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The primary care clerkship (PCC) at Harvard Medical School was established in 1997. The goals are to provide students with longitudinal experiences with patients and to include modern themes in the curriculum: managing illness and clinical relationships over time; finding the best available answers to clinical questions; preventing illness and promoting health; dealing with clinical uncertainty; getting the best outcomes with available resources; working in a health care team; and sharing decision making with patients. The PCC, a required course in the clinical years, meets one afternoon a week for nine months. Students spend three afternoons per month in primary care practices, where they see three to five patients per session and follow at least one patient ("longitudinal patient") over time. Classroom sessions, in both large- and small-group formats, promote a common educational philosophy and experience, and reinforce habits of problem-based learning established in the preclinical years. The students rated 74% of their preceptors excellent, especially praising their ability to facilitate and support good interpersonal relationships with patients, their ability to encourage students' independent evaluation of patients (as opposed to shadowing), and their enthusiasm for teaching. Students saw their longitudinal patients a mean of 4.8 times; 83% saw their patients at least three times. The PCC complements the curriculum of block clerkships in hospitals, and because the two are offered concurrently, students are required to come to terms with two substantially different cultures within medicine. Other medical schools are beginning to develop longitudinal clerkships to ensure that students have essential educational experiences that are difficult to achieve in block, hospital-based clerkships.  相似文献   

The Academy at Harvard Medical School, established in 2001, was formed at a critical moment for medical schools in this country. Several decades of enormous growth in the biomedical research and clinical care activities of medical school faculty have resulted in great societal benefit. The unintended consequence has been a decline in faculty time and reward for the educational mission that is unique to a medical school. The impact of this decline is particularly felt now because the explosive growth in the science and technology relevant to medical practice, coupled with dramatic changes in the health care delivery system, calls for new models for the education of the next generation of physicians. The mission of the academy is to renew and reinvigorate the educational mission of Harvard Medical School (HMS). By bringing together a select group of some of the school's most talented and dedicated faculty and providing direct support for their work related to education, the academy has created a unique mechanism for increasing the recognition of teaching contributions of both academy members and the teaching faculty at large, fostering educational innovation, and providing a forum for the exchange of ideas related to medical education that cross departmental and institutional lines. The authors describe the academy's membership criteria, structure, governance, activities, institutional impact, and plans for long-term evaluation, and indicate challenges the academy will face in the future.  相似文献   

Few institutions have shaped neuropathology as a discipline as profoundly as Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) and Harvard Medical School. Their fascination over many decades is due to a unique accumulation of excellent, intellectually stimulating neurologists with a sincere interest in the morphologic and pathogenetic basis of nervous system diseases. Their approach was strictly case oriented and clinico-pathological conferences were developed to the highest standard. In this review, the foundations of neuropathology in Boston are recounted.  相似文献   

In 2006-2007, Harvard Medical School implemented a new, required course for first-year medical and dental students entitled Clinical Epidemiology and Population Health. Conceived of as a "basic science" course, its primary goal is to allow students to develop an understanding of caring for individuals and promoting the health of populations as a continuum of strategies, all requiring the engagement of physicians. In the course's first iteration, topical content accessible to first-year students was selected to exemplify physicians' roles in addressing current threats to population health. Methodological areas included domains of clinical epidemiology, decision sciences, population-level prevention and health promotion, physicians' roles in the public health system, and population-level surveillance and intervention strategies. Large-group settings were selectively used to frame the relevance of each topic, and conceptual learning of statistical and epidemiologic methods occurred in conference groups of 24 students. Finally, tutorials of eight students and one or two faculty were used for critical reading of published studies, review of problem sets, and group discussion of population health issues. To help students appreciate the structure and function of the public health system and physicians' role in public health emergencies, the course included a role-playing exercise simulating response to an influenza pandemic. The first iteration of the course was well received, and assessment of students suggested mastery of basic skills. Preclinical courses represent a progressive step in developing a workforce of physicians who embrace their responsibility to improve the health of the population as a whole, as well as the health of the patient in front of them.  相似文献   

Throughout the United Kingdom, medical schools have begun to make significant changes in the content and delivery of their undergraduate curricula in response to a number of social and educational forces. In particular, many schools have begun to focus increasingly on community-based education. This and other changes mirror developments that have taken place in other countries and in the context of other health care systems, with such forerunners as Harvard, Maastricht, and McMaster having had a fundamental influence. In this article, the authors describe the forces for curricular change in the United Kingdom and the specific recommendations for change made by the General Medical Council. They then discuss in detail the new curriculum at the University of Birmingham medical school, focusing in particular on a community medicine module, where students spend ten days per academic year learning in general medical practices in and around the city of Birmingham.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To assess medical students' knowledge and clinical confidence in musculoskeletal medicine as well as their attitudes toward the education they receive in this specialty. METHOD: A cross-sectional survey of students in all four years of Harvard Medical School was conducted during the 2005-2006 academic year. Participants were asked to fill out a 30-question survey and a nationally validated basic competency exam in musculoskeletal medicine. RESULTS: The response rate was 74% (449/608). Medical students rated musculoskeletal education to be of major importance (3.8/5) but rated the amount of curriculum time spent on musculoskeletal medicine as poor (2.1/5). Third-year students felt a low to adequate level of confidence in performing a musculoskeletal physical examination (2.7/5) and failed to demonstrate cognitive mastery in musculoskeletal medicine (passing rate on competency exam: 7%), whereas fourth-year students reported a similar level of confidence (2.7/5) and exhibited a higher passing rate (26%). Increasing exposure to the subject by taking clinical electives resulted in greater clinical confidence and enhanced performance on the exam (P < .001). Students' feedback suggested that musculoskeletal education can be better integrated into the preclinical curriculum, more time should be spent in the field, and more focus should be placed on common clinical conditions. CONCLUSIONS: These findings, which are consistent with those from other schools, suggest that medical students do not feel adequately prepared in musculoskeletal medicine and lack both clinical confidence and cognitive mastery in the field. Implementing a four-year integrated musculoskeletal curriculum is one way that medical schools can address this concern.  相似文献   

The Harvard Medical School-Cambridge Integrated Clerkship (HMS-CIC) is a redesign of the principal clinical year to foster students' learning from close and continuous contact with cohorts of patients in the disciplines of internal medicine, neurology, obstetrics-gynecology, pediatrics, and psychiatry. With year-long mentoring, students follow their patients through major venues of care. Surgery and radiology also are taught longitudinally, grounded in the clinical experiences of a cohort of patients and in a brief immersion experience working directly with an attending surgeon. Students participate in weekly, case-based tutorials integrating instruction in the basic sciences with training to address the common and important issues in medicine, as identified by national organizations. In addition, they participate in a social science curriculum that focuses on self-reflection, communication skills, ethics, population sciences, and cultural competence. In the pilot year (July 2004 to July 2005), HMS-CIC students performed at least as well as traditional students in tests of content knowledge and skills, as measured by National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME) Subject Exams and the fourth-year Objective Structured Clinical Exam, and they scored higher on a year-end comprehensive clinical skills self-assessment examination, suggesting that they retained content knowledge better. From surveys, HMS-CIC students were much more likely to see patients before diagnosis and after discharge and to receive feedback and mentoring from experienced faculty than were their traditionally educated peers. HMS-CIC students expressed more satisfaction with their curriculum and felt better prepared to cope with the professional challenges of patient care, such as being truly caring, involving patients in decision making, and understanding how the social context affects their patients.  相似文献   

对比2015年美国哈佛大学医学院课程体系改革创新前后的课程变化,深度分析其医学课程设置模式转换的原因,总结其教学改革方向,即更加注重医学人文教育,早期接触临床,医学生领导力培养。希望通过对哈佛这所美国顶尖医学院校的介绍,为国内高等医学教育改革提供参考。  相似文献   

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