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目的:了解妇女有关避孕知识的需求、态度和行为,探讨如何提高避孕知识,为减少避孕失败提出可行性干预措施。方法:对人工流产妇女进行术后问卷调查,最后收集汇总。结果:326名妇女中,外地人工流产为168名,占51.53%,其中未婚91人,占54.17%,已婚77人,占45.83%;本区人工流产为158人,占48.47%,其中未婚54人,占34.18%,已婚104人,占65.82%。结论:必须大力开展健康教育和避孕知识的宣传,让更多的妇女掌握避孕节育方面的知识,特别是对流动人口中的育龄妇女应反复强化宣传,使她们充分认识到避孕节育知识的重要性和必要性,从而降低人工流产率。 相似文献
目的:了解流动妇女避孕现状,保障流动妇女享有计划生育/生殖健康服务的合法权益。方法:对"江苏省流动妇女生存与发展状况研究"问卷调查数据的进行分析。结果:已婚流动妇女的综合避孕率为93.1%,避孕方法仍然以宫内节育器为主,在流入地获得避孕方法的比例为37.2%,28.9%的流动妇女不知道自己使用的避孕方法的不良作用。结论:流动妇女尚未充分享有计划生育/生殖健康服务的合法权益,需从多方面加强干预。 相似文献
基于"南京市建邺区流动妇女计划生育/生殖健康状况研究"的问卷调查数据,对流动妇女的避孕方法现状及影响因素进行了分析。研究表明:流动妇女避孕措施的选择依次是宫内节育器(48.0%)、绝育术(32.9%)和避孕套(16.3%);65.4%的流动妇女没听说过紧急避孕;46.0%的流动妇女不知道目前自己使用的避孕方法的副作用。据此提出,应建立流动人口计划生育/生殖健康服务管理和测评体系,以保证基层流动人口的计划生育/生殖健康服务工作落到实处。 相似文献
产后生殖功能及避孕 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
李承慧 《国外医学:计划生育分册》1995,14(1):25-28
近年来世界各地已趋向母乳喂养,因此对产生后生殖功能恢复问题甚感兴趣,本文对产生月经和排卵功能恢复作一概述,并强调指出哺乳类型和方式影响产生生殖功能的恢复,哺乳虽可起到自然避孕作用,但适时需加用一定的避孕措施以确保母婴健康。 相似文献
目的:调查北京市项目社区妇女避孕及人工流产现状,为政府加强社区计划生育技术服务体系建设及改革机制提供依据。方法:采用意向性、分层整群抽样的流行病学调查方法,对项目社区妇女进行匿名封闭式自填问卷调查。结果:项目社区1723名已婚育龄妇女,2005年的综合避孕率为82.3%,经产妇避孕率为94.1%,未产妇避孕率为70.9%。本市户籍妇女避孕率为81.0%,流动人口避孕率为85.8%;已婚妇女近半数采用避孕套,为46.5%,采用长效避孕方法比率较低,使用IUD者占31.3%。未婚妇女采用安全期和避孕套者分别占33.4%和33.3%;已婚和未婚妇女经历人工流产者,分别占46.5%和16.1%。有人工流产史的妇女了解避孕相关知识明显低于无人流史妇女;本市48.6%妇女避孕知识来源于医疗机构,而流动人口为31.7%。本市户籍妇女免费获得避孕药具占81%,而流动人口妇女占64.2%。结论:项目社区已婚育龄妇女综合避孕率与北京和全国水平基本相同。由于采用高效、长效避孕比率略低于北京及全国水平而导致避孕失败率高,人工流产率或重复流产率高;社区妇女避孕知识匮乏,社区服务站的利用率低,应加强社区计划生育健康服务站的投入,加强避孕药具供应,畅通渠道,提高人群避孕药具的可获得性。 相似文献
流动人口避孕节育/生殖健康现况 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
随着社会的发展和市场经济进程的加快,流动人口的规模、特征以及流动范围等都呈现出新的特征。人口的迁移和流动为经济的发展、市场的繁荣做出了巨大贡献,但由于流动人口组成复杂、流动性大、分布范围广,同时处于性成熟期的他们远离了原居住地风俗习惯和道德的约束以及新环境带来的种种诱惑和冲击,使该群体存在较多的生殖健康相关问题。流动人口的避孕节育问题一直是大家关注的核心,尽管我国的计划生育工作取得了举世瞩目的成就,但由于流动人口的特殊性,使流动人口的管理和计划生育服务都存在着一些问题和困难。为了更好地了解流动人口的避孕节育状况及存在的问题,我们查阅了流动人口避孕节育相关文献并进行了系统概括,以期为深入研究提供依据和背景信息。 相似文献
应用免疫避孕疫苗控制生育越来越成为世界各国,尤其是发展中国家研究的重点。人们从精子、卵细胞和生殖激素中筛选出最为适合的靶抗原用于免疫避孕疫苗。该文就近年来避孕疫苗的研究进展作一综述。 相似文献
本文对吉林市320例Norplant~R皮下埋植避孕进行5年随访,结果持续使用者270例,占85.94%,取出者45例占14.06%,其中86.66%是因月经失调而取出.五年累计妊娠率为1.26%,且有埋植期间基本不引起身体其他异常反应.取出理植物其避孕效应48小时即可逆转,方法简便、安全、高效、长效之优点. 相似文献
OBJECTIVE: The aim of the study was to compare the accuracy of the Gap and Coverline techniques of interpreting the basal body temperature chart. METHODS: We compared the proportion of menstrual cycles for which the Gap and Coverline techniques accurately identified the post-ovulatory final fertile phase (FFP) and the initial infertile phase (IIP) and the median number of days each overestimated the fertile period, using urinary LH testing as the gold standard. RESULTS: The Gap and Coverline techniques identified the FFP within +/-1 day of that identified by LH testing in 13/33 (39%) and 10/33 (30%) cycles (chi2=0.6; p=.44), respectively, and the IIP within +1 day of that of LH testing in 13/33 (55%) and 4/33 (12%) cycles, respectively (chi2=13.4; p<.001). The Gap and Coverline techniques overestimated the fertile period by 1 and 4 days, respectively (p=.0002). CONCLUSION: Based on this small study, the Gap technique appears to be more accurate than the Coverline technique in identifying the post-ovulatory IIP. 相似文献
流产后保健 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
范光升 《国际生殖健康/计划生育杂志》2010,29(5):315-319
据世界卫生组织(WHO)估计,每年有2 600~5 300 万人次人工流产,不安全人工流产约 有两千万人次,其中发展中国家占95%。中国每年约有一千万人次人工流产,北京、上海等大城市重复流 产率均很高。人工流产对妇女心理和生理都有伤害,而且还有并发症。流产后生育力恢复很快,流产后即 要开始避孕,以避免再次非意愿妊娠。流产后计划生育服务是针对服务对象的需要和客观情况提供具有 可接受性和有效性的服务。服务目的是帮助其自己决定是否需要选择一种适宜的并和伴侣有效使用的避 孕方法。流产后保健即流产后服务,已成为生殖健康优质服务的重要组成部分。包括流产后社区服务、咨 询服务、治疗服务、计划生育服务、生殖健康及其他健康综合服务。重点叙述流产后计划生育服务。 相似文献
ObjectivesTo compare the sociodemographic characteristics of participants in a contraceptive initiative by housing security and determine the association between housing insecurity on contraceptive method selection before and after the removal of cost.Study designThis cross-sectional assessment includes 4,327 reproductive-aged participants in the HER Salt Lake Contraceptive Initiative who sought new contraceptive services and reported housing status at enrollment. HER Salt Lake prospectively explored the impact of improved contraceptive access on socioeconomic outcomes in Salt Lake County (USA). For six months (September 2015–March 2016) we collected control data, which included clinic standard-of-care cost-sharing. The intervention started March 2016, and provided no-cost contraception services and unlimited opportunities for method switching over the subsequent three years.ResultsThere were 964 (22%) housing-insecure participants. Compared to those with stable housing, housing-insecure individuals more commonly identified as a sexual minority, received public assistance and lacked health insurance. Housing-insecure women preferentially selected long-acting reversible contraception during the control period (aOR 1.60; 95%CI 1.01–2.56), but method selection equalized across housing status during the intervention.ConclusionsWhen cost is not a barrier, all women desire a comprehensive selection of contraceptive methods, regardless of housing security. Contraceptive clients in this vulnerable population need interventions which address access barriers to all methods to support reproductive planning.ImplicationsUnintended pregnancy during housing insecurity may result in homelessness. This study found housing-insecure women desire access to all contraceptive methods, not just long acting reversible contraception. Integration of comprehensive family planning initiatives into efforts to address homelessness is essential to support this vulnerable population in their reproductive planning. 相似文献
Recently, attention has been drawn to the quality of the patient-provider relationship as a mediator of health outcomes for racial and ethnic minorities. The purpose of this study was to examine the provider-patient relationship in reproductive health care for low income African American teens and to identify effective techniques they use in caring for teens. We conducted focus groups with providers at two clinics serving six low-income neighborhoods on the Southside of Chicago. Sessions were audio-taped then transcribed verbatim. ATLAS/ti 5.0 (a qualitative data analysis software program), was used for coding, text retrieval, data management and analysis of data. Providers in community clinics use a number of tactics when working with teens. First, they forge strong relationships through the use of language, shared background experiences, honesty and spending extra time with teens. Second, clinic employees work collectively to care for the patients with all staff members, both professional and clerical, contributing to the provider-patient relationship. Third, providers seek opportunities for contraceptive counseling even attempting to reach males outside of clinic. Techniques used by providers in neighborhood clinics may provide important insights for providing reproductive health care to low income, African American teens. 相似文献
如何看待向未婚年轻人提供避孕服务 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
了解福建省农村计划生育干部对未婚年轻人提供避孕服务的态度。采用小组访谈方法,分两组对干部进行调查。结果表明:计划生育干部普遍赞同在向未婚年轻人进行性教育的同时,也应该提供必要的避孕服务,但就是否应该主动向未婚年轻人提供避孕服务存在争议。建议政府部门从政策、财力、人员配备上予以扶持,以满足未婚年轻人在生殖健康方面的需求。 相似文献
Fehring RJ 《Contraception》2002,66(4):231-235
The (PD) peak day of cervical mucus is an important biologic marker for the self-determination of the optimal time of fertility in a woman's menstrual cycle. The purpose of this article is to provide evidence (literature and empiric) for the accuracy of the PD of cervical mucus as a biologic marker of peak fertility and the estimated day of ovulation. An analysis of data from four published studies that compared the self-determination of the PD of cervical mucus with the urinary luteinizing hormone (LH) surge was conducted. The four studies yielded 108 menstrual cycle charts from 53 women participants. The 108 cycles ranged in length from 22 to 75 days (mean 29.4 SD 6.0). Ninety-three of the 108 cycles had both an identified PD and LH surge. Data charts showed that 97.8% of the PD fell within +/-4 days of the estimated day of ovulation. Use of a standardized mucus cycle scoring system indicated that the peak in cervical mucus ratings was highest on the day of the LH surge. Self-determination of the PD of cervical mucus is a very accurate means of determining peak fertility and a fairly accurate means of determining the day of ovulation and the beginning of the end of the fertile time. 相似文献
《The Journal of adolescent health》2014,54(2):169-175
PurposeTo estimate the prevalence of and factors associated with dual method use (i.e., condom with hormonal contraception or an intrauterine device) among adolescents and young women in the United States.MethodsWe used 2006–2010 National Survey of Family Growth data from 2,093 unmarried females aged 15–24 years and at risk for unintended pregnancy. Using multivariable logistic regression, we estimated adjusted odds ratios (aORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) to assess the associations between dual method use at last sex and sociodemographic, behavioral, reproductive history, and sexual behavior factors.ResultsAt last sex, 20.7% of adolescents and young women used dual methods, 34.4% used condoms alone, 29.1% used hormonal contraception or an intrauterine device alone, and 15.8% used another method or no method. Factors associated with decreased odds of dual method use versus dual method nonuse included having a previous pregnancy (aOR = .44, 95% CI .27–.69), not having health insurance coverage over the past 12 months (aOR = .41, 95% CI .19–.91), and having sex prior to age 16 (aOR = .49, 95% CI .30–.78).ConclusionsThe prevalence of dual method use is low among adolescents and young women. Adolescents and young women who may have a higher risk of pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections (e.g., those with a previous pregnancy) were less likely to use dual methods at last sex. Interventions are needed to increase the correct and consistent use of dual methods among adolescents and young women who may be at greater risk for unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections. 相似文献
江苏省流动妇女生殖健康现状研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
[目的]探讨江苏省流动妇女生殖健康现状。[方法]基于"南京市建邺区和盐城市亭湖区流动妇女计划生育/生殖健康状况研究"的问卷调查数据。[结果]南京市流动妇女的主要避孕方法为:宫内节育器占48.0%,绝育术占32.9%,避孕套占16.3%;盐城市流动妇女的主要避孕方法为:宫内节育器占78.3%,避孕套占14.8%,绝育术占4.0%;41.1%的流动妇女没听说过紧急避孕;27.3%的流动妇女查出有妇科病;流动妇女最期望获得的计划生育/生殖健康服务是定期开展免费妇科检查。[结论]应加强对流动妇女生殖健康的教育与干预,增强计划生育/生殖健康服务效果。 相似文献