37,治疗前后MD比较差异有统计学意义(t=3.35,P=0.002);治疗前后MD差值与眼压降低幅度呈正相关(r=0.341,P=0.027)。协方差分析结果表明,校正年龄和HRT的杯盘面积比后,治疗前后视野MD的改变与眼压降低幅度呈正相关(F=4.706,P=0.037)。结论原发性慢性青光眼眼压降低后视野有所改善,视野改善的程度与降压幅度有关。  相似文献   

Purpose: To determine whether glaucoma subtype is an independent risk factor for visual field (VF) progression. Methods: We reviewed the charts of glaucoma suspects and glaucoma patients seen in a referral practice between 1999 and 2009. Automated pointwise linear regression analysis determined the rates of VF change. A progression endpoint was determined when two or more adjacent test locations in the same hemifield showed a threshold sensitivity decline at a rate of ≥1.0 dB/year with p < 0.01. Results: We included 841 eyes (841 patients; mean age, 64.1 ± 12.6 years; mean number of VF tests, 10.8 ± 2.8; mean follow‐up, 6.4 ± 1.7 years). The glaucomatous group consisted of angle‐closure glaucoma (76 eyes), juvenile primary open‐angle glaucoma (37 eyes), normal‐tension glaucoma (81 eyes), pigmentary glaucoma (34 eyes), primary open‐angle glaucoma (275 eyes) and exfoliative glaucoma (XFG, 84 eyes). Normal‐tension glaucoma eyes were more likely to present with beta‐zone parapapillary atrophy and disc haemorrhage (p < 0.01). Exfoliative glaucoma eyes had the fastest rates of global VF change (?0.65 dB/year), as well as the highest mean, fluctuation, and peak intraocular pressure during follow‐up (16.5, 3.0 and 22.0 mmHg, respectively) and reached a progression endpoint more frequently (40%). After adjusting for all covariates, including the glaucoma phenotype, there was no difference among groups regarding global rates of VF change and the risk of reaching a progression endpoint. Conclusions: Despite different clinical features, epidemiology and genetics, glaucoma phenotype is not an independent risk factor for VF progression. Rather, variations in well‐known, reported risk factors remain important disease parameters that affect progression.  相似文献   

筛板的变形与血流减少一直被视作青光眼视神经轴突损伤的首发因素.病理性眼压升高与青光眼的发生发展间有紧密关系.通过OCT技术衡量筛板及周边参数随眼压变化来研究青光眼发病机制受到了广泛关注.研究表明筛板深度(LCD)、筛板前表面厚度(PTT)、筛板曲率指数(LCCI)以及视盘血管密度等参数均与眼压具有相关性.眼压升高可对筛...  相似文献   

AIM: To compare the corneal biomechanical properties difference by ocular response analyzer (ORA) in normal tension glaucoma (NTG) patients with different visual field (VF) progression speed. METHODS: NTG patients with well-controlled Goldmann applanation tonometer (GAT) who routinely consulted Kitasato University Hospital Glaucoma Department between January 2010 and February 2014 were enrolled. GAT and ORA parameters including corneal compensated intraocular pressure (IOPcc), Goldmann estimated intraocular pressure (IOPg), corneal hysteresis (CH), corneal resistance factor (CRF) were recorded. VF was tested by Swedish interactive threshold algorithm (SITA)-standard 30-2 fields. All patients underwent VF measurement regularly and GAT did not exceed 15 mm Hg at any time during the 3y follow up. Patients were divided into four groups according to VF change over 3y, and ORA findings were compared between the upper 25th percentile group (slow progression group) and the lower 25th percentile group (rapid progression group). RESULTS: Eighty-two eyes of 56 patients were studied. There were 21 eyes (21 patients) each in rapid and slow progression groups respectively. GAT, IOPcc, IOPg, CH, CRF were 12.1±1.4 mm Hg, 15.8±1.8 mm Hg, 12.8±2.0 mm Hg, 8.4±1.1 mm Hg, 7.9±1.3 mm Hg respectively in rapid progression group and 11.5±1.3 mm Hg, 13.5±2.1 mm Hg, 11.2±1.6 mm Hg, 9.3±1.1 mm Hg, 8.2±0.9 mm Hg respectively in slow progression group (P=0.214, <0.001, 0.007, 0.017, 0.413, respectively). In bivariate correlation analysis, IOPcc, IOPcc-GAT and CH were significant correlated with m△MD (r=-0.292, -0.312, 0.228 respectively, P=0.008, 0.004, 0.039 respectively). CONCLUSION: Relatively rapid VF progression occurred in NTG patients whose IOPcc are rather high, CH are rather low and the difference between IOPcc and GAT are relatively large. Higher IOPcc and lower CH are associated with VF progression in NTG patients. This study suggests that GAT measures might underestimate the IOP in such patients.  相似文献   

关于眼压昼夜波动的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
傅方  陈晓明 《眼科研究》2009,27(7):629-632
既往研究表明人的眼压在24h不同时间有不同的值。近年来,随着新型眼压计的不断发明和普及,人们对眼压的波动趋势有了更深入的了解,并发现了眼压的波动与青光眼损害的关系。就目前健康人和各种不同类型的青光眼眼压波动趋势的研究现状进行综述。  相似文献   

OCT在正常眼压性青光眼患者中的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
目的:探讨正常人、NTG患者、可疑NTG患者视盘周围视网膜神经纤维层(retinal nerve fiber layer,RNFL)的变化特点并分析光学相干断层扫描成像仪(optical coherence tomography,OCT)检查各参数诊断(normal tension glaucoma,NTG)的能力。方法:用OCT检查46例(80眼)NTG患者,43例(80眼)可疑NTG患者,40例正常人(80眼)视盘周围RNFL厚度,对OCT参数进行受检者操作特性曲线(ROC曲线)分析。结果:OCT参数(average.Thick,Avg.Thi)等在NTG患者、可疑NTG患者和正常人3组间差异有统计显著性意义(F=14.17-123.03,P<0.05)。区分NTG和正常人时OCT检查诊断准确性最高的参数Avg.Thi的受检者操作特性曲线下面积(AUC)明显大于区分可疑NTG和正常人时OCT检查诊断准确性最高的参数Avg.Thi的AUC(P<0.01)。结论:NTG患者视盘周围RNFL的厚度较正常人和可疑NTG患者变薄。OCT检查能够帮助诊断NTG,OCT检查区分NTG和正常人的能力要高于区分可疑NTG和正常人的能力。  相似文献   

正常眼压性青光眼中眼压与视野间的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 :探讨正常眼压性青光眼 (normalpressureglaucoma ,NPG)的眼压、视野和相互关系。方法 :分析 98例新诊断NPG患者的眼压曲线和视野状态。结果 :眼压曲线呈单峰式波动 ,双眼对称 ,总体平均水平位于 16mmHg上下 ,波动幅度 <2mmHg。患者男性眼压均值右眼为15 70± 2 5 7mmHg、左眼为 15 46± 2 %41mmHg ,女性右眼为 16 5 2± 1 97mmHg、左眼为 16 45± 2 0 1mmHg ,眼压与年龄相关不显著 (P >0 0 5 )。患者各相应年龄组的眼压均高于正常老年人 (分别P <0 0 2 ,P <0 0 1,P <0 0 0 1)。在 98例患者 196眼的视野中 ,5 2例患者为单眼损害 ,14 4眼的视野损害在损害形态和部位上与眼压升高的原发性开角型青光眼 (hp -POAG)相符合 ,但旁中心损害侵入中心固视区者约占 2 2 2 2 %。在两眼视野损害相对轻重的划分中 ,视野损害不同分级状态下眼压的平均值、最高值和波动差二者间差异不显著 (P >0 0 2 ) ,单侧视野损害患者患眼与对侧眼眼压差异不显著 (P >0 0 5 ) ,但同侧视野损害较重且眼压较高眼数的构成比最大 ,约占 5 5 1%(P <0 0 1)。结论 :NPG患者的眼压状态在单值水平、波动幅度和双眼对称性上均与一般群体生理眼压相一致 ,但平均眼压高于年龄可比的正常老年人。视野损害特征与hp -POAG相符合 ,  相似文献   

Background: To find out the relationship between laminar displacement and age between patients with primary open‐angle glaucoma and normal tension glaucoma. Design: Retrospective study conducted at a tertiary university hospital Participants or Samples: Twenty‐six eyes of 26 primary open‐angle glaucoma patients and 52 eyes of 52 normal tension glaucoma patients. Methods: Patients were scanned with a Stratus optical coherence tomography apparatus to measure the retinal nerve fibre layer thickness and to visualize the cross‐sectional laminar displacement of 12 clock‐hour segments, 30 degrees each. Depth1 was defined as the longest distance between the retinal pigment epithelium and the anterior laminar cribrosa surface, which represents the amount of laminar displacement. Main Outcome Measure: Partial correlation coefficients adjusted by mean deviation and intraocular pressure between (i) retinal nerve fibre layer thickness and age, and (ii) Depth1 and age. Results: In the primary open‐angle glaucoma group, strong negative correlations (approximately ?0.343 ~ ?0.738) were found between Depth1 and age. Eight of 12 clock‐hour segments' correlations were significant after Bonferroni correction (α = 0.0021; 24 comparisons). However, no significant correlations were found between Depth1 and age in the normal tension glaucoma group. When the correlation coefficients were compared between the two groups, eight clock‐hour segments showed significant differences after Bonferroni correction. Conclusions: The significantly different correlation between laminar displacement and age between primary open‐angle glaucoma and normal tension glaucoma patients may suggest a different role of the lamina cribrosa to the disease.  相似文献   

Purpose: To investigate the relationship between optic disc progression and rates of visual field (VF) change in patients with treated glaucoma. Methods: Glaucoma patients with repeatable VF loss, ≥8 SITA‐Standard 24‐2 VF tests and good quality optic disc stereophotographs evaluated over a 10‐year period were included. Optic disc photographs were reviewed for signs of glaucoma progression (neuroretinal rim change, widening of retinal nerve fibre layer defect, disc haemorrhage and enlargement of beta‐zone parapapillary atrophy) by two glaucoma specialists masked to their temporal sequence. Disagreements were adjudicated by a third grader. VF progression was evaluated using automated pointwise linear regression (PLR) and defined as at least two adjacent test points progressing >1.0 dB/year at p < 0.01. VF progression outcomes were compared with photograph review results. Results: Three‐hundred and eighty nine eyes (389 patients; mean age 64.9 ± 13.0 years; mean baseline MD, ?7.1 ± 5.1 dB) were included. Most patients had primary open angle glaucoma (54%). Eighty‐two eyes (21%) had confirmed optic disc progression and 115 eyes (29%) met the VF PLR criteria. Eyes with documented optic disc progression had more rapid rates of VF change (?0.66 ± 0.7 versus ?0.36 ± 0.7 dB/year, p < 0.01) and met the VF PLR endpoint more often (univariate OR = 1.85, p = 0.02; multivariate OR = 1.78, p = 0.03) than eyes without optic disc progression. There was moderate spatial consistency between the location of the optic disc progression and the hemifield with more rapid progression (81%, kappa = 0.40). Conclusions: Treated glaucomatous eyes with documented optic disc progression are at increased risk of diminished visual function over time and may require more aggressive therapy to prevent future vision loss. Among the indicators of structural progression, disc haemorrhage was the single most significant predictor for VF deterioration.  相似文献   

目的探讨视野在原发性先天性青光眼疗效观察中的价值.方法对17例28眼先天性青光眼的视野资料进行回顾性分析,并就视力、眼压、杯盘比值、手术次数、手术年龄等因素与视野的关系进行探讨.结果初次检查视野的年龄4~16岁,平均11.52±3.47岁,视野检查距手术的时间1~14年,平均6.7年.矫正视力≥0.4者占78.579%,其中>0.8者占46.439%.22眼具有青光眼性视野缺损,占78.579%,其中旁中心暗点5眼,鼻侧阶梯9眼,弓形缺损6眼,管视和/或颞岛7眼.早、中、晚三期视野损害所占比例分别为:32.14%、21.439%、25.00%.8例13眼有视野随访,随访时间3~13年,平均6.6年,6眼有视野进展.手术次数≥2次组的视野损害较≤1次手术组重(P<0.05).杯盘比值≥0.6组的视野损害明显重于C/D<0.6组(P<0.05).结论视野是评价先天性青光眼疗效的一个重要指标,先天性青光眼患者经训练后能够完成视野检查.  相似文献   

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