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Dr. Klaus Staffeldt 《Basic research in cardiology》1963,40(3-4):284-302
Zusammenfassung Es werden an Hand von 5 Sektionsfällen die beim Lupus erythematodes visceralis auftretenden Arterienveränderungen an Milz, Nieren, Herz, Leber und Lungen eingehend untersucht und beschrieben. Als kennzeichnendes morphologisches Substrat der Arterienveränderung ergibt sich eine seröse bis fibrinöse und fibrinös-nekrotisierende Arteriitis ohne oder mit nur geringer entzündlicher Zellreaktion, die sich nicht zwanglos in die bekannten Formenkreise der Arteriitiden einordnen läßt, so daß die Herausstellung der Lupus-Arteriitis als Sonderform berechtigt erscheint. Auch die Milzarterien durchlaufen das Entzündungsstadium und vernarben mit einer zirkulär angeordneten perivaskulären Fibrose. Da die Gefäßveränderungen vorwiegend nur im akuten Stadium vorliegen, wird geschlossen, daß der Lupus erythematodes visceralis im fortgeschrittenen Stadium zu einer generalisierten Gefäßerkrankung wird und durch die dabei an lebenswichtigen Organen auftretenden Kreislaufstörungen zum Tode führt.Mit 7 Abbildungen in 14 Einzeldarstellungen 相似文献
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) results from loss of immunological tolerance. Regulatory T?cells (Treg) are major gatekeepers of peripheral tolerance by suppression of autoreactive lymphocytes. Defects in Treg function are therefore possible pathogenetic mechanisms of SLE. Despite this fact published work about numbers and functions of Tregs in SLE are contradictory and the definitive role of Treg in SLE remains unclear. In this review we summarize the current literature about Treg subtypes and the phenotypic markers in human SLE. We also discuss data from mouse models and ex vivo experiments, which provide indications for possible mechanisms that contribute to loss of tolerance. We also discuss the role of interleukin 2 (IL-2), which is decisive for the function of Treg and has been used therapeutically in preliminary trials in human SLE. The identification of novel Treg markers and the development of novel therapeutic approaches, which restore the balance between Treg and autoreactive T?cells are future goals for research in SLE. 相似文献
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a chronic multisystem disease and despite the improvements in treatment, long-term care still represents a clinical challenge. Previous long-running studies have demonstrated a continuous improvement in mortality and this trend has persisted over the last two decades. However, there still remains a significantly increased mortality in comparison to the normal population. Besides deaths caused by disease activity, cardiovascular and infectious diseases also play a major role. While deaths caused by SLE activity or infections have declined over the years, there has been a notable increase in cardiovascular diseases. As the improvement of SLE activity and infections can be traced back to individually optimized treatment regimes and the more cautious use of steroids, the cardiovascular complications are due to accelerated atherosclerosis and the improved survival with ageing of the patients. This long-term aspect needs to be taken into account in the early stages of disease when treating disease activity and comorbidities. 相似文献
Early diagnosis in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) remains a challenge even to experienced rheumatologists. This is due to the diversity of presentation with single or multiple manifestations and the variable course. In contrast to the considerable progress in treatment modalities no reliable diagnostic marker has been developed in the last years. So the diagnosis is made largely on clinical grounds with great awareness of anamnestic features, thoroughly performed physical examination supported by laboratory and organspecific tests. The 1997 revised ACR classification criteria are of great value, though they do not satisfy in every single case. With respect to the potentially life or organ threatening course of SLE a good interdisciplinary cooperation of general practitioners and specialists with rheumatologists is of special importance. 相似文献
Over the last three decades patient reported outcomes (PRO) have become increasingly more important for the assessment of the course of diseases and therapy response. It represents the generic term for instruments which elicit information on various disease dimensions by direct questioning of patients and thereby collate subjective estimations and perceptions.Aim of the study
This article presents the current situation with respect to the utilization of PRO. The advantages and disadvantages of individual instruments are discussed exemplified by systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and the LuLa study.Conclusion
The PRO instrument collates subjective estimations of various aspects of diseases directly from the patients. The PRO is mainly used to survey (health-related) quality of life but can also be used to reflect other disease-associated aspects. Various institutions promote the use of PRO in clinical trials for assessment of approval for pharmaceutical and medical products because ultimately only benefits for the patients are of relevance. The development of PRO instruments requires the same extensive psychometric testing as physicains instruments to measure clinical endpoints. Because of the heterogeneous sociodemographic composition of patient collectives, particular attention has to be given to cultural and linguistic adaptation. In addition to common challenges, such as missing values, under-reporting, over-reporting and response shift, subjective opinions can be influenced by other contextual factors, such as life situations unrelated to the disease. Alteration of internal standards or conceptualization can lead to interpretation difficulties in the long-term. Determinants of discordant estimations between physicians and patients need to be considered when using PRO but none of the aspects is generally better than the other. 相似文献7.
Although the treatment options for systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) have significantly improved over the past years through the introduction of novel targeted biologic therapies, there are still some patients who suffer from refractory and potentially life-threatening courses of the disease. For these patients autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (ASCT) after immunoablative chemotherapy provides a promising treatment option with curative potential. Based on preclinical models, ASCT was first introduced in 1996 and has since been carried out in approximately 300 patients worldwide. Clinical study results confirmed a disease-free survival in approximately 50?% of patients after 5 years despite termination of immunosuppressive treatment. By careful patient selection and improved anti-infection prophylaxis during stem cell therapy, transplantation-associated mortality could be reduced from an initial 13?% to currently an average of 6?%. Meanwhile, mechanistic studies have provided proof of concept that ASCT not only exerts intensified immunosuppressive effects but is also associated with fundamental qualitative changes of the immune system that may rewire a chronic autoimmune system into a naïve and self-tolerant state: in other words immune reset. Overall, ASCT for SLE is still reserved for patients who do not sufficiently respond to standard therapy. Treatment should be carried out in close cooperation with centers specializing in hematology and only within the framework of clinical studies. 相似文献
Accelerated atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease is increasingly recognized as a major cause of morbidity and mortality in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Cardiac manifestations of SLE are frequent and can involve almost all components of the heart. Pulmonary hypertension often develops during the course of SLE. The high incidence of cardiovascular complications may justify a screening of SLE patients in order to ensure early diagnosis and therapy. Results of diagnostic procedures that detect coronary insufficiency, surrogates of atherosclerotic burden and echocardiographic findings are often abnormal in SLE. However, evidence to support a routine screening for cardiovascular disease is currently not available. Therefore, based on the recommendations that have been proposed for other conditions associated with cardiovascular disease, we suggest assessment of risk factors and the performance of echocardiography at least annually in asymptomatic SLE patients. If two or more risk factors are present, an exercise ECG is recommended. The benefit, however, of screening SLE patients for cardiovascular disease has to be confirmed in prospective studies. 相似文献
Zusammenfassung Die amBrown-Pearceschen Kaninchen-Ca. vorgenommenen chemischen und biologischen Untersuchungen, bei welchen alle Kaninchen vor der Impfung und nach Reifen des Tumors (4 Wochen später) untersucht wurden, ergaben vor allem carcinomspezifische Veränderungen des Eiweißzuckers (starker Anstieg), und Magnesiums (Abfall) im Serum und der Reaktionen vonFreund undKaminer im Serum und Stuhl. Außerdem zeigten Kalium und Chlor im Serum einen Anstieg, Natrium einen Abfall bei 5 von 6 Tieren. Die Veränderungen des Mineralstoffwechsels gewinnen dadurch ihre Bedeutung, daß sie unabhängig von den absoluten Werten, nach Angehen des Ca. am gleichen Tiere gefunden wurden. Mit dem Fortschreiten des Ca. kam es bei allen Tieren zu einer sekundären Anämie. Eindeutige Veränderungen der Wasserstoffionenkonzentration, Bluteiweißkörper, des Cholesterins, Calciums und anorganischen Phosphors im Serum sowie der Blutkörperchensenkungsgeschwindigkeit konnten nicht nachgewiesen werden. 相似文献
Zusammenfassung Beim transplantablen Plasmocytom (KG-13) des Goldhamsters konnten während des Tumorwachstums von der Größe der Tumoren abhängige Blut- und Urineiweißveränderungen nachgewiesen werden. Das vom Tumor gebildete Paraprotein ist gekennzeichnet durch eine im Normalserum des Hamsters nicht vorkommende Fraktion mit besonderen Sedimentationscharakteristika. In der Immunelektrophorese zeigt das Paraprotein ein Aussehen, das der menschlichen Makroglobulinämie mit verstärkter Präcipitation des -Globulins vergleichbar ist. Dadurch unterscheidet es sich von dem des menschlichen Plasmocytoms. Bei metastasierenden Tumoren fanden sich hochgradige Nieren- und Leberveränderungen: das Nierenbild entspricht der Plasmocytomniere des Menschen; die Verfettung und beginnende Fettcirrhose der Leber wird als Folge der Paraproteinämie aufgefaßt.
Mit 9 Textabbildungen 相似文献
Summary During the growth of the transplantable plasmocytoma (KG-13) of the gold hamster, protein changes in the blood and urine may be detected which are dependent on the size of the tumor. The paraprotein formed by the tumor is characterized by a fraction with special sedimentation characteristics; this fraction is absent in normal hamster serum. In the immunoelectrophoresis the paraprotein has an appearance that is comparable with the human macroglobulinemia with an increased precipitation of the -globulin. Thus, it is different from the paraprotein of the human plasmocytoma. With the metastasizing tumors, there are severe renal and hepatic changes. The renal picture is equivalent to that of the human plasmocytoma kidney. The fatty metamorphosis and beginning fatty cirrhosis of the liver are regarded as results of the paraproteinemia.
Mit 9 Textabbildungen 相似文献
Die systemische Sklerose (SSc, Sklerodermie) ist eine Erkrankung des Bindegewebes, die durch eine Akkumulation von Proteinen der Extrazellularmatrix in der Haut und in inneren Organen gekennzeichnet ist. Weitere histopathologische Merkmale der SSc sind perivaskuläre Entzündungsinfiltrate und vaskuläre Veränderungen mit einer Reduktion der Gefäßdichte, welche beide bereits in frühen Krankheitsstadien nachweisbar sind. Die Ursachen der vaskulären Veränderungen sind vielschichtig. So konnte als eine der ersten pathologischen Veränderung bei SSc-Patienten eine erhöhte Apoptoserate der Endothelzellen nachgewiesen werden. Als Zeichen der Endothelzellschädigung finden sich verschiedene Endothelzell-Marker wie Endothelin-1, sICAM-1 und s-VCAM-1 sowie Thrombomodulin im Serum von SSc-Patienten erhöht. Daneben existieren Hinweise auf Defekte der Vaskulogenese mit einer erniedrigten Anzahl von zirkulierenden Endothelzell-Vorläuferzellen. Trotz einer Überexpression des potenten angiogenen Faktors Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) in der Haut von Patienten mit SSc ist auch die Angiogenese gestört. Interessanterweise zeigten Patienten ohne Fingerkuppenulzera höhere VEGF-Werte als die jeweiligen Vergleichspopulationen. Diese Ergebnisse deuten daraufhin, dass eine zeitlich begrenzte Überexpression von VEGF präventiv auf die Manifestation ischämischer Symptome wirken könnte. Ergebnisse von Tiermodellen deuten andererseits darauf hin, dass eine zeitlich unkontrollierte Expression von VEGF über mehrere Krankheitsstadien hinweg eher deletäre Effekte auf eine suffiziente Gefäßneubildung ausübt. 相似文献
In den letzten Jahren wurde ein deutlicher Anstieg der Mortalität aufgrund vorzeitiger Arteriosklerose mit koronarer Herzerkrankung und zerebralem Insult bei Patienten mit Kollagenosen, insbesondere systemischem Lupus erythematodes, beschrieben. Studien fanden ein 5- bis 7fach erhöhtes Risiko für Myokardinfarkte bei SLE-Betroffenen. Traditionelle epidemiologische Risikofaktoren können die akzelerierte Arteriosklerose bei SLE nicht vollständig erklären, zusätzliche Einflussgrössen scheinen beispielsweise die kumulative Steroidtherapie und die Krankheitsdauer zu sein. Die Erkrankung selbst stellt per se einen unabhängigen Risikofaktor dar. Die Arteriosklerose wird aktuell als chronische, inflammatorisch-fibroproliferative Erkrankung der Gefäßwand als Resultat unterschiedlicher Schädigungen gedeutet. Autoantikörper und Immunkomplexe (die Antikörper gegen Phospholipide, oxidierte LDL und Endothelzellen beeinhalten), CD40/CD-40-Ligand Interaktionen und Infektionen, die eine Immunantwort induzieren, sind dabei möglicherweise involviert. Das Erfassen von klassischen und neuen Risikofaktoren, zusammen mit z. B. dem Einsatz von Karotis- Duplexsonographie sind methodisch geeignet, frühe arteriosklerotische Veränderungen zu erfassen. Therapeutische Strategien mit früher Risikofaktor-Intervention und effektiver Kontrolle von Krankheitsaktivität sind für die Reduktion von Morbidität und Mortalität entscheidend und sollten in der Betreuung von Patienten mit Kollagenosen eingesetzt werden. 相似文献
It should be obvious today that systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) patients are better treated in an interdisciplinary approach. Nonetheless, the question remains as to whether cutaneous lupus erythematosus (CLE) indeed constitutes a disease entity of its own rather than the only recognized manifestation of oligosymptomatic SLE. The ACR criteria, designed for classification rather than diagnosis, are of limited value in answering this question. However, the concept of specific autoantibodies and immune complexes as inducers of various organ manifestations and analogous ideas on other autoantibody-mediated problems within and outside SLE argue for CLE as an existing entity. This is relevant for understanding the underlying immunopathogenesis, while less important for the appropriate therapy. 相似文献
PD Dr. St. Lautenschlager 《Der Internist》2009,50(2):137-149
Many aspects of cutaneous signs are of importance to nondermatologists, as skin manifestations can reflect internal disease states, either directly or as a result of a complication or treatment and therefore can lead to the diagnosis of systemic illness. Serious morbidity and mortality can be avoided by early recognition of only minor cutaneous manifestations signaling internal problems. Limited forms of collagen vascular disease exemplify the important marker function of the skin for diagnosis as well as for prognosis with their typically favorable course permitting a less aggressive treatment. The utmost important prerequisite of diagnosing skin conditions is an accurate and thorough examination of the skin, the adjacent mucous membranes and the integumentary appendages. In a first step, the primary site of the cutaneous condition should be identified (e.g. epidermal, dermal or subdermal) and then the form, the pattern, and distribution should be recognized. There are many comprehensive and excellent textbooks available for guidance. This article focuses on the more common dermatologic conditions linked to different organ systems involved (excluding infectious diseases, metabolic diseases and drug induced conditions). 相似文献
The antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) with its typical clinical manifestations of recurrent thrombosis and fetal loss is biochemically defined by the presence of circulating antiphospholipid antibodies (aPL). The disease pattern has raised special interest as a possible link between autoimmunity and atherosclerosis. aPL, oxidized low density lipoproteins (oxLDL), and antibodies to oxLDL (Anti-oxLDL) are suggested to play an important role in atherogenesis. In the present study we compared the serum levels of oxLDL and Anti-oxLDL in APS patients (20 subjects with primary APS; 14 subjects with secondary APS) and nonAPS subjects (24 phenotypically healthy controls samples and 12 patients with systemic lupus erythematosus [SLE]) and investigated associations of the above mentioned parameters with the intima-media thickness (IMT), a clinical surrogate parameter of atherosclerosis.SLE patients with and without APS showed significantly increased levels of Anti-oxLDL as compared to the controls group (p = 0.038 and p = 0.007, respectively). In contrast, oxLDL levels were not significantly different between the controls group and patients. The Anti-oxLDL levels correlated significantly with anticardiolipin (p = 0.002) and beta(2)-glycoprotein I antibodies (p < 0.048), both from IgG isotype. Only SLE patients without APS revealed a significantly elevated production of reactive oxygen species indicating an increased proatherogenic oxidative stress in the circulation (p < 0.002). In the patient groups, the circulating levels of oxLDL and Anti-oxLDL showed no association with atherosclerosis as estimated by IMT. In conclusion, our experimental data do not support the concept of oxidative stress-induced accelerated atherosclerosis in APS patients. 相似文献