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This study retrospectively reviewed the injury epidemiology on 44 Hong Kong elite badminton players in 2003. Team training records were reviewed to retrieve the training and competition hours, while the medical records from the physiotherapy department were reviewed to obtain information regarding injuries. A total of 253 injuries (128 recurrent and 125 new injuries) were recorded, which accounted for an overall incidence rate of 5.04 per 1,000 player hours. Elite senior athletes had a higher incidence rate of recurrent injuries, while elite junior and potential athletes had a higher incidence rate of new injuries. A total of 1,219 visits (4.82 per athlete) to the physiotherapy department were recorded, which cost HK$487,600 (HK$1,928 per injury). Most new injuries were strain (80 injuries), and the most frequently injured body sites were the back (17 injuries), the shoulder (15 injuries), the thigh (15 injuries), and the knee (15 injuries). One-sided exact test showed that a previous injury experience significantly associated with the occurrence of new injury.  相似文献   

During 1990-1994, 1.2% of all sports injuries that required emergency care at the Universytiy Hospital of Umeå were caused by badminton. In 90.7% of the cases the patients described themselves as recreational players of beginners. There were 51.3% minor injuries (AIS 1) and 48.7% moderate injureis (AIS 2). The lower extremities were affected in 92.3% of the cases. Achilles tendon ruptures (34.6%) and ankle sprains and fractures (29.5%) were the most frequent. By the time of the follow-up (10-69 months), 52.6% of the players still had symptoms from the injuries and 39.5% had not been able to return to playing badminton. Our data indicate the importance of adequate treatment and rehabilitation after actue badminton injuries.  相似文献   

A survey of badminton injuries.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
A Badminton Injury Questionnaire (BIQ) was developed to survey the type and frequency of injuries that are likely to occur from playing competitive badminton. Two hundred and thirty-one players, ranging from club players to international champions, completed the survey which indicated an injury incidence rate of .09 and .14 injuries per person per year for male and female badminton players respectively. Badminton participation resulted in relatively few injuries, most of which were cramps, blisters, strains and sprains of the lower extremities and a surprisingly low incidence of tennis elbow.  相似文献   



The overall aim of this on-going injury study is to increase the safety in football.

Study design

Prospective cohort survey.


The study population consisted of two cohorts: the Union of European Football Associations (UEFA) Champions League (UCL) cohort and the Swedish Superleague cohort. The UEFA Champions League cohort with 17 teams from nine countries was followed over five consecutive seasons (2001 to 2006). The Swedish Superleague with 14 teams was followed for two full consecutive seasons (2001 and 2002). Exposure for training and matches in the club and in national teams was registered in minutes for each player. The team doctor reported all injuries causing the player to miss at least one match or training session. The study follows the consensus on methods for studies on football injuries agreed upon by the Federation of International Football Associations (FIFA) and UEFA.


Overall 6300 injuries have been registered during 800,000 h of exposure. The incidence of injury at top-level football is six to nine injuries per 1000 h of total exposure (three to five injuries per 1000 training hours and 24 to 30 injuries per 1000 match hours). As a mean, a team of 25 players can expect 40 to 50 injuries per season, half of them causing absence less than a week but six players of them causing absence more than a month. The risk of injury has not increased during the five-year period. Thigh muscle injury is the most common injury at top-level with an injury incidence of 1.6/1000 h of exposure, which means that a team can expect 10 such injuries each season. The risk of ankle sprain has been reduced by 50%, probably due to the thorough knowledge in top-level teams about optimal treatment and prevention. A correlation has been found between major injuries (causing absence > 4 weeks) and performance. There is a considerable variation in the number of matches played per season in European professional leagues. Top-level players are obliged to play many matches, especially during the final period of the season. A correlation was found between many matches at the end of a season and an increased injury risk and/or underperformance during subsequent world tournaments.


The injury risk has not increased in male professional football during recent years. At elite level, the risk of ankle sprain has been lowered and thigh muscle strain is the most common injury. A period with a congested match calendar can lead to fatigue increasing the risk of injury and poor performance during the following period.  相似文献   

Epidemiology of injuries in gymnastics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A prospective one-year epidemiological study was carried out to determine the injury incidence and the injury mechanisms in different groups of gymnasts and to identify possible risk factors. A total of 115 gymnasts with a median age of 16 (8-25) were followed through a whole season of median 48 weeks (ranges 40–51). The overall injury incidence was 85 per 100 gymnasts per season, ranging from 27 in subelite males to 157 in subelite females. This high incidence is partly explained by the use of a sensitive injury definition, the high exposure time, and the large proportion of highly competitive gymnasts in the population. Considering the exposure time, however, the incidence is lower than in most other sports, 1.6 per 1000 h of gymnastic activity. Subelite female gymnasts were more commonly injured than other artistic gymnasts, in particular in relation to balance beam exercises and inadequate spotting. Injuries were predominantly localized to the lower extremities (64%) for the whole population of gymnasts. A siwcantly large proportion of the male artistic gymnasts, nevertheless, sustained upper extremity injuries corresponding to their apparatus performance. Most injuries were of mild or moderate severity, the recovery time was, however, considerable (median 30 days, ranges 1–365), and the injuries sustained during competition had a median recovery period of 180 days (7-270). Twenty-two per cent of the injuries resulted in a recovery period of more than 6 months. Re-evaluation of the criteria of the score system for dismount as well as an increased use of spotters during practice and high-risk events are possible measures to prevent serious injuries.  相似文献   

During one alpine skiing season injuries were registered prospectively among 951 Danish alpine skiers. The injury incidence was 19.4 injuries per 1000 skiing days, or 3.4 injuries per 1000 skiing hours. The incidence of injuries treated by a doctor was 5.9 injuries per 1000 skiing days, which is 2–5 times higher than previously reported. Lower extremity doctor-treated injuries comprised 65% of the total and upper extremity doctor-treated injuries 25% - a distribution seen 25 years ago in alpine skiing countries. Only 18% of the thumb injuries were seen by a doctor. Neither age, preholiday training, self-rated skiing ability, ski school attendance during the week nor the use of rented versus owned equipment significantly influenced the risk of injury.  相似文献   

Objectives: To assess the demographics and training characteristics of adventure racing athletes in the United Kingdom, the prevalence and anatomical distribution of hazardous encounter, and overuse injury in this population, and the effects these injuries have on training.

Methods: A retrospective training and injury questionnaire for the previous 18 months was distributed to 300 adventure racing athletes at two national race meetings. The definition of an injury was "any musculoskeletal problem causing a stop in training for at least one day, reduction in training mileage, taking of medicine, or seeking of medical aid."

Results: The data were derived from the responses of 223 athletes. Advanced level athletes did 11 (4) sessions and 17 (8) hours of training a week (mean (SD)). An injury was reported in the previous 18 months by 73% of the respondents. The most common site of acute injury was the ankle (23%) and of chronic/overuse injury, the knee (30%), followed by the lower back, shin, and Achilles tendon (12% each). There were significant correlations (p<0.01) between the hours spent cycling per week and number of acute injuries, and between the number of days off per week and number of chronic/overuse injuries. Injuries resulted in an average of 23 days training cessation or reduction.

Conclusions: Acute injuries were sustained mainly as a result of the nature of the terrain over which athletes train and compete. In overuse injuries lack of adequate rest days was a significant contributing factor. Only a small proportion of training time was spent developing flexibility and core stability.


Epidemiology of injuries in Danish championship tennis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
During the outdoor tennis season of 1984 a prospective injury registration was done in 104 randomly chosen elite tennis players, of whom 86% could be followed. We found 46 injuries: an incidence of 2.3 injuries/player/1000 tennis hours. Men were more frequently injured than women. The prevalence was 0.3 injury/player. Upper extremity injuries were most frequent - 45.7% (21/46). Shoulder injuries were the single most frequent injury - 17% (8/46). The pathophysiology was overuse in 67% (28/42), strains in 14% (6/42), sprains in 17% (7/42), fractures in 2% (1/42), and blisters in 5% (2/42). Players using conventional rackets had more injuries to the upper extremity compared with players using mid/oversized rackets, though the difference was nonsignificant. The importance of impact forces from the tennis stroke in the mechanism of upper extremity injuries is discussed.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the incidence and characteristics of all-complaint injuries, including acute and overuse injuries, in female and male youth basketball players. A total of 518 players (16 ± 1.4 years; 38.6% females), from 63 teams, participated in this prospective cohort study. Players were observed through one competitive high school or club basketball season to record exposure and all-complaint injuries, defined as any complaint resulting from participating in basketball-related activities, including but irrespective of the need for medical attention or time loss. Injury incidence rates and rate ratios were derived from Poisson's regression with 99.4% CI (Bonferroni's correction for multiple comparisons). The overall injury incidence rate was 14.4 (99.4% CI: 12.2-17.0) injuries/1000 h; 13.8 (99.4% CI: 11.2-16.8) in females and 14.8 (99.4% CI: 11.7-18.8) in males. While the incidence of injury was similar across injury classifications for female and male players, a potential lower overuse knee injury rate was noted for females vs males [IRR = 0.61 (99.4% CI: 0.34-1.07)]. The most commonly injured body location was the ankle (45%) in females and the knee (51%) in males. Overuse (vs acute) injuries were about 2x more common in the knee while acute (vs overuse) injuries were about 3x more common in the ankle, overall, and for female and male players. Based on an all-complaint injury definition, injury rates in competitive female and male youth basketball players are much higher than previously reported. This study provides an evidence base to inform more tailored interventions to reduce injuries in youth basketball.  相似文献   

Epidemiology and traumatology of injuries in soccer   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
A prospective investigation of soccer injuries among 123 players participating at various competition levels was undertaken in a Danish soccer club. The injury incidence during games was highest at division level (18.5/1000 hours) and lowest at series level (11.9/1000 hours), whereas the distribution of the incidences during practice was reversed. The youth section (16 to 18 years) had incidences that could be compared to the highest senior level. The lower extremity was involved in 84% of the injuries, including 34% of overuse injuries. Ankle sprains were most common (36%) and equally found at all levels, whereas half of all overuse injuries were seen among division players. Contact injuries during tackling occurred most often in lower series and youths (45%). Players participating at high levels had only 30% of the injuries during tackling and 54% during running. More than half of 20 knee injuries were caused by tackling. Thirty-five percent of injured players were absent from soccer for more than 1 month; 28% had complaints 12 months after the end of the season with knee injuries the most serious. The study shows that the injury incidence, the pattern of injury, and the traumatology varied between players participating at different levels of soccer competition.  相似文献   

Over the last 10-15 years, there has been a dramatic increase in popularity of running marathons. Numerous articles have reported on injuries to runners of all experience, with yearly incidence rates for injury reported to be as high as 90% in those training for marathons. To date, most of these studies have been cohort studies and retrospective surveys with remarkably few prospective studies. However, from the studies available, it is clear that more experienced runners are less prone to injury, with the number of years running being inversely related to incidence of injuries. For all runners, it is important to be fully recovered from any and all injury or illness prior to running a marathon. For those with less experience, a graduated training programme seems to clearly help prevent injuries with special attention to avoid any sudden increases in running load or intensity, with a particularly high risk for injury once a threshold of 40 miles/week is crossed. In both sexes, the most common injury by far was to the knee, typically on the anterior aspect (e.g. patellofemoral syndrome). Iliotibial band friction syndrome, tibial stress syndrome, plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendonitis and meniscal injuries of the knee were also commonly cited.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Participation in ice hockey by women is increasing in many parts of North America; however, research into injuries and the patterns of injury among female players associated with this activity is limited. PURPOSE: The purpose of this research was to examine the incidence and nature of injuries suffered by female recreational ice hockey players. METHODS: This prospective study followed 314 female players from 33 teams in Edmonton, Canada, during the 1997-1998 hockey season. Injury and game attendance data were collected using monthly telephone interviews throughout the season. Diagnostic information for individuals who received medical treatment was solicited from the attending health professional. RESULTS: A total of 102 players reported a total of 125 injuries for a rate 7.5 injuries/1000 player exposures. The anatomic region most often injured was the lower extremity (31.2%), and the most common diagnosis was sprain/strain (52.0%). The predominant injury mechanism was player contact, either as a result of collision with another player or a body check (40.0%). Of all injuries, 65.6% occurred during league games, 27.2% during play-off, tournament, or exhibition games, and 7.2% during practices. Although less than 1% of injuries resulted in hospitalization, 17.6% of injuries resulted in an absence from hockey of 8 or more days. CONCLUSION: The diagnostic and anatomic distribution of injury in the women's hockey league was similar to that in leagues where full facial protection is mandatory. The observed injury rate was lower than the rates reported for male recreational and collegiate ice hockey players. Female recreational ice hockey players are at risk for injuries and further research is required to identify areas for injury prevention.  相似文献   

Epidemiology of tendon injuries in sports.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
During the last few decades, the role of sports and physical activity has become more and more important in all modern communities. Conditioning sports are generally considered positive by many governments because of their beneficial effect on human well-being. The risk of injury is increased, for both acute traumas and overuse injuries, and prevention has also become more important in sports. Epidemiologic studies are important when planning prevention programs for sports injuries. Because of individual sport cultures and different sport habits in different countries, national epidemiologic studies are of importance in each individual country.  相似文献   

In this article, we review the available data on sporting injuries to the head and neck and discuss sport-specific injury risk and prevention strategies, as well as the costs of head and neck injuries.  相似文献   

During one year 4398 injured athletes were treated at the casualty wards of Aarhus, Denmark; 156 were practicing track and field disciplines. In the same period 54 track athletes of a Danish sport club were followed in order to register any lesion incurred during sports activity. Thirty-one athletes (57%) had 35 injuries, giving an injury incidence of 1.8 per 1000 hours of practice. At follow-up after 1 year, 13% of all athletes still had complaints, and none of them had returned to former sports activity. Jumpers had overuse symptoms correlated to take-off, and sprains or fractures related to downstrokes. Runners had a higher risk of overuse injuries than jumpers, especially involving the Achilles tendon and the plantar aponeurosis. Young athletes had a higher injury incidence per time than older participants; and women had higher injury risk than men.  相似文献   

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