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Thioridazine has two major active metabolites, which are formed from S-oxidation of its 2-methylthio group; the sulphoxide, mesoridazine, and the sulphone, sulforidazine. Dose proportionality of the three compounds was investigated for the first time in 11 males after administration of three single oral doses (25, 50, and 100 mg) of thioridazine hydrochloride separated in each case by two weeks. Based on the plasma concentrations of the three analytes over 72 h following each dose, large intersubject variabilities in such parameters as AUCot and Cmax were observed for each of the three compounds. The relationships between dose and parameters such as AUCot and Cmax for each analyte were described by an equation for a straight line (r2 greater than or equal to 0.8). However, the mean apparent distribution and elimination rate constants for thioridazine and mesoridazine and the mean apparent oral clearance for thioridazine decreased significantly with increasing dose, suggesting non-linearity in the elimination of thioridazine at high dose.  相似文献   

A single-blind study was conducted in 10 healthy male subjects. Each subject was tested with four single oral doses of capsules containing 25, 50, 100, 200mg almitrine bismesylate and one dose of placebo. Blood samples were drawn as a function of time and the concentration of almitrine in plasma was determined by gas chromatography utilizing nitrogen-phosphorus detection. Linear regression analysis of the data suggested that a deviation from linearity existed between the area under the plasma concentration time curves and the dose (R = 0.96). Linear analysis of the individual data indicates that a slight negative deviation from linearity is apparent for the 200 mg dose. The same trend was observed for the mean maximum almitrine plasma concentration, Cmax, which ranged from 38.9 +/- 11.8 to 286.2 +/- 99.1 ng ml-1 for the 25 and 200 mg dose, respectively. The time to peak was relatively constant regardless of the administered dose and ranged from 2.4 +/- 0.5 h to 2.8 +/- 0.8 h. Good agreement was obtained between the observed bioavailability parameters and those predicted from the nonlinear fit of the data. Further kinetic analysis of the data revealed mean total body clearance over fraction of dose absorbed ranging from 268.2 +/- 132.8 to 436.4 +/- 191.4 ml min-1 for doses 50 and 200mg, respectively.  相似文献   

1. Plasma and whole blood concentrations of proguanil and its two major metabolites cycloguanil (CG) and 4-chlorophenylbiguanide (CPB) were measured by a sensitive h.p.l.c. technique in nine healthy adult male volunteers after a single oral dose of proguanil 200 mg. 2. Proguanil was absorbed with a median time to peak plasma concentration of 3 h (range 2-4 h). 3. Peak plasma concentrations of proguanil ranged between 150 and 220 (median 170) ng ml-1 compared with 12 to 69 (median 41) ng ml-1 for the active antimalarial metabolite CG, and 3 to 16 (median 11) ng ml-1 for CPB. Peak (mean +/- s.d.) plasma CG concentrations occurred 5.3 +/- 0.9 h and peak CPB concentrations occurred 6.3 +/- 1.4 h after oral administration of proguanil. 4. Whole blood concentrations of proguanil were approximately five times higher, and whole blood CPB concentrations were four times higher than corresponding plasma values, whereas plasma and whole blood concentrations of CG were similar. 5. A triexponential function was fitted to these data; mean (+/- s.d.) values for the AUC were 3046 +/- 313 ng ml-1 h for proguanil, 679 +/- 372 ng ml-1 h for CG and 257 +/- 155 ng ml-1 h for CPB. 6. Plasma and whole blood concentrations of proguanil and its metabolites declined in parallel with terminal elimination half-lives estimated as 16.1 +/- 2.9 h and 15.7 +/- 2.4 h, respectively. Mean residence times in plasma and whole blood were estimated as 21.2 +/- 4.9 and 19.3 +/- 2.4 h.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the steady-state pharmacokinetics and dose proportionality of troglitazone, metabolite 1 (sulfate conjugate), and metabolite 3 (quinone metabolite) following administration of daily oral doses of 200, 400, and 600 mg troglitazone for 7 days (per dosing period) to 21 subjects. During each dosing period, plasma samples were collected predose on days 1, 5, 6 and 7 and serially for 24 hours on day 7. Steady-state plasma concentrations for troglitazone, metabolite 1, and metabolite 3 were achieved by day 7. Troglitazone was rapidly absorbed with mean tmax values of 2.7 to 2.9 hours. Mean Cmax and AUC(0-24) values for troglitazone, metabolite 1, and metabolite 3 increased proportionally with increasing troglitazone doses over the clinical dose range of 200 mg to 600 mg administered once daily. Mean troglitazone CL/F, percent fluctuation, and AUC ratios of metabolite 1 and metabolite 3 to troglitazone were similar across dose groups. These data suggest that the pharmacokinetics and disposition of troglitazone and its metabolites are independent of dose over the dose range studied. Thus, troglitazone, metabolite 1, and metabolite 3 displayed linear pharmacokinetics at steady-state.  相似文献   

Phenothiazines are widely used in older patients, but little experimental work has been carried out in this age group.Two groups of healthy volunteers, a younger group (Y: six males and six females, aged 20-42 years) and an older group (O: six males and eight females, aged 65-77 years) took part in a randomized double-blind three-period crossover study in which they received by mouth single doses of thioridazine (Y: 50 mg; O: 25 mg) remoxipride (Y: 100 mg; O: 50 mg) or placebo. Measures of central nervous system (CNS) and haemodynamic function were carried out before drug administration and at 1.5-h intervals up to 9 h post-dose, and blood samples were collected over a 24-h period. No significant differences in dose-corrected pharmacokinetic variables were found between the two groups. There was evidence of marked CNS depressant effects of thioridazine from both objective and subjective measures. The effects for remoxipride were similar, though generally less marked. After allowance was made for dose, there was little indication of any difference in degree of CNS depression between the two age groups. Haemodynamic measures showed orthostatic reductions in blood pressure with thioridazine which were particularly marked in the older group, who also showed lower compensatory increases in pulse rate. These results indicate potential problems with orthostatic hypotension with thioridazine in older patients. CNS depression may also be a problem, especially in patients with compromised cholinergic function.  相似文献   

Eight healthy volunteers who had not taken chloroquine 2 to 12 months previously participated in a single dose study designed to evaluate the pharmacokinetics of chloroquine and some of its metabolites. Each subject received two tablets of chloroquine sulfate (300 mg base) only. Blood and urine samples were collected just before and periodically after chloroquine administration. These samples were assayed for chloroquine and its N-dealkylated metabolites (monodesethylchloroquine, didesethylchloroquine, 7-chloro-4-aminoquinoline), chloroquine side chain N-oxide and chloroquine di-N-oxide using a high performance liquid chromatographic method. Residual levels of chloroquine and its N-oxidation metabolites were found in all subjects. 7-chloro-4-aminoquinoline was eliminated more slowly (t1/2z = 126.48 +/- 20.13 h) than the other metabolites and the unchanged drug (t1/2z = 106.43 +/- 10.13 h). Also, 7-chloro-4-aminoquinoline had a significantly faster (Student's t-test, P less than 0.05) formation clearance when compared with the other metabolites. The plasma concentration of 7-chloro-4-aminoquinoline was about twice that of the unchanged drug while the plasma concentration of monodesethylchloroquine was about 46% that of the unchanged drug. In order to investigate whether the metabolites were produced from the same binding sites or closely related sites on the cytochrome P-450 system, their formation clearances were correlated. The best correlation (r2 = 0.83) was observed for didesethylchloroquine and monodesethylchloroquine, and a fair correlation (r2 = 0.59) was observed for monodesethylchloroquine and 7-chloro-4-aminoquinoline. Formation clearances of the other metabolites were poorly correlated.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Fifty-three patients in an acute episode or exacerbation of psychosis were given thioridazine 200 or 400 mg daily for 2 weeks. Thioridazine and its active metabolites, mesoridazine and sulforidazine, were estimated in plasma by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and radioreceptor assay (RRA). One week after institution of treatment, plasma concentrations of drug were stable in the morning 12 h after dosing. Drug levels varied widely between patients, but in all patients the relative level of thioridazine to mesoridazine was about one half and thioridazine to sulforidazine was about two fold. Estimates of neuroleptic activity by RRA and the weighted sum of thioridazine, mesoridazine and sulforidazine by HPLC were very similar. Plasma concentration of parent compound, metabolites, or the sum of active substances as estimated by HPLC or RRA, showed only modest correlations (r s=0.10–0.22, all NS) to the degree of improvement as measured by change on the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale. Significant correlations were observed between plasma concentrations of drug and side effects, including dry mouth, blurred vision, or total rating on the Somatic Symptoms Scale. Even patients receiving the lowest dose and achieving the lowest plasma concentrations of drug showed considerable improvement. There was suggestive evidence that the patients achieving the highest plasma levels of drug did not have the best clinical outcome. These and similar observations from other studies suggest that currently used doses of neuroleptics may be excessive. Optimal drug effects as well as stronger relationships between dose, drug concentration, and clinical therapeutic effects might best be sought at doses below those in common use.  相似文献   

Domperidone is a potent gastrokinetic agent and antinauseant currently undergoing clinical trials in the United States. The bioequivalence of 20 mg of domperidone given as free-base tablets and maleate salt tablets, and the bioavailability of base and maleate tablets relative to a solution, were studied in 21 fasting men using a crossover design. Plasma samples collected for up to 48 hours were analyzed for domperidone levels, using a sensitive and specific radioimmunoassay (RIA). The absorption of domperidone was very rapid, with mean peak plasma concentration (Cmax) values of 18.8, 15.0, and 20.7 ng/mL attained at 0.9, 1.2, and 0.6 hours after the administration of base tablet, maleate tablet, and solution, respectively. The mean elimination half-life (t1/2) ranged from 12.6 to 16.0 hours. The mean oral clearance (CL/F) after the solution dose was 4,735 +/- 2,017 mL/min and the mean apparent volume of distribution (Vd/F) was 6,272 +/- 5,100 L, indicating an extensive distribution of domperidone in the body. The area under the plasma concentration-time curve (AUC) data demonstrated bioequivalence of base and maleate tablets. The relative bioavailability for base tablet and maleate tablet was 107 +/- 50% and 116 +/- 47%, respectively, of that of the solution. Dose proportionality of domperidone was also studied in 12 subjects at solution doses of 10, 20, and 40 mg. Linear correlations between the dose and Cmax and AUC values were observed. Mean CL/F remained relatively constant after doses of 10, 20, and 40 mg (5,255 +/- 3,159, 4,842 +/- 1,774, and 4,380 +/- 1,289 mL/min, respectively), indicating linear pharmacokinetics of domperidone over the dose range studied.  相似文献   

Summary Plasma and whole blood concentrations of proguanil, its active metabolite cycloguanil, and the inactive metabolite 4-chlorophenyl-biguanide, were measured by HPLC in 10 healthy Karen women in the last trimester of pregnancy, following a 200 mg single oral dose of proguanil. Four of these women were restudied 2 months after delivery.The pharmacokinetic properties of proguanil were similar during and after pregnancy. Median peak plasma concentrations of proguanil during pregnancy and following delivery were 212 and 215 ng·ml–1, and occurred at 4.5 and 5 h, respectively. Mean plasma AUC values for proguanil during and following pregnancy were 94 and 98 ng·h·ml–1·kg–1, respectively. Corresponding whole blood AUC values were 361 and 396 ng·h·ml–1·kg–1. The mean elimination half lives and mean residence times of proguanil in plasma and whole blood were 12.3 and 19.6 h and 13.8 and 20.7 h respectively during pregnancy. Following pregnancy these values were 17.1 and 19.7 h for plasma and 19.7 h and 20.2 h for whole blood respectively.Mean peak plasma and whole blood concentrations of cycloguanil following pregnancy were 25 and 22 ng·ml–1 respectively. During pregnancy peak cycloguanil concentrations in both plasma and whole blood were markedly lower, 13 and 12 ng ml–1, respectively. Two pregnant women (neither of whom were restudied) were probably poor metabolisers of proguanil. The mean ratio of proguanil to cycloguanil plasma AUC was 16.7 in the third trimester of pregnancy and 7.8 following pregnancy, compared with less than 5 in previously reported studies. The concentrations of 4-chlorophenylbiguanide in both plasma and whole blood in pregnant subjects were also lower than those after pregnancy.These data show that blood concentrations of the active antimalarial metabolite cycloguanil are reduced in late pregnancy and that the currently recommended dose of proguanil could be inadequate for antimalarial prophylaxis in pregnant women.  相似文献   

The absolute bioavailability and dose proportionality of betaxolol [(+/-)-1-(p-[2-cyclopropylmethoxy)ethyl]phenoxy]-3- (isopropylamino)-2-propanol hydrochloride], a cardioselective beta-adrenergic antagonist effective in the treatment of angina and hypertension, was studied in 12 healthy male subjects using a four-way crossover Latin Square design. Each subject received a 10-mg iv dose administered by constant-rate infusion over a period of 30 min and three oral doses (10, 20, and 40 mg). Blood and urine were collected over a 48-h period and analyzed for betaxolol using gas-liquid chromatography with electron capture detection. Maximum concentrations occurred 3-4 h after the dose. The maximum mean (+/- SD) blood concentrations normalized to the 10-mg oral dose were 21.6 +/- 3.7, 21.1 +/- 3.7, and 22.5 +/- 4.0 micrograms/L following the 10-, 20-, and 40-mg doses, respectively. A significant lag time of 10-80 min was observed after oral doses but was not related to dose size. The terminal slope (ts), absolute bioavailability (F), and renal clearance (CLr) were likewise not affected to an important degree by dose (ts: 0.043 +/- 0.006, 0.044 +/- 0.005, 0.046 +/- 0.006 h-1; F: 0.88 +/- 0.08, 0.82 +/- 0.06, 0.84 +/- 0.07; CLr: 0.68 +/- 0.22, 0.69 +/- 0.19, 0.65 +/- 0.22 mL/min kg). Unlike many beta-adrenergic antagonists, betaxolol has a long half-life (13-20 h) and high and consistent bioavailability (70-90%), and its disposition is independent of the size of the administered dose.  相似文献   

The concentrations of thioridazine and its main metabolites in erythrocytes from 61 thioridazine-treated patients were determined by gas-liquid chromatography. The mean and range of the erythrocyte concentrations, expressed as percentage of the corresponding plasma concentrations, were: thioridazine, 5.1% (2.0–10.6); side-chain sulfoxide, 5.6% (1.6–10.4); side-chain sulfone, 3.3% (1.1–6.8); ring sulfoxide 2.7% (0.8–4.9). The erythrocyte and plasma concentrations were significantly correlated. The erythrocyte/plasma concentration ratios, all the erythrocyte concentrations, but none of the plasma concentrations except ring sulfoxide were significantly positively correlated to the dose of thioridazine. The erythrocyte/plasma concentration ratio was not correlated to age. In vitro experiments indicated no clinically relevant erythrocyte-mediated oxidation of thioridazine. Offprint requests to: E. Märtensson  相似文献   

Thioridazine, thioridazine side chain sulfoxide, side chain sulfone and ring sulfoxide were each given to two dogs in incremental doses. Profound changes in cardiac output and blood pressure were seen only in the dogs receiving the ring sulfoxide. Although all four drugs increased the QRS and Q-Tc interval, ventricular arrhythmias and "torsades de pointes" were seen only in dogs receiving the ring sulfoxide. Total plasma concentrations of thioridazine ring sulfoxide were in the same range as those seen in some patients on thioridazine therapy although the free concentrations were higher. Thioridazine ring sulfoxide appears to be the most toxic metabolite of thioridazine.  相似文献   

The pharmacokinetics of loprazolam have been studied in eight healthy male volunteers after single and repeated 2 mg oral doses taken at night, for eight nights. The absorption and disposition of unchanged drug (HPLC-GC assay) and receptor active benzodiazepine-type materials (radioreceptor assay) were examined after the first and eighth dose. Maximum levels of approximately 10 ng ml-1 (range 3.6 to 15.5 ng ml-1) were reached within about 2.5 h after dosing. The post-peak levels declined in a single exponential fashion with an overall mean +/- SD half-life of 7.06 +/- 1.98 h and total areas under the curve ranging from 35.9 to 189.0 ng ml-1 h. There were no statistical differences between the values for the first and eighth doses. There was no evidence to suggest that significant accumulation of parent drug or receptor active benzodiazepine-type materials had occurred, and it is concluded that the kinetics of loprazolam would allow repeated daily doses of 2 mg.  相似文献   

A highly sensitive and selective method of analysis of plasma for thioridazine and its major metabolites, including two isomers of the ring sulfoxide, is presented. It is suitable for following the metabolism of thioridazine for 24 hr after a single dose. The method involves extraction of the materials from plasma, high-performance liquid chromatographic separation, and postcolumn oxidation and fluorometric detection. The sensitivity of the method to thioridazine and its metabolites is 2 ng/ml. Recoveries ranged from 87.8 to 100.6% at levels between 20 and 400 ng/ml.  相似文献   

The problem for assessment of dose proportionality (or linearity) is studied. Various methods for assessment of dose proportionality (or linearity) such as ANOVA type F-test have been proposed. Cheng et al. (2006) proposed an alternative approach based on the slopes of adjacent dose levels under a crossover design. They showed that when dose proportionality (or linearity) cannot be established, their proposed slope approach is useful for evaluation of the degree of departure from dose proportionality (or linearity). In this article, we propose the use of slopes between the dose level and the initial dose (baseline), which we refer to as the baseline slope approach. The two slope approaches are compared under a parallel group design by means of an ANOVA type F-test and other tests. Simulation studies show that the proposed method has a satisfactory small sample performance.  相似文献   

A GLC assay was used to study the excretion of probenecid and its metabolites in the urine of human subjects following oral doses of 0.5, 1, and 2 g. From 75 to 88% of the dose was found in the urine. The major metabolite, probenecid acyl glucuronide, accounted for 34-47% of the dose. Approximately equal amounts (10-15%) of the mono-N-propyl, secondary alcohol, and carboxylic acid metabolites were excreted in the unconjugated from with only traces in the conjugated form. The primary alcohol metabolite was not found in measurable amounts. The terminal half-lives for excretion of all metabolites were in the range of 4-6 hr, were independent of dose, and were limited by their rates of formation. A prolonged time course of excretion of the metabolites, particularly at higher doses, suggests that probenecid, being poorly soluble in water, precipitates from solution in the GI tract, forming a depot of drug from which absorption is dissolution rate limited. The urinary excretion of unchanged probenecid, which accounts for 4-13% of the dose, is dependent on both the pH and flow rate of urine.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Fentanyl effervescent buccal tablets (FEBT) are designed to enhance the rate and efficiency of fentanyl absorption through the buccal mucosa. This study was undertaken to characterise the pharmacokinetics and assess the dose proportionality of FEBT in healthy volunteers within the potential therapeutic dose range. METHODS: Twenty-five healthy adults (mean age 33 years) completed a single-dose, randomised, open-label, four-dose, four-period, crossover study of FEBT. They were administered FEBT 200, 500, 810 or 1080microg. The subjects in this study were not opioid tolerant; therefore, naltrexone was administered to block any opioid receptor-mediated effects of fentanyl. Venous blood samples for measurement of serum fentanyl concentrations were obtained over 36 hours following dosing. Adverse events were recorded throughout the study. RESULTS: The pharmacokinetics of FEBT were characterised by an absorption phase with a median time to reach maximum serum concentration (tmax) of 0.75-0.99 hours that was consistent irrespective of dose. Mean serum fentanyl concentrations exhibited a biexponential decline from peak after FEBT 200 and 500microg doses and a triexponential decline after FEBT 810 and 1080microg doses. The maximum serum concentration (Cmax) of fentanyl was proportional up to and including the 810microg dose. The increase in Cmax was 20% less than proportional at the 1080microg dose. Systemic exposure to fentanyl, as measured by the area under the serum concentration-time curve from time zero to infinity (AUCinfinity), increased proportionally with increasing doses of FEBT (200-1080microg). No serious adverse events were reported during the study. CONCLUSION: The pharmacokinetics of FEBT were characterised by a high early fentanyl concentration as a result of absorption across the buccal mucosa of the oral cavity, which results in bypassing first-pass metabolism. This high early tmax contributed to enhanced early systemic fentanyl exposure. Maximum concentration and AUCinfinity of FEBT increased in a dose-proportional manner from 200 to 810microg. This study provides preliminary pharmacokinetic data for FEBT across the potential therapeutic dose range.  相似文献   

1. The urinary excretion of sulphamethoxazole and its metabolites was compared between healthy volunteers and HIV-seropositive patients in order to get a better understanding of why HIV seropositives are more predisposed to idiosyncratic toxicity of sulphonamides. 2. A single 800 mg oral dose of sulphamethoxazole was administered to seven healthy volunteers and seven asymptomatic HIV seropositives without previous use of sulphonamides. 3. Urine was collected for 4 days and drug analysis was by h.p.l.c. 4. No difference was observed between seropositive and seronegative individuals in the urinary recovery of sulphamethoxazole, N4-acetyl-, 5-hydroxy-, N4-acetyl-5-hydroxy-sulphamethoxazole and the N1-glucuronide conjugate. However the recovery of the hydroxylamine metabolite of sulphamethoxazole was significantly lower in the HIV seropositives (0.50 +/- 0.51 vs 2.23 +/- 0.85%; 95% CI on the difference, -0.90 to -2.55; P = 0.0006). 5. Sulphamethoxazole hydroxylamine may be a factor in the susceptibility of HIV infected individuals to sulphonamides.  相似文献   

The 3-day urinary excretion of digoxin, its conjugated and unconjugated hydrolytic metabolites and dihydrodigoxin, was studied in 8 healthy men after oral administration of tritiated digoxin. Analysis was performed by high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC). The total radioactivity corresponded to 45.4±2.0 per cent (mean ± S.E.M.) of the dose. By HPLC 424 ± 2.7 per cent was recovered before and 44.0 ± 2.7 per cent after deconjugation of the samples. Digoxin and dihydrodigoxin constituted 40.3 ± 2.9 per cent; of this 0.7 ± 0.4 per cent was dihydrodigoxin. The sum of the hydrolytic metabolites was 2.1 ± 0.3 per cent before and 3.4± 0.5 per cent after deconjugation. No correlation was found between gastric pH and the production of hydrolytic metabolites. The relative amount of these metabolites was maximal (mean 13.4 per cent of the excretion) in the 4.8 h sampling period. During the first 8 h an average of 8.6 per cent of the radioactivity was not recovered by HPLC. The metabolism of digoxin as judged by urinary excretion was limited and showed great variation during the early hours after treatment. The excretion of unchanged digoxin in some individuals constituted as little as 60 per cent over the first 12 h after dosing.  相似文献   

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